Free Occasional Newsletter ISSUE No. 6

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July 2012
Free Occasional Newsletter
Project News |CAMHS Press | Update from the director | CORC Corner |
CORC launched a new
In 2012 do not miss the
final year of
EBPU Masterclasses
starting with a London
event on 12 November
The challenges and
opportunities in
a new network
Interview with
Dr Miranda Wlopert
Evaluating Kidstime Workshops
Kidstime workshops are monthly events for
parents and children where one or both parents
have mental health problems. The workshops’
main aim is to explore and discuss mental
health issues in a simple and non-stigmatising way. CAMHS EBPU was asked to evaluate
the effectiveness of these workshops and was
involved with trying to help others who wish to
set up similar workshops in their own area.
he Evidence Based Practice Unit (EBPU) is leading
through the difficult times for all involved in mental
health services. Winning three nationally imp­­ortant projects
means a great responsibility and several months in Payment
by Results, BOND and Children & Young People’s IAPT have
shown us the importance of communication and networks.
In this issue Dr Miranda Wolpert, EBPU and CORC Director,
talks to Selina Fox from the Health Foundation.
e are pleased that the EBPU has successfully completed
yet another year of providing training through national
master classes for clinicians. Classes covered the topics of how
to drive quality improvement and service user participation
and embed evidence-based practice in their service. In order
to continue the good work in facilitating helpful discussions
between researchers, data analysis experts, clinicians, and
advocates of service users in CAMHS we are planning further
work on these topics through our upcoming events.
As part of this the EBPU organised two
workshops which examined the results of
the evaluation, included feedback from two
service users and discussed some of the
practicalities of setting up and running such
workshops. Attendees were also given a free
copy of the new Kidstime Manual which sets
out the details of running the workshops.
(We still have some free copies of the manual
available on request.)
Over 100 people
attended the
workshops and
feedback has been
very positive, with 95%
rating the workshops
as either good or
excellent. There has
also been a lot of
interest in the Kidstime
RCT with just over 40
people signing up for
more information.
July 2012
CPRU- Child Health Policy Research
Unit - Policy Research Unit for
Children, Young People and Families
(2011- 2016)
Commissioned by Department of
Health and launched in January 2011,
this is one of seven units funded by
the DH to help provide research based
advice to inform policy funding for
up to five years. The EBPU leads the
mental health strand of work within
this unit. Current projects include
modelling repeated outcome data
over time and focussing particularly on
trajectories of change for children with
severe behavioural problems.
Increasing Access to Psychological
Therapies IAPT (2011-) – Outcomes
and evaluation
The EBPU is part of the expert
reference group for the IAPT initiative
and lead the group looking at the
best means of evaluation and data
collection. Data is collected by the
independent collaborator MegaNexus
through their Commit System.
such problems. CAMHS EBPU is one
of the partner agencies (along with
the Tavistock and South London and
Maudsley Trust) to provide a project
team to develop ideas as to the best
way to take forward PbR in CAMHS.
PbR involves developing systems for
categorising CAMHS processes and
outcomes to aid the development of
payment systems.
BOND – Better Outcomes New
This is a two year collaborative project
led by YoungMinds. The aim of this
project is to build up the capacity of
Voluntary and Community Sector
Organisations (VCSOs) to deliver early
intervention mental health support for
children and young people.
CAMHS Network is a short term
funding from the Health Foundation to
help further develop capacities to share
knowledge and information building
and securing your set of connections.
Closing the Gap: Shared Decision
Making in CAMHS (2010-2012)
Commissioned by The Health Foundation
this project seeks to empower children,
young people and their families to make
informed choices and become active
partners in their treatment.
Informed Choice (2011-14)
CAMHS Payment by Results (PbR)
This project is looking at how children
with emotional, behavioural and wider
difficulties are being supported and
how much these kinds of support
might cost so that the right amount of
funding is provided for children with
July 2012
Funded by the Department of Health,
this project is a collaboration between
EBPU and YoungMinds. The project
builds on our Think-Thank and will
allow children and young people
to exercise informed choice and
control about their mental health care
through innovative use of high quality
information. The project will ensure
children and young people have access
to the most up-to-date information
to allow them to make meaningful
choices and decide on the right option
for them with their care providers.
