ECSU Summer School Policies and Procedures
October 1, 2007 (amended 1/ 27/11)
ECSU Summer School Policies and Procedures
Elizabeth City State University
Mission Statement
Class Size
Course Policies
Course Minimum Enrollments/Cancellations
Excess Class Complement
Faculty Workload and Compensation Guidelines
Letter of Intent
The Block Schedule
Compensation for Supervision of Internships
Logistical Budget Allocations
Selection/ Compensation and Duties of Summer School Chairs
Course Evaluation
Distance Education
Student Registration
Student Billing/ Fees/ Refunds
Summer School Advisory Committee
Job Description: Director of Summer School
ECSU Summer School Policies and Procedures
In support of the mission of Elizabeth State University (ECSU), the Summer School
Program is committed to educating and preparing individuals for Baccalaureate Degree
programs in arts and sciences, selected professional and pre-professional areas, and
Master's Degree Programs in Elementary Education, Biology, School Administration and
Mathematics. Elizabeth City State University offers a challenging and supportive
environment that prepares its students, for knowledgeable, responsible participation and
leadership in an ever changing, technologically advanced global society. The University
promotes excellence in teaching as its primary responsibility to meet the needs of the
students and citizens of the state. Through its teaching, research and community outreach,
the university seeks to identify and address the needs of northeastern North Carolina with
particular attention to supporting its environmentally sensitive economic development.
The goal of the Summer School Program is to offer a wide range of undergraduate and
graduate courses needed by the greatest number of ECSU students to fulfill their general
education and degree requirements. In addition to regular day-time courses, offerings
include a variety of distance learning and evening courses.
Students attend the summer session for a variety of reasons:
o To accelerate their progress toward a degree;
o To take courses which they missed during the regular academic year;
o To satisfy course deficiencies;
o To concentrate on one or two particularly difficult courses;
o To take advantage of the summer sessions' smaller classes and atmosphere;
o To change academic or geographic environment;
o To enrich their cultural and intellectual pursuits;
o To pursue their graduate education aspirations; and,
o To enhance their career prospects.
ECSU Summer School Policies and Procedures
Summer School will be comprised of three (3) separate and distinct sessions:
• One (1) ten-week main session
• One (2) five- week supplemental session
Dates for the Summer School sessions will be established by the Associate Vice
Chancellor for Academic Affairs, in consultation with the Director of Summer School
and within the constructs of ECSU calendaring guidelines. Each session of Summer
School will have its own specific operating calendar, as established by the Registrar in
consultation with the Director of Summer School. Dates will be set within each Summer
School session for each of the following actions:
Registration deadline without late fees
Residence Hall Availability
Class Schedules
Refund calendar
Holiday Schedule
Withdrawal with refunds and without refunds
Drop/add calendar
Course cancellation dates
Examination Schedule (mid-term and final)
Table “1” contains a sample summer school calendar and establishes the approved
Elizabeth City State University
Sample Summer School Calendar
June 2- July 16, 20XX
(Session I)
Mon – Thurs March 31 - April 11, 20XX Session 20XX (currently enrolled
students only)Academic Advisement/Pre-registration for Summer
Monday, June 2, 20XX
Residence Halls Open
Registration for Summer School at
K.E. White Center, 8:30a.m – 6:00p.m.
Tuesday, June 3, 20XX
Classes Begin at 8:00 a.m.
Wednesday & Thursday June 4- 5, 20XX Late Registration
Friday, June 6, 20XX
Last Day to Change Course(s)
Wednesday, June 11, 20XX
Last Day to Withdraw from the
and receive a refund
Tuesday - Wednesday, June 24- 25, 20XX Mid-Term
Friday, June 27, 20XX
Last Day to Withdraw from Courses with Grade
of "W"
Friday July 4, 20XX
Official Holiday
Monday, July 7, 20XX
Last Day to Withdraw from the University with a
Grade of "WD"
Monday - Tuesday, July 14- 15, 20XX
Final Exams
Wednesday, July 16, 20XX
Final Grade Reports due in the Registrar's
Office by 3:00 p.m.
End of Summer Session
ECSU Summer School Policies and Procedures
FINAL EXAMINATIONS: Final examinations, obligatory in most courses, are
given the last two days of the session. Special examinations to suit the
convenience of individual students will not be given.
Classes Meeting From – To
08:00 a.m. - 09:30
10:00 a.m. - 11:30
12:00 p.m. - 01:30
02:00 p.m. - 03:00
04:00 p.m. - 05:30
Final Exam Date/ Time
08:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
July 14
08:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
July 15
12:00 p.m. - 02:00 p.m.
