Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Architectural Design
Session Title: The Foundation Plan
Performance Objective:
After completing this lesson, the students will be able to describe and identify the features of a
foundation plan; discuss the difference between a foundation plan and a basement plan; and be
able to design and draw a foundation plan of a typical residential structure by meeting the
guidelines that must be met in the textbook – Architecture Residential Drawing and Design by
Clois E. Kicklighter.
Specific Objectives:
Using the criteria found in previous lessons, the students will be able to:
Show the location and size of footings, piers, columns, foundation walls, supporting beams,
walls, foundation for chimney (fireplace), breaks for doors, windows, vent,
and access holes.
NOTE: The Foundation Plan is usually drawn after the Floor Plan and the elevations have been
roughed out. The plan is primarily used by the excavator, masons, carpenters and cement workers
who build the foundation.
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the
activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
Architectural Design:
130.46 (c)(3)(A)(B)(C)
...demonstrate knowledge of architectural design principles;
...determine building code and zoning requirements for building types in a selected area;
...demonstrate knowledge of the various grades and types of construction materials.
130.46 (c)(4)(A)(B)(C)
...safely use the tools, materials, and equipment commonly employed in the field of
architectural computer-aided drafting;
...properly handle and dispose of environmentally hazardous materials;
...demonstrate knowledge of new and emerging technologies that may affect the field of
130.46 (c)(5)(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)(H)(J)(N)(Q)(R)(S)
...use problem-solving skills to analyze a situation to identify a problem to be solved;
...break a complex problem into component parts that can be analyzed and solved
...strive for accuracy and precision;
...work independently;
...work collaboratively;
...research an architectural project;
...design and present an effective architectural product;
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...present a final architectural product for critique;
...develop preliminary sketches of a commercial or residential architectural design;
...develop building designs to ensure compatibility between interior and exterior to enhance
overall appearance;
...develop details of floor and wall sections as required;
...demonstrate knowledge of the Americans with Disabilities Act; and
...assemble an architectural design in three dimensions.
130.46 (c)(13)(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)
...identify the nature of energy;
...relate potential energy, kinetic energy, and heat energy to conservation;
...create an energy model;
...evaluate different methods of energy transfer;
...recognize sustainable design as it relates to architectural design;
...define green architecture as related to the field of architecture.
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
110.42 (b)(6)(A)(B)
…expand vocabulary through wide reading, listening, and discussing;
…rely on context to determine meanings of words and phrases such as figurative
language, idioms, multiple meaning words, and technical vocabulary;
110.42 (b)(7)(A)(I)(J)
…establish a purpose for reading such as to discover, interpret, and enjoy;
…use study strategies such as skimming and scanning, note taking, outlining, and using
study-guide questions to better understand texts;
…read silently with comprehension for a sustained period of time;
Teacher Preparation:
Teacher should have on hand several complete sets of residential blueprints for the students to
view. It is also very beneficial to have several scale models of various homes for the students to
view. This will help them understand and visualize spatial relationships as used in the
construction trades.
References: Textbook:
Kicklighter, C. E. (2003). Architecture residential drawing and design. The Foundation Plan
(pp. 259-271). Tinley Park, IL: The Goodheart-Willcox Company, Inc.
Instructional Aids:
1. CADD program
2. various illustrations of plans found in magazines, books, and professional journals to
determine where beams, piers, etc. should be placed for best results
3. residential blueprints
4. scale models of homes
5. overhead slides or PowerPoints provided with this lesson and in the teacher editions of
many text books
6. textbook – Architecture Residential Drawing and Design by Clois E. Kicklighter
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Materials Needed:
1. paper and pencil (pens are not acceptable for drafting and sketching)
2. sketch pad (optional)
3. notebook/folder to keep sketches, drawings, examples, hand-outs, and other class
related materials
4. architect’s scale
Equipment Needed:
1. computer with appropriate CADD software
2. computer projection unit if available
Learner Preparation:
Have a working understanding of what the “Foundation Plan” is and why it is one of the most
important portions of a set of blueprints.
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
• SAY: Today we are going to discuss how to design and draw the Foundation Plan of your
• ASK: Are there any specific features to consider when building your foundation for your
• ASK: Why do you want …….in your home?
• SHOW: I have some examples of Foundation Plans for you to see today.
• ASK: What appears to work and what doesn’t work?
Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
Instructors can use the PowerPoint presentation, slides, handouts, and note pages in conjunction
with the following outline.
I. Discuss the information that is necessary to have
on a Foundation Plan.
A. Outline of the slab
B. Walls
C. Footings and piers with their size
D. Doors
E. Ductwork
F. Plumbing
G. Floor Slopes
H. Concrete slab thickness, fill and
I. Veneer ledges
J. Fireplace footings
K. Floor drains
L. Heating registers
Notes to Instructor
The teacher will show
examples of
foundation plans,
blueprints, and scale
models of homes to
introduce the
residential foundation
plan lesson.
The teacher will begin
presentation and
distribute handout
“Terms used with the
Foundation Plan” to
discuss the information
that are necessary to
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II. Discuss the difference between a Foundation Plan
and a Basement Plan.
