Monumental Inscriptions St George's Churchyard, Arreton "Plot" Number Name A 1 Kingswell, Henry A 2 Urry, Hannah A 3 Urry, James A 4 Hills, Robert A 5 Hills, William A 6 Hills, John A 7 Hills, James A 8 Hills, John A 9 Hills, James A 10 Young, Mary A 11 Hance, Henry A 12 Etheridge, Mary Ann A 13 Barton, William A 14 Barton, William A 15 Barton, John Atkins A 16 Barton, John A 17 Barton, Harriet A 18 Barton, Barnabas A 19 Barton, Mary A 20 Hills, William Ash A 21 Stallard, Abraham A 22 Young, Sophia A 23 Hills, Hezekiah A 24 Hills, William A 25 Whittington, John A 26 Whittle, Elizabeth M M A 27 Harvey, Hannah A 28 Harvey, James A 29 Tharle, Anne A 30 Tharle, Frances A 31 Tharle, Sarah Ann A 32 Tharle, Hannah A 33 Tharle, Richard A 34 Witt, William A 35 Witt, Mary A 36 Witt, Hannah A 37 White, John A 38 blank stone A 39 White,James A 40 Cox, Amelia A 41 Cromwell, William A 42 Couper, Henry A 43 Jacob, Betty A 44 Jacob, William A 45 Moses, James A 46 Tutton, Robert B 1 Sibley, Jane Baker B 2 Harvey, John B 3 White, Frances Date 21.9.1855 11.1.1845 17.6.1815 10.5.1856 14.3.1869 1.6.1787 Nov 1787 19.3.1798 9.5.1797 8.5.1824 6.11.1768 3.4.1814 13.6.1822 3.8.1816 5.3.1837 14.4.1813 23.2.1762 19.1.1740 28.6.1782 12.11.1830 1776 11.6.1829 Nov 1790 13.5.1810 19.3.1741 8.10.1849 3.3.1839 15.2.1837 8.10.1834 26.4.1836 5.1.1842 21.6.1840 21.4.1853 8.9.1772 22.11.1738 14.6.1750 31.10.1729 B 27.12.1736 4 White, Ann 26.7.1790 27.4.1831 16.8.1720 11.6.1802 11.2.1742 27.12.1760 29.8.1744 27.1.1765 23.9.1844 5.6.1854 18.3.1802 Page 1 of 10 Additional Information relict of James Urry killed by his bull Elizabeth Robinson (daughter) also James his son Mary his wife James their son also Martha his wife also Mary his wife dau of Thomas Young also Mary his widow son of William Barton also Elizabeth his wife also Mary his wife wife of Barnabas Barton son of Richard Barton also Richard Barton husband and jane, his relict and Sarah his wife also Mary his wife dau of Rev Edward Whittle dau of Richard Tharle infant dau of William Tharle dau of Richard tharle son of Richard tharle wife of William Witt 2nd wife of William Witt Mary relict of John White and William Cox, her husband and Martha his wife Lieut. In 60th Regt of Foot son of Robert Moses wife of Thos Sibley Ann his relict and Mary, children of James White dau of Thomas White Monumental Inscriptions St George's Churchyard, Arreton "Plot" Number Name B 5 Roach, James B 6 Baker, Jane B 7 Baker, Hannah B 8 Tharle, Mary B 9 Roach, Henry B 10 Roach, Edward B B B 11 Gibbs, John Pope 12 Gibbs, Frances 13 Roach, Ann B B B 14 Saker, Elizabeth 15 footstone no inscription 16 Farthing, Elizabeth B B B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C C C 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 C C C C C C C C C C C C 12 13 14 15 15a 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Date 26.9.1830 12.12.1793 3.12.1824 14.3.1763 2.12.1817 8.1.1828 Additional Information son of James Roach dau of William Baker wife of William Baker dau of John Tharle Jane, widow and dau Sarah Jane, wife and Dau Jane & Fanny 25.10.11837 Richard and Margaret 9.4.1813 Robert, George & Robert 11.5.1831 & William son & dau of Henry Roach 25.4.1759 widow dau of John Farthing 2.1.1715 Roach, James Illegible Farthing, John Farthing, Charles Roach, William Gibbs, Robert Pope, Elizabeth Gibbs, Ann Roach, William Bussell, John Williams, Frances Bussell, Jane Pope, John Pope, Mary Rogers, Richard Rogers, James Rogers? Elizabeth Rogers, Jane Blake, Elizabeth Ruffin Scott, Mary Blake, Joseph Rogers, John Loe, Henry Phillips, John Phillips, John 25.12.1846 Phillips, John Phillips, Jean Phillips, Hannah Harvey, Thomas Phillips, John Clerk, Elizabeth Clerk, William Knight, John Roach, Charles Roach, Frances Roach, Jane Wight, Edward 21.7.1771 2.2.1781 July 1781 13.1.1708 20.11.1736 19.11.1713 19.12.1707 18.10.1727 12.10.1821 18.5.1832 25.10.1813 7.9.1767 20.11.1746 8.9.1741 23.8.1815 28.1.1795 1.11.1770 28.6.1775 1.7.1802 2.10.1765 27.3.1728 27.11.1781 24.4.1713 27.6.1747 19.1.1765 8.3.1737 ? Nov 1724 26.3.1790 1.1.1766 6.12.1796 