Promoting SDM in CAMHS(2012-15)
Funded by the Department of
Health, this project will develop and
disseminate a range of free resources
and training to child mental health
professionals to help them adopt
‘Shared Decision Making’ (SDM).
These resources will be developed
with central input from service users.
Resources will include a training
manual, skills-based training events
and other information materials. The
main beneficiaries will be the young
people and their families accessing
MSc Training in Evaluation of Clinical
Andrew Fugard is Module Coordinator
for the ‘Evaluating Clinical Practice’
module. The module aims to introduce
students to the importance of
evaluating therapeutic practice and
to introduce them to the different
types of evaluation that are possible
and their relative strengths and
weaknesses. Through attending the
course, the aim is for students to have
met all the “core” CAMHS competencies
in relation to evidence-based practice.
Masterclasses (2010-2013)
CAMHS EBPU has funding from the
Department of Health to run a series of
Masterclasses aimed at developing the
skills of practitioners and managers in
terms of undertaking meaningful local
evaluation, outcomes informed and
evidence based practice and ensuring
appropriate user participation.
We have just finished our 6th set of
Masterclass which covered the latest
developments in evidence based and
outcomes informed practice in CAMHS.
Classes took place in Birmingham,
London (twice) and Manchester. Over
180 people expressed an interest in the
class with 108 attending the four classes.
The CORC Data Assistants, Harriet
and Charlotte, who attended the
Manchester Masterclass, summarised
some of the key points as follows:
“The focus of the day was on using
outcome measures as part of
collaborative and reflective practice.
There was recognition that change is
important for service development and
that outcomes informed and evidence
based practice could be key to driving
this change in the right direction.
Moreover, it was emphasised that
change can be on an individual basis
and does not have to be incorporated
into an entire team or unit immediately.
However, it was also acknowledged that
change can be hard. “
“It was made clear that the evidence
base and outcome data should be used
as clinical tools, in collaboration with
clients, to make sure that treatment
is as effective as possible. Neither
should be used or followed blindly,
without reference to a clinician’s clinical
judgement and understanding of a
particular measure. Both also provide
useful data for reflecting on cases
and highlighting the strengths and
weaknesses of clinicians allowing for
improvement in individuals’ practice.
“Attendees were also given an
oversight of the work of CAMHS EBPU
and CORC and updates on Children and
Young People’s IAPT (Improving Access
to Psychological Therapies), Closing
the Gap: Shared Decision Making
in CAMHS and CAMHS Payment by
Results. The free new CODE Database
was also introduced and more detailed
information was provided on some
individual measures.”
The presentation from the final
Masterclass in London is now available
on our website at: http://www.ucl.
Hearing Voices
Hearing Voices is a project evaluating
the London Voice Collective, a service
which provides advice, support and
workshops/groups for young people
who hear voices. The aim of the
evaluation is to try to work out what
aspects of the service are working well,
and how we can improve it.
CODE – Child Outcomes Data
Explained (2009-2012)
Commissioned by the Department
of Health, this project was being
undertaken by CAMHS EBPU in
consultation with CORC and aimed
to create nationally accessible web
and paper based tools that will help
practitioners, commissioners, children
and young people to make real use of a
range of outcome data in a meaningful
way. We now have a CODE database
available to all the CAMHS in UK.
Currency Development (2011)
This was a successful pilot for the
Payment By Results project, evaluating
tools developed for currency allocation
within London pilot sites. It was
performed in collaboration with the
Institute of Psychiatry.
TAMHS – Targeted Mental Health in
Schools (2008-11)
This project was commissioned by
the Department for Children, Schools
and Families (now Department for
Education) to investigate the impact
of a government initiative to improve
mental health in schools and to
examine the ways schools try to help
children when they feel sad, worried
and troubled. The project has now
finished and the final report is available
online at:
CYP Think- Tank
The EBPU Children’s Think Tank
was a consultation group of young
people who help us to ensure that
our materials, research, and general
approach are accessible and young
people-friendly. It is a fun, interactive
way of hearing young people’s
opinions about the work we do
at the AFC, and it was also a great
opportunity for young people to get
involved in research and participation
themselves. The Think Tank had four
two-hour meetings held over the
course of a year and led by a few
members of the EBPU team. During
these meetings the young people took
part in a selection of games, activities
and discussions, focusing on a few
projects we were doing here at the
The final meeting took place on
Saturday 16th June with Dion and
Thurza from the EBPU team leading it.
