R ANDOM WALK M ODELS OF S PARSE G RAPHS Peter Orbanz · Columbia University Collaborators Benjamin Reddy · Columbia Daniel M. Roy · Toronto Balázs Szegedy · Alfréd Rényi Institute G RAPH -VALUED DATA Peter Orbanz 2 / 13 E XCHANGEABLE G RAPHS π random graph exchangeable m adjacency matrix jointly exchangeable π Representation theorem (Aldous, Hoover) Any exchangeable graph can be sampled as: 1. Sample measurable and symmetric function Θ : [0, 1]2 0 [0, 1] Ui 2. Sample U1 , U2 , . . . ∼iid Uniform[0, 1] Uj 0 Ui Uj 3. Sample edge i,j ∼ Bernoulli(Θ(Ui , Uj )) 1 Peter Orbanz 1 3 / 13 C ONVERGENCE Law of large numbers (Kallenberg, ’99; Lovász & Szegedy, ’06) weakly ≡ −−−→ weakly −−−→ Lifting Theorem (O. & Szegedy, 2011) There exists a measurable mapping b ξ: W W such that ξ(θ̂) ∈ [θ̂]≡ b . for all θ̂ ∈ W set of equivalence classes Peter Orbanz 4 / 13 A PPLICATIONS IN S TATISTICS Model ⊂ {Pθ | θ : [0, 1]2 → [0, 1] measurable } Semiparametric Nonparametric (Bayesian) Nonparametric ML Estimate functional of θ Prior on θ ML estimator of θ Parametric e.g. ERGMs Peter Orbanz Bickel, Chen & Levina (2011) Lloyd et al (2012) Wolfe & Olhede (2014) Gao, Lu & Zhou (2014) (too many) 5 / 13 A PPLICATIONS IN S TATISTICS Model ⊂ {Pθ | θ : [0, 1]2 → [0, 1] measurable } Semiparametric Nonparametric (Bayesian) Nonparametric ML Estimate functional of θ Prior on θ ML estimator of θ Parametric e.g. ERGMs Peter Orbanz Bickel, Chen & Levina (2011) Lloyd et al (2012) Wolfe & Olhede (2014) Gao, Lu & Zhou (2014) (too many) 5 / 13 M ISSPECIFICATION P ROBLEM Dense vs sparse A random graph is called I dense if #edges = Ω((#vertices)2 ). I sparse if #edges = O(#vertices). Most real-world graph data ("networks") is sparse. Exchangeable graphs are dense (or empty) Z p= Θ(x, y)dxdy p̂n = # edges observed in Gn = p · Ω(n2 ) = Ω(n2 ) # edges in complete graph Sparsification (Bollobas & Riordan) Generating sparse graphs: Choose decreasing rate function ρ : N → R+ 1. U1 , U2 , . . . ∼iid Uniform[0, 1] 2. edge(i, j) ∼ Bernoulli(ρ(#vertices)θ(Ui , Uj )) Peter Orbanz 6 / 13 S AMPLING FROM AN E XCHANGEABLE M ODEL Input data Exchangeable sampling (rate ρ(n) = 1) Peter Orbanz Estimate of parameter function Rate ρ(n) = 1 log(n) Rate ρ(n) = 1 n 7 / 13 S AMPLING IN S PARSE G RAPHS Sampling with random walks I Independent subsampling only adequate in dense case I Sparse case: Need to follow existing link structure I This means edges are not conditionally independent A simple random walk model For n = 1, . . . , #edges: 1. Choose a vertex vn uniformly at random from the current graph. 2. With probability α, create a new vertex attached to vn . 3. With probability 1 − α: Start a simple random walk at vn . Stop after Poisson(λ) + 1 steps. Connect vn to terminal vertex. Peter Orbanz 8 / 13 PARAMETER E FFECTS Increasing probability of new vertex Increasing probability of long random walk Peter Orbanz 9 / 13 PARAMETER E STIMATION (with Benjamin Reddy) Probability of random walk in graph G degree matrix P(v → u|G, λ) = ∞ X −λ λ e k=0 graph Laplacian k k! (D −1 A) k+1 vu = (I − ∆)e−λ∆ vu adjacency matrix Poisson weight Parameter estimation I Case 1: History observed P(GN |α, λ) = N−1 Y P(Gn+1 |Gn , α, λ) n=1 Maximum likelihood estimator derivable from random walk probability. I Peter Orbanz Case 2: Only final graph observed Impute history by sampling. Importance sampling possible. 10 / 13 R ESULTS : C ARTOON Input data Reconstruction exchangeable model Peter Orbanz preferential attachment model random walk model 11 / 13 I NVARIANCE U NDER A G ROUP all invariant measures (e.g. all exchangeable graph laws) extreme points: ergodic measures (e.g. all graphs sampled from graphons) every invariant measure is mixture of extreme points Consequences I Representation theorem (Aldous-Hoover, de Finetti, etc). I Invariant statistical models are subsets of extreme points. I Law of large numbers: Convergence to extreme points. Open problem What is a statistically useful notion of invariance in sparse graphs? Peter Orbanz 12 / 13 C ONCLUSIONS Approach Statistical theory of graphs as statistical theory of random structures. What we have I Exchangeable graphs: Some technical problems aside, statistics carries over. I “Dependent” edge case: I I I I Inference possible in principle. No general theory. Excellent prediction results with very simple model. We cannot prove much about the model. Well-studied invariance properties 1. Exchangeability: Only dense case. 2. Involution invariance: Too weak for statistical purposes. Peter Orbanz 13 / 13