30.12.1693 12.12.1712 9.12.1836 22.2.1801 Page 2 of 10 wife of John dau of Thomas Burden also Sarah his wife also Susanna Farthing Jenny his wife & Ann Gibbs dau of John Pope also Ann dau of Robert Gibbs wife Sarah & son John wife of David Williams widow of John Bussell son of Robert Pope also John Pope also dau.Jenny ?wife of Robert wifeof Robert also Robert wife of James Blake widow of Joseph Scott son of James Blake also sons Robert and John also Elizabeth, wife and son James wife of John Phillips dau of William, also William dau of William son of William son of Henry dau of Henry dau of Henry also sons John & Edward Monumental Inscriptions St George's Churchyard, Arreton C C C C C C 23 24 25 26 27 28 Wight, Elizabeth Hearn Thomas Hearn, Brown Blake, James Blake, Susanna Roach, Ann 22.7.1742 17.12.1851 8.10.1841 7.6.1803 26.5.1781 22.10.1810 C C C C 29 30 31 32 Roach, Roach, Roach, Roach, 16.1.1794 19.1.1815 22.2.1757 19.1.1844 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Roach, John Jolliffe, Ann Hearne, William footstone for grave 25 Hearn, William Jolliffe, Ann Hearn, William Hearn, Elizabeth Hearn, Mary Ann & Jane Hearn, James Hearn, John Jolliffe, Mary Jolliffe, Richard Hearn, Thomas Waterman, Frances Beckingsale, Wm Jeffries Blake, Mary Brading, Henry Smith, Martha Smith, Sarah Jan 1753 1750 1.6.1792 C C D D D D D D D D D D D 53 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Smith, Nicholas Tarver, Joseph Graham, Fanny Mearman, Mary C Mearman, Benjamin Blake, Walter Scott Blake, James Blake, Frances Hyland, Cecil E Westmore, William Cull, Sarah footstone grave 18 Morris, Edward 4.1.1736 9.4.1798 30.4.1906 5.2.1898 25.11.1890 22.9.1872 17.11.1795 2.11.1895 5.2.1898 12…3.1894 2.3.1832 D D D D D D D 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 White, James Morris, Sarah Roberts, John Roberts, Lucretia Fearnside, William Blake, Mary Blake, James Ruffin 18.4.1839 June 1839 8.10.1810 16.4.1824 3.8.1807 24.7.1831 18.3.1839 Henry Henry Edward John 17.10.1783 16.11.1734 29.1.1845 9.9.1760 1763 6.11.1788 5.6.1798 6.3.1759 9.9.1779 26.11.1817 17.10.1799 15.12.1843 April 1852 24.5.1831 22.5.1817 11.6.1711 20.6.1830 Page 3 of 10 Mother of Edward infant son of Alfred Hearn also Mary his wife widow of John Blake also Henry & dau Margaret & Caroline son of Henry and wife Mary and wife Mary and wife Ann sons Henry & John son of Edward also John and dau Sarah son of William Hearn dau of John Jolliffe Mary his wife son William dau of William Hearn dau. Of William Hearn son of William Hearn also Ann his wife wife of Jacob Jolliffe also Betty his wife son William and dau Ann surgeon, wife Mary wife of James Blake Mary his wife Nich;as Smith her husband & Mary & James children of Nicholas and wife Mary wife of Joseph Graham sister Jane Mearman wife Elizabeth son of James Blake wife Elizabeth Scott Blake James Ruffin Blake son of Rev Hyland also son Henry wife of James Cull Sarah son & dau of John Morris wife of John Morris relict of John Roberts dau of James Ruffin Blake wife Elizabeth Monumental Inscriptions St George's Churchyard, Arreton D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Blake, Susannah Blake, Benjamin Blake, John Blake, Charles Tucker, Ann Louisa Johnson, Magnus Johnson, Blanche Colenett, William Hayles, Mary Hayles, James Blake, Sussanna Blake, William Hills, Elizabeth Blake, Susannah Blake, Mary Blake, Henry Blake, Ann Tarver, Joseph Irvine, Elizabeth Wight, James 9.1.1815 28.10.1837 9.1.1826 17.3.1827 26.12.1845 12.3.1834 25.8.1833 1.7.1594 13.1.1804 5.8.1810 31.7.1818 27.12.1808 20.3.1824 31.10.1811 4.5.1797 22.10.1845 23.9.1845 3.9.1833 27.9.1791 4.5.1797 D D 39 Wight, Ann 40 Wight, Jane 3.2.1811 Sept 1844 D D D D D D D D D 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Damp, Henry Urry Damp, Miriam Newbury, Elizabeth Waterman, Henry Waterman, Frances Henry (illegible) Sweedland, Christopher Harvey, Edith Damp.Sarah 11.7.1842 18.7.1845 1.6.1830 15.5.1850 13.4.1817 D D E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 50 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Watson, George