Free Occasional Newsletter ISSUE No. 5

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December 2011
Free Occasional Newsletter
Project News |CAMHS Press | Interview of the month | CORC Corner |
In 2012 do not miss
EBPU Masterclasses
Kidstime Workshop
to support CAMHS
Jasmine Hoffman, a Quality
Improvement Lead and a
Project Manager for the
Closing the Gap Project
Choosing website and booklet
CAMHS EBPU has successfully launched a
website based on the ‘Choosing what’s best for
you’ booklet. has been
carefully designed to be easily explored and
used by children, young people and their family
members as well as the professionals trying to
help them.
We are hoping to have an updated version of
the “Choosing” booklet completed by the end of
2012. We expect to see a new section on Child
Maltreatment and updates on ADHD, Conduct
Disorder and Self-Harm. New recommendations
will follow.
CYP Think tank
The EBPU Children’s Think Tank is a consultation group of young people who help us to
ensure that our materials, research, and general
approach are accessible and young peoplefriendly. It is a fun, interactive way of hearing
young people’s opinions about the work we do
at the AFC, and it is also a great opportunity for
young people to get involved in research and
participation themselves. The Think Tank consists
of four two-hour meetings held over the course
of a year and led by a few members of the EBPU
team. During these meetings the young people
take part in a selection of games, activities and
discussions, focusing on a few projects we are
doing here at the centre.
he last few months, at the EBPU, have been especially inspirational for those who are interested in young people’s involvement
and user participation. In November, Carly Raby ran the first two of
four Masterclasses on the subject. EBPU also successfully started
the CYP Think-Tank for the year 2011-12, with two sessions that
have already provided us with meaningful results (see inside
for how the young people would describe CAMHS practitioners).
Samantha and Miranda also went to a couple of meetings of the
National Young People Advisory Group of NCB, seeking feedback
on the function and design of the new IAPT questionnaires and
The first meeting took place on Saturday
forms that will be widely used by young people.
e are also pleased to be able to say that the EBPU secured a
few new grants (BOND, Payments by Results and Children’s
IAPT) and successfully submitted the final report on findings from
the TAMHS evaluation. Slavi
5th November and the second one on 10th
December, between 11am and 1pm at the AFC
continued on page 3
December 2011
Closing the Gap: Shared Decision
Making in CAMHS (2010-2012)
Currency Development (2011)
Hearing Voices
Foundation this project seeks to
empower children, young people and
their families to make informed choices
and become active partners in their
treatment. There are more details in the
main interview of this issue.
A collaboration with our colleagues
at the Institute of Psychiatry, we are
evaluating tools developed for currency
allocation within London pilot sites as
part of the Payment By Results project.
This work has been commissioned
by the Payment by Results in CAMHS
Project Board.
Hearing Voices is a project evaluating
the London Voice Collective, a service
which provides advice, support and
workshops/groups for young people
who hear voices. The aim of the
evaluation is to try to work out what
aspects of the service are working well,
and how we can improve it.
CODE – Child Outcomes
Explained (2009-2012)
Evaluating Kidstime Workshops
Thurza Honey has recently been
appointed as Research Officer for this
project and will be working on it over
the coming months.
Commissioned by the Department of
Health, this project is being undertaken
by CAMHS EBPU in consultation with
CORC and aims to create nationally
accessible web and paper based tools
that will help practitioners, commissioners, children and young people to
make real use of a range of outcome
data in a meaningful way
CPRU- Child Health Policy Research
Unit - Policy Research Unit for
Children, Young People and Families
(2011- 2016)
Commissioned by Department of
Health and launched in January 2011,
this is one of seven units funded
by the DH to help provide research
based advice to inform policy funding
for up to five years. The unit is led by
Professor Terence Stephenson of the
Royal College of Paediatric and Child
Health and the EBPU leads the mental
health strand of work within this unit.
Current projects include modelling
repeated outcome data over time and
focussing particularly on trajectories
of change for children with severe
behavioural problems.
December 2011
Kidstime workshops are monthly
events for parents and children where
one or both parents have mental health
problems. The workshops’ main aim is
to explore and discuss mental health
issues in a simple and non-stigmatising way. CAMHS EBPU was asked to
evaluate the effectiveness of these
workshops and is now involved with
trying to help others who wish to set up
similar workshops in their own area.
