Practicum in Interior Design
Performance Objective
Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to create a portfolio to document personal knowledge and skills related to a career in interior design.
Specific Objectives
Students will identify uses for a portfolio.
Students will create a professional portfolio.
Students will identify the benefits of creating and maintaining a portfolio.
Students will identify a personal goal/purpose for a portfolio.
Students will determine the various types of interior design projects/content and various multimedia techniques to include in the portfolio based on personal goal.
Student will create an organized system for setting up the portfolio by sorting documents into specific categories.
Students will set up a process for maintaining and adding content to the portfolio.
Portfolio – a collection of records showcasing your accomplishments and attributes.
Electronic Portfolio – multimedia portfolios, electronic portfolios, e-folios, and web folios contain much of the content traditional portfolios include but present these materials in digital format.
Master Portfolio – a complete record of all of the essentials of your background that could be useful in a job search; anything you might need to manage your career.
Employment Portfolio – a portion of the documents from your master portfolio, selected, and arranged for a specific job being sought.
Letter of Recommendation – a letter in which a writer (usually a person in a supervisory role) evaluates the skills, work habits, and achievements of an individual applying for a job, admission to graduate school, or some other professional position.
This lesson should take five class days to complete.
TEKS Correlations
This lesson, as published, correlates to the TEKS listed immediately below. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
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Practicum in Interior Design
130.45(c) Knowledge and skills. o (10) The student exhibits employability skills that lead to job success in the housing, furnishings, and equipment industries. The student is expected to:
(H) Maintain a project portfolio that documents interior design projects using a variety of multimedia techniques with a professional resume.
Interdisciplinary Correlations
English Language Arts and Reading
110.31 (c) Knowledge and skills.
o (21) Research/Gathering Sources. Students determine, locate, and explore the full range of relevant sources addressing a research question and systematically record the information they gather. Students are expected to:
(B) Organize information gathered from multiple sources to create a variety of graphics and forms. o (22) Research/Synthesizing Information. Students clarify research questions and evaluate and synthesize collected information. Students are expected to:
(B) Evaluate the relevance of information to the topic and determine the reliability, validity, and accuracy of sources (including Internet sources) by examining their authority and objectivity.
o (23) Research/Organizing and Presenting Ideas. Students organize and present their ideas and information according to the purpose of the research and their audience. Students are expected to synthesize the research into a written or an oral presentation that:
(C) Use graphics and illustrations to help explain concepts where appropriate; and
(D) Use a variety of evaluative tools (e.g., self-made rubrics, peer reviews, teacher and expert evaluations) to examine the quality of the research.
Reading I, II, III
110.47(b) Knowledge and skills. o (2) The student acquires an extensive vocabulary through reading and systematic word study. The student is expected to:
(A) Expand vocabulary by reading, viewing, listening, and discussing; and
(B) Determine word meanings through the study of their relationships to other words and concepts such as content, synonyms, antonyms, and analogies.
o (4) The student comprehends texts using effective strategies. The student is expected to:
(D) Summarize main texts by identifying main ideas and relevant details.
o (7) The student reads with fluency and understanding in increasingly demanding and varied texts. The student is expected to:
(A) Read silently or orally such as paired reading or literature circles for sustained periods of time.
Public Speaking I, II, III
110.57 (b) Knowledge and skills.
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o (4) Organization. The student organizes speeches. The student is expected to:
(B) Organize speeches effectively for specific topics, purposes, audiences, and occasions. o (5) Proofs and appeals. The student uses valid proofs and appeals in speeches. The student is expected to:
(A) Analyze the implications of the audience, occasion, topic, and purpose as a basis for choosing proofs and appeals for speeches. o (6) Style. The student develops skills in using oral language in public speeches. The student is expected to:
(D) Use informal, standard, and technical language appropriately. o (7) Delivery. The student uses appropriate strategies for rehearsing and presenting speeches. The student is expected to:
(E) Interact with audiences appropriately.
