Class – IX Topic: HTML-I Syllabus: Basic webpage designing and enhancing the background properties of a webpage. Name of the Activity: Designing a poster for the webpage background on the topic ‘Healthy World Healthy Me’. Description: Each pair of students will present their idea using Ms. Paint and add a slogan to the webpage. Students will also write information in two paragraphs with different font properties. Separators should be used properly. Learning Outcome: Students will be able to: Add their creative stuff and drawings in a webpage. Able to put headings and titles on the webpage using tags. Get an understanding of tags and their attributes. Time Duration : 1 hr. Tool(s) Used: Image Editing Software (e.g. Ms. Paint) Text Editor (e.g. Notepad) Web Browser (e.g. Internet Explorer) Group Size : 2 students per group. Procedure: The class shall be divided into pairs of two and activity shall be announced one week in advance. Students shall be asked to do designing and planning on paper. They shall be allowed to carry the drawing to the lab. Students will create their drawing using Ms. Paint and then add them to a webpage using HTML programs. 1 hour shall be given to the students to perform the activity. The teacher shall supervise the practical activity. Criteria for assessment: Correctness of basic structure of a webpage Appropriate usage of background attribute, headings and paragraphs Aesthetic appeal TOTAL Assessment Rubrics: 30 MARKS 10 10 10 Criteria Correctness of basic structure of a webpage Appropriate usage of background attribute, headings and paragraphs Aesthetic appeal Excellent V. Good Good (10) All the tags correctly placed like <html>, <head>, <body>, <title>,<h1> etc. Correct syntax used, File path and File Extension and <H1> tag (8) Mostly tags correctly placed and used. (6) At least three tags correctly written. Correct syntax used, File path and File Extensions defined correctly. Correct Syntax but incorrect file location, Usage of <H1> tag. Correct syntax with few errors, Usage of <H1> Incorrect syntax and file address, No heading added. Few tools used, but presents the idea clearly. Good color schemes used. Needs to work on color combinations. Minimum tools used. No clear presentation of the topic. Creative Good Presentation poster with skills, Appropriate clear idea of color schemes. the topic. Maximum usage of tools and good color scheme Average Needs Improvement (4) (2) Head and body Tags used but tag correctly not correctly written. written. Follow Up: Students will be given an opportunity to understand their shortcomings and proper guidance shall be given for improvement.