July 14
12:00 p.m. - 02:00 p.m.
July 15
02:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
July 14
Table “1”
All departments are required to submit a preliminary Summer School course offering
schedule not later than the 15th of December and a finalized course offering schedule not
later than February 28th to the Office of Summer School. These course offering
schedules will contain as a minimum;
• Name and Nomenclature of the course
• Instructor
• Number of Semester Hours
• Time and days (utilizing the block schedule)
• Course Location
The Office of Summer School will submit the combined preliminary and finalized course
offering schedules in accordance with the schedule and deadlines established by the
Registrar. All Summer School course offerings, class schedules (e.g., class periods) will
adhere to the requirement of 900 contact minutes per one hour-credit course, including
the final examination. Contact-minute requirements for laboratory courses, internships,
etc. are guided by standards established by the University.
All course enrollments should adhere to the class size guidelines as outlined in Table 2.
Exceptions to these requirements should be submitted in writing to the appropriate Dean.
If approved, the Dean will forward the exception to the Director of Summer School who
will notify the Registrar to make appropriate adjustments to course limits. Faculty
compensation will be pro-rated for approved classes below the minimum and above the
maximum class capacity. Each independent study will be a separate section based on
number of hours of credit and instructor.
ECSU Summer School Policies and Procedures
Each section will carry a separate number code as the instructor of record will be
designated for grading and payroll purposes. Independent Study proposals must be signed
and submitted by the end of the stated registration period (i.e., the period with late
penalties) in order for the students to avoid late fees (late registration and late payment
fees) and faculty to be paid. Instructors teaching on-line during Summer School may
teach up to three (3 hour) on-line courses per summer (both sessions combined),
(maximum of nine hours). Exceptions to this limit should be submitted in writing with a
rationale for request to the appropriate Dean. If approved, the Dean will forward the
exception to the Director of Summer School. Summer schedules will be announced no
later than December 1 prior to the summer school term(s).
Class Size
Table “2” provides an overview of required class sizes as related to faculty
compensation. Class sizes are to be set to "Standard Course Limit." Exceptions must be
requested in writing, approved by the appropriate dean, and submitted to the Director
Summer School. For details on faculty compensation, see "Workload and Compensation
Guidelines. For details on course cancellation policies, see "Course Minimum
Enrollments/ Cancellations.
Class Capacity
Teacher Partnership
Table “2”
Course Minimum Enrollments/Cancellations
Course cancellations are coordinated by the Director of Summer School in consultation
with individual faculty and in accordance with cancellation dates as established by the
registrar and student billing. Generally, these cancellation dates are established as the
end of week 1 or by the date established by the Registrar. The registrar will at that time
automatically cancel all courses that have “zero” enrollment. Individual faculty members
make the decision regarding course continuation or cancellation in concert with the
Director of Summer School due to low enrollment; no course is cancelled without first
consulting with the faculty member teaching the course. The decision to continue or
cancel a course is made in consultation with the Director of Summer School no later than
the first day of the second week of summer school. Course cancellation dates are noted
and forwarded to the registrar. In no case will a class be retained until the first class day
of any Summer School session and then cancelled solely if enrollment does not meet the
faculty member's expectations.
ECSU Summer School Policies and Procedures
Compensation is guaranteed at the enrollment level established at the date of stabilization
on course continuation/cancellation, with the exception of internship supervision, which
will be paid at actual enrollment levels. Should the enrollment subsequently increase,
compensation will increase based on established compensation schedules (see Table 3).
Should the enrollment decrease, faculty compensation will not be decreased, but will
remain at the level established on the date of stabilization regarding course
continuation/cancellation. With less than full enrollment, a prorated portion of the full
salary will be paid. (See Faculty Workload and Compensation Guidelines).
Excess Class Complement
Excess Class Complement is defined as: A class size exceeding 150% of minimum class
enrollment. The policy regarding excess class complement is as follows: "Faculty
members teaching more than one course and having excess class complement in one
course can expect to have this excess applied to a second course in the same session only
when the enrollment of 5 undergraduate or 3 graduate students exists in the second
course." The course enrollment/compensation guidelines, as outlined in Table “2”, and
Table “3” establishes specific required maximum course enrollments and related
compensation levels (also see Table “3”).
Faculty Workload and Compensation Guidelines
Instructors may teach up to two (3hour) courses (6 semester hours) per session.
