Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title:
Principles of AAVTC
Session Title:
Ethics & Copyright
Lesson Duration: One 90 minute class period
[Lesson length is subjective and will vary from instructor to instructor.]
Performance Objective:
Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to create an informational flyer that
follows the guidelines for copyright laws, fair use, and ethical communication.
Specific Objectives:
1. Define terms associated with the lesson.
2. Research copyright laws and fair use.
3. Locate images that do not violate copyright laws and fair use.
4. Design a flyer promoting ethics and copyright laws.
TEKS Correlations:
130.82 (c)
The student applies safety regulations. The student is expected to implement personal
and classroom safety rules and regulations.
The student develops leadership characteristics. The student is expected to participate in
student leadership and professional development activities.
The student applies safety regulations. The student is expected to implement personal
and classroom safety rules and regulations.
(A) exhibit ethical conduct related to interacting with others such as client confidentiality,
privacy of sensitive content, and providing proper credit for ideas;
(B) examine the First Amendment, Federal Communications Commission regulations,
the Freedom of Information Act, liability laws, and other regulations for compliance
issues relevant to this cluster;
(C) examine the liabilities, copyright laws, fair use, and duplication of materials
associated with productions and performances; and
(D) analyze the impact of Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications cluster
industries on society.
(10) The student applies technical skills for efficiency. The student is expected to employ
planning and time-management skills to complete work tasks.
(11) The student develops a basic understanding of the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and
Communications cluster. The student is expected to:
(H) make and evaluate formal and informal professional presentations by:
(i) analyzing the audience, occasion, and purpose when designing presentations.
AAVTC: Principles of AAVTC: Ethics & Copyright
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Copyright for Schools, by Dr. Carol M. Simpson, available in each school library
Instructional Aids:
1. Ethics & Copyright slide presentation
2. Ethics & Copyright Terms
3. Case Research Questionnaire
4. Case Research Example
5. Copyright Flyer
6. Copyright Flyer EXAMPLE
7. Copyright Flyer Rubric
Materials Needed:
Online search for examples of recent worldwide cases involving copyright infringement (see
Case Research Example). One case needed for each group of students. (You may want to print
out each case or provide links to various cases (Caution: preview cases beforehand).
Equipment Needed:
1. Computer with online access and industry-appropriate desktop publishing software
2. Color printer
3. Projector for slide presentation
Student should have prior knowledge of the guidelines set forth in the Student Code of Conduct
that governs student use of school computers.
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
SAY: We usually think that using a computer is safe. So why do you think it is
important to have rules and guidelines in place for computer use?
DO: Create a list of student ideas.
ASK: What about rules that govern what people create and share with others?
DO: Add their ideas to the list.
SAY: These are all great thoughts. Let’s explore what keeps a computer lab safe,
and the laws that govern things that are created and shared. In this lesson we
will learn computer lab safety rules, copyright laws, fair use policies, and laws
about online activity.
Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
Instructor Notes:
Have students take
notes. Students
may create a
Define terms associated with the lesson.
a. Ethics – a set of moral principles that govern the
behavior of a group or individual
AAVTC: Principles of AAVTC: Ethics & Copyright
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
b. Computer Ethics – set of moral principles that
regulate the use of computers
c. Copyright Terms:
Copyright – The exclusive rights to reproduce,
document with their
vocabulary words
and definitions.
publish, and sell the matter and form of a
literary, musical or artistic work
Adaptation – Changing a work in some way or
creating a derivative work
Reproduction – Making copies in any format
Distribution – Passing out copies, mailing
copies, loaning copies, emailing copies,
publishing on the web, etc.
Public Performance – Performing a work
Public Display – Displaying a work publicly
Digital Transmit – To transmit recordings in a
digital format to play online
d. Fair Use – The purpose and character of the use,
including whether such use is of a commercial nature
or is for nonprofit educational purposes
II. Research copyright laws & fair use.
a. Copyright & fair use information
 http://www.copyright.gov/title17/
 http://www.copyright.gov/fls/fl102.html
b. Refer to the Case Research Example.
c. Each group is given a Copyright/Online Harassment
Case to research. Groups will complete the Case
Research Document.
d. Students will share information found from their case
research with the class.
