Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title:
Professional Communication
Session Title: Safety & Ethical Communication
Lesson Duration: Approximately two 90-minute class periods
[Lesson length is subjective and will vary from instructor to instructor]
Performance Objective:
Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to create a tri-fold brochure that
applies the guidelines for copyright laws, fair use, and ethical communication.
Specific Objectives:
1. Define terms associated with the lesson.
2. Identify safety guidelines.
3. Research copyright laws and fair use.
4. Locate images that do not violate copyright laws and fair use.
5. Review Texas Penal Codes 33.07 and 42.07 (Online Harassment/ Harassment).
6. Research court cases involving Copyright Law, Fair Use, and Online Harassment.
7. Review the Stomp Out Bullying Campaign.
TEKS Correlations:
130.99 (c)
(6) The student applies safety regulations. The student is expected to implement personal
and classroom safety rules and regulations.
The student applies ethical decision making and understands and complies with laws
regarding use of technology in communications. The student is expected to:
(A) exhibit ethical conduct;
(B) discuss copyright laws in relation to fair use and duplication of materials; and
(C) analyze the impact of communications on society, including concepts related to
persuasiveness, marketing, and point of view.
1. http://www.stompoutbullying.org/news.php
Instructional Aids:
1. Safety, Copyright, and Fair Use slide presentation
2. Case Research Document
3. Assignment Rubric
Materials Needed:
AAVTC: Professional Communications: Safety & Ethical Communication
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Equipment Needed:
1. Computer with online access and industry-standard software used to create a tri-fold
brochure (one per student)
2. Color printer
3. Projector for slide presentation
Previous experience with tri-fold brochures would be helpful.
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
SAY: I have yet to hear on the news that a student was attacked by an angry
computer. Nor have I heard a person was injured by a computer. We usually
think that using a computer is safe. So why do you think it is important to
have safety rules in place for a computer lab?
Create a list of their ideas.
ASK: What about rules that govern what people create and share with others?
Add their ideas to the list.
SAY: These are all great thoughts. So let’s explore what keeps a computer lab
safe, and the laws that govern things that are created and shared.
SAY: In this lesson we will learn computer lab safety rules, copyright laws, fair use
policies, and laws about online activity.
Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
I. Define terms associated with the lesson.
A. Copyright Terms
1. Copyright – the exclusive rights to reproduce,
publish, and sell the matter and form of a literary,
musical, or artistic work.
2. Adaptation – changing a work in some way or
creating a derivative work.
3. Reproduction – making copies in any format.
4. Distribution – passing out copies, mailing copies,
loaning copies, emailing copies, publishing online.
5. Public Performance – perform a work publicly.
6. Public Display – display outside the home.
7. Digitally Transmit – Internet radio stations pay
royalties to record companies in order to transmit
B. Texas Law
1. Harassment – behavior which is found threatening
or disturbing.
2. Penal Code – a portion of a state's laws defining
crimes and specifying the punishment.
AAVTC: Professional Communications: Safety & Ethical Communication
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Use the Safety,
Copyright, and
Fair Use
presentation to
define and
discuss terms.
3. Penal Code 33.07- Online Harassment Policy.
II. Identify safety guidelines.
A. No running please.
B. Coats, bags and other items should be placed under
your desks or on the coat rack. It’s easy to trip!
C. Periodically glance away from the screen. Staring into a
computer monitor too long will strain your eyes.
D. Let an instructor know if the color scheme, font size, or
other settings of your computer are causing strain on
your eyes. There are many built-in ways to adjust these
settings for comfort.
E. Avoid long sessions of digital prepress work as they
may cause repetitive stress injuries to your hands.
F. Maintain good posture to ease your back.
G. Keep the noise level to a minimum.
H. Be aware of the fire exits and the location of this room’s
fire extinguisher.
Review the
“Computer Lab
Safety Rules” on
slide presentation
with students.
examples of do’s
and don’ts in a
computer lab.
III. Research Copyright Law and Fair Use.
A. Copyright and Fair Use
B. Royalty Free Images/Public Domain
Present the
Safety, Copyright,
and Fair Use
IV. Review Texas Penal Codes 33.07 and 42.07 (Online
Harassment/ Harassment).
A. http://www.haltabuse.org/resources/laws/texas.shtml
Show students
Texas Penal
Code 33.07 and
V. Research court cases involving Copyright Law, Fair Use,
and Online Harassment.
A. Refer to the Case Research Document
B. Each group is given a Copyright/Online Harassment
case to research. Groups will complete the “Case
Research” Document.
C. Students will share with class information found during
their case research.
Students will work
in pairs to
complete the
Case Research
VI. Review the Stomp Out Bullying Campaign.
A. Direct students to the web site
B. http://www.stompoutbullying.org/news.php
C. Give students time to look over the About Bullying and
Cyber bulling tab
D. Have students look at the What You Can Do tab
E. Watch some of the Celebrity PSA’s and videos with
Students should
take notes on the
Students will
reference their
notes when
creating their trifold brochures.
AAVTC: Professional Communications: Safety & Ethical Communication
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
The teacher will demonstrate what the final product should look like. Teacher will go
over the rubric and requirements for brochure. Teacher will demonstrate how to start
a brochure using a brochure template in industry standard software.