Exceptions to this limit should be submitted in writing with a rationale for request to the
appropriate Dean. If approved, the Dean will forward the exception to the Director of
Summer School Therefore, the maximum number of on-site or on-line courses any
individual faculty member may teach during Summer School is any equivalency of 6
hours operating at maximum enrollments.
If a faculty member is supervising internships, then he/she may teach an additional course
or courses if the total credit hours generated in a combination of internship supervision
and course instruction do not exceed the maximum credit hours generated as previously
cited. A Letter of Intent (LOI) will be prepared by the Office of Summer School and
forwarded to each instructor not later than April 30th specifying each course (name and
nomenclature) and the projected compensation level. (See Letter of Intent)
The projected compensation level will be based on instructor rank and credit hours taught
without adjustment. As outlined in Table “3”, compensation for on-site or on-line
teaching is based on a combination of class size, faculty rank and student enrollment
beyond the standard course limit as illustrated in Table “2”. Faculty compensation rates
are reviewed annually and are subject to cost of living adjustments. The Director Summer
School will establish faculty compensation three-four days after late registration for all
Summer School semesters.
ECSU Summer School Policies and Procedures
Official contracts and information on pay dates will then be processed and forwarded to
the faculty. If there is a last-minute change in faculty assignment, the Director of Summer
School must be notified immediately so that the contract and payment process for the
replacement faculty can be initiated. Faculty teaching courses with enrollments of less
than ten (undergraduate) or five (graduate) will receive a pro-rated level of compensation,
a 10% reduction per student enrollment less than ten (undergraduate) or a 20% reduction
per student enrollment less than five (graduate). Faculty will be compensated at the same
reduction per-student rate for both on-site courses and online courses. The reverse will
apply for classes exceeding the maximum (as listed in Table “2”). Faculty teaching
courses with enrollments of more than 25 (undergraduate) or 12 (graduate) will receive
an adjusted level of compensation, a 10% increase per student enrollment of more than
25 undergraduate or 20% per student enrollment of more than 12 graduate.
Letter of Intent
Each Instructor identified to teach a course during the Summer School will be issued a
Letter of Intent (LOI) not later than 10 business days prior to the first day of class. This
LOI will list as the minimum; the name, number, credit hours, and length of each course
and the expected compensation. The compensation in the letter of intent is based upon
academic rank, the number of credit hours. LOI’s will be delivered through traditional or
electronic mail. Original signatures (physical or electronic) will signify the instructor’s
agreement to teach the courses listed based on the minimum enrollment of ten (10) or
more students for undergraduate courses or five (5) or more for graduate courses is
required. The University reserves the right to cancel courses which do not have a
minimum of five (5) people per undergraduate course or a minimum of three (3) people
per graduate course enrolled.
Adjunct Faculty Administrative and Logistical Support
All issues involving the appointment/ hiring process, office space provided, telephone
access, computer access, keys, office hours, university parking fees, e-mail address,
teaching load, syllabi, textbooks, photocopying, access to university polices, and other
administrative/ logistical matters in support of adjunct faculty members teaching during
Summer School will be prescribed by existing university and individual school policy.
Sample Summer Faculty Salary Scale
Rate per Credit Hour
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Visiting Assistant Professor
Adjunct Instructor
ECSU Summer School Policies and Procedures
Associate Professor
All Ranks
Table “3”
ECSU Summer School Policies and Procedures
The Block Schedule
A block schedule format will be used for all formal classroom instructions. These block
schedules are set in line to achieve the required 900 minute contact time and must be
strictly followed. Block scheduling presents an organized, easy to understand format that
prevents schedule conflicts and confusion. No student will be allowed to register for
classes with duplicate block numbers. Online classes will be exempt from block
scheduling. Instructors are encouraged to follow these schedules maintaining strict
attendance. Instructors are permitted to alter block scheduling in order to meet specific
laboratory requirements. Extended scheduling (laboratory) should be approved by the
individual chair person. A sample block schedule is included at “Table 4”
Summer School Time Period Schedule (2011)
Main Session (10-Week)
3 hour Class
Mon- Fri
Time Period
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
2:00 PM
4:00 PM
6:00 PM
8:00 PM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
3:00 PM
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
9:00 PM
2 Hour Class
Time Period
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
2:00 PM
4:00 PM
6:00 PM
8:00 PM
9:50 AM
10:50 AM
12:50 PM
2:50 PM
4:50 PM
6:50 PM
8:50 PM
1 Hour Class
Time Period
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
2:00 PM
4:00 PM
6:00 PM
8:00 PM
8:45 AM
10:45 AM
12:45 PM
2:45 PM
4:45 PM
6:45 PM
8:45 PM
Table “4”
ECSU Summer School Policies and Procedures
Compensation for Supervision of Internships
The rate paid will be based on 1/10 of posted compensation rate (based on the faculty
rank) times the number of hours supervised. Internship supervisors are expected to abide
by specific guidelines, as established by policy (below). The maximum amount that can
be earned in the supervision of internships in any given summer and by any individual
faculty member is the equivalent of three (3) sections of 3 credit internships, with ten
students enrolled in each section (classroom or online) 3 × 3 × 10 × $60.00 = (a total of
$5,400). However, if the appropriate dean recognizes extenuating circumstances that
may require an individual faculty member to supervise more than this amount, then the
dean may approve an overload and submit said overload, in writing, to the Director of
Summer School. Compensation will then be adjusted at a per-student rate over and above
the maximum amount noted. Individual departments may identify as many internship
supervisors as are needed to meet student demand. These policies apply to all forms of
supervised internships.