III. Locate images that do not violate copyright laws & fair
use. Sources for Royalty Free Images and Public
Domain Images include the following:
 http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/
 http://publicphoto.org/
IV. Design a flyer promoting ethics and copyright laws.
a. Create a one page flyer that promotes ethics &
copyright laws.
b. The flyer must follow the guidelines and requirements
provided by the instruction document and rubric.
AAVTC: Principles of AAVTC: Ethics & Copyright
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Present the
Copyright & Fair
Use presentation.
Students will break
into groups for this
Students should
take notes on the
information found
on these sites and
use sites as
references when
creating their flyer.
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
The teacher will go over the rubric and requirements for the flyer. The teacher will
demonstrate how to start a flyer using a template in the desktop publishing software.
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Students will work on flyers independently.
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Q & A Session
Q: Why are copyright and fair use laws important?
A: They provide legal protection to the original creator and provide proof that the
work is original and not copied.
Q: How can you find images that are royalty free?
A: Use the terms “public domain” or “royalty free” in the search box.
Q: What are the four factors of fair use?
• The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a
commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
• The nature of the copyrighted work;
• The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the
copyrighted work as a whole; and
• The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted
Q: Which one of the four factors is the most important?
A: The effect upon the potential market for or value.
Q: What is the major difference between harassment and online harassment?
A: Online harassment deals with things that are done online such as web pages
and social networking sites.
Q: What is cyberbullying?
A: Cyberbullying is when kids or teens bully each other online, on mobile phones
or using other cyber technology.
Q: What can you do to make a difference and prevent bullying?
A: Educate yourself and others.
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
Teacher will observe student work during the development process of flyer.
Teacher will circulate through lab as students work on flyers independently to
redirect/reteach as necessary.
AAVTC: Principles of AAVTC: Ethics & Copyright
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
Use flyer rubric to evaluate/grade projects.
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
Students will be able to print completed/graded flyers and post in classroom or
around campus to promote ethical behavior.
Students will apply ethics & copyright guidelines on future assignments/projects.
AAVTC: Principles of AAVTC: Ethics & Copyright
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Ethics & Copyright Terms
Ethics – A set of moral principles that govern the behavior of a group or an individual
Computer Ethics – A set of moral principles that regulates the use of computers
Copyright – The exclusive rights to reproduce, publish, and sell the matter and form of a
literary, musical or artistic work
Adaptation – Changing a work in some way or creating a derivative work
Reproduction – Making copies in any format
Distribution– Passing out copies, mailing copies, loaning copies, emailing copies,
publishing on the web, etc.
Public Performance – Performing a work publicly
Public Display – Displaying a work publicly
Digital Transmit – To transmit recordings in a digital format to play online
10. Fair Use – The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a
commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes
AAVTC: Principles of AAVTC: Ethics & Copyright
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Name: _______________________________
Class Period: ______
Date: ____________
Copyright, Fair Use, & Online Harassment
1. What is the name of your case?
a. ______________________________________________
2. In which year did this occur?
a. ______________________________________________
3. In what city and state did your case occur?
a. ______________________________________________
4. List the two parties involved:
a. ______________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________
5. Give a brief description of the events that occurred.
a. ______________________________________________________________________
6. What exactly happened that caused the violation?
a. ______________________________________________________________________
7. What laws were violated?
a. ______________________________________________________________________
8. What was the outcome of the case?
a. ______________________________________________________________________
9. Do you feel that justice was served? Explain your response.
a. ______________________________________________________________________
10. What do you think should have been done differently?
a. ______________________________________________________________________
AAVTC: Principles of AAVTC: Ethics & Copyright
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Ethics & Copyright Flyer
Students will use publishing software to create a flyer about ethics and copyright. The instructor
may choose the desktop software application that best meets the needs of the students.
Students may create a new publication from a design, from a blank publication, or from a web
page. Students may also create a publication from an existing one or begin a brand new one.
Follow the directions below.
1. Use the following websites to find at least three images that relate to ethics and
copyright. Examples of possible images include the following: computers, books, online
images, copy machine, money, jail, etc.
2. Save your photos to your folder.
3. Open the publishing software.
4. Create a new flyer.
5. Insert your photos onto your flyer.
6. Organize and position your photos neatly.
7. Your flyer must include the following:
a. Background color or gradient
b. At least three images
c. Text with your slogan or title for your flyer
d. Information about ethics and copyright
AAVTC: Principles of AAVTC: Ethics & Copyright
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Ethics & Copyright Sample Flyer
(Flyer created by curriculum developer specifically for use in this lesson content.)