Part of this will include holding a
workshop designed to explain to
people the practicalities of setting up
such workshops. This Free training and
consultation event is due to take place
on 15th February 2012 in London at
the AFC and already over 200 people
have applied to attend. The recently
published Kidstime Training Manual
and pilot site evaluation report will be
available on the day.
Those interested in setting up Kidstime
will be invited to participate in a
Randomised Control Trial, which would
include ongoing supervision and
training by experienced facilitators.
Improving Access to Psychological
Therapy IAPT (2011-)
The EBPU is part of the expert reference
group for the IAPT initiative and has
been asked to lead the group looking
at best means of evaluation and data
collection for this imitative.
Payment by Results (PbR)
This project is looking at how children
with emotional, behavioural and wider
difficulties are being supported and
how much these kinds of support
might cost so that the right amount of
funding is provided for children with
such problems. CAMHS EBPU is one
of the partner agencies (along with
the Tavistock and South London and
Maudsley Trust) to provide a project
team to develop ideas as to the best
way to take forward PbR in CAMHS.
PbR involves developing systems for
categorising CAMHS processes and
outcomes to aid the development of
payment systems.
BOND (2011-13)
This is a collaborative project led by
YoungMinds which will last for 2 Years
from September 2011. The aim of this
programme is to build up the capacity
of Voluntary and Community Sector
Organisations (VCSOs) to deliver early
intervention mental health support for
children and young people.
TAMHS – Targeted Mental Health in
Schools (2008-11)
This project was commissioned by
the Department for Children, Schools
and Families (now Department for
Education) to investigate the impact
of a government initiative to improve
mental health in schools and to
examine the ways schools try to help
children when they feel sad, worried
and troubled. It is now drawing to a
close and we pass on our congratulations to the TaMHs team, especially to
Jessica Deighton, Miranda Wolpert
and Praveetha Patalay, who worked
hard analysing data collected over the
last 3 years to meet the deadline for
the final report.
Masterclasses (2010-2013)
CAMHS EBPU has funding from the
Department of Health to run a series of
Masterclasses aimed at developing the
skills of practitioners and managers in
terms of undertaking meaningful local
evaluation, outcomes informed and
evidence based practice and ensuring
appropriate user participation.
Classes have taken place in Peterborough and Manchester with around 40
people attending so far. The next two
classes will be taking place in London
where we expect a further 80 people
to attend.
Planning for the next Masterclass on
“Developing Evidence Based and
Outcomes Informed Practice in CAMHS”
which will be happening in March and
April next year is already underway.
Classes will again be taking place in
Manchester and London, but we will
also be trying a new venue elsewhere in
the country. We will release more details
about this Masterclass early next year.
Brief report on the EBPU and
CORC Information Gathering
Trip to the US
Back in March, a few members of the EBPU
and CORC teams visited US in order to find
out about how children and young people
suffering from mental health problems
are treated there. The hope was to share
learning and experience and Jasmine
Hoffman reports here on her experience
of the trip:
During September and October we ran
Masterclasses on ‘the 7 steps to quality
improvement’ which were attended
by 62 people. Classes took place in
Peterborough, London and Manchester.
“It was all a big hurricane of information.
The trip involved going to see different
institutions and meeting with different
professors, academics and also service
providers to find out about the ideas
that they have for improving the CAMHS
service model. Routine Outcome
Monitoring and doing structured,
evidence based practice, is something
that they are quite advanced in. I also
learnt how far ahead we are, in the UK,
with our ideas about involving young
people in their own care. “
We have also completed the first two
classes of our current Masterclass
on ‘Children and Young People’s
Involvement and User Participation’.
“They have lots of great ideas and are
very impressive with where they’ve
got to with their different methods for
capturing information in the US, but
they are still promoting the medicated
model of ‘the practitioner knows best’
and that the patient is someone who
has treatment done to them. Things are
slowly starting to change, there were a
few participation groups or advocates
for service users, but by no means are
they as advanced as us. “
“We went to get lots from them on
their methods for routine outcome
monitoring and evidence based
practice, but I really feel quite strongly
that they got a lot from us in terms of
the ideas behind user participation and
engaging people in their care. So that
was really exciting, I think it was a real
joint two- way learning opportunity – so
that was quite touching!”
