Course Syllabus Course Number: OTHA 2266 Course Name: Practicum I Revised 6-3-2014 Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 to 5:00 (or as determined by FWE) Semester Credit Hours: 2 Lecture Hours per week: 0 Lab Hours per week: 40 Contact Hours per Semester: 320 Prerequisites: All previous OTHA classes Co-Requisite: None Instructor: Cheri Lambert, MS, OTR Instructor’s Office Location and Phone Number: HSC Rm# 141, 903-694-4025 E-mail Address: Course Description: A method of instruction providing detailed education, training and work-based experience and direct patient/client care, generally at a clinical site. Specific detailed learning objectives are developed collaboratively by the faculty and clinical instructor. Establishing on-site clinical instruction, supervision, evaluation and placement is the responsibility of the college faculty. Clinical experiences are unpaid external learning experiences. Course may be repeated if topics and learning outcomes vary. This is the first of two capstone experiences which provide an opportunity for students to integrate and apply all previous didactic and clinical coursework. Purpose and Goals of the Course: As outlined in the learning plan, apply the theory, concepts, and skills involving specialized materials, tools, equipment, procedures, regulations, laws, and interactions within and among political, economic, environmental, social, and legal systems associated with the delivery of occupational therapy services. The student will demonstrate legal and ethical behavior, safety practices, interpersonal and teamwork skills, and appropriate written and verbal communication skills. Course’s Relationship to Curriculum: This course is the first of two capstone experiences for the student to demonstrate knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of the occupational therapy process while under the guided supervision of an occupational therapy practitioner. Assignments *AOTA Fieldwork Performance Evaluation (FWPE) All other assignments Weight 90% 10% Grading Scale % Score 70-100 69 or below Letter Grade Pass Fail * The student must earn no less than a ―3‖ on items 1 -3 on the FWPE which involve ethical and safety issues. Failure to do so will result in failure of this course. Note 1: No scores will be rounded. Note 2: All rules and regulations printed in the College catalog, The Pathfinder and the OTA Student Policy Manual will be reinforced throughout this course. Note 3: The OTA Program will not tolerate any form of academic dishonesty as defined in The Pathfinder or unethical behaviors as defined in the OTA Program’s Student Policy Manual. Any student participating in academic dishonesty or unethical behaviors of any type will receive a zero (0) on the assignment or exam and may be subject to further disciplinary action. Note 4: It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that the course instructor receives the original midterm and final fieldwork performance evaluations forms in a timely manner. If these documents are not received on the due date, a strike may be earned for each day late. Student Responsibilities 1. Students are expected to show respect for fellow classmates and instructors by being punctual for 2. 3. 4. all class periods. Students should complete all reading assignments and or lab assignments prior to class. Students are expected to participate actively in class discussions and experiences. It is the student’s responsibility to consistently monitor the class process through the use of the online learning management system. Students are expected to print out all course materials prior to the class date listed on the learning management system. Given this expectation, the student should maintain access to a reliable computer system to remain in good standing in the course. Students should notify the instructor in advance if unable to take a scheduled examination. If not, unexcused absence will result and the student will receive a zero for the exam. A make up test will not be given in this circumstance. 6. Students are responsible for all materials missed due to absences. 7. Grades or points allotted for daily work, quizzes, and labs cannot be made up in the case of an absence. Students are expected to turn in completed assignments on time. The course instructor may 8. extend the deadline if notified of extenuating circumstances prior to the due date. Students can expect a STRIKE for every day it is late. 9. Grades or points allotted for daily work, quizzes, and labs cannot be made up in the case of an absence. 10. Students are expected to accept constructive feedback and modify behavior as appropriate. 11. When interacting with peers, College staff and faculty, students are expected to be positive, sensitive, considerate, polite and tolerant. For specific conduct and behavior expectations, refer to the OTA Program Student Policy 12. Manual. 