Presentations School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) PRESENTATIONS AT THE BOARD MEETING June 13, 2011 Penticton Secondary Field Trip to Tanzania At the November 8, 2010 Board of Education meeting, the Penticton Secondary field trip to Tanzania was approved in principle. Vice Principal Sandra Richardson provided an overview of the final itinerary to the Board in consideration for last approval of the trip. Twenty-two students and 5 chaperones will participate in the trip from July 16 to August 6 and will build a classroom at Camp Moses, re-establish the school playground, and host a soccer tournament. Sandra Richardson, Vice Principal, Penticton Secondary School School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) PRESENTATIONS AT THE BOARD MEETING Presentations Page 2 District Literacy Plan Boards of Education are required, by legislation, to prepare and submit to the Minister of Education a District Literacy Plan with respect to improving the literacy of all citizens within the district. District Literacy Plans are developed by means of community-wide processes that include school districts as one of many partners. District Literacy Plans are multi-year, annually updated, plans that must be submitted to the Minister by July 15th each year. Community Literacy Coordinator Naomi Ludington provided a review of the accomplishments for the 2010-11 year as well as plans for the 2011-12 year. The community plan has focused around three key areas: Family Literacy, Adult/Workplace Literacy, and Health Literacy and the accomplishments of each were highlighted. Appreciation was extended to Ms. Ludington for her presentation. Naomi Ludington, Community Literacy Coordinator School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) PRESENTATIONS AT THE BOARD MEETING Presentations Page 3 Video Project: “Can You Change the World in 3 Minutes?” Penticton Secondary School Teacher Russ Stasiuk and his students have been working on a media project for a new magazine blog called “A Hopeful Sign”. The blog was created as a means to inspire and spread hope. Mr. Stasiuk presented an overview of the project as well as four videos prepared by the students. It was noted that the video prepared for WorksafeBC was selected as the provincial winner. Trustees extended appreciation to Mr. Stasiuk and the students for the presentation. Russ Stasiuk, Teacher, Penticton Secondary School School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) PRESENTATIONS AT THE BOARD MEETING Presentations Page 4 RECEIVING OF DELEGATIONS AND GUESTS The Board of Education recognized and thanked outstanding groups for their contributions to the school district during the 2010-11 school year: o Bill Binfet, Notary Public, for notarizing international student declaration forms on a complimentary basis; o Starbucks, Manager – Shelen Rasmussen, for supporting the Parkway Elementary breakfast club as well as various book drives; o Penticton Western News, Editor – Dan Ebenal, for advertising Wall of Fame recipients in their newspaper on a complimentary basis; and o Tom Evans, Volunteer – Queen’s Park Elementary, for assisting in the brown bag Lunch program. Ginny Manning, Chair and Steve Kidd, Penticton Western News School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) PRESENTATIONS AT THE BOARD MEETING Presentations Page 5 Ginny Manning, Chair and Tom Evans, Queen’s Park Elementary School, Volunteer