CYP Think tank
continues from page 1
(House 21) and we got loads of really
helpful feedback from the young people
who attended! We talked to them
specifically about the unit, our work, our
publications and projects and the way
we communicate with young people at
present and they gave us their views;
encouragement where we are on track
and really useful suggestions where
we may need some small changes. We
will be circulating more detail of the
feedback once the group has agreed
on the write-up, in the meantime if you
have anything you would like us to take
to the group for their thoughts in future
sessions please let us know, we meet
next on 17th March.
We are always looking for young people
to participate in the Think Tank and so
if you know of any young people who
might be interested in getting involved
then we’d be really keen to hear from
you or them!
December 2011
Quality improvement to support CAMHS
Jasmine Hoffman, a Quality Improvement Lead at the EBPU and a
Project Manager for the Closing the Gap Project
The interview with Jasmine took place on 16 November 2011. She talks
about the Closing the Gap project, funded by the Health Foundation in
October 2011 and other exciting activities at the EBPU.
Can you demystify the term of Quality
Improvement? What is that really?
Quality improvement is a specific
methodology that aims to reduce the
gap between current practice and
desired practice, through testing out and
refining new methods and approaches
before rolling them out more widely.
The basis of quality improvement is really
around having a hunch that a specific
change could lead to improvement
(e.g., improved experience or outcomes
for CAMHS) and carrying out a series of
tests to see if that really is the case or
not. Obviously, your hunch should be
reasonably sound – perhaps based on
a previous observation, or applying
ideas that are known to work in other
contexts and settings. If an evidence
base exists for your area of interest,
this can be a good place to start when
thinking about improvement.
QI is an iterative learning process to
build up evidence through observation.
As a general rule of thumb, it can be
quite helpful to use 1,3,5,all approach.
That is – test out your hunch with just
one person/ situation and observe
how that went. If it seems to have had
a positive effect, that’s great, move
on to testing with 3 different people/
situations, and then with 5. If it hasn’t
worked as well as you wanted, you can
make some alterations before testing
on a larger scale.
Have you applied QI to projects at EBPU?
In terms of applying the methodology,
that’s exactly what we are doing for
the Closing the Gap: Shared Decision
Making in CAMHS project. We’ve learnt
the key principles from the Health
Foundation (funders for the project),
and now we are now working in collabDecember 2011
oration with four project teams to test
out different approaches in SDM, to
see what works for our service users
We also recently introduced a training
course in QI for the CAMHS community –
as part of the Masterclasses programme.
It was a great success, I was really
pleased with how well different practitioners took to the QI methodology – I
guess this is because it’s such a simple
way of helping to overcome all the
reasons for not trying something that
you can usually find at the beginning of
a change process.
So are there specific tools that you use for
Quality Improvement?
Yes if I were to name two ‘tools’ they
would be ‘PDSA cycles’ and ‘run charts’.
PDSA stands for ‘Plan, Do, Study, Act’,
i.e., it’s all about planning something,
doing something, studying something
and acting accordingly. This seems really
simple but it really helps with keeping on
track with testing out new approaches.
Run charts are a quick way of illustrating how the QI process is going
– through keeping track over time
with measurement. The plots are a
simple scatter chart– with time (say
the month) on the x axis and whatever
you are measuring (say % of CYP that
feel listened to) on the y axis. You can
annotate run charts with notes about
the different things you are testing.
Overtime this may help to illustrate
whether certain interventions are
making a difference.
So tell us more about the Closing the Gap project.
How is this developing and what is happening at
the moment?
Well in terms of the organisation of
this project, it’s a collaborative effort
between EBPU, YoungMinds and CORC,
funded by the Health Foundation
for two years. Our steering group,
consisting of around 10 of us across
these 3 organisations, meet once a
month to discuss how the project
is going and what needs to happen
next. We are supported by Berkshire
Consultancy, who is commissioned by
HF to support us to take the project
forward in an effective way. We also
have got support from OPM (Office for
Public Management) who are helping
with the measurement and evaluation
aspects of the projects.
We are working with 4 project teams to
test out different ways of putting SDM
into practice – in a variety of contexts
ranging from preventative outreach
care to more high security settings.
We selected these teams following a
competitive process based on 23 initial
applications. The teams are:
• Bradford community CAMHS team
• BANES OSCA team (Bath and North
East Somerset Outreach Service for
Children and Adolescents) based
in Bristol.