A. Foundation Plan – The foundation plan is
usually the plan that indicates exactly
where the above ground structure is being
B. Basement Plan - The basement plan is a
plan that not only indicates where the
above ground structure is being built, but
because this is usually an underground
room, the same requirements are needed
to indicate what is being placed in this
“room” to make it functional. This “room”
will need to be made water resistant so
that seepage will not occur. Because of
certain water tables, basements are not
practical in some parts of the country.
Determine the style and the shape of your
A. Consider the geographical location of the
property it will be located on.
B. Consider where load-bearing walls and
components are in your home.
have included on a
Foundation Plan. This
information will be on
the Pop Quiz.
The teacher will
discuss the difference
between these two
Based on the
illustrations from
magazines, textbook,
and discussion about
reasons why certain
styles are acceptable
in certain areas of the
country and not in
others, students can
determine the
appropriate style and
shape of the home.
Students should also
consider why or why
not basements are
feasible for their area.
PowerPoints from
lesson and from
textbook can be used
to help with
IV. Determine if you are building masonry or other
type of home.
A. Determine where load-bearing walls are
1. A load-bearing wall is the wall in
which much of the weight and
stress of the building rest.
B. Determine why you need different types of
foundation designs for different types of
construction materials.
The teacher will
discuss with students
for understanding.
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1. Simply stated, if you are using a
concrete slab with reinforcement
steel, one type of design is needed.
2. If pier and beam construction is
used, then consideration as to the
location and size of these members
needs to be designed for the
particular requirements of the
building being built.
V. Students will make several sketches of the
Foundation Plan, identifying and locating the
A. Walls
B. Piers
C. Columns
D. Foundation for chimneys (fireplace)
E. Breaks for doors, windows, vent, and
access holes
F. Size and spacing of floor joists or trusses
G. Size of footings
H. Foundation walls
I. Supporting beams
J. Joist
K. Trusses
The teacher will use
PowerPoint slides to
show the steps for
sketching the
foundation plan.
Students will use
pencil and paper to
make sketches and
refine their work into
detailed sketch as the
teacher will be
checking with each to
question aspects of
the design.
As students sketch, the teacher will say: Explain why
parts of the foundation plan are located where they
are based on the guidelines listed in the textbook.
VI. Students will use CADD program to draw the
Foundation Plan and will
A. dimension the drawing
B. label the drawing
The teacher will refer
to the PowerPoint
slides for steps to draw
the foundation plan.
Students use CADD
program to dimension
and label drawing.
A notebook or folder is
maintained to keep
sketches, drawings,
examples, and
VII. Justify the plan.
A. Explain why parts of the foundation plan
are located where they are based on the
guidelines listed in the textbook.
B. Explain why you are using the particular
type of foundation for your home based on
the guidelines listed in the textbook.
Teacher has students
refer to textbook and
then justify their plan
through discussion.
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VIII. Students will review in one of the following ways:
A. by taking the Foundation Plan Pop Quiz
B. by answering questions at the end of the text
book chapter on “The Foundation Plan”
The teacher may
choose which method
of informal review to
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
The students are to make rough sketches of the house they want to build using pencil and paper.
As they are sketching, the teacher will be checking with each student to question the various
aspects of design. This is a very good place where critical thinking comes in to play. Once the
floor plan and elevations are determined, the student can then begin developing the proper type of
foundation plan to be used. The “WHY” is discussed and examined to make sure that all aspects
of the drawing/design are functional.
Teacher will say: Explain why parts of the foundation plan are located where they are based on
the guidelines listed in the textbook.
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
The student is to refine work into a detailed sketch showing the location of major components of
the foundation plan. Several trial and error sketches may be needed before one has a completed
acceptable design. Next the student will use CADD program to draw the foundation plan they have
sketched, and dimension and label the drawing.
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
The students will review by answering the questions at the end of the chapter on “Foundation
Plan” from the textbook.
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
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The students will be given a pop quiz on the elements that constitute a “Foundation Plan”
Pop Quiz:
1. What is a Foundation Plan?
2. List what information is necessary to have on a Foundation Plan.
3. Why is it important to show where fireplaces and chimneys are to be located?
4. Sketch the symbols for the following: concrete block, cast concrete, cinder concrete,
firebrick, slate, rock, gravel, sand, earth, flashing, structural clay tile, cut stone, rubble, face
brick, and common brick.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
The students will complete the “Foundation Plan” of the house they have been working on
showing the locations of joist, trusses and other components necessary for the foundation of the
house by meeting the guidelines in their textbook and the rubric provided with this lesson.
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
A. Have contractors/architects come and visit your class to explain and answer questions the
students might have about foundation plans and construction in general. This is a good
place for you to introduce your students to the construction trades as a profession.
B. Field trips to construction sites are invaluable when it comes to actually showing real life
applications for this area of employment.
C. Once all guidelines are met and the plan is complete, the student can use this plan to take
to any architect or contractor and they will be able to build their home from their plans.
