2014 t-Centered Therap He ar The Archetype of Protector and Saboteur Embedded in the Nervous System Conference ie s June 19-22, 2014 Oak Brook - Chicago DoubleTree by Hilton - Oak Brook ~ ConferenceProgram ~ Thursday - Pre-Conference Workshop Pre-Conference 10:00 - 4:30 Presenters: Manoj & Jyothi Chalam Archetypal Significance of Murtis Presenters: Diane Zimberoff & David Hartman Shadows, Archetypes, and Shock 10:00 - 4:30 Friday - Pre-Conference Workshop 10:00 - 5:30 Jyothi & Manoj Chalam Presenter: James Hollis, PhD Dark Selves: Shadow Encounters in Our Personal and Professional Lives Reunion with hors doeuvres - Everyone Welcome! 6:00 - 7:00 Saturday - Conference Presentations & Banquet 7:00 - 8:00 8:00 - 9:00 9:00 -10:30 Two day Conference 10:45 - 11:45 12:00 - 2:00 2:00 - 3:00 3:15 - 4:15 7:00 - 8:00 8:00 - 10:00 Kirtan with Joey Lugassy and the band Registration James Hollis Keynote Address by James Hollis Clinical Applications of the Wounded Healer Archetype Choice: 1. Trauma, Spirit Helpers and Posttraumatic Growth - Darleen Lindstrom 2. Holding the Space of Wholeness - Victoria Wilson-Jones Lunch at Networking Tables Choice: 1. Kicking and Screaming - the Role of the Saboteur - Susan Heckler 2. Client Insight through Circus Archetypes - Sharon DelConte Choice: 1. Moving Toward Wholeness through Mastermind - Sally Valentine, Julie Milne, Barbara Olszanski, Francesca Richardson Shue 2. Archetypes and Murtis - Manoj and Jyothi Chalam Banquet Musical Entertainment: The Beatles Yoga - Tracing their Spiritual Journey Sunday - Conference Plenary Session & Closing 7:30 - 8:30 9:00 - 9:30 9:30 - 11:00 11:30 - 12:00 Kirtan chanting with Joey Lugassy and the band Welcoming Master Class Panel Discussion Jung and Hypnotherapy with Diane Zimberoff, Yvonne Christman, and David Hartman Closing The Beatles changed the world spiritually as well as musically. Join Phil Goldberg, author of the awardwinning American Veda, and ace musicians led by Emmy nominated bhakti rock artist Joey Lugassy for audios, videos and live music to illuminate the Beatles spiritual story. rev. 4-2-14 3716 - 274 t h Av e n u e S E , I s s a q u a h , WA 9 8 0 2 9 ( 8 0 0 ) 3 2 6 - 4 418 H 2014 eart-Centered Therapies The Archetype of Protector and Saboteur Embedded in the Nervous System Conference June 19-22, 2014 Oak Brook - Chicago DoubleTree by Hilton - Oak Brook ~ Pre-Conference Workshops ~ Thursday - Pre-Conference Workshop Form & Formless: Hindu/Buddhist Archetypes & Enlightenment Dr. Manoj and Jyothi Chalam This workshop will be a combination of philosophy and experiential spiritual practices. Topics discussed will be Archetypes of Hindu/Buddhist deities, Vedanta Philosophy, Mantra and Kirtan chantings, Mythology, Meditation and Satsang. Using statues to illustrate, Manoj will relate the symbolism of Hindu and Buddhist deities to the archetypes within us. Through mythology, learn the four ways to work with them as part of a spiritual practice. Discover how knowing and working with your archetypes can profoundly shift you, especially during moments of life transitions. Jyothi will illuminate the practices and knowledge of Vedanta that lead to great peace of mind and prepares you for the goal of analyzing and realizing the Self, or ultimate freedom. When learnt and properly assimilated, this knowledge has the power to make you immortal. Jyothi & Manoj Chalam Thursday - Pre-Conference Workshop Shadows: Jungian Aspects of Heart-Centered Therapies Diane Zimberoff and David Hartman Shadow parts are like the blind spots in our rear view mirror. One moment we look out of the mirror and it looks as if we have a clear view, no cars in sight. Then suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, a car appears dangerously close to us! Where did that come from? Similarly in our lives, we may be having a discussion with our partner, co worker or friend and suddenly "a shadow part" is triggered, reacts to something said, and jumps out, seemingly without your permission or even awareness! The power of the Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy work in these situations, when shadow parts jump out, is that we offer many tools and techniques to help that rear view mirror give a clear and realistic picture of the traffic which may be there ready to take you over. This is accomplished by providing the tools to clearly work with trance