• East Sussex community CAMHS
team, including speech and
language therapists and play
therapists within the project team
• “Bluebird House” – an inpatient unit
in Southern England
We have also come up with a working
definition of what we think SDM is, that
includes 5 steps towards empowering
children and young people to take a
more active role in the decisions about
their care, and translated these into
CYP friendly language which has really
helped to move our project forward.
The 5 steps are:
• Agreeing key problems and goals
• Practitioners supporting CYP to
understand the options available to
• Agreeing which options for help to try
• Reviewing progress together
• Discussing options in light of
progress and making any changes if
Testing of these steps is currently
underway across all 4 project teams. In
terms of specific activities being tried
out, well that’s different for each team,
depending on their contexts and which
bits of SDM they are most interested
in developing. Lots of the work we are
doing to support the 4 project teams
at the moment is around developing
scripts and prompts to help practitioners engage CYP and their families
in shared decision making within the
actual clinic room.
How many young people would be reached
through those services?
Well because it’s a project that involves
testing out approaches before rolling
out more widely, we really are talking
about small numbers at this early stage.
At the moment we are more interested
in the qualitative observations of how
this is working, to figure out what the
best way of doing things is, before
being ready to number crunch and run
analyses to test out statistical significance of what we are doing….
Improvement Facilitator) – and we
all work very closely to drive forward
different aspects of this project. Neus
started working with us in September
and brings her own experience of
working with CAMHS previously she has already been instrumental at
helping to embed the processes that we
are now taking forward in the project.
So, there are three of you who are working on
this project?
Three of us from EBPU yes – Miranda,
Neus, and myself. But don’t forget we
are also working in close collaboration
with our steering group and the four
project teams. In fact, it’s probably
worth mentioning that the SDM project
is not only about the relationship CYP
and their practitioners… we’re also
trying to cultivate this kind of working
relationship between us (the central
project team) and the four sites. So
it’s not just us doing the work, it’s the
steering group too, and the four project
teams - we are collaborating together.
It all sounds interesting and exciting and lots of
work as well. Can you remind me about the goals
of the project.
Sure, in a nutshell we hope that SDM
will improve service quality in terms
of effectiveness, efficiency and person
centredness – which will then (we hope)
lead to improved experiences and
outcomes for CYP and their families.
So the sorts of things we’re talking
about are:
• Improving the experiences of young
people, so that they feel more
listened to and more involved in their
care decisions.
• Increased use of goal setting, and
for CYP to be arriving at their goals
faster because they are engaged
in an ongoing feedback loop that
allows for small care adjustments to
be made as they go
• Decreased DNA (did not attend)
rates because CYP are feeling more
genuinely involved in their CAMHS
journey, and therefore more inclined
to come along to appointments.
We hope that if all these processes are
working smoothly, and CYP are getting
better faster, then practitioners stress
levels will decrease because everybody
is on the same page.
It sounds to me like you are putting a lot of work
into qualitative work and understanding how
people feel and how therapy works. How does this
combine with CORC which is mainly focused on
quantitative data analyse? And with YoungMinds
as well?
Well, our collaboration works like
this: EBPU is contributing knowledge
and expertise in evidence based
practice; YoungMinds is contributing knowledge and expertise in user
participation; and CORC is contributing expertise and information in
routine outcome monitoring.
Although the learnings that we are
expecting to gain from the project
are more of the qualitative variety,
the framework for routine outcome
monitoring is session by session
monitoring whereby the young
person and the practitioner together
come to an appointment and discuss
and document how things are going
and discuss that and make decisions
about their treatment in light of
When you are mentioning qualitative work, are
you planning to do analyses of some kind?
Yes, we are thinking this through with
the support of OPM at the moment.
Qualitative analysis will probably
involve a number of observations,
surveys, interviews, both with CYP and
practitioners, and we are also quite
keen to do some video diaries.
Sounds very interesting and intense. How do
you manage your time and who is doing all this
fascinating work?
Yes, it is very intense. We are working at
such an extraordinarily fast pace that
at the end of every week I am always
astounded at how much we have
actually got through.
I can’t take all the credit for our project
though! Our central team also consists
of Miranda and Neus Abrines (Service
December 2011
that information. That expertise and
knowledge is something that CORC are
helping us to implement and as part of
this project each of our team members
will be having CORC membership to
help them pull that data together in a
useful way.