They can go to the various contractors and receive bids as to what the cost of their home
should be, all based on their plan.
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Terms used with the Foundation Plan
Define the various terms used in the construction industry to identify the various features of the
Foundation Plan.
A. Footings - A masonry section, usually concrete, in a rectangular form. Wider than the bottom
of the foundation wall or pier it supports.
B. Foundation walls - The walls (sides) of the foundation.
C. Piers - A masonry pillar usually below a building to support the floor framing.
D. Column - A vertical structural support, usually round and made of steel.
E. Dwarf wall - A low wall built to retain an excavation or embankment.
F. Beam - A structural member transversely supporting a load.
G. Pilaster - A portion of a square column, usually set within or against a wall for the purpose of
strengthening the wall; also, a decorative column attached to a wall.
H. Truss - Structural members arranged and fastened in triangular units to form a rigid framework
for support of loads over a long span.
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Foundation Plan Pop Quiz
1. What is a Foundation Plan?
2. List what information is necessary to have on a Foundation Plan.
3. Why is it important to show where fireplaces and chimneys are to be located?
4. Sketch the symbols for the following:
A. Concrete block
B. Cast concrete
C. Cinder concrete
D. Firebrick
E. Slate
F. Rock
G. Gravel
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Foundation Pop Quiz
Page 2
H. Sand
J. Flashing
K. Structural clay tile
L. Cut stone
M. Rubble
N. Face brick
O. Common brick
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Foundation Plan Pop Quiz
1. What is a Foundation Plan? The foundation plan is the plan that shows the support for the
main structure.
2. List what information is necessary to have on a Foundation Plan.
A. Outline of the slab
B. Walls
C. Footings and piers with their size
D. Doors
E. Ductwork
F. Plumbing
G. Floor slopes
H. Concrete slab thickness, fill and reinforcement
I. Veneer ledges
J. Fireplace Footings
K. Floor drains
L. Heating registers
3. Why is it important to show where fireplaces and chimneys are to be located? This is
important because there is usually much more weight in this particular area, thus more steel
reinforcement and thickness of concrete is needed to provide the structural integrity necessary.
4. Sketch the symbols for the following:
A. Concrete block
B. Cast concrete
C. Cinder concrete
D. Firebrick
E. Slate
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Foundation Pop Quiz
Page 2
F. Rock
G. Gravel
H. Sand
J. Flashing
K. Structural clay tile
L. Cut stone
M. Rubble
N. Face brick
O. Common brick
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The Foundation Plan Rubric
Task Statement: Design and draw a foundation plan of a residential structure.
Task Assignment: Show the location and size of features of the foundation plan; determine the style and shape of the house, meet required guidelines.
Criteria Categories
Concepts/Skills to be Assessed:
(Novice to Exemplary)
Determining style and shape of house Little regard has been
Style and shape
Style and shape of house Style and shape of
based on property it is located on and given to the property
based only on the
works with the property’s
house enhances the
size of the property
where load-bearing walls and
and load-bearing walls
size and shape and load- property and loadand not load-bearing
components are located
bearing walls have been
bearing walls and
components have been
(20 Possible Points)
(1-5 points)
(5-10 points)
(10-15 points)
(15-20 points)
Identifying the location and size of
70% of the features of
80% of the features of 90% of the features of the All features of the plan
features of the foundation plan,
the plan are identified
the plan are identified
plan are identified with
have been identified
meeting the guidelines that must be
with little consideration
with most locations
correct location and sizes with correct location
given to location and
and sizes correct and
and meeting all
and sizes and meeting
(20 Possible Points)
size or guidelines
meeting most
all guidelines
(1-5 points)
(5-10 points)
(10-15 points)
(15-20 points)
Using proper techniques to draw the
Evidence that some of
Consideration for
Effective use of
Excellent use of all
correct symbols for the features used
the correct symbols for
using correct symbols
correct symbols for
correct symbols for
in your foundation plan
features in the
for features in the
features in the foundation features in the
foundation plan have
foundation plan is
plan is seen
foundation plan is seen
(20 Possible Points)
been used
(1-5 points)
(5-10 points)
(10-15 points)
(15-20 points)
Dimensioning and labeling the
Evidence of
Some dimensioning is Drawing has effective
Drawing has accurate
understanding of
evident and a few
dimensioning with most
dimensioning with all
dimensioning is present parts are labeled
parts labeled correctly
parts labeled correctly
with some labeling
(1-5 points)
(5-10 points)
(10-15 points)
(15-20 points)
(20 Possible Points)
Justifying plan
Little to no evidence
Emerging ability to
Ability to justify why
Excellent ability to
shown for the ability to
justify why portions
portions are located
justify plan why portions
(20 Possible Points)
justify aspects of the
are located where;
where; and why
are located where; and
and why dimensions
dimensions are what they why dimensions are
are what they are
what they are
(1-5 points)
(5-10 points)
(10-15 points)
(15-20 points)
A = 75-100 Points; B = 50-75 Points; C = 25-50 Points; D = 5-25 Points
Total Points:
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