Internship supervisors for summer interns will perform the following minimum
• Meet during the previous fall and/or spring semesters to orient internship
applicants and verify the eligibility of the applicants.
• Plan and facilitate the placement of students who satisfy eligibility criteria.
• Maintain regular contact with the interns after placement, including making site
visits within the northeastern North Carolina and Southeastern Virginia regions.
• Sustain periodic contact with the on-site supervisors of the interns.
• Foster a constructive relationship at the internship site and act on behalf of the
mutual interests of all concerned.
• Assign grades based on departmental expectations.
• Establish and conduct appropriate assessments as approved by the department
chair and dean.
• Academic departments have exclusive prerogative to determine the following
academic procedural matters.
o Approve faculty as internship supervisors.
o Select or approve internship sites.
o Establish the internship approval process including verification of
o Specify grading and determine the evaluation process of the students
Departments set the maximum limits for internship sections. Any exceptions to these
policies regarding internship duties are to be approved by the appropriate dean and
submitted to the Provost for approval and to the Director of and Summer School for
eventual implementation.
ECSU Summer School Policies and Procedures
Logistical Budgets
Separate operating and logistical budget allotments for departments offering courses in
Summer School are established through the Summer School budget, a funding source
separate from State-generated funds. As such, specific guidelines apply, as outlined in
the remainder of this section. Budgets allotments are set and distributed by March 1st to
all departments for course offerings during the coming Summer School sessions to
support at least 30 undergraduate credit hours or at least 24 graduate credit hours.
Logistical budgets are established by the Director of Summer School based on $10 per
offered (departmental) credit hour is established as the minimum budget allotment,
however, an evaluation of projected needs, past budgets, and past expenditure levels will
be taken into consideration. Adjustments will be made, if necessary, after final
enrollments are posted for the first session of Summer School. Budget allotments are to
be used for supplies and logistical departmental needs in support of summer school.
Supply requisitions utilizing these budgets will be prepared and forwarded to the Office
of Summer School not later than April 1st by each department chair. Requisitions not
received by the establish suspense date will not be accepted and the departmental budget
allotments will be forfeited. Copies of submitted requisitions will be forwarded to the
appropriate dean. Expenditure of summer funds is left to the discretion of the department
chair. Funds from Summer School budgets cannot be transferred into departmental
"regular" operating accounts.
Selection and Duties of Summer School Chairs
Summer School department chairs will be selected at the discretion of the individual
dean. The summer school department chair should when possible be the incumbent or
incoming chair. Summer chairs will be paid at the levels identified in the letter of intent
in addition to instructor compensation when applicable.. Letters of Intent will be prepared
for summer chairs in accordance with the policies established above under
department assigned.
Departmental chairs are responsible for the following:
• The timely adherence of all deadlines established above in regard but not limited
to course offerings, budget allocations, etc.
• To act as the official spokesperson and liaison for assigned instructors. The Office
of Summer School will in turn direct all communications with assigned
instructors through the departmental chair.
• Provide a copy of the course syllabus used for each course offered.
• Serve as the first line problem solver for his/her department.
• To ensure university policies and procedures regarding classroom and online
instruction are strictly adhered to.
• To ensure that each course being offered through his/her department meets the
minimum requirement of 900 contact minutes per one hour-credit course,
including the final examination.