Is there anything else about Closing the Gap and
Shared Decision Making that you would like to add?
I mentioned that we had 23 applications
for the project at the outset and we were
so excited about that, that we decided
to create a virtual network to maintain
interest in the CAMHS community and
allow the CAMHS community to be a
part of the project in its infancy as we’re
developing it because I think there’s
already so much key learning that we
can be disseminating more widely.
That’s really good, congratulations. You have also
done lots of other work here at the EBPU?
Yes I’m doing lots, they’re working me
hard here at the EBPU! Closing the Gap
officially takes up about three days
per week. The other projects that I’m
involved in and taking a lead in are
the Hearing Voices project, Kidstime
Evaluation and also the Masterclasses.
The Hearing Voices project and the
Kidstime evaluation are two of the SDE
(Service Development and Evaluation)
projects at the EBPU.
Kidstime is coming to an end and
we’re just working on the training
and consultation event for that.
Just to give you some context, the
Kidstime intervention is a workshop
for young people whose parents
have mental health problems. The
idea is it’s a time for these young
people to come together and take
a break from being carers. Those
workshops happen on a monthly
basis at different sites in Hackney and
in Camden and Islington. The work of
the Anna Freud Centre was around
doing an evaluation of that intervention and now we’re looking at sharing
the knowledge of that evaluation
more widely to the community.
Then there’s the Hearing Voices which
is a service that’s run by Mind which
December 2011
is supporting young people who hear
voices and educating them, their families
and also practitioners in hearing voices
and supporting them to lead as normal
lives as they can and to accept that they
hear voices. We’re doing an evaluation
of that service at the moment and that’s
really at its infancy we’re at the planning
and developing a methodology for that.
Kidstime was a three year evaluation
that’s just in its finishing stages and now
we’re at the start of a new three year
evaluation for hearing voices.
Before you go on, do you have any ideas about
how you’re going to take Hearing Voices forward?
Well as with planning for any evaluation,
I think it’s probably always quite useful
Recently we have been awarded
a grant and some support, again
from the Health Foundation, to
take forward the development
and establish the virtual network
and we will be looking to grow
this as the project continues.
to have a clear idea about what you
want to achieve by the end of it so
you can put plans in place to get the
information you need to help you get
there! In terms of what we expect to
find, I couldn’t tell you. But that’s what
our fieldwork will hopefully uncover.
Thurza Honey is the Research Officer for
this piece of work.
Can you tell me a little bit about Masterclasses?
So the Masterclasses are a series of
training modules for CAMHS practitioners and CAMHS commissioners and
service managers. We’re in the second
year of delivering the Masterclasses,
it was a three year programme with
funding from the Department of Health
to educate the CAMHS community in
key components of good practice. Last
year the modules were in Evidence
Based Practice, User Participation, and
Local Evaluation. This year we replaced
Local Evaluation with a module in Quality
Improvement. The idea is for those three
different topics, there are four classes
that practitioners can go to, so all in all,
we hold twelve classes per year.
So with the last class, you were very much
involved, what was your experience of that?
I was responsible for developing the
training materials for the QI Masterclass
and supporting Miranda to deliver
them. QI is a novel concept for many
CAMHS practitioners so we were really
encouraged by how much they really
embraced this new way of working. We
heard lots of comments that they felt
liberated by the simple framework and
the suggestion to start small-scale with
one young person.
I do really enjoy being involved in the
Masterclasses because it gives me direct
contact with the front line services and
an opportunity to hear about what’s
really going on, on the ground! I often
find that informal discussions really help
to shape our ideas for taking projects
forward in all sorts of ways, because you
get to learn about common challenges
being faced and possible areas that may
capture the interests of the community.
What are the three major things you would like to
see coming out of your projects, and sticking with
the EBPU?
My contribution? I just feel I really love
this kind of work. When I come to work I
don’t feel like I’m doing a job, I feel like I’m
just doing something that I’m genuinely
interested in. I’ve got my experience in
public health, I’ve had experience of
working in a private health care system
as well, so I’ve got these different sorts
of experiences and methods that I’ve
picked up along the way that I’m now
putting into the sort of work I’m doing
to formalise systems and on that macro
level that’s sort of where I feel I can
make a contribution in terms of the
way things are done. Strangely enough,
with the shared decision making
project there’s a balance between being
formalised, which is what I’m used to,
and then actually being quite open and
more causal in that sort of approach.
