Career Exploration Module – DAY THREE Lesson Title Money, Money, Money Cluster Pathways Business Financial Management & Accounting Essential Question What careers are within the Business Financial Management & Accounting cluster? TEKS Career Portals: 1.A, 2.A, 3.B, 4D, 4H Prior Student Learning Students should have already been presented the Career Module Introduction Estimated time At least 45 minutes Objectives - Identify and investigate various career opportunities within the Business Financial Management & Accounting Pathway: Accountant, Payroll Clerk, Auditor, Purchasing Manager - Identify the academic and technical skills needed for this pathway - Explore steps required to participate in a variety of career opportunities - Demonstrate characteristics required for personal and professional success Materials/Equipment/Handouts Needed - Handout: Word Find Activity - Handout: Money, Money, Money Introduction/Engage - Initiate a discussion by asking students to think of various ways people can earn money. Activities - Handout: Give 15 minutes for students to find words on Word Find Activity - Handout: Allow students to read the activity “Money, Money, Money” Then, go over the definitions aloud; have students answer questions at the bottom Lesson Closure - Answer any follow-up questions that students may have - Discuss upcoming career module experiences and expectations Assessment - Verbal responses to questions - Money, Money, Money handout Extension - Instruct students to complete payroll and produce a paystub for two classmates using their own amounts Accommodations for Learning Differences - Accommodations Manual - Guidelines and Procedures for Adapting Instructional Materials - Sample Curriculum Customizations for Learning Differences - Lesson Plan/Curriculum Modification Checklist - Instructor Format for Curriculum Customization for Learning Differences Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved Day 3 of 10 Page 1 CREATE A WORD FIND PUZZLE Materials needed: Computer, internet, printer, copy of the word find puzzle for each student TEKS: Varied, dependent on content Approximate time: 10 to 15 minutes Directions: 1. Create a list of terms and clues. These can be vocabulary terms or occupation information such as tools, tasks, requirements, etc. 2. Use an online word find puzzle maker. There are many free programs available. Simply search for “free word find puzzle maker.” 3. Follow the prompts of the program to enter the terms and clues. 4. Keep a completed puzzle for yourself as a key. 5. Monitor the students as they complete the word find to make certain they have identified the correct terms from the clues. 6. *For difficult puzzles or modification, provide a word bank 7. *An alternative activity is to divide the class into small groups and have them create a word find puzzle. Exchange the puzzles and have each group complete the puzzle they receive. Suggested Vocabulary to Use: Accountant Payroll Auditor Purchasing Business Earnings Deductions Net Pay Benefits Deposit insurance Salary Leave FICA Holiday Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved Clerk Manager Rate Gross Current Vacation Medicare Day 3 of 10 Page 2 MONEY, MONEY, MONEY Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Class Period: ________________________ Date: _________________ Score: ________________ Friday night and you just got paid! You’re ready to cash that check and head to the mall, but first you need to read your pay stub to make sure you’ve gotten the right amount. A paycheck stub shows how long you worked, what you earned and how much you paid in taxes and other costs. Below are words that could be found a paycheck stub. Match the word with its definition; then answer the questions about the paystub. 1. Earnings 2. Rate 3. Deductions 4. Net pay 5. Gross pay 6. Benefits 7. Current 8. Deposit 9. YTD (Year to date) 10. W-4 Emp No. 123456 Earnings Salary Holiday Vacation Sick Personal Totals __Money taken from your paycheck to cover taxes and insurance __The amount of money you earn before taxes are taken out __Wage, or the amount of money you earned per hour or week __The amount of money you take home after taxes are taken out __A form that tells your employer how much federal tax to take out __Year to date: Total earnings or deduction from Jan. 1 to date __A cost, such as health insurance, paid in full or by an employer __Money from wages, salary, commission, fees, tips, and bonuses __Income for current living expenses __The amount of money that will be sent to your financial institution Employee Name Harry Bunny Rate 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.50 Check # 51 Hours Current YTD 64.00 1184.00 26492.00 8.00 148.00 740.00 0.00 0.00 296.00 0.00 0.00 444.00 8.00 148.00 148.00 Deductions Fed-Tax FICA Medicare TX Tax 80.00 Totals 1480.00 28120.00 Withholding Allowances Filing Status Exemptions Extra Amt. M 3 $0.00 1. Type Monthly Gross Pay Deductions Net Pay Deposit Amount: $1161.25 Current 178.73 91.76 21.46 26.80 YTD 3395.87 1743.44 407.74 509.20 318.75 6302.30 1480.00 318.75 1161.25 28120.00 6302.30 21817.70 How much did Harry earn this pay period? _________________________________________________ 2. How much money did Harry take home this pay period? ___________________________________ 3. How much Medicare tax has been deducted from his current pay? __________________________ 4. How much has Harry paid in Federal tax so far this year? ___________________________________ 5. What is the total amount of Jose’s deductions for this paycheck? _____________________________ Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved Day 3 of 10 Page 3