Technology Applications
126.49 (c) Knowledge and skills.
o (1) Creativity and innovation. The student demonstrates creative thinking, constructs knowledge, and develops innovative products and processes using technology. The student is expected to:
(H) Identify and solve problems, individually and with input from peers and professionals, using research methods and advanced creativity and innovation skills used in a selected profession or discipline;
(I) Develop products that meet standards identified by the selected profession or discipline; and
(J) Produce original work to solve an identified problem and publish a product in electronic media and print. o (2) Communication and collaboration. The student uses digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning experience of others. The student is expected to:
(C) Determine and implement the best method of presenting or publishing findings;
(D) Synthesize and publish information in a variety of print or digital formats; and
(E) Use evolving network and Internet resources and appropriate technology skills to create, exchange, and publish information. o (3) Research and information fluency. The student applies digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. The student is expected to:
(A) Use evolving network and Internet resources for research and resource sharing of technology applications;
(B) Apply appropriate search strategies in the acquisition of information from the
Internet, including keyword and Boolean search strategies;
(D) Acquire information using appropriate research strategies with source
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citations through electronic formats, including interactive components, text, audio, video, graphics, and simulations; and
(E) Identify, create, and use available file formats, including text, image, video, and audio files. o (4) Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. The student uses criticalthinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. The student is expected to:
(A) Evaluate the design, functionality, and accuracy of the accessed information;
(B) Conduct systematic research;
(C) Demonstrate creative-thinking and problem-solving skills;
(D) Integrate appropriate productivity tools, including network, mobile access, and multimedia tools, in the creation of solutions to problems;
(E) Use enriched curricular content in the creation of products; and
(F) Synthesize and generate new information from data gathered from electronic resources.
Occupational Correlation (O*Net – )
Job Title: Interior Designers
O*Net Number: 27-1025.00
Reported Job Titles: Certified Kitchen Designer, Color and Materials Designer, Commercial Interior
Designer, Decorating Consultant, Designer, Director of Interiors, Interior Design Consultant, Interior
Design Coordinator, Interior Design Director, Interior Designer
Confer with client to determine factors affecting planning interior environments, such as budget, architectural preferences, and purpose and function. See more occupations related to this task.
Advise client on interior design factors such as space planning, layout and utilization of furnishings or equipment, and color coordination. See more occupations related to this task.
Coordinate with other professionals, such as contractors, architects, engineers, and plumbers, to ensure job success. See more occupations related to this task.
Review and detail shop drawings for construction plans. See more occupations related to this task.
Estimate material requirements and costs, and present design to client for approval.
Active Listening
Reading Comprehension
Service Orientation
Social Perceptiveness
Student Tasks
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Students will create a professional professional portfolio.
Students will organize interior design projects, content, and multimedia techniques to include in portfolio.
Accommodations for Learning Differences
It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special
Populations page of this website (
Secure the computer lab if you do not have immediate access to one in your classroom.
Copy the handout sheets and rubric for the students.
Instructional Aids
Student handouts
Grading rubric
Materials Needed
Sample Portfolios
Glue, paper, pens
Camera or phone with camera
Flash drive
Equipment Needed
Computers (for students to complete project)
Projector (for digital presentation)
Scanner to scan pictures or materials brought to class
Learner Preparation
Ask students what a portfolio is.
Ask students if they have seen a portfolio. What did they think about the portfolio they saw?
Show the students samples of digital and hard copy portfolios.
Lesson Introduction
Find a video on the Internet about interior design portfolios or samples to show as an introduction to the lesson.
Explain that a portfolio is a collection of your best or most memorable pieces of work or projects.
It is like a professional scrapbook.
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Explain that they are used in schools and the job market to help as a marketing tool to showcase skills for a specific program or position.
Use multimedia presentation and explain the concept of resumes and portfolios.
Assignment Outline:
Introduction to Portfolios: a.
Class Discussion b.
Show samples of hard copy portfolios and digital portfolios c.
Notes on Introduction to Portfolios: a.
What is a portfolio b.
Benefits of a portfolio c.
Portfolios and goals d.
Types of portfolios e.
Three portfolio approaches f.
Using portfolios in the job search g.
Portfolio design h.
Seven section portfolio model
1. Personal information
2. Personal goals and history
3. Values
4. Accomplishments and job history
5. Skills and attributes
6. Education and training
7. Testimonials and recommendations i.
Displaying your portfolio j.
Electronic portfolios
1. Dos
2. Don’ts
Interior Design Portfolio: a.