• The adherence to posted mid-term and final examination schedules as well as the
timely posting of associated grades.
ECSU Summer School Policies and Procedures
The distribution and administration of course evaluations.
To make random visits to classrooms and gain periodic access to online
classrooms during the summer sessions paying special attention to new instructors
(both physical and virtual).
Complete a reminders and checkout form for each instructor assigned prior to the
end of summer school.
Summer School chairs will be furnished with a “Summer School Chair Packet” not later
than May 15th. This chair packet will contain as a minimum the following:
Summer School schedule and examinations schedules
A current list of directors, Advisory Committee members, and Chairpersons
Summer School Logistical allocations
Applicable policies, declarations, reports, memos, permits, forms and documents
Reminders and check-out procedures
Course Evaluations
Departments will use the University's standard "Student Evaluation of Instruction"
instrument to evaluate courses. On-line courses will use the instrument as developed by
the Director of Distance Education. Because not all faculty teach during Summer School,
the results of course evaluations should not be incorporated, formally or informally, into
annual faculty evaluations. Departments should use Summer School course evaluations to
evaluate and improve future course instruction.
Distance Education
Faculty members are eligible to teach online courses after completion of the following 4
1. Faculty will complete of all five Blackboard professional development
workshops. These workshops include:
a. Bb Content Areas Introduction
b. Bb Management of Course Options
c. Bb Course Tools
d. Bb Grade book
e. Bb Test and Surveys
These modules have been divided into five sections in an effort to
provide comprehensive and detailed professional development workshops for
each area of the Blackboard learning management system. For more information
about Blackboard and the workshop descriptions see Professional Development.
ECSU Summer School Policies and Procedures
2. Faculty will use the “Blackboard Development Checklist for Online Courses”
form as a checklist to verify they have included all of the required items in their
online course in Blackboard. The purpose of the Blackboard Development
Checklist for Online Courses is to provide a consistent
organizational/navigational format and to provide content guidelines for faculty to
incorporate when transferring a face-to-face course to the online environment.
3. Faculty will complete sections 1 and 2 of the “Request for Approval to Teach an
Online Course” form. Send the “Request for Approval to Teach an Online
Course” form to the Office of Distance Education via email (Kim Stevenson or
Loretta Powers ), fax (3426), or campus mail (Campus Box 924) once the course
is ready for review.
Note: The “Request for Approval to Teach an Online Course” form must be
completed for each course a faculty member plans to develop as an online course.
Whether you have taught online or not in the past, all faculty are now required to
complete the "Request for Approval to Teach an Online Course” form for
any online courses you plan to develop and teach.
4. The Office of Distance Education will use the Blackboard Development Checklist
for Online Courses form to verify that your course meets the requirements to be
delivered as an online course.
a. If your course meets the requirements to be delivered online, your Request
for Approval to Teach an Online Course form will be forwarded to your
department Chair to approve for online delivery. The form will then be
forwarded to the Dean for final approval for online delivery. The Chair
will submit the course to the registrar's office to be offered online during
the desired semester by the approved Instructor.
b. If your course does not meet the requirements to be delivered online and
needs to be revised, your Request for Approval to Teach an Online Course
form will be returned to you with the Blackboard Development Checklists
for Online Courses attached. Items that did not meet the requirements
should be revised. Once revisions have been made, notify the Office of
Distance Education that your course is ready for review.
Student Registration
Summer schedules will be announced as of March 1, with registration for all summer
sessions beginning on the first week of April and ending at dates established by the
Registrar in consultation with the Director of Summer School. See the "Calendars"
section of this policy guide for more information. Student course loads (for both
graduates and undergraduates) should be limited to nine semester hours in Summer
School. Exceptions to these limits should be approved by the student's academic advisor,
department chair, dean and The Director of Summer School. This approval document will
allow the registrar to use established procedures for overriding of credit hour limits per
ECSU Summer School Policies and Procedures
Students enrolling in on-line courses must adhere to all policies regarding registration.
Any exceptions are outlined in the section on "On-Line Courses." All requests for actions
beyond the guidelines of the Registrar must be submitted directly to and approved by the
Director of Summer School within the confines of University guidelines regarding
academic policies.