states and with the deep subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is a gold mine ready to be explored through hypnotherapy, to reveal what has been deeply burried within all of us. Diane Zimberoff & David Hartman Friday - Pre-Conference Workshop Dark Selves: Shadow Encounters in Our Personal and Professional Lives Dr. James Hollis For each of us there are energies, motives, agendas which operate outside our conscious control and sometimes are contrary to our professed values. These energies, which Jung collectively identified as the Shadow, might best be defined not as evil, but as that which makes us uncomfortable with ourselves. Such energies represent an enormous invitation for greater consciousness, for living more ethically, and whose integration brings a greater possibility of wholeness. This program will define and illustrate the many ways in which the Shadow operates in personal and professional life. This workshop is designed to bring insight to these questions: What is meant by the concept of The Shadow? How does the Shadow show up in personal, psychological life? How does the Shadow manifest collectively in social settings? How does one gain a greater awareness of the personal and collective Shadow? What Shadow issues may show up between therapist and client? James Hollis 3716 - 274 t h Av e n u e S E , I s s a q u a h , WA 9 8 0 2 9 ( 8 0 0 ) 3 2 6 - 4 418 2014 Heart-Centered Therapies Conference The Archetype of Protector and Saboteur Embedded in the Nervous System ConferencePresentations Saturday - Conference Presentations June 19-22, 2014 Oak Brook - Chicago DoubleTree by Hilton CEUs Available NASW approval #886422919 NBCC approval #5460 8:00 Registration 9:00 Keynote Address by James Hollis Clinical Implications of the Wounded Healer Archetype The Wounded Healer is a term created by psychologist Carl Jung. A psychotherapist is compelled to treat patients because the therapist himself is "wounded". That wounding may cause the therapist to be personally reactive to the clients issues due to blind spots in the therapists objectivity with his client, resulting in unconscious countertransference. And yet, one of Jungs closest colleagues, Marie Louise Von Franz, said the wounded healer IS the archetype of the Self [our wholeness, the God within] and is at the bottom of all genuine healing procedures. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1. Learn to identify the Wounded Healer at work within. 2. Recognize the clinical implications of falling under the spell of this archetype. 3. Develop an appreciation for how this archetype can become a great resource for the conscious therapist. 10:45 1. Trauma, Spirit Helpers and Posttraumatic Growth - Darleen Lindstrom The presentation presents the findings of a phenomenological study in which eight participants were interviewed about their connection to a Spirit Helper while experiencing trauma. Participants were clearly able to distinguish between alter/ego-state experiences versus Spirit Helper experiences. The reconnection to such experiences, often through hypnosis, serves as a catalyst for posttraumatic growth and healing. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1. Identify the core features of traumatic experiences that are likely to result in the experience of spirit helpers 2. Identify the assessment criteria regarding differences between alter or ego states versus Spirit Helpers 3. List the posttraumatic growth outcomes of reconnecting, often through hypnosis, to the initial trauma-based Spirit-Helper connection as well as connecting in real time to Spirit-Helpers. 10:45 2. Holding the Space of Wholeness - Victoria Wilson-Jones One of the most powerful skills in counseling is holding "heart centered presence". Healing begins the momentÊa client steps into a healer's energy field, providing that the practitioner's field is large enough and grounded enough to create a container that invites the client into their next level of growth and healing. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1. Identifying the 5 attributes of the heart chakra.: Unconditional love, Compassion, Innate harmony, Healing presence, The call to service 2. Techniques for focusing on and opening opening the heart chakra energy. 3. Techniques in expanding one's energy field and holding healing space. 