Random Building Activity

Random Building Activity
1. Divide the class into small groups.
2. Direct each group to draw and cut out four circles, four triangles and four
rectangles (may be squares). The group decides the size of the figures,
dimensions of the rectangles and angles of the triangles – but must be small
enough to fit 12 of them on the overhead projector.
3. Collect all cut out figures and place them in a container. Mix up the figures in the
container by shaking, stirring, etc.
4. Randomly draw out 12 figures. Students may be involved with the drawing.
5. Place all 12 figures on the overhead and project the images on the screen.
6. Begin to arrange the pieces so as to create the image of a building. Get students
involved with suggestions… give each group two or three minutes to arrange
pieces adding to the shape of the structure.
7. Keep going until the shape of a building is created.
8. Point out that the shapes of most buildings are a collection of geometric figures.
*Another option is to project an image of a building and have students arrange the
geometric figures to recreate the building on the overhead. Compare the projected
image with the image constructed of shapes and discuss similarities and differences.
The key point is to get students to realize that building façades are collections of
geometric shapes.
Architectural Drafting: Geometry in Architecture – Lesson 2 Random Building Activity
©2006 Texas Trade and Industrial Education