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Students will work on brochures independently.
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Q & A Session
Q: Why are Copyright and Fair Use laws important?
A: Provides legal protection to the original creator provides proof that the work is
original and not copied.
Q: How can you find images that are royalty free?
A: When searching use public domain or royalty free in the search box.
Q: What are the four factors of Fair Use?
A: The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a
commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
The nature of the copyrighted work;
The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted
work as a whole; and
The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted
Q: Which one of the four factors is the most important?
A: The effect upon the potential market for or value.
Q: What is the major difference between Harassment and Online Harassment?
A: Online Harassment deals with things that are done online such as web pages
and social networking sites.
Q: What is Cyberbullying?
A: Cyberbullying is when someone bullies another using on online source, mobile
phones, or other cyber technology.
Q: What can you do to make a difference and prevent bullying?
A: Educate ourselves and others.
AAVTC: Professional Communications: Safety & Ethical Communication
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
Teacher will observe student work during the development process of brochure.
Teacher will circulate through lab as students work on brochures independently
to redirect/re-teach as necessary.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
Use brochure rubric to evaluate projects
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
Students will be able to print completed/graded brochures and post in classroom
and in portfolios.
Students will apply Copyright and Fair Use policy on future assignments/projects.
The class can vote on the best design and submit the final product to school
leadership for printing and distribution to all students to help promote antibullying initiatives.
Students can design brochures for elementary schools to support anti-bullying
initiatives or other programs.
AAVTC: Professional Communications: Safety & Ethical Communication
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Name: _______________________________
Class Period ______
Copyright, Fair Use, and Online Harassment
Directions: Use the space below to record the findings of your case research.
1. What is the name of your case?
2. In which year did this occur?
3. In what city and state did your case occur?
4. List the two parties involved:
a. _______________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________
5. Give a brief description of the events that occurred.
6. What exactly happened that caused the violation?
7. What laws were violated?
8. What was the outcome of the case?
9. Do you feel that justice was served? Explain your response.
10. What do you think should have been done differently?
AAVTC: Professional Communications: Safety & Ethical Communication
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Student Name:
Making A Tri-fold Brochure: Stomp Out Bullying
Above Average
Below Average
Each section in the
brochure has a clear
beginning, middle,
and end.
Almost all sections of
the brochure have a
clear beginning,
middle and end.
Most sections of the
brochure have a clear
beginning, middle and
Spelling &
No spelling errors
remain after one
person other than the
typist reads and
corrects the brochure.
No more than one
spelling error remains
after one person
other than the typist
reads and corrects the
No more than three Several spelling errors
spelling errors remain in the brochure.
after one person
other than the typist
reads and corrects the
Writing Mechanics
Capitalization and
punctuation are
correct throughout
the brochure.
Capitalization and
punctuation are
correct throughout
the brochure after
feedback from an
There are one to two
capitalization and/or
punctuation errors in
the brochure even
after feedback from
an adult.
Content Accuracy
All facts in the
brochure are
Writing Organization
Writing Grammar
Less than half of the
sections of the
brochure have a clear
beginning, middle and
There are no
There are no
There are one to two There are more than
grammatical mistakes grammatical mistakes grammatical mistakes three grammatical
in the brochure.
in the brochure after in the brochure even mistakes in the
feedback from an
after feedback from brochure even after
an adult.
feedback from an
There are more than
three capitalization or
punctuation errors in
the brochure even
after feedback from
an adult.
90-99% of the facts in 80-89% of the facts in Fewer than 79% of
the brochure are
the brochure are
the facts in the
brochure are
Attractiveness & The brochure has
The brochure has
The brochure has well- The brochure's
attractive formatting organized
formatting and
attractive formatting and well-organized
organization of
and well-organized
material are confusing
to the reader.
AAVTC: Professional Communications: Safety, Copyright, and Fair Use
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Careful and accurate
records are kept to
document the source
of 95-100% of the
facts and graphics in
the brochure.
Careful and accurate
records are kept to
document the source
of 85-94% of the facts
and graphics in the
Careful and accurate
records are kept to
document the source
of 75-84% of the facts
and graphics in the
Sources are not
accurately or are not
kept on many facts
and graphics.
All students in the
group can accurately
answer all questions
related to facts in the
brochure and to
technical processes
used to create the
All students in the
group can accurately
answer most
questions related to
facts in the brochure
and to technical
processes used to
create the brochure.
Most students in the
group can accurately
answer most
questions related to
facts in the brochure
and to technical
processes used to
create the brochure.
Several students in
the group appear to
have little knowledge
about the facts or
technical processes
used in the brochure.
Graphics &
Graphics go well with
the text and there is a
good mix of text and
Graphics go well with
the text, but there are
so many that they
distract from the text.
Graphics go well with
the text, but there are
too few and the
brochure seems "textheavy".
Graphics do not go
with the
accompanying text or
appear to be
randomly chosen.
Point to Grade Conversion Scale:
32-36 = A
29-31 = B
25-28 = C
22-25 = D
21 or Below = F
AAVTC: Professional Communications: Safety, Copyright, and Fair Use
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.