Over the course of several meetings
Dion, Emily, Sam and Thursa dedicated
their time and expertise in devising
exciting and useful activities. We
would like to take this opportunity to
thank Ann, Abinaya, Omodele, Georgia
and Alessia for their contribution and
for taking time to participate in EBPU
Think-Tanks for 2011-12.
EBPU CYP Think Tank 2011-12
feedback from the young participants:
“It is better to listen to young people to
know new ideas from them. They can
give you a clear view of what they are
going through.” Georgia
“I have found think tank useful and I
believe that it is important to ask people
in the same age range for advice. The
experience as a whole has been fun and
interesting” Abinaya
“I have found the think tank to be an
interesting experience. Through the T.T
I have been able to understand what
the purpose of the Think Tank and CORC
is. I have also learnt much more about
children and young people. Thanks!”
“I think that the Think Tank is a helpful
and interesting way to find out more
about young people. Also bringing
children to the building to help out
was a good idea. Including food in this
has really helped me to come back.”
“I’ve found out that Think Tank is really
fun and good to socialise with other
people. It is good that you’re asking
the opinions of kids as it is kids you’re
helping. I think you have asked us all
the obvious questions which is a good
thing! But maybe you could have asked
more questions that really dug in
because most of this was just about the
outside, so yeah, you could have gone a
bit further.” Alessia
July 2012
The challenges and opportunities in establishing a
new network
Dr Miranda Wolpert is a Director of the Child and Adolescent Mental
Health Services (CAMHS) Evidence Based practice Unit (EBPU) and
CAMHS Outcomes Research Consortium (CORC). She is a clinical
psychologist by background and worked for many years in the NHS
and in school settings before founding EBPU in 2006.
The interview with Miranda was conducted by Susannah Randall of the
Health Foundation. The interview took place on June 2012. Miranda
talks about the challenges and opportunities in establishing a new network.
The network Miranda is working on
with The Health Foundation is in its first
stages of development. However, she
has experience in bringing together
communities of people with shared
interests as Chair of the CAMHS
Outcome Research Consortium (CORC),
a collaboration of over half of all child
and adolescent mental health services
in England committed to using routine
outcome evaluation to inform practice
and service development.
About the network
We are looking at how to formalise the
collaboration between those involved
in child mental health services. Our
particular interest is on those who are
innovating: frontline practitioners,
commissioners, services managers.
Through the training we run (at CAMHS
EBPU) there is already an informal
community in loose contact out there.
The question is how can we get people
to see themselves as a collaborative
network? What are the shared values
or views that could bring them
together? This is a group of people that
are feeling particularly battered and
ground down at the moment. We want
to link them up with other like-minded
and a central group, or
individual, committed to
running the network. Without
that it just doesn’t work.
You have to be able to
meet face to face at some
intervals, and you’ll need to
demonstrate some evidence of
progress to both the network
members and externally. A
delicate tightrope to walk is
finding the balance between
top down and bottom up. It’s
no good having one person
dictating and others doing the
bidding. Neither does it work
to have everyone debating by
committee and no decisions
made. That almost needs
negotiating on a daily basis
but when it works I find it very
exciting. If the balance is right
then there is a real energy and
creative buzz to it. It you allow
people the space to come up
with the answers to problems
they do.
And where it can go pear-shaped
This much I know about running a successful
It doesn’t work to try to be all
things to all people; that’s why
we’re spending time working
out the particular niche and
direction for this new network.
You need a strong common purpose
You have to be rigorous about
July 2012
You need a strong common
purpose and a central group,
or individual, committed to
running the network. Without
that it just doesn’t work.
not allowing people with their own agendas to
take over and there has to be a small team with
some resource at the core. This means that you
need a champion with validity for your network
members. They don’t have to be full time but,
for example, if your network is for clinicians they
will want to know that there is someone who
has ‘walked it themselves’ involved.
