Lesson Plan


Lesson Plan

Course Title: Printing & Imaging Technology

Session Title: 10-Up Business Card

* This is Lesson #15 if used as part of the overall unit on Printing & Imaging Technology.

However, this lesson may be taught as a stand-alone project if desired.

Lesson Duration: Approximately two to three 90-minute class periods

[Lesson length is subjective and will vary from instructor to instructor.]

Performance Objective: Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to create a precise 10-up layout of a 3.5” x 2” business card.

Specific Objectives:

1. Create a 10-up layout.

2. Design a single business card.

3. Use multiple paste options to create precise placements of copied image and/or text.

4. Prepare a file for printing.


TEKS Correlations:


(1) The student applies academic knowledge and skills in printing and imaging projects. The student is expected to:

(B) apply mathematics knowledge and skills by identifying whole numbers, decimals, and fractions applied to measurement and scale; demonstrating knowledge of arithmetic operations; using conversion methods such as fractions to decimals and inches to points; and applying measurement to solve a problem.

(2) The student applies professional communications strategies. The student is expected to:

(B) organize oral and written information.

(9) The student applies employability characteristics. The student is expected to:

(C) demonstrate skills related to seeking and applying for employment to find and obtain a desired job

(D ) maintain a career portfolio to document work experiences, licenses, certifications, and work samples.

(11) The student develops a technical understanding of printing and imaging. The student is expected to:

(A) employ processes required for the production of various printed products by:

(iii) understanding the impact of emerging technologies in hardware and software applications.

(F) apply desktop publishing to create products by:

(i) using word processing, graphics, or drawing programs;

(ii) applying design elements such as text, graphics, headlines, use of color, and white space;

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(iii) applying typography concepts, including font, size, and style;

(iv) applying graphic design concepts such as contrast, alignment, repetition, and proximity;

(v) editing products.

(H) demonstrate knowledge and appropriate use of hardware components, software programs, and storage devices.



Evening, M. & Schewe, J. (2010). Adobe photoshop CS5 for photographers: The ultimate

workshop. Burlington, MA: Focal Press.

Industry desktop publishing software help and tutorials

Author expertise

Instructional Aids:

10-up Business Card Layout slide presentation

Sample Business Card

Sample 10-Up Layout

How to Create a 10-Up Layout for a Business Card

10-up Business Card Layout Exam

10-up Business Card Layout Exam Key

10-up Business Card Layout Rubric

Materials Needed:

Business card paper or cardstock

Equipment Needed:

Computer and projection system with appropriate software to display slide presentation

Classroom set of computers with industry-appropriate software


Students should be able to operate basic commands using appropriate software.

Students should have completed the Elements and Principles of Design lesson.


MI Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):

SAY: Possessing the knowledge to create simple documents will be your base foundation for extending your career in the printing industry. With this knowledge, you will be able to solve problems that may arise quickly and easily. Typesetters and desktop publishers use horizontal and vertical positioning in pasting multiple layouts. They must also set the margins precisely for each job.

ASK: What happens if you do not pay attention to the width and depth measurements for job requirements? [The job will be typeset incorrectly and will be costly if it makes it to the press areas, wasting paper, ink, and supplies.]

SAY: Understanding orientation is important. Layout position is determined

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according to the job, so pay close attention to details and job specifications as we start this next project!


MI Outline (LSI Quadrant II):

I. Create a 10-up layout.

A. File setup

1. Business card dimensions 3.5” x 2”.

2. Use the template to show the margins for

10 business cards on one sheet.

II. Design a single business card.

A. Font selection

1. Readability

2. Attractiveness

3. Appropriateness

B. Elements and Principles of Design

1. Color

2. Line

3. Mass or volume

4. Movement

5. Space

6. Texture

7. Typography

8. Value

9. Balance








Instructor Notes:

Use the slide presentation to briefly show students what the screen will look like when they get their template set up.


Under which menu will you find column guides?

(Teacher note: check with your software)

What is the actual size of the print area on your business card document?

(Considering margins, the printed space will be 7” x 10” for a 10-up layout)

Review the Elements and

Principles of Design lesson plan if needed to aid students in the design process of their business cards.


Why do you think readability is the first consideration in font selection?

(It doesn’t matter how “pretty” a business card is if you can’t read the information.)

What kinds of information do you think you need to include on a business card?

(Person’s name, business name, and contact information, such as phone, email, website, and address.

A description of services offered is optional depending on space available.

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III. Use multiple paste options to create precise placements of copied image and/or text.

A. Copy/paste commands

B. Snap-to command

IV. Prepare a file for printing

A. Saving the file

B. Printer settings

Specific process for saving and printing the file will depend on your lab configuration.

In Application

MI Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):

The teacher demonstrates the activity in a quick two-minute review after each student has received and read the handout, “How to Create a 10-up Layout for a

Business Card”. The demonstration of the 10-up business card layout provides a model of what the student’s work should resemble.