Watson, Harriet Harvey, William Kellaway, James Bardell, Sarah Fleming, Mary Eveleigh, Henry Moore, James Whitewood, Walter Meads, Leah Pitt, William Moody, William Salter, Frederick Nobbs, Charlotte Nobbs, Joseph Undrell, Thomas Jolliffe, Elizabeth Smith, Jane WW footstone to No19 Wall, Phillip 12.2.1845 16.4.1841 14.10.1885 13.4.1895 12.6.1890 11.9.1891 20.2.1890 31.5.1898 5.9.1888 14.8.1889 8.12.1887 5.5.1899 3.11.1887 12.2.1841 27.11.1834 Oct1818 30.1.1744 6.12.1813 26.2.1836 14.9.1830 5.2.1852 12.4.1842 Page 4 of 10 also Charlotte his wife son of John Blake dau of John Tucker also Emily daughter infant dau of magnus Johnson (on church wall) also Willaim Hayles also George and Charles dau of John Blake son of John Blake William & Mary their daughter burned to death wife of henry Blake Mary his wife & son Richard wife of James Blake wife Ann wife of Charles Irvine of Tobago also Mary his wife & dau Elizabeth wife of William Wight also children Jane, Mary & Thomas son of David Damp also Henry Damp also David her husband wife of Henry Waterman also dau Helen & son William dau of John Harvey John Damp & dau Martha Battmann dau of George Watson also Sarah Elizabeth Kellaway wife of James Fleming also Charlotte his wife wife of James Meads also Sophia Mackett and Jane his wife and jane his wife wife of John Jolliffe inf dau of Nicholas Smith wife Ann Monumental Inscriptions St George's Churchyard, Arreton E 19 Whitehead, William 6.10.1853 E E E E E E E E E 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Burden, William jnr Burden, William Burden, William Blake, Mary Mackett, James Mackett, Ann Footstone for EW 26 Wallbridge, Elizabeth (DD) Wallbridge, Hannah 24.5.1765 5.12.1828 20.12.1777 20.7.1808 17.5.1850 16.3.1773(?) E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 23.1.1766 Apr 1802 25.11.1830 30.10.1821 2.12.1823 12.1.1820 E E E E E E E 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Yelf, Robert Spillers, Christian Harber, Mary Miller, Thomas Smith, James Woodnutt, Edward unreadable Denton, John Barton, William Barton, Elizabeth Barton, Richard Bull, John Rogers, Henry Dullimore, Mary Dullimore, Thomas Barton, William Rogers, James Rogers, William Saunders, James Saunders, Robert Saunders, John Barton, Sarah Barton, William Barton, Sarah Barton, James Barton, Daniel Barton, John Barton, Elizabeth Barton, Elizabeth Barton, William Tharle, Jane Tharle, William Tharle, Rebecca Newnham, John (fenced table tomb) Hills, Jenny Pitt, Henry Gilbert, Hannah Rayner, Elizabeth Rayner, James Rayner, Robert Rayner, Thomas 30.5.1801 14.1.1800 22.6.1724 18.11.1846 9.12.1822 9.10.1796 23.11.1794 9.3.1821 22.12.1840 4.3.1814 20.4.1828 5.1.1778 5.1.1783 Nov 1805 18.1.1795 12.1.1795 6.12.1852 20.10.1823 Mar 1803 13.1.1768 20.12.1778 4.1.1781 Jan 1804 May1819 27.2.1846 3.7.1832 22.12.1834 2.8.1845 also children Wm, Sarah & Lydia alsoFanny his dau and Mary his relict also Jonathan her husband son of James Mackett wife of Robert Mackett "The Dairyman's Daughter) dau of Joseph & sister to above wife of John Spillers dau of Harriet Harber and wife Bridget and Ann his wife son of James Barton wife of Richard & son James and Hannah his wife and Mary his wife and Elizabeth his wife dau of thomas Dullimore# and Hannah his wife and Elizabeth his wife son of James Rogers and Betty his wife wife Elizabeth son Thomas dau of William Barton and Mary his wife wife of James Barton wife of John Barton also husband David barton also Sarah and Henry Groves wife of Barnabas Tharle and his wife Elizabeth 5.12.1779 & Mary his widow 6.12.1833 19.1.1823 20.3.1827 11.6.1811 2.1.1780 14.4.1778 Dec1793 Page 5 of 10 also known as Cushen wife of James Gilbert also husband Robert and Jean his relict wife Esther & John Tuttiet Monumental Inscriptions St George's Churchyard, Arreton E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 70 Rayner, William (bellringers tomb) 71 Orchard, John 72 Orchard, Ann 73 Warren, Thomas on north side of path 74 Rayner, James( loose stone against wall) 75 Rayner, John (loose stone with 74) 76 Barton, Frances 77