Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Architectural Drafting
Session Title: Architectural Communication – Careers in Architecture
Performance Objective:
Upon completion of this assignment, the student will be able to obtain architectural career
information from related websites on the Internet.
Specific Objectives:
1. Define policies associated with computer use
2. Discuss appropriate behaviors relative to policies
3. Define terms associated with the lesson
4. Identify various internet sources for obtaining career information related to architecture
5. Conduct keyword and Boolean searches on various search engines
6. Read, interpret, summarize, and report information obtained from various sources
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the
activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
130.47 (a)(b)
complete general requirements and demonstrate knowledge and skills specific to those
needed to enter a career in architecture and construction;
130.47 (c)
demonstrate knowledge and skills of advanced architectural design principles;
130.47 (12)(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)
Demonstrate effective communication skills, employment skills, interpersonal skills,
understanding of physical/mental health to professional success, appropriate professional
grooming/appearance, appropriate workplace etiquette, productive work habits/attitudes
and maintain a project portfolio.
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the
activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
Technology Applications - TBA
110.31 (a)(1)
• demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing, researching, listening, speaking and oral/written
110.31 (b)(1)(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)
• demonstrate knowledge of vocabulary, technical academic English derived from Latin/Greek
roots, determining denotative/connotative meanings of words, analogies, understanding of
frequently used foreign words and use of an electronic or printed dictionary, glossary or
Architectural Drafting I: Architectural Communications: Careers in Architecture Plan
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1. Instructor knowledge
2. Instructor created handouts
3. http://online.onetcenter.org/
4. http://www.occupationalinfo.org/
5. http://www2.uc.edu/news/rank2003.htm
6. http://www.texasarchitect.org/
7. http://www.applytexas.org/
8. http://www.aia.org/
9. http://www.dallasaia.org/
Instructional Aids:
1. Careers in Architecture PowerPoint Presentation
2. Careers in Architecture PowerPoint Presentation – Slides
3. Careers in Architecture PowerPoint Presentation – Handouts
4. Careers in Architecture PowerPoint Presentation – Notes Pages
5. Architectural Internet Scavenger Hunt Handout (1 per student)
Materials Needed:
1. None
Equipment Needed:
1. Computer Lab (1 station per student)
2. Computer Station with Projector for PPT
3. White board
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
SAY: Architects do more than render drawings and letter them.
SAY: Today we are going to explore some of the other things that architects do. We are going
to use the Internet to help us obtain that information.
Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
I. Define policies associated with computer use
▪ Distribute and discuss key policy statements
▪ Stress the importance of compliance
II. Discuss appropriate behaviors relative to policies
▪ Apply policies to actual behaviors
▪ Present theoretical/hypothetical situations and allow students to determine whether or
not the behaviors would comply with campus policy
III. Define terms associated with the lesson
▪ Architecture – the art and science of designing and erecting spaces/structures to fulfill
certain criteria
▪ Architect – a person who practices architecture
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Stress the difference between the two terms – an architect is a person; architecture is a
field of study
Identify various internet sources for obtaining career information relative to architecture
Distribute the Scavenger Hunt handout
1. Have students refer to the listing of websites on the handout
2. Review the questions to overview the information that must be obtained to complete
the assignment
3. Students may also conduct relevant internet searches to obtain additional websites if
Explain how to conduct keyword searches
Place double quotes around a word or phrase (“architectural design” instead of
architectural design
Not impacted by upper or lower case letters
Keep a record of your keyword search terms
Explain how to conduct Boolean searches
A search which uses Boolean logic to narrow the results of the search between two
topics (architectural design/architectural drafting)
Boolean search terms are “and”, “or” and “not”
To find results for both topics, the search would be “architectural design” and
“architectural drafting”
To find results for one topic or the other, the search would be “architectural design” or
“architectural drafting”
To find results for one topic but not the other, the search would be “architectural design”
not “architectural drafting”
Using search engines
Use more than one for a more comprehensive search
Altavista, HotBot, Lycos, GoTo, Google, MSN, AskJeeves, DogPile
Go to the search engine site first, then type in your search terms
Keep a record of the search engines you have tried
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
▪ Teacher models methods for opening an Internet browser and typing a URL in the
appropriate field
▪ Students select and open an Internet browser and type in the suggested URL to obtain
the information for question 1 on the Handout
▪ Teacher monitors progress and provides redirection/individual reteach as necessary
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
▪ Students complete Internet Scavenger Hunt in class
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
▪ ASK: What do all jobs in the architectural field have in common?