So I’m actually now learning about that
balance and pulling back from some of
the more bureaucratic ways of working
that I’ve learnt up to now. But I’m really
interested in this thinking about the
quality of care standards and I think I
could probably contribute a lot in that
area and just in terms of networking
and joining the CAMHS community
up and shared decision making itself
being at the forefront of the health
system, I feel really excited about that.
Even if I’m only here to the end of my
project, if I could say I’ve contributed to
setting up a new way of working then I
will feel so proud. I feel so delighted to
be working in such a forward thinking
team and just having the opportunity
to try things and knowing it’s OK to try
things, it doesn’t mean it has to work,
but you can still try it. That’s a really
good approach to pushing the barriers
down and finding new horizons. Good
times ahead!
Thank you, is there anything else you would like
to add?
Yes! That I think EBPU is a really exciting
place to be working and I think we’ve
got a really strong team! I feel we’re
at the stage now where we’re pulling
together our experiences and expertise
in such a useful way and there are so
many interesting projects that we’re
all working on which can really benefit
from cross fertilisation! We have a team
leads strategic away day coming up
soon, where we will be focusing on how
to create opportunities for more joint
working within the team – I’m quite
looking forward to that – should be a
really interesting time! ■
Out of Africa
Jenna Bradley, Senior Research officer
from CORC and genuine animal lover,
recently enjoyed a week long safari in
Kenya. Enchanted by lions, genets and
other animals she saw, she also brought
us back a wonderful photo taken by her
boyfriend, so that we too can enjoy a
slightly less dynamic view of Africa.
Welcomes and Goodbyes
Andy Fugard finally settled down in
London and is now working full time
as the CORC Lead and the Data Analyst
for CAMHS EBPU. Dion Terrelonge has
The CAMHS Outcomes Research
Consortium (CORC) is a collaboration
between child and adolescent mental
health services (CAMHS) staff across the
UK with the aim of instituting a common
model of routine outcome evaluation
and analysing the data derived. Over
half of all CAMHS staff in England are
now members, with members also in
Scotland, Wales, Norway and Sweden.
There are now over 70 collaborating
services within the consortium.
Recent News: CORC held its first ever
international conference in July. The
conference was titled “Transforming
practice through outcomes. Learning
from US and UK experience” and
included talks by Professors Leonard
Bickman and John Weisz from the US,
along with talks by Professor Peter
Fonagy and our very own Dr Miranda
Wolpert. Professor Fonagy provided
a perspective from his experience in
Adult Mental Health, whilst Professors
Weisz and Bickman presented on their
own experiences and the models of
joined CORC as a Research Officer,
whilst Emily Stepley has joined CORC as
a Research Assistant. Samantha Murphy
has also now been appointed a Research
Officer for CORC with a special responsibility for user involvement – which
we’re delighted she’s taking forward.
We also, extend a warm welcome to
two new CORC Data Assistants, Harriet
Hockaday and Charlotte Wray.
CAMHS EBPU has been joined by Neus
Abrines-Jaume and Anke Görzig. Neus
is our Service Improvement Facilitator
and will support the Closing the Gap:
Shared Decision Making project. Anke
has joined us as a Research Fellow
working they’ve developed in the US.
Finally, Dr Wolpert gave a presentation reflecting on the experiences
of CORC. The final discussion of the
day also included a live, cross Atlantic
connection with colleagues working
in the US. Over 100 people attended
the conference and gave very positive
As part of the learning collaboration
CORC organises two Forums every year
for its members to get together and
discuss important issues. The latest forum
took place on 21st November under the
title “Collaboratively Making a Difference
for Children and Families”. Along with
a presentation from the CORC Central
Team, Dr Sami Tamimi gave a talk about
OO-CAMHS and the attendees were
given an update on the progress of the
Payment by Results, Closing the Gap
and voluntary sector developments in
schools. The forum was well attended
with over 70 people joining the CORC
Central Team on the day.
and will be particularly focused on
our involvement with the Child Health
Policy Research Unit.
Halina Flannery, who joined CORC in
mid-2009, left to undertake a Clinical
Doctorate. We wish her the best of luck
with her future endeavours.
