Legality in the Workplace: Codes, Ethics, and Laws

Legality in the Workplace: Codes, Ethics, and Laws
Practicum in Construction Management
Lesson Plan
Performance Objective
Upon completion of this lesson, each student will have a better understanding of what codes, ethics,
and laws are associated with construction management careers.
Specific Objectives
 Students will follow appropriate codes, laws, standards, or regulations for their chosen field.
 Students will demonstrate ethical and legal practices for careers in construction management.
 Infographic – a visual image, such as a chart or diagram used to represent information or data.
 Codes – a collection of regulations, ordinances, and other statutory requirements put together
by various organizations; once adopted by each jurisdiction, they become law; they are enforced
on a local level and sometimes state level.
 Federal Regulations – a number of federal agencies and departments work with trade
associations, private companies, and the general public to develop federal laws for building
 Ethics – principles that guide an individual’s behavior and decisions.
This lesson should take three days to complete.
TEKS Correlations
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may
result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
Practicum in Construction Management
 130.62(c) Knowledge and skills.
o (2) The student applies the appropriate codes, laws, standards, or regulations related
to a research and development project. The student is expected to:
(A) identify areas where codes, laws, standards, or regulations may be required;
(B) locate the appropriate codes, laws, standards, or regulations; and
(C) interpret and follow the appropriate codes, laws, standards, or regulations.
o (19) The student demonstrates ethical and legal practices for careers in construction
management. The student is expected to:
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(A) summarize the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees;
(B) exhibit ethical practices as defined in construction management; and
(C) analyze legal aspects of construction management.
Interdisciplinary Correlations
English Language Arts and Reading
 110.31 (c) Knowledge and skills.
o (21) Research/Gathering Sources. Students determine, locate, and explore the full range
of relevant sources addressing a research question and systematically record the
information they gather. Students are expected to:
(B) organize information gathered from multiple sources to create a variety of
graphics and forms.
o (22) Research/Synthesizing Information. Students clarify research questions and evaluate
and synthesize collected information. Students are expected to:
(B) evaluate the relevance of information to the topic and determine the
reliability, validity, and accuracy of sources (including Internet sources) by
examining their authority and objectivity.
o (23) Research/Organizing and Presenting Ideas. Students organize and present their ideas
and information according to the purpose of the research and their audience. Students
are expected to synthesize the research into a written or an oral presentation that:
(C) use graphics and illustrations to help explain concepts where appropriate; and
(D) use a variety of evaluative tools (e.g., self-made rubrics, peer reviews, teacher
and expert evaluations) to examine the quality of the research.
Reading I, II, III
 110.47(b) Knowledge and skills.
o (2) The student acquires an extensive vocabulary through reading and systematic word
study. The student is expected to:
(A) expand vocabulary by reading, viewing, listening, and discussing; and
(B) determine word meanings through the study of their relationships to other
words and concepts such as content, synonyms, antonyms, and analogies.
o (4) The student comprehends texts using effective strategies. The student is expected to:
(D) summarize main texts by identifying main ideas and relevant details.
o (7) The student reads with fluency and understanding in increasingly demanding and
varied texts. The student is expected to:
(A) read silently or orally such as paired reading or literature circles for sustained
periods of time.
Public Speaking I, II, III
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110.57 (b) Knowledge and skills.
o (4) Organization. The student organizes speeches. The student is expected to:
(B) organize speeches effectively for specific topics, purposes, audiences, and
o (5) Proofs and appeals. The student uses valid proofs and appeals in speeches. The
student is expected to:
(A) analyze the implications of the audience, occasion, topic, and purpose as a
basis for choosing proofs and appeals for speeches.
o (6) Style. The student develops skills in using oral language in public speeches. The
student is expected to:
(D) use informal, standard, and technical language appropriately.
o (7) Delivery. The student uses appropriate strategies for rehearsing and presenting
speeches. The student is expected to:
(E) interact with audiences appropriately.