Forget the need for administrative
support at your peril because if you
don’t have it, it doesn’t happen. There
needs to be someone to answer emails,
check the website and database is up
to date and facilitate events. Long
term that can’t be the champion, they
will burn themselves out.
Our work with The Health Foundation
We have found the bespoke support
from Faculty members very useful in
helping to clarify our purpose. We’re
still debating the most appropriate
common focus for this network.
Is it shared decision-making or
collaborative practice? I don’t want to
reinvent it if someone else is already
doing it.
They have encouraged us to have
a tight audience focus – so looking
at those innovators who lie at the
far left of the adoption curve. And
we’re spending time exploring the
different platforms available for us to
communicate with – Facebook, Linked
In – some guidance around how to use
those and we’ve already got testing
The tailored help from the Faculty
works; it is totally relevant for our
Some tips on setting up a network:
• You’re going to go down a lot of
blind alleys and that’s OK. It’s good
to model failure and to show that it’s
not a big deal
Academic Papers
Staff at EBPU and CORC have had a
paper published and one accepted for
publication. The Journal of Mental
Health has published a paper by
Miranda, Andy, Jess and colleagues
entitled ‘Patient-reported outcomes
in child and adolescent mental
health services: Use of idiographic
and standardized measures.’ The
paper looks at emerging findings
from standardized and idiographic
child-, parent- and clinician- rated
outcomes in CAMHS and considers
their correlations. For those interested
in reading this, the full reference is:
Wolpert, M., Ford, T., Law, D., Trustam, E.,
Deighton, J., Flannery, H., & Fugard, A.
J. B. (2012). Patient reported outcomes
in child and adolescent mental health
services (CAMHS): Use of idiographic and
standardized measures. Journal of Mental
Health, 21, 165–173.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health
have accepted an editorial commentary
by Miranda, Andy, Jess and Anke on
‘Routine outcomes monitoring as part of
Children and Young People’s Improving
Access to Psychological Therapies (CYP
IAPT) – improving care or unhelpful
burden?’ This is a short commentary
which considers the implications of
intensive outcome monitoring and
should be published soon.
Neus Abrines, Project Coordinator, has
published two articles as a first author:
Attachment & Human Development
has published ‘ADHD-like symptoms
and attachment in internationally
adopted children’ , you can find it on
Child and Youth Service Review has
published her paper: Comparing ADHD
symptom levels in children adopted from
Eastern Europe and from other regions:
Discussing possible factors involved
and you can find it on the following
Dr Anke Gorzig, CPRU Research Fellow,
is one of the authors of the newly
published book by Policy Press:
Children, Risk and Safety on the
internet: Research and policy
challenges in comparative
perspective, edited by Sonia
Livingstone, Leslie Haddon and
Anke Görzig.
Based on an impressive in-depth
survey of 25,000 children carried out
by the EU Kids Online network, it
offers wholly new findings that extend
previous research and counter both
the optimistic and the pessimistic
hype. It argues that, in the main,
children are gaining the digital
skills, coping strategies and social
support they need to navigate this
fast-changing terrain.
• Resist being over-ambitious. Be very
clear about what is needed from
your network
• It’s the people that matter, not the
perfect website so don’t put too
much faith in technology
• Communicate, communicate,
communicate. People will come
in and out of the network, their
attention will peak and wane, they
will forget things. You cannot
communicate enough.
Illustration by Clive Goodyer
July 2012
STAFF and other NEWS
Follow us on Twitter
CAMHS EBPU (@camhs_ebpu) has
an account on twitter and has 99
followers including individuals and
larger groups and organisations.
Although we have tweeted only 16
times, we have great plans to use
this form of communication more
often with our latest news.
CORC has also joined twitter
(@CORCcentral) In addition,
they were busy with launching
the new website! Please go to:
The CORC website has been
completely redesigned. It is more
user friendly and easily navigable.
New EBPU Team Members
The EBPU now assembled a CAMHS
Payment by Results Project team,
led by Dr Melanie Jones, who is
our Clinical Research Fellow and
include Dr Ruth Sweeting who is
working as a Clinical Associate for
the unit, Rebecca Kyrke-Smith,
Research Assistant and Katherine
Hopkins , Pilot Site Coordinator.