Student Billing/Fees/Refunds
No bills are distributed for Summer School. Students are expected to pay their tuition
and fees prior to the first day of class. Students are entitled to a full refund of tuition if
they withdraw from Summer School prior to the beginning of the late registration period,
a date established by the Registrar in consultation with the Director of Summer School. If
a student withdraws from a course during free drop/add and enrolls in another course
during Summer School sessions, then he/she will not be liable for any charges related to
enrollment in the previous course. Tuition refunds for Summer School will be pro-rated
as published in the Summer School Calendar. For special courses of short
duration…policy applied on a pro-rata basis in a manner consistent with the policy. All
students enrolled in an on-line course during Summer School are required to attend an
on-site orientation or complete a web-based orientation conducted by the instructor prior
to the beginning of the term. The orientation session provides important course
information, includes instruction on the use of the Blackboard Learning System, and
introduces the instructor to the students. Students wishing to drop an on-line course
during the free drop/add period may, in lieu of their actual presence on campus provide a
written request to the Registrar indicating the student's desire to withdraw and must
include the student's signature.
Summer School Advisory Committee
The ECSU Summer School advisory committee is composed of 14 key faculty and staff
members. These are appointed memberships based on position and are chaired by the
Director of Summer School:
The Associate Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs
Deans of all four Academic Schools
The University Registrar and Assistant Registrar
Director of Admissions & Recruitment
Director of Distance Learning
Director of Graduate Studies
Chair of General Studies
Director of University Relations
President of the SGA (Student Government Association)
Director of Housing & Residence Life
The ECSU Summer School Advisory Committee is responsible for the orderly
discussions of all relevant issues that effect operation, growth, and efficiency of the
Summer School program.
ECSU Summer School Policies and Procedures
The committee operates under established parliamentary rules and procedures that meet
semi-annually (additional meetings are scheduled when needed). Policies and procedures
are amended or adopted to facilitate short and long range strategic planning. The Summer
School Advisory Committee will review current policies relating to Summer School. The
Advisory Committee will also recommend marketing strategies and implement initiatives
to generate an increase in summer school enrollment as well as the number and types of
courses available to students during these academic terms.
The key benefit realized from maintaining an advisory committee is our ability to solicit
opinions from diverse viewpoints and gauge how our implementation decisions affect
their particular sphere of influence. The Summer School Advisory Committee shall have
two officers: a Chair and a Secretary. The Secretary will be elected by members of the
Advisory Committee. The secretary’s key duty is to record and post committee minutes.
The Chair will be a nonvoting member of the Advisory Group. Regular meetings of the
Advisory Group will meet once during each academic semester. Additional meetings may
be called by the Chair of the Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee may, at its
discretion, invite additional individuals with particular expertise to participate in its
deliberations. A simple majority of the voting membership shall constitute a quorum, and
recommendations of the Advisory Committee must be approved by a simple majority of
the members present and voting.
Job Description: Director of Summer School
The Director of Summer School will perform the following duties:
• Provide general administrative oversight of the Summer School.
• Work closely with department chairs to develop
Summer School course schedules.
• Coordinate, in conjunction with the College deans, the evaluation/assessment of
all Summer School offerings.
• Coordinate and implement marketing strategies for Summer School in order to
increase enrollments and revenues.
• Coordinate, with the Registrar the day-to-day operating strategies Summer
• Develop and distribute individual department operating budgets for Summer
School. Review and act upon requests from students regarding requests for
decisions outside the normal operating guidelines of Summer School (e.g.,
requests for refunds, requests for waiver of late fees, etc.).
• Chair the Summer School Advisory Committee.
• Manage the marketing budget for Summer School
• Prepare and submit a complex analysis of summer school activities deriving
“lessons learned” and presenting recommendations that will further improve The
Office of Summer School’s ability to provide the right courses and create the right
environment for the continued success of the program.
ECSU Summer School Policies and Procedures
The Director of Summer School shall coordinate and implement a dual level marketing
program consisting of:
Strategic Marketing to determine how Summer School competes against its competitors
in the market place. Our particular aim is to generate a competitive advantage relative to
our competitors.
Operational Marketing to execute marketing functions in order to attract and keep
students and to maximize the value derived for them, as well as to satisfy the student with
prompt services and meeting the student’s expectations. Operational Marketing includes
the determination of the marketing mix, techniques and strategies to fulfill the following
The creation of a quality "product" in the development of a learning environment
that combines quality courses and effective, student-friendly policies and
The dissemination of timely, effective advertising and communication to a wide
variety of publics that may be prospective students utilizing print, radio, television
and other media.
A copy of this manual as well as a list of official Summer School will be posted on
the ECSU Website {Forms and documents} {Summer