Technology Applications
 126.49 (c) Knowledge and skills.
o (1) Creativity and innovation. The student demonstrates creative thinking, constructs
knowledge, and develops innovative products and processes using technology. The
student is expected to:
(H) identify and solve problems, individually and with input from peers and
professionals, using research methods and advanced creativity and innovation
skills used in a selected profession or discipline;
(I) develop products that meet standards identified by the selected profession or
discipline; and
(J) produce original work to solve an identified problem and publish a product in
electronic media and print.
o (2) Communication and collaboration. The student uses digital media and environments
to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual
learning and contribute to the learning experience of others. The student is expected to:
(C) determine and implement the best method of presenting or publishing
(D) synthesize and publish information in a variety of print or digital formats; and
(E) use evolving network and Internet resources and appropriate technology skills
to create, exchange, and publish information.
o (3) Research and information fluency. The student applies digital tools to gather,
evaluate, and use information. The student is expected to:
(A) use evolving network and Internet resources for research and resource
sharing of technology applications;
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(B) apply appropriate search strategies in the acquisition of information from the
Internet, including keyword and Boolean search strategies;
(D) acquire information using appropriate research strategies with source
citations through electronic formats, including interactive components, text,
audio, video, graphics, and simulations; and
(E) identify, create, and use available file formats, including text, image, video,
and audio files.
o (4) Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. The student uses criticalthinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make
informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. The student is expected
(A) evaluate the design, functionality, and accuracy of the accessed information;
(B) conduct systematic research;
(C) demonstrate creative-thinking and problem-solving skills;
(D) integrate appropriate productivity tools, including network, mobile access,
and multimedia tools, in the creation of solutions to problems;
(E) use enriched curricular content in the creation of products; and
(F) synthesize and generate new information from data gathered from electronic
Occupational Correlation (O*Net –
Job Title: Construction Managers
O*Net Number: 11-9021.00
Reported Job Titles: Concrete Foreman, Construction Area Manager, Construction Foreman,
Construction Manager, Construction Superintendent, General Contractor, Job Superintendent, Project
Executive, Project Manager, Project Superintendent
 Confer with supervisory personnel, owners, contractors, or design professionals to discuss and
resolve matters, such as work procedures, complaints, or construction problems. See more
occupations related to this task.
 Plan, schedule, or coordinate construction project activities to meet deadlines. See more
occupations related to this task.
 Prepare and submit budget estimates, progress reports, or cost tracking reports. See more
occupations related to this task.
 Inspect or review projects to monitor compliance with building and safety codes, or other
regulations. See more occupations related to this task.
 Inspect or review projects to monitor compliance with environmental regulations.
 Active Listening
 Critical Thinking
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Complex Problem Solving
Student Tasks
 Students will research the different codes, ethics, and laws associated with their field of study.
 Students will create an infographic illustrating the four different types codes related to local,
state, and federal regulations.
 Students will add an infographic to their professional portfolio.
Accommodations for Learning Differences
It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified to
accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special
Populations page of this website (
 Secure computer lab if one is not readily available.
 Copy the handout sheets and rubrics for the students.
 Have materials ready to go prior to the start of the lesson.
 Have a list of codes, ethics, and laws handy to refer to during lecture.
Instructional Aids
 Student handouts
 Multimedia presentations
Materials Needed
 Copies of all handouts in this unit
Equipment Needed
 Teacher computer
 Projector (for digital presentation)
Learner Preparation
 Ask students, “What do you know about the codes, ethics, or laws related to construction
 Ask students “Why do we need to follow codes related to local, state, and federal regulations?”
 Tell students about specific codes and regulations related to construction.
 Have students write the steps on how to enter the school and get to this classroom if they were
in a wheelchair.
 View the video first and decide what sections you want to show the class as an introduction to
universal design and codes:
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Discuss the video and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Lesson Introduction
 Tell students that when you construct a design you are legally responsible for being aware of and
implementing applicable local, state, or federal codes.
 Have the students fill out the “Codes, Ethics, and Laws” handout with the multi media
 Give students the “Sites for Codes and Regulations” handout.