Neus Abrines, Project
Coordinator, submitted her
PhD thesis ‘Inattention and
hyperactivity in children
adopted from Eastern
Europe’ to the Departament
de psicologia clínica i de la
salut Facultat de Psicologia
Universitat Autònoma de
Praveetha Patalay, PhD
student at EBPU, did
her Research Methods:
Statistics exam with highest
marks and she finished all
her required credits. The
working title of Praveetha’s
PhD is’ Child and
Adolescent Mental Health
in the school context:
measurement, pupil and
school level effects’.
Jenna Bradley, CORC
Senior Research Officer,
successfully completed
the first year of her MSc
Andy Fugard had a quick chat with Slavoj Žižek at the cafe OTO
in Developmental and Educational
Psychology, at the IOE.
We are pleased to announce that
Jessica Deighton, Research Lead
and Deputy Director gave birth to
her twins Tilly and Rosie in March.
Samantha Murphy, Research Officer for
CORC, gave birth to a baby girl named
Olive in June.
Thomas Booker, EBPU Administrator,
and his wife Janine spent their
honeymoon in Las Vegas and used the
opportunity to visit Grand Canyon.
At the same time Andy Fugard, CORC
Research Lead, met Slavoj Žižek, a
Slovenian philosopher and cultural
critic, at cafe OTO, a 24-hour event to
launch Less Than Nothing Seminar and
talk on Hegelian legacy.
We wish Thurza Honey a good time at
the nursery where she will work full
time from September.
July 2012
The CAMHS Outcomes Research Consortium (CORC) is a collaboration
between child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) staff
across the UK with the aim of instituting a common model of routine
outcome evaluation and analysing the data derived. Over half of
all CAMHS staff in England are now members, with members also
in Scotland, Wales, Norway and Sweden. There are now over 70
collaborating services within the consortium.
CORC Recent Events
The last Implementer’s Meeting was held in February and was well
attended with positive feedback from attendees.
The last Member’s Forum took place on Wednesday 25th April 2012 with
the theme of “User Participation and Commissioning.” Around 50 people
joined the central team for the day and feedback for the day as a whole was
largely positive. Related to the theme of the day presentations were given
on: an update from the CORC central team; involving young people in the
implementation of CORC in Devon CAMHS; Routine Outcome Monitoring
use in CAMHS and diabetic settings from the point of view of young people;
the latest research findings from CORC; and the experiences of introducing
outcome measures to the commissioning approach in Camden CAMHS. The
day also included training sessions on the CODE and COMMIT databases. The
next CORC Member’s Forum is 21st November in London.
Dion Terrelonge, CORC Research Officer,
will be starting at the Tavistock and
Portman NHS Trust on a 3 year professional
Doctorate in Child, Community and
Educational Psychology training course
which will allow her to practice as an Child/
Educational Psychologist.
Emily Stapley, CORC Research Assistant,
will be starting a PhD and working on
the IMPACT-ME Study at the Anna Freud
Centre and UCL. Her PhD will mainly
focus on a parents’ experiences of living
with a son or daughter with depression
and their experiences of their child’s
treatment for depression.
Charlotte Wray, CORC Data Assistant
for the last year will be moving to the
position of a Research Assistant on the
Surrey Communication and Language
in Education Study (SCALES) at the Royal
Holloway, University of London.
The CORC community is happy to welcome 4 new member groupings:
NHS Blackpool, Worcestershire Health and Care Trust, Calderdale and
Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust and The Childhood Bereavement
Network. 28 CORC member groupings
Harriet Hockaday, CORC Data Assistant,
have submitted data since January this
secured a Research Assistant post in
year and CORC has produced 18 reports
Glasgow where she will join her fiancé.
and 2 Consultation reports. 10 more
reports are on the way next month. The
New CORC Team Members
CORC team has been on three visits this
We would like to welcome Rachel
year where they had the opportunity to
Argent and Ruth Plackett are starting
present to over 50 members.
as CORC Data Assistants in July and
September respectfully.