We are also looking forward to the
first EBPU babies. Our Research
Lead and Deputy for EBPU, Jessica
Deighton, is expecting twins and in
order to celebrate this wonderful
news we are having a party and a
dinner on the 7th February.
Prepared and designed by Slavi Savic; assisted by Thomas Booker; If you want to comment or to give feedback please email; If you
would like to be on the mailing list please email; All other information can be found on our website:
December 2011
CAMHS PRESS is the publishing arm of CAMHS EBPU and is responsible for
publishing booklets aimed at children, young people, and parents, as well as
information and resources for professionals. Our two most recent publications
(“How to Get up and Go when you’re feeling low” and “I gotta feeling: Top Tips
for Feeling Good”) were developed as part of the Help4Pupils project and are
designed to help children when they are feeling sad, worried or troubled.
How to order:
All of our booklets are freely available as PDFs
on our website. Alternatively, booklets can be
ordered directly by sending an email to ebpu@ You must include the following
details when ordering:
Title of the booklet
Number of copies (see the details about
suggested quantities)
Name and address of person to invoice (only if
the booklets are not free)
Name and address to send the booklets to
PLEASE NOTE: Booklets will not be posted until
payment has been made.
Both “I gotta feeling’ and ‘How to Get up and Go’ have proven popular. So far we’ve
sent out almost 2100 copies of ‘I Gotta Feeling’ to some 70 schools and related
organisations, whilst ‘How to Get up and Go’ has proven even more popular with
over 2400 copies sent out to over 80 schools and related organisations.
The first 2500 copies of each booklet are available for free with a maximum of
30 per organisation. As you can see we have almost reached this threshold so if
you want to get hold of some free copies for your organisation get your orders
in quickly.
Booklets for Children:
Booklets for Professionals:
worried or troubled. It is
full of fun simple tips on
what to do to improve
their mood and maintain
emotional wellbeing.
I Gotta Feeling, Top tips
For Feeling Good, 2011
(Aimed at primary
school children).
We have 1000 copies
available free of charge
(maximum of 30 per school/
organisation). Once these
free copies have gone, we
charge £25 per 30 booklets
including P&P (orders must
be in multiples of 30 i.e. 30,
60, 90 etc.)
A Mental Health Care
Pathway for children
and young people with
learning disabilities.
A resource pack for
service planners and
practitioners 2007
This booklet has been
designed by Help4Pupils
to help children when
they are feeling sad,
worried or troubled. It is
full of fun simple tips on
what to do to improve
their mood and maintain
emotional wellbeing.
We have 2500 copies
available free of charge
(maximum of 30 per school/
organisation). Once these
free copies have gone, we
charge £25 per 30 booklets
including P&P (orders must
be in multiples of 30 i.e. 30,
60, 90 etc.)
A resource pack for services
to help them become more
accessible to children with
learning disabilities.
Up to five booklets for free
Choosing What’s Best For
You, What Scientists have
found helps children and
young people who are sad,
worried or troubled, 2007
A booklet that explains the
latest research in this area
to children and families to
help them make treatment
choices. More than 25,000
copies have so far been
distributed across the UK
and beyond. The booklet is
currently being translated
into Swedish
How to Get Up and Go
when you’re feeling low,
Top tips for feeling good,
2011 (Aimed at secondary
school pupils)
This booklet has been
designed by Help4Pupils
to help children when
they are feeling sad,
December 2011
Up to five booklets for free.
Please also note that we
have a very limited supply
of these left.
Up to five booklets free. For
more than 5 copies, orders
must be in multiples of 50
(i.e. 50,100,150 etc.) £60 for
every 50 copies
Knowing Where to Look
How to find the evidence
you need. Psychological health, emotional
wellbeing and mental
health in children and
young people, 2008
A booklet to help you find,
analyse and use information to develop and deliver
services to support the
emotional, psychological
and mental health needs of
children and young people.
Authored by Paula Lavis and
published in partnership
with YoungMinds and the
Department for Children,
Schools & Families.
Drawing on the Evidence.
Advice for mental health
professionals working
with children and
adolescents, 2002
A booklet that explains the
latest research in this area
to busy practitioners to help
them make appropriate
treatment choices. 10,000
copies have now been
distributed across the UK
and beyond.
Up to five booklets for free.
Please also note that we
have a very limited supply
of these left.