Assignment Outline:
Introduction to Codes Ethics and Laws:
a. Class discussion
b. List steps on how to enter school and go to
the classroom using a wheelchair
c. Introduction video on universal design and
codes related to Americans with Disabilities
Act (ADA)
d. Discuss video
Notes Codes, Ethics and Laws:
A. Codes and Federal Regulations
B. Codes
1. Purposes
2. Types
C. Model Building Codes
D. Electrical Codes
E. Life Safety and Fire Codes
F. Residential codes
G. Federal Regulations
1. ADA
2. Fair Housing Act
H. Ethics
1. What are they?
2. Common Workplace Ethics
III. Codes and Regulations Infographic Project
A. Directions
Instructor Notes
Copy handouts and
grading rubrics.
Ask students to describe
what a home would look
like for a person who uses
a wheelchair.
Explain that you are
legally responsible for
being aware of and
implementing applicable
local, state, or federal
Teacher will hand out
“Codes, Ethics, and Laws”
student notes sheets and
go over the material using
the multimedia
Teacher will lead the
discussion of material
using multimedia
presentations for codes,
ethics, and laws.
Teacher will hand out
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1. Create an infographic using federal
regulations and the four types of building
B. Grading
1. Four example of codes
2. One example of a federal law
C. Project must have:
1. One example of model building code
2. One example of electrical code
3. One example of life safety or fire code
4. One example of residential code
5. One example of federal law
sites for codes and
Students will complete
notes with the
multimedia presentation.
Go over all the criteria in
the assignment “Codes
and Regulations:
Infographic Project” and
check for understanding.
Explain the guidelines.
Have students research
codes and federal
regulations that must be
followed when building
and designing a home.
Create infographic.
Multiple Intelligences Guide
Guided Practice
Using the digital presentation, the teacher will go over the requirements of this project. The student will
follow along and make notes on their hard copy.
 Ask students to think about how they would design their infographic. They need to complete
research before they start.
 Show samples of infographics.
Independent Practice
 Students will work at their own paces to complete this activity.
 All work is to be done in class so the teacher can check for understanding.
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 Review codes, ethics, and laws specific to chosen careers.
 Why must we follow codes and laws?
 What are two ethics in the workplace everyone should have?
Informal Assessment
 Instructor will observe students during Independent Practice.
 Instructor will assist students as needed.
Formal Assessment
 Use the Codes and Regulations Infographic rubric to evaluate.
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Codes, Ethics, and Laws Notes
I. Codes and ____________________________________
Interior designers are ____________________________ for being aware of and
_______________________ applicable local, state, or federal codes.
_________________ regulations are mandated by law and required regardless of
A. __________________ of Codes
Ensure public ______________________________ throughout a building.
Most have come into play “after-the-fact” as a
They are primarily _______________________with
____________________materials or equipment used in the building
75% of all codes and standards deal with ____________
_________________________ conservation
B. ________________________________ of Building Codes
Model ____________________________
Electrical Codes
______________________ and Fire Codes
1. Model Building _______________
Purpose – define ________________________________ and limit use of
_____________________ materials
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Common Codes
___________________________ (NBC) published by Building
Officials Code Administration (BOCA)
Standard Building Code (___________) published by Southern
Building Code Congress International (SBCCI)
_________________Building Code (UBC) published by the
International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO)
________________________ Building Code
Published by the International Code Council
First established in ___________and published in 2000
Most current edition is 2012 with a new edition expected in 2015
_____________________ are no longer being updated; IBC is
updated every three years
Some MS _____________________adopted the code in 2003
This code has now replaced the three model codes
It’s important to ______________________
At the start of every project, ______________ and which edition of
the code is being _________in the jurisdiction of your project
C. __________________ Codes
Purpose – define ______________requirements for these specialties
Common Codes
______________________________ (NEC) published by National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA)
D. Life Safety and __________________________
Purpose – establish _____________________________ for fire safety
Common Codes - ________________ Codes
__________ and NFPA now include fire codes
IFC ___________________Fire Code
UFC _________________ Fire Code (NFPA 1 ®)
These address ___________________________ in relation to hazardous
conditions that could cause a fire or _______________________
Designers will address chapters on:
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Interior _________________________
_______________________and Decorative Materials
Common Codes – _________________________ Code (LSF, or NFPA 101®)
One of the first codes published by __________
Revised ____________________________
2003, 2006, 2009,2012 and 2015 versions
It is NOT a building code; it focuses on __________________or
evacuation of all persons from a building by protecting them from fire,
smoke, and toxic fumes
Uses the _________________________ Format. First section
concentrates on broad topics, description of occupancies, means of egress
and fire protection
Second part is divided into chapters by
________________________________ for new and existing buildings
E. __________________ Codes
Purpose – define construction requirements in one and two_____________________________
Common Codes
_____________________Residential Code (IRC)
First available in _________________
Based on the former _______________________-Family Dwelling Code
Applies to construction of ____________________, duplex and
F. Federal _________________________
A number of federal agencies and departments work with trade associations,
private companies and the general public to
______________________________________ for building construction
These regulations are published in the ___________________________ (FR) and
the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
Published daily, but not all rules are ______________________________laws
Once they have been passed into law, they are published in the
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
The federal government regulates_______________________
Federal buildings have their own regulations and do not use state or model codes
(VA hospitals, ____________________, etc.)