AAVTC: Principles of AAVTC: Ethics & Copyright
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Case Research Example
Copyright Infringement
October 27, 2012 - The Supreme Court will hear the case of a student accused of
violating copyright laws when he purchased textbooks overseas and then sold
them in the United States.
A young man who came to the United States from Thailand to attend college started a
business to raise money to help pay for college tuition and living expenses. He asked
family and friends back home to ship him foreign editions of textbooks that could bought
more cheaply overseas. He resold them online and made money, but he was sued for
copyright infringement and lost.
The decision was appealed and the case is now before the Supreme Court. The case
has attracted interest from media and publishing companies, and a range of consumer
and retail groups.
The legal issue is whether copyrighted works made and purchased abroad can then be
bought and sold within the United States without the copyright owner's permission.
The stakes are very high for those who buy and sell books, movies, music, artwork,
perhaps even furniture, electronics, automobiles, and clothing overseas. Retailers,
libraries, artistic venues, even the local garage sale could be implicated.
“You bought it, you own it” is an idea that has been upheld by the Supreme Court since
1908. This means that once a copyright holder legally sells a product initially, the
ownership claim is then exhausted, giving the buyer the power to resell, destroy,
donate, whatever. That means that if you purchase a work of art or a CD in the United
States, you can do with it as you please.
The tricky part is how this applies to materials manufactured and purchased outside the
United States.
The Court has already ruled that copyright holders cannot block goods that are made in
the U.S. from being sent overseas and later brought back into this country and sold. The
issue now is whether foreign-made goods can be imported to the U.S. and sold in the
American market.
With a global consumer economy now dominated by digital and cloud-based access,
determining where a particular copyrighted good is manufactured and resold could lead
to chaos and uncertainty.
The case is Kirtsaeng vs. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (case 11-697). The Supreme Court is
expected to rule on the case in the coming months.
AAVTC: Principles of AAVTC: Ethics & Copyright
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Making A Flyer: Ethics & Copyright Flyer
Student Name:
Title can be read and is Title can be read and
Title does not describe The title is not present.
quite creative.
describes content well. the content well.
Graphics Relevance
All graphics are related
to the topic and make it
easier to understand.
All utilized graphics are
part of the public
All graphics are related
to the topic and most
make it easier to
understand. All utilized
graphics are part of the
public domain.
All graphics relate to
the topic. Most utilized
graphics are part of the
public domain.
The flyer includes all
required elements as
well as additional
All required elements
are included on the
All but 1 of the required Several required
elements are included elements were missing.
on the flyer.
Student can accurately
answer all questions
related to facts in the
flyer and processes
used to create the flyer.
Student can accurately
answer most questions
related to facts in the
flyer and processes
used to create the flyer.
Student can accurately
answer about 75% of
questions related to
facts in the flyer and
processes used to
create the flyer.
Student appears to
have insufficient
knowledge about the
facts or processes used
in the flyer.
Content Accuracy
At least 7 accurate facts 5-6 accurate facts are
are displayed on the
displayed on the flyer.
3-4 accurate facts are
displayed on the flyer.
Less than 3 accurate
facts are displayed on
the flyer.
The flyer is
The flyer is attractive in The flyer is acceptably
exceptionally attractive terms of design, layout attractive though it may
in terms of design,
and neatness.
be a bit messy.
layout, and neatness.
The flyer is distractingly
messy or very poorly
designed. It is not
Capitalization and
There is 1 error in
punctuation are correct capitalization or
throughout the flyer.
There are more than 2
errors in capitalization
or punctuation.
There are no
grammatical mistakes
on the flyer.
Point to Grade Conversion Scale:
29 - 32 = A
22 - 25 = C
26 - 28 = B
19 - 21 = D
There are 2 errors in
capitalization or
There is 1 grammatical There are 2
mistake on the flyer.
grammatical mistakes
on the flyer.
Below 19 = F
AAVTC: Principles of AAVTC: Ethics & Copyright
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Graphics do not relate
to the topic OR several
utilized graphics are not
part of the public
There are more than 2
grammatical mistakes
on the flyer.