Feedback on the quality of the
We have feedbacks from eight
visitors to the UK site:
• 3 young person over 11
Have found the website helpful and
suggest: more comprehensive list
of illnesses and treatments
• 3 adults
Have been positive about the
website overall
• 2 service providers
One of the Service Providers found
the website helpful while the other
one is extremely critical:
* Information on Choosing is already
old and simplified
* In reality interventions are multidisciplinary
* Irritated by use of the word
‘scientists’ describing varied
professional groupings involved in
this study
* The Choosing web address is
unhelpful - choosing what?
• 4 of the visitors came through
electronic mailing
3 through word of mouth
­­1 through a search engine
Prepared and designed by Slavi Savic; assisted by Thomas Booker; If you want to comment or to give feedback please email; If you
would like to be on the mailing list please email; All other information can be found on our website:
July 2012
CAMHS PRESS is the publishing arm of CAMHS EBPU and is responsible for publishing booklets aimed at children, young people, and parents,
as well as information and resources for professionals. Our two most recent publications (“How to Get up and Go when you’re feeling low” and
“I gotta feeling: Top Tips for Feeling Good”) were developed as part of the Help4Pupils project and are designed to help children when they are
feeling sad, worried or troubled.
Both “I gotta feeling’ and ‘How to Get up and Go’ have proven popular. So far we’ve sent out almost 2100 copies of ‘I Gotta Feeling’ to some
70 schools and related organisations, whilst ‘How to Get up and Go’ has proven even more popular with over 2400 copies sent out to over 80
schools and related organisations.
2500 copies of each booklet are available for free with a maximum of 30 per organisation. We have almost reached this threshold so if you want
to get hold of some free copies for your organisation get your orders in quickly.
Booklets for Children:
I Gotta Feeling, Top tips
For Feeling Good, 2011
(Aimed at primary
school children).
This booklet has been
designed by Help4Pupils
to help children when they
are feeling sad, worried
or troubled. It is full of fun
simple tips on what to do
to improve their mood
and maintain emotional
We have 2500 copies
available free of charge
(maximum of 30 per
Booklets for Professionals:
Choosing What’s Best For
You, What Scientists have
found helps children and
young people who are sad,
worried or troubled, 2007
A booklet that explains the
latest research in this area
to children and families to
help them make treatment
choices. More than 25,000
copies have so far been
distributed across the UK
and beyond. The booklet is
currently being translated
into Swedish
For more than 5 copies,
orders must be in multiples
of 50 (i.e. 50,100,150 etc.).
A Mental Health Care
Pathway for children
and young people with
learning disabilities.
A resource pack for
service planners and
practitioners 2007
A resource pack for services
to help them become more
accessible to children with
learning disabilities.
Knowing Where to Look
How to find the evidence
you need. Psychological health, emotional
wellbeing and mental
health in children and
young people, 2008
A booklet to help you find,
analyse and use information to develop and deliver
services to support the
emotional, psychological
and mental health needs of
children and young people.
Authored by Paula Lavis and
published in partnership
with YoungMinds and the
Department for Children,
Schools & Families.
Drawing on the Evidence.
Advice for mental health
professionals working
with children and
adolescents, 2002
A booklet that explains the
latest research in this area
to busy practitioners to help
them make appropriate
treatment choices. 10,000
copies have now been
distributed across the UK
and beyond.
The Kidstime Workshops,
A Multi- Family Social Intervention for the Effects of
Parental Mental Illness. This
booklet provides information on what is needed to
set up and run Kidstime
Workshops. The ‘Kidstime’
is an approach, developed
over the past 12 years, for
helping the children of
parents with mental illness.
How to order:
How to Get Up and Go
when you’re feeling low,
Top tips for feeling good
2011 (Aimed at secondary
school pupils)
This booklet has been
designed by Help4Pupils
to help children when they
are feeling sad, worried
or troubled. It is full of fun
simple tips on what to do
to improve their mood
and maintain emotional
We have 2500 copies
available free of charge
(maximum of 30 per
July 2012
All of our booklets
are freely available
as PDFs on our
website. Alternatively, booklets can
be ordered directly
by sending an email
to ebpu@annafreud.
org. You must include
the following details
when ordering:
• Title of the booklet
• Number of copies
(see the details about
suggested quantities)
• Name and address
of person to invoice
(only if the booklets
are not free)
• Name and address to
send the booklets to