They can pass federal legislation creating a law that
_____________________________ all other state and local codes and standards;
the ADA is an example
_______________________________________ Act (ADA)
Developed by the Dept. of _________________
4-part federal legislation become law on July 26th,
__________________________ in 1992 and 1993.
Is a comprehensive civil rights law that protects individuals with
_______________________ in the are of
_____________________ (Title 1)
State and Local gov’t services and
___________________________ (Title II)
Public ___________________________ and commercial facilities
(Title III)
_______________________________ (Title IV)
___________________________ Act
Federal legislation enforced by the Department of Housing and
Urban Development __________
Protects the consumer from discrimination in housing when
Pertains to housing with four or more dwelling units
As of 1991, these buildings must have accessible public and
common areas and ground floor units must be accessible and meet
specific construction requirements
The FHA is often considered the residential version of the ADA
Occupational _________________________ Act (OSHA)
Passed in 1970 to protect the American employee in the
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It regulates the _________________________ and interior projects
where people are employed
Employer must furnish a safe working
_______________________or can be fined
It also stresses the safe __________________ of materials and
equipment to ensure the safety of construction workers
II. Ethics
A. ________________________ ethics?
In the simplest terms, the word “ethics” refers to the application
__________________________________ in the way that we conduct our
individual or group behavior
____________________ is something you either have or you don’t have
Ethics is something that is _____________________________ throughout one's
B. Common Workplace Ethics
_________________ and Loyalty
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Sites for Codes and Regulations
 - International Code Council - National Building Code of Canada - Department of Housing and Urban Development - Occupational Safety and Health Administration - Americans with Disabilities Act - National Fire Protection Association
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.
Codes and Regulations Infographic Project
Create an infographic using building codes and federal laws pertaining to construction
Project must include:
– One example of building codes
– One example of electrical codes
– One example of life safety and fire codes
– One example of residential codes
– One example of federal regulations/laws
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Codes and Regulations Infographic Project Rubric
Name: ____________________________________
Teacher: __________________________________
More than two
Two errors
One error
No errors;
everything is correct
More than two
Very little detail is
provided for the
main idea and
understanding is
More detail is
needed for
some items are
Detail is added to
support each main
idea with minimal
Details including
labels support main
ideas without
distracting clutter.
Very little detail is
provided for the
main idea and
understanding is
Content Accuracy
Less than two
accurate codes are
Two accurate codes
are displayed.
Three accurate
codes are displayed.
At least four codes
are displayed in the
Less than two
accurate codes are
Graphics Relevance
Graphics do not
relate to the topic.
All graphics relate to
the topic but do not
represent the
Most graphics
represent the
All graphics
Graphics do not
relate to the topic.
Graphics - Visual
Color, shape, size,
and arrangement
are distracting or
Color, shape, size,
and arrangement
are present but do
not add to the
Color, shape, size,
and arrangement
are eye-catching
and contribute
some meaning.
Color, shape, size,
and arrangement of
graphics contribute
meaning to the
overall message.
Color, shape, size,
and arrangement
are distracting or
Design is
distractingly messy,
unattractive, or very
poorly designed.
Design is acceptably
attractive though it
may be a bit messy.
Design is attractive
in terms of design,
layout, and
The design is neat,
clear, and visually
Design is
unattractive, or
very poorly
Teacher Comments:
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