Directions b.
1. Body of Work
2. Creativity
3.Samples in each section
Copy the handouts and grading rubric and make into a packet.
Secure a computer lab.
Ask students:
“What is a portfolio?”
Hand out
Student Notes
Outline. Have students fill out the chart during your presentation.
Discuss how schools and industry use portfolios.
Discuss your own personal portfolio from school and show the example.
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4. Portfolio Planning
5. Grammar and Mechanics c.
Project must have:
Title page with name, mailing address, email and telephone number
Cover pages for each section of your portfolio
Creativity and consistency
Titles and descriptions on each page or slide
Pictures should be in color
Table of contents
Personal Information
Goal/Career objective
Accomplishments and job history
Skills and attributes
Education and training
Evaluations and recommendations
***Hand out the Portfolio Guidelines
Go over all the criteria in the assignment
Portfolio” and check for understanding.
Explain to the class that they will be able to use the portfolios for their future in school or work.
Complete handouts to help plan portfolio.
Have students create a professional portfolio.
Go over all the criteria in the assignment and check for understanding.
Existentialist Interpersonal Intrapersonal Kinesthetic/
Naturalist Verbal/Linguistic Visual/Spatial
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Guided Practice
Using the digital presentation , the teacher will go over the requirements of this project. The student will follow along and make notes on their hard copy. Students will create a professional portfolio showcasing interior design skills.
Ask students to “map” out their plan using a Interior Design Portfolio Planning form
Give some ideas and show samples of portfolios to give the students an idea of what to do for their project.
Independent Practice
Students will work at their own paces to complete this activity.
Students are strongly encouraged to take ownership of this activity and to establish a workable pace in order to complete it on time.
Why should you create a portfolio?
Why would it be important to take a portfolio to an interview?
What are five important things you should include in a portfolio?
Informal Assessment
Instructor will observe students during Guided and Independent Practice.
Instructor will assist students as needed.
Formal Assessment
Use the Interior Design Portfolio Rubric to evaluate.
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What Is a _________________________?
• A ____________________________ of records showcasing your
__________________________________________and attributes
• A demonstration of your knowledge, ________________, and preferences
• A way to document and understand your ____________________
• A tool to convince an employer to hire you
____________________of a Portfolio
A portfolio can...
_____________________________ your skills and experience to employers.
____________________a more thorough picture of you than a resume can.
Help __________________ your career progress.
Help build your _______________________________.
Demonstrate your _____________________________and professional growth.
• Creating a portfolio forces you to define your _______________.
• Keeping your portfolio up to date is one way to measure your _______________________toward those goals.
_______________________________: A complete record of all of the essentials of your background that could be useful in a job search. Anything you might need to manage your career.
_______________________________Portfolio: A portion of the documents from your master portfolio, selected and arranged for a specific job being sought.
Three Portfolio Approaches o ________________________________: For those with extensive work history. Includes many examples of career accomplishments. o _______________________________: For those with limited work history. Emphasizes academic achievements, community involvement, and personal attributes.
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o ___________________________________________: Blends elements of the other two types.
Using Portfolios in the _____________________________ o For tracking progress o To fill out ______________________________ o To help in writing ____________________and cover letters o In ____________________________________ o To help answer ____________________________ questions o To make a _______________________________ on an employer o To emphasize skills, abilities, and __________________________
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I. Getting Started
1. _______________________________________________
2. Define your ______________________________
3. __________________a strategy
4. Define your __________________
II. Seven Section Portfolio Model
A common way to ________________________________ a portfolio is by including these
Personal ______________________ and History
Accomplishments and _________________________________
Skills and _____________________________
_______________________________ and Training
Testimonials and _________________________________
A. Personal Information
This information can be used when ____________________________ for jobs or filling out forms. This section might include:
Birth Certificate
Social Security _______________
Noncitizen status __________________
Test or _________________________ results
B. Values
Values define what your want _______________________________ and from your
_____________________ and motivate your behaviors. This section might include:
A ____________________________ expressing your values
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___________________________________ of public or community
_____________________ involvement
Charitable or __________________________________
C. Personal Goals and __________________________
Describes your ___________________________ and objectives. This section might include:
A detailed _________________________________
A __________________________________ for past and future
D. ____________________________and Job History
Highlights work _________________________ and job-related accomplishments. This section might include:
A personal ______________________________________
Complete work history
Performance ______________________________
Charts, graphs, ____________________, or brochures as _________________________ of your accomplishments
E. Skills and ____________________________
Documents that show your _______________ in use or verify that you have those skills and attributes.