5. Attendance: Given the nature of this course, if students are absent, a specific make up plan must be created at the discretion of the fieldwork educator and course instructor in order to obtain the required 320 hours. In the event that a student is absent or arrives late, the student MUST notify both the fieldwork educator and the course instructor prior to the designated work shift. If you leave the site early, you must also notify both the fieldwork educator and the course instructor. Any student failing to adhere to this requirement will lose 5 points from his/her overall COURSE grade per event. For example, if you have a 70% average at the end of the semester and you failed to report one absence, your average will be adjusted to 65%, which would result in failure of the course. Try to talk to the fieldwork educator and OTA office secretary if at all possible—leave a message as a last resort for the fieldwork educator and get the name of the person taking the message. It’s very simple and professional to call if you are going to miss any portion of your assigned day. For additional specific attendance requirements, refer to the current Panola College Catalog and OTA Program Student Manual. If any student in this class has special classroom or testing needs because of a physical, learning, or emotional condition, please contact ADA Counselor in the Administration Building, telephone 903-693- OTHA 2266 – Practicum I – revised 6/14 Page 2 1123 to make arrangements for any required accommodations within the first seven days of the semester. Withdrawing from a course is the student’s responsibility. If you do not withdraw yourself, you will receive an F on your transcript for this course. Learning Objectives: 1. The student will identify and apply fundamentals of practice to maintain an ethical and safe clinical environment. 2. The student will show understanding of the basic tenets of occupational therapy by creating evidenced based treatment interventions that highlight the use of occupations. 3. The student will gather data, administer selected assessment tools, assist with interpretation of the information and collaborate with the OT to establish client centered, occupation based goals. 4. The student, in collaboration with the occupational therapist practitioner, will design, implement and modify occupation based therapeutic activities to meet the treatment goals of their clients. 5. The student will demonstrate the ability to establish a therapeutic relationship with clients by using his or her personality, insights, perceptions and judgments in a way that facilitates the accomplishment of established client goals. 6. The student will illustrate professionalism through verbal and written communications with peers, staff, clients and family members. 7. The student will identify and implement professional work behaviors including responding to feedback, time management, interpersonal skills and respect for cultural diversity. Note: There may be additional student learning objectives developed in collaboration with the fieldwork educator that is specific to the work setting and services provided by at the facility/site. Methods of Evaluation: Performance/ Method of Measurement Learning Outcome 1-7 The student will earn no less than a total average score of 70 out of 100 points as outlined in AOTA’s , Fieldwork Performance Evaluation for the Occupational Therapy Assistant Student (FWPE). This objective evaluates Learning Objectives #1-7. SCANS implemented in these course objectives include: II.D.i, I.A.i., I.A.ii, II.C.ii., I.B.v, I.B.i, I.B.ii, I.B.iii, I.C.iii, II.B.v.,, I.C.v., II.D.ii Texts, Materials, and Supplies: No new texts are required for this course, however students are expected to use all resources acquired to this point in their educational program to include: texts, notebooks, handouts and other materials provided. Evaluation/Assignment Descriptions: AOTA Fieldwork Performance Evaluation – 100% (Sample provided on Canvas) 1. This form must be completed within E-value by the end of the 4th week and on the last day of fieldwork. Late submission will result in disciplinary action and/or a two (2) point overall grade deduction per day if advance arrangements are not made with the instructor. 2. An overall score of at least a 70% must be achieved on the end-of-rotation evaluation in order to pass this course (regardless of the overall course grade). 3. A score of 3 or more must be achieved on the end-of-rotation evaluation on performance items 1-3 of this form to pass this course. OTHA 2266 – Practicum I – revised 6/14 Page 3 Student Evaluation of the Fieldwork Instruction Form – See example 1. This form must be completed within E-value at both the midterm and final evaluation. Late submission will result in disciplinary action and/or a two (2) point overall grade deduction per day if advance arrangements are not made with the instructor. 2. Professional constructive comments are required on this form to support your FWEd’s awareness of their skills as an instructor. 3. Each submission of this assignment will be graded on the quality of feedback given for each section, 10 points per section for a total of 60 pts. Midterm Performance Overall Rating - See example 1. This form must be completed within E-value by the end of the 4th week of your rotation. Late submission will result in disciplinary action and/or a two (2) point overall grade deduction per day. Fieldwork Manual Assignment Refer to the document ―Recommended Content for Fieldwork Manual‖ for this assignment. Not counting #8, the OTPF, there are 16 sections in the manual that you might consider developing or enhancing specifically at your site. You will need to collaborate with your FWE to complete this assignment. For example, if your FWE has a preference for which areas of the manual he or she would like for you to develop or enhance, you will follow their lead. For this assignment you must: 1. Fully describe the setting in which you are completing your fieldwork (includes facility, types of patients, typical caseload, FWE name and credentials, etc.). 