Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title:
Principles of Architecture and Construction
Session Title:
Industry Standards and Quality Work
Performance Objective:
According to the TEKS, “The student applies industry standards and practices to ensure quality
work. The student is expected to: identify current industry standards and practices in order to
incorporate quality into projects, document how quality improves profitability, report on issues
that affect quality, use industry standards and practices to enhance appreciation for quality
workmanship, and perform work that meets or exceeds the quality standards of the industry.”
6 Specific Objectives: (Refer to the Outline below for further information)
· Identify kitchen cabinet components
· Comprehend cabinet construction standards
· Explore specific components of cabinet construction
· Small group peer teaching
· Assess quality of assembly
· Suggest improvements to improve quality
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to this TEKS: 130.42.c.25.A-E, which is stated above in
quotation marks in the Performance Objective.
Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
Related Industries that utilize the skill set in this lesson:
Architecture and Design, Interior Design, Construction Trades, Landscape Architecture,
Engineering, Construction Management, Real Estate, Property Development, Parks and
Wildlife, Environmental Systems, Zoning and Regulations, Building Codes, among others.
Relevant Core Curriculum Concepts:
· Science: density, sequencing, consistency
· English Language Arts: reading
· Math: percentage, length, width, height
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Teacher Preparation:
PRIOR TO THIS LESSON, the STUDENTS should already be able…
… to read
… to follow written and verbal instructions
… to access the internet and navigate a website
… to identify basic cabinets components
… to read fractions
… to identify and label feet ( ‘ ) and inches ( ” )
PRIOR TO THIS LESSON, the TEACHER should have knowledge and experience with…
… cabinet components and fundamental construction assembly
… tolerances in cabinet making
… standard dimensions in cabinet making
… appropriate verbal and written instructional communication skills
William P. Spence. Architecture. California, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. 1991. ISBN 0-02-677123-3.
Cabinets.com. Form. 2000-2004. http://www.cabinets.com/default.asp. February 25. 2011.
Walter C. Brown and Daniel P. Dorfmueller. Print Reading for Construction. Tinley Park, Illinois;
Goodhear-Wilcox Company, Inc. 2005. ISBN-13: 978-1-59070-347-2.
Ramsey/Sleeper. Architectural Graphic Standards (Student Edition). New York, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc. 1994. ISBN: 0-471-01284-X*
*More recent editions are available.
Instructional Aids:
1. The Student Activity sheet, which is the form students use to complete the exercise and
the students will turn it in for the grade. Please refer to the Microsoft Word document
found alongside this Lesson titled: “Industry Standards and Quality Work HANDOUT.”
2. The Teacher PowerPoint Presentation, which is found alongside this Lesson entitled:
“Industry Standards and Quality Work PRESENTATION”.
Materials Needed:
1. Pencils or pens- 1 per student
2. 8 ½” x 11” plain printer paper
3. Standard 1’ rulers with 1/16” increments
Equipment Needed:
1. Teacher computer workstation
2. Printer, black and white with the capacity to print single sided on size 8 ½” x 11” paper
3. Overhead projection screen that can exhibit the teacher’s monitor
4. A minimum of 1 computer (with internet access) for every 1 student
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Learner Preparation:
· Refer to the “Teacher Preparation” above for list of specific items students should
already be familiar with.
Each student receives a copy of the Activity Sheet “Industry Standards and Quality
Work HANDOUT,” a writing utensil, and access to a computer with internet access.
Definitions of various vocabulary words should be prominently placed in a visible
location in the room:
Tolerance: the permissible range of dimensional measurement within the construction
and/or assembly of a building component
Dimension: measurement in length, width, or thickness
Quality: high grade, superior, excellence in craftsmanship
Standard: an average or normal requirement, quality, quantity, level, or grade
Center line: line used to indicate centers of objects such as columns, equipment, and
Base Cabinet: the cabinet that rests on the floor and has the countertop attached
Wall Cabinet: the cabinet attached to the wall above the base cabinet
Full height Cabinet: a cabinet that rests on the floor but is the same height as the wall
Joint: a connection between pieces of wood, plastic, or metal; often reinforced with
nails, screws, or glue
Panel door: a door of solid frame strips with inset panels
Stile: vertical element of the frame behind the doors of a cabinet
Veneer: thin layer of higher quality cabinet wood bonded to the surface of a thicker but
lesser quality material
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Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
(Slide #2 of the PowerPoint “Industry Standards and Quality Work PRESENTATION” is up
on the teacher’s overhead screen and is viewable by all students.) Students enter and are
instructed to go to their assigned computer, and open the website
http://www.cabinets.com/default.asp, then wait for further instructions.