This section might include:
______________________________ evaluations
Customer comment cards
Examples or __________________________________
F. ____________________________ and Training
Your complete education and training _______________. This section might include:
___________________________ descriptions
Copies of _____________________________
Certificates of _________________________
Professional certifications
Lists of _________________________ and awards
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III. _________________________ your portfolio
Make it look ________________________
Use _______________________ documents when possible
Use separators to ________________ sections
Include graphs, pictures, __________________, and any other _____________ when possible
Use a nice looking ___________
Handle it carefully and ___________________________________
IV. Electronic Portfolios
Can be put on a ___________________ or a flash drive or posted on a
Makes long distance ___________________________ and job application easier
_______________________ that original documents stay safe
____________________ to update
V. Electronic ____________________________ Dos and Don’ts
Include _________________, video, or other visual elements
______________________ frequently
Include ________________________ information
Keep it ____________________ and compact
Say that you are looking for __________________
Put your ______________________ on your website
Include too much ___________________________________
G. Evaluations and ______________________________
Any _____________________________________ that you have received in your career so far. This section might include:
Letters of _____________________________
________________ and awards received
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The interior design portfolio will be used to present student work in an organized and professional manner. This portfolio will help you with presentation skills. This portfolio will be updated frequently throughout the course and then turned in at the end of the year. You can choose to do an electronic or paper portfolio. Be creative! This is about your work in Interior Design.
Some guidelines for a successful and professional portfolio should include:
Title page with name, mailing address, email, and telephone number
Cover Pages for each section of your portfolio
Creativity and consistency
Titles and descriptions on each page or slide
Pictures should be in color
Table of Contents
Personal Information
Goal/Career objective
Accomplishments and Job history
Skills and attributes
Education and Training
Evaluations and Recommendations
This is a design portfolio and you should consider how you want to showcase your interior design knowledge and skills. These are some things to think about when selecting samples for your portfolio.
Select 15-20 samples of your best work.
Use quality photographs in your portfolio.
Include a variety of samples to show your versatility.
Use neutral backgrounds.
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Paper _____________ Electronic _________
How do you want your portfolio to look? How will this portfolio showcase you and your strengths in design? Sketch the layout for your slides or papers. Include pictures, samples, titles, and descriptions for each page.
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Words to describe you
Learning styles
Personality traits
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What do you plan to do after high school?
What is your career plan?
Work experience
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Samples of work
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Schools attended
Classes that help with career goals
Intern Evaluations
Letters of Recommendation (who)
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Name: ________________________________________________ Teacher: ________________________________________
4 3 2 1
Body of Work The portfolio is an accurate and comprehensive
Grammar and
Planning representation of the student's body of work.
The student's portfolio design reflects an exceptional degree of student creativity in organization and/or final product.
Student’s presentation had four or more spelling errors and/or grammatical errors.
Student fully participated in the portfolio planning process. All elements/documents are of exceptional quality. Samples are in the appropriate place.
The portfolio is an acceptable reflection of the student's body of work but needs development.
The student's portfolio design reflects an acceptable degree of creativity in organization and/or final product.
Presentation had three misspellings and/or grammatical errors.
Student participated in the portfolio planning process.
One or two of the planning elements/documents were not created.
Most of the samples are appropriate for content.
The portfolio is a poor reflection of the student's body of work in the program.
The student's portfolio design lacks creativity in organization and/or final product..
Presentation had no more than two misspellings and/or grammatical errors.
Student minimally participated in the portfolio planning process. Three or more of the planning elements/documents were not created.
More than half of the samples were not appropriately placed.
The student's portfolio is incomplete.
The student's portfolio design does not meet expectations.
Presentation had no misspellings or grammatical errors.
Student did not participate in the portfolio planning process. Few files were in the appropriate place.
Teacher Comments:
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