MI Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):

Students work independently to complete the 10-up business card activity as outlined on the “How to Create a 10-up Layout for a Business Card” handout.


MI Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):

Ask students if they have any questions.

Review the steps the students used to create their 10-up business card:

• File setup

• Guideline placement

• Typesetting

• Multiple pasting into position

• Saving file

• Printing file

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MI Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):

The teacher will monitor student progress during the Review and the Independent

Practice. The teacher will provide independent help/direction as needed.

MI Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):

Use the 10-up Business Card Layout Rubric to evaluate student projects. The “10-up

Business Card Layout Exam” and accompanying key may also be used to assess students’ understanding of the process.


MI Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):

1. Students who have mastered the 10-up multiple paste techniques can assist other students [one-on-one] who are having difficulty (i.e. Demonstrate how to distinguish vertical from horizontal positioning.)

2. Students may use their layouts as examples for client meetings and as work samples in their portfolios.

3. Students may create layouts for customers ordering business cards.

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How to Create a 10-Up Layout for a Business Card

First you will need to create a 3 ½” x 2” business card.

After you have the final layout and have created the business card design, place the design on one sheet with 10 duplicates of the card for print.

Open the industry-appropriate software

Open a new document and drag ruler guides to mark off spaces for 10 business cards. This projected space

will be 7” wide and 10” high (two columns of 3.5” and five rows of two inches).

The side/width guides will be at .75” and 7.75”.

The height guides will be at .5”; 2.5”; 4.5”; 6.5”; 8.5” and 10.5”. my information my web address my phone number

Business cards that get noticed!

This will mark off 10 business cards at 2” x 3.5” inches.

Save this file as a business card template for future reference.

Copy and paste the finished business card. Make duplicate copies and position in guides.

(You can hold down the “Alt” Key and just drag duplicates.)

Remember to save often. It will prevent you losing your work and having to start over!

Have fun!

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10-Up Business Card Layout Exam

1. What is the printed area on your document once margins are established?

2. What is the size of a business card?

3. What information should you have on a business card?

4. Under which menu did you find column guides?

5. How many columns did you use in this activity?

6. Where did you place your height guides?

7. How many copies of your business card did you have on your page when you were done with your layout?

8. Why is it best to save your document often?

9. What is the first consideration of which font to use?

10. Name at least 5 elements of design.

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Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.


1. 7” x 10”

10-Up Business Card Layout Exam Key

2. 3 ½” x 2”

3. Name, business name, contact information (phone, email, website, and address), and description of services offered if space is available.

4. It varies depending on software.

5. Two

6. At every two inch mark

7. 10

8. So you do not have to start from scratch if losing your work.

9. Readability

10. Color, Line, Mass or volume, Movement, Space, Texture, Typography, Value, Balance,

Contrast, Direction, Economy, Emphasis, Proportion, Rhythm, Unity

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my information my web address my phone number

Business cards that get noticed!

my information my web address my phone number

Business cards that get noticed!

my information my web address my phone number

Business cards that get noticed!

my information my web address my phone number

Business cards that get noticed!

Business cards that get noticed!

my information my web address my phone number my information my web address my phone number

Business cards that get noticed!

my information my web address my phone number

Business cards that get noticed!

my information my web address my phone number

Business cards that get noticed!

my information my web address my phone number

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.


Business cards that get noticed!

my information my web address my phone number

Business cards that get noticed!

10-Up Business Card Layout Rubric



(10 points)

Exceptional Above Average Below Average Unacceptable

1-4 points 0 points 9-10 points

Work is complete and presents a unified whole.

5-8 points

Work is complete, but lacks unity in the composite.

25-30 points 12-24 points

Work is incomplete.

1-11 points

No attempt was made to produce the document.

0 points


Application of



(30 points)

Demonstrated knowledge of


Concepts is exceptional.

Design Concepts are used, but more practice is needed to demonstrate full knowledge.

Attempt is made to use Design

Concepts, but it is evident that knowledge is very limited.

No evidence of knowledge of

Design Concepts.

Design elements –


(30 points)


(20 points)



(10 points)


25-30 points

Design elements are successfully applied.

17-20 points

Design ideas are original in thought and exceptionally creative.

9-10 points

12-24 points

Design elements are applied but need refinement to achieve success.

8-16 points

1-11 points

Design elements are poorly applied.

No evidence of application of design elements.

1-7 points

0 points

0 points

Design ideas are somewhat original and creative.

5-8 points

Limited evidence of creativity and originality in thought.

1-4 points

No evidence of creativity or originality in thought or execution of project.

0 points

Professional project.

Final product is neat and professionally presented.

Good presentation of project. Only minor corrections are needed

Fair presentation of project. Several errors are evident.

Project is unprofessional.

Errors distract significantly from the content.



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