SAY: Everyone should be logged on to their own computer today, and you should have this
website up and ready on your screen. The correct website is listed here on the board.
ASK: Has everyone found this website? (Teacher pauses and waits an appropriate amount of
time while students respond.) What’s this website all about? (Again, teacher pauses and waits
an appropriate amount of time for students to respond.)
SHOW: (Teacher advances the PowerPoint presentation to Slide #3.) This website will help us
get an idea about what quality of craftsmanship means, and also how helpful construction
standards are.
SAY: Let’s take a look at what Quality and Standard mean, as well as a few other important
words that will help us today. (Teacher advances the PowerPoint to slide #4, which covers the
vocabulary listed above in the “Learner Preparation” section on page 3 of this lesson.)
ASK: What do these words mean? (Go through each word with the students.)
SAY: What we’re going to look at and read about today will help us understand how important
good quality work is, and why the construction industry standardizes some things to help
improve that quality.
ASK: (Teacher advances to slide #5 of the PowerPoint presentation.) What do you think of
these cabinets? (Teacher pauses and gives the students an appropriate amount of time to
respond. Teacher then directs the classroom discussion about the quality, or lack of quality, of
the cabinet images shown.)
SHOW: Here is your activity today. (Teacher passes out the Activity sheet “Industry Standards
and Quality Work HANDOUT” and walks the students through the instructions.) You can see
that we’ll read a portion of the website, you will summarize in your own words what you’ve read,
and share it with four peers. After you share your research as a group, you will complete the
rest of the Activity Sheet on your own. Let’s get started!
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Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
· Instructor uses the PowerPoint presentation (“Industry Standards and Quality Work
PRESENTATION”) to help with the activities pace and sequencing. The Introduction to
the lesson, as explained on page 4 of this lesson, covers presentation slides 2-5. The
rest of this lesson will begin on slide #6.
· Instructor will ensure that all Student Partner pairs receive a copy of the Activity sheet
and a pen or pencil (if they don’t have one already.)
Identify kitchen cabinet
· Identify the correct cabinet
component parts
· Vocabulary refresher
Notes to Instructor
· Students will complete part 1 of the
Activity sheet on their own.
Comprehend cabinet
construction standards
· What does quality mean?
· What do construction standards
· Students will complete part 2 of the
Activity sheet on their own.
Explore specific components of
cabinet construction
· Navigate to the correct part of
the article
· Read the assigned portion of
the online article
· Take notes and summarize the
· Students count off “one” through
· Slide #6 of the PowerPoint
presentation outlines the Activity
sheet instructions.
· Slide #6 of the PowerPoint
presentation outlines the Activity
sheet instructions.
· All the “ones” will read the part
about “The Box.”
· All the “twos” will read the part
about “The Door.”
· All the “threes” will read the part
about “The Drawer.”
· All the “fours” will read the part
about “Construction.”
· All the “fives” will read the part
about “Quality.”
· Students will complete part 3 of the
activity sheet.
Small group peer teaching
· Share notes and summaries
with other students
· Listen to notes and summaries
from other students
· Teacher groups students “one”
through “five” together in groups of
5, so that there is a student that’s
read each of the 5 parts in each
group in order to share with each
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Assess quality of assembly
· Observe graphics representing
a poorly assembled kitchen
cabinet system
· Analyze errors
· Mark all mistakes
· Students will complete part 4 of the
activity sheet.
Suggest improvements to
improve quality
· Written response.
· Based on assessment of poorly
assembled cabinet
construction, explain what
should be done different.
· Students will complete part 5 of the
activity sheet.
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Students follow the PowerPoint presentation instructions and teacher-led discussion which lead
up to the reading assignment and independent work.
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Students read an assigned portion of the overall reading, and take time to summarize what they
read before sharing it with their group. After sharing with the group, they return to independent
work and complete the rest of the Activity sheet.
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Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Vocabulary awareness is the key to the beginning of the lesson, then vocabulary and concepts
are reinforced throughout the lesson. At the end, students have a chance to check their work
and make sure that they came up with the most correct responses after they complete the
activity sheet.
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III): The teacher practices active classroom monitoring
and regular checking for understanding with each student while moving around the room during
the activity.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
Students should correctly identify the correct cabinet components. Students should thoroughly
summarize their portion of the reading. Students should correctly mark all errors in the sample
drawings. Students should communicate all changes that should be made to correct the
incorrect cabinets.
Refer to the “Industry Standards and Quality Work HANDOUT RUBRIC.”
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
Advanced work with this concept would encourage students to self-analyze their own generated
construction documents, as well as designing their own kitchen cabinets using both 2D and 3D
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Your Name: __________________________________________________________________
Class period: __________________ Today’s Date: ___________________________________
Part 1
Instructions: Draw a line from the word to the correct
location on the cabinets shown here.
Panel door
Base Cabinet
Wall Cabinet
Full height Cabinet
Part 2
Instructions: In your own words, explain your understanding
of the following two terms. Write in complete sentences.
Construction Standards:
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Part 3
Instructions: You are assigned to read the following part of the website. (Circle the one that
you are assigned to.)
1. The Box
2. The Door
3.The Drawer
Read your assigned part of the website. Take notes in the box below. Write a short paragraph
summarizing what your assigned reading is explaining. You will share this information with
four peers.
Part 4
Instructions: Observe the following images. Mark ALL errors you can find by circling them.
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Part 5
Instructions: In the space below, summarize your analysis of the errors found in the elevation
drawings above of the incorrect kitchen cabinets. What are the errors? How can they be fixed?
Explain in your own words, thoroughly in complete sentences. Use the vocabulary words we’ve
been learning today!
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total score:
Your Name:
Class period: __________________ Today’s Date: _____________________________
Part 1
Instructions: Draw a line from the word to the correct
location on the cabinets shown here.
1. Stile
2. Panel door.
3. .Base Cabinet
4. Wall Cabinet
5. Full height Cabinet
5 points for each correct answer.
(0-25 pts)
Part 2
Instructions: In your own words, explain your understanding of the following 2 terms.
Write in complete sentences.
Student defined this word correctly = 5 pts
Student attempted to define the word, but
incorrectly = 2 pts
Construction Standards:
Student defined this term correctly = 5 pts
Student attempted to define the term, but
incorrectly = 2 pts
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Part 3
Instructions: You are assigned to read the following part of the website. (Circle the one
that you are
Student circled their assigned reading = 5 pts
Student did not circle their assigned reading = 0 pts
1. The Box
2. The Door
3. The Drawer
4. Construction
5. Quality
Read your assigned part of the website. Take notes in the box below. Write a short
paragraph summarizing what your assigned reading is explaining. You will share this
information with four peers.
Student took well written notes = 10 pts
Student took some notes, but fairly
unintelligible = 5 pts
Part 4
Instructions: Observe the following images. Mark ALL errors you can find by circling
Student found all 10 errors = 20 pts
Student found 7-9 errors = 15 pts
Student found 4-6 errors = 10 pts
Student found 1-3 errors = 5 pts
Student did not even attempt or try = 0 pts
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Part 5
Instructions: In the space below, summarize your analysis of the errors found in the
elevation drawings above of the incorrect kitchen cabinets. What are the errors? How
can they be fixed? Explain in your own words, thoroughly in complete sentences. Use
the vocabulary words we’ve been learning today!
Student explained all errors, using the correct vocabulary = 30 pts
Student used the correct vocabulary, but did not thoroughly explain all
corrections = 22 pts
Student used some of the correct descriptive vocabulary, and explained
some errors = 15 pts
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