2. Address #4 by developing at least two site-specific objectives linked to one or more of the 25 broader objectives on the evaluation form (there are resources for examples on the FW resources section of the PC OTA website). 3. Pick one other area in the ―recommended content‖ section to develop or enhance. 4. Pick one area in the ―additional information‖ section to develop or enhance. 5. Submission of this assignment will be in electronic format, in ONE MS word document. Grading will be as follows: OTHA 2266 – Practicum I – revised 6/14 Page 4 Panola College OTA Program Student Evaluation of Fieldwork Instruction Student Name: ______________________________Course: __________________ Facility Name: __________________________________________ This evaluation tool should be completed (typed) by the student and discussed with the fieldwork educator (FWE) by the last week of the fieldwork rotation. A copy should be left with the FWE and the original returned to the course instructor by the published due date. Complete the questions below thoughtfully and accurately. Provide constructive feedback with examples for your score in each area. 1. Clinical Site The clinical site provides a student-friendly environment that supports the learning process. 1 Strongly Disagree Comments: 2 Disagree 3 Agree 4 Strongly Agree 2. Professionalism The fieldwork educator (FWE) demonstrates professional behaviors consistent with those instilled by the Panola College OTA program. (ie. initiation, dependability, respectfulness, organization, communication skills, cooperation, and adherence to safety requirements) 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Agree 4 Strongly Agree Comments: 3. Therapeutic Use of Self The fieldwork educator cultivates a therapeutic relationship (planned use of personality as a part of the intervention process) and demonstrates the ability to connect interpersonally with their clients. 1 2 3 4 Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Comments: 4. Clinical Reasoning OTHA 2266 – Practicum I – revised 6/14 Page 5 The fieldwork educator demonstrates and discusses clinical reasoning for selection of evidence based treatment intervention types. (FWE explains why the intervention is the best choice) 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Agree 4 Strongly Agree Comments: 5. Practice Skills The fieldwork educator demonstrates the ability to implement effective occupation based, client centered interventions (meaningful to client and goal directed). 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Agree 4 Strongly Agree Comments: 6. Suggestions A. The best part about being at this facility was…. B. Something you might think about adding to this experience is….. We have mutually shared and clarified the information above. Date: ____________________ Fieldwork Educator: Student: __________________________ ________________________ (printed name) (signature) __________________________ _________________________ (printed name) (signature) OTHA 2266 – Practicum I – revised 6/14 Page 6 Midterm Performance Rating Student: ________________________ Date: ___________ AOTA Fieldwork Performance Evaluation (FWPE) midterm total score: ____________ Please circle one of the following ratings that best reflect the student’s overall midterm performance standing: Rating The student’s performance is significantly below standards. The student could be at risk of failing the rotation. The student is meeting most of the performance standards. The student is exceeding in most of the standards Criteria The student’s performance is far below expectations. Failure is imminent unless the student’s performance significantly improves. A plan of action has been created and discussed with the student. The student is aware that in order to pass this rotation, progress must be seen weekly per the established action plan. The student is progressing but lacks skills in specific areas that must be improved in order to pass this rotation. A plan of action has been discussed with the student and documented. The student is aware that in order to pass this rotation, progress must be seen weekly per the established action plan. The student is performing at a ―just right‖ level at this time and should pass the rotation if performance continues at the present pace. Actions for FWE Call the course instructor Send a copy of the FWPE to the instructor Establish a clear action plan for improvement Call the course instructor Send a copy of the FWPE to the instructor Establish a clear action plan for improvement Continue to monitor progress and ensure that the student has opportunity to improve low scores The student is performing at a skilled level and is expected to pass this rotation if performance continues at the present pace. _____________________________ FW Educator Signature _____________________________ OTAS Signature ** The student must fax this form and action plan (if applicable) to the Panola College OTA office by the fifth week of each rotation. Fax #: 903-694-4010 OTHA 2266 – Practicum I – revised 6/14 Page 7