12:00 Lunch at Networking Tables rev. 3-18-14 3716 - 274 t h Av e n u e S E , I s s a q u a h , WA 9 8 0 2 9 ( 8 0 0 ) 3 2 6 - 4 418 2014 Heart-Centered Therapies Conference ConferencePresentations Saturday - Conference Presentations CEUs Available NASW approval #886422919 NBCC approval #5460 2:00 1. Kicking and Screaming - the Role of the Saboteur - Susan Heckler Using case examples I will discuss how trauma led to saboteur behavior like panic disorder, agoraphobia, compulsive, addictive, and help-seeking / help-rejecting behavior. By helping the client to heal the relationship between the wounded childself and the protector-saboteur, we reduce symptoms and offer hope and healing. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1. Learn to reframe the presence of the saboteur in the therapeutic relationship. 2. Learn how protectors can become valuable resources. 3. Become more aware of ones own (therapists) protectors and how they become triggered by those of the client. 2:00 2. Client Insight through Circus Archetypes - Sharon DelConte An introduction into how to facilitate a clients ability to more clearly see their own strengths, shadows, and belief system while experiencing an archetypal encounter with Circus Characters. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1. Review the concept of Jungian Archetypes and the healing process. 2. Demonstrate how personal defenses are lowered when presented with fanciful circus characters as a focal point. 3. Personally experience insight into ones own subconscious through the use of the collective unconscious through Circus Archetypes. 3:15 1. Moving Toward Wholeness through Mastermind - Sally Valentine, Julie Milne, Barbara Olszanski, Francesca Richardson A functioning Master Mind group for the last 8 years explores a new dimension to the Master Mind process. Pairing Jungs concept of the four functions with the four elements, we explore this interaction and its relevance in the Mastermind process as a potential for spiritual integration, wholeness and love. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1. Explore the predominant element of their personality as well as their Jungian personality type. 2. Describe how integrating the four elements in the Mastermind process can expand new dimensions of growth and healing. 3. Discuss how exploring the energy of the four elements and Jungian personality types offers movement towards wholeness. 3:15 2. Archetypes and Murtis - Manoj and Jyothi Chalam Using statues to illustrate, we will relate the symbolism of Hindu and Buddhist deities to the archetypes within us. Through mythology, we will uncover hidden symbolisms and learn the four ways to work with them as part of a healing practice. Discover how knowing and working with your archetypes can profoundly shift you, especially healing us from deeply embedded trauma, and how these ancient teachings have practical relevance to your life, bringing peace of mind and uncovering our underlying common spirit. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1. Learn how the knowledge of Karma helps you answer the question "Why do bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people?" 2. Improve your quality of life by understanding exactly how karma works. 3. Find Your Personal Deity/Archetype. rev. 3-18-14 3716 - 274 t h Av e n u e S E , I s s a q u a h , WA 9 8 0 2 9 ( 8 0 0 ) 3 2 6 - 4 418 H 2014 eart-Centered Therapies Conference The Archetype of Protector and Saboteur Embedded in the Nervous System June 19-22, 2014 Oak Brook - Chicago DoubleTree by Hilton Conference Saturday Evening Saturday - Conference Evening 7:00 - 8:00 8:00 - 10:00 Banquet Musical Entertainment: The Beatles Yoga - Tracing their Spiritual Journey The Beatles changed the world spiritually as well as musically. Join Phil Goldberg, author of the award-winning American Veda, and ace musicians led by Emmy nominated bhakti rock artist Joey Lugassy for audios, videos and live music to illuminate the Beatles spiritual story. Conference Sunday Morning Sunday - Conference Plenary Session & Closing 7:30 - 8:30 9:00 - 9:30 9:30 - 11:00 11:30 - 12:00 Kirtan chanting with Joey Lugassy and the band Welcoming Master Class Panel Discussion Jung and Hypnotherapy with Diane Zimberoff, Yvonne Christman, and David Hartman Closing rev. 3-18-14 3716 - 274 t h Av e n u e S E , I s s a q u a h , WA 9 8 0 2 9 ( 8 0 0 ) 3 2 6 - 4 418