▪ ASK: What is one new piece of information that you found interesting or helpful?
▪ ASK: How could this activity/assignment benefit you in the future?
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
▪ Teacher monitors progress and provides redirection/individual reteach as necessary
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Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
▪ Teacher evaluates responses and provides individual written comments on Scavenger
Hunt assignments
▪ Use Architectural Careers Quiz and Quiz Key
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
▪ Students can use research skills in additional career searcher/career exploration
scenarios or other classes where Internet research is a requirement.
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Architectural Internet Scavenger Hunt
Architecture the art and science of designing and erecting spaces/structures to fulfill
certain criteria
a person who practices architecture
Directions: Use the internet sites listed below (and others if necessary) to answer the
questions that follow.
▪ http://online.onetcenter.org/
▪ http://www.occupationalinfo.org/
▪ http://www2.uc.edu/news/rank2003.htm
▪ http://www.texasarchitect.org/
▪ http://www.applytexas.org/
▪ http://www2.aia.org/
▪ http://www.dallasaia.org
Questions: Complete each of the following.
1. What are the 7 post-secondary, accredited schools of architecture in the state of
2. Which 2 rank among the top 14 architecture schools in the nation?
3. What does AIA stand for?
4. Where are the AIA offices located?
5. According to the AIA, what does an architect do?
6. What is the name of the news publication distributed by the AIA?
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7. What does D/AIA stand for?
8. What is the mission of the D/AIA?
9. Which firm/architect won the Honor and Merit awards for the Built Category in the
most recent D/AIA awards?
10. Who was the architect of the house that received the 25 Year Residential Award
in the most recent award year from the D/AIA? When was the project
completed? Do you like the design? Why or why not?
11. What does TSA stand for?
12. Where are the TSA offices located?
13. What is the name of the magazine published by TSA?
14. Who can subscribe to the TSA magazine? How much is a subscription?
15. Where will the TSA Annual Convention be held? Can students attend?
16. What job-related tasks are required of an architect?
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17. What are some of the careers related to architectural design?
18. Is the architecture field expected to grow or decline between now and 2010? By
how much (percent change)?
19. What are the 4 highest ranking “work needs” that most architects have? Define
20. Is the study of architecture likely to be easy or difficult for a person who can
imagine how objects will look after they have been moved around and who likes
to work with patterns without a clear set of directions to follow? Why do you think
21. What is the most important piece of information you obtained from this activity?
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Architectural Careers Quiz
DIRECTIONS: Define the following terms.
1. Architect
2. Architecture
3. AIA
4. D/AIA
5. TSA
DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions.
6. What are the 7 post-secondary, accredited schools in Texas?
7. What are 3 careers related to architectural design?
8. What are projected trends in the architectural field over the next 10 years?
9. Which characteristics do you possess that are also needed by architects?
10. Which characteristics do you need to develop that would be beneficial in
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Architectural Careers Quiz Key
DIRECTIONS: Define the following terms.
11. Architect – a person who practices architecture
12. Architecture – the art and science of designing and erecting spaces/structures to
fulfill certain criteria
13. AIA – American Institute of Architects
14. D/AIA – Dallas Chapter of the American Institute of Architects
15. TSA – Texas Society of Architects
DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions.
16. What are the 7 post-secondary, accredited schools in Texas?
Texas A&M University, Texas Tech University, Rice, University of Texas at Austin,
University of Texas at Arlington, University of Houston, Prairie View A&M
17. What are 3 careers related to architectural design?
Structural engineering, Interior design, Architectural drafting, Mechanical drafting,
AutoCAD drafting, Furniture design, etc.
18. What are projected trends in the architectural field over the next 10 years?
Will vary according to the most current information on the O*NET website.
19. Which characteristics do you possess that are also needed by architects?
Will vary by student and the most current information on the O*NET website.
20. Which characteristics do you need to develop that would be beneficial in
Will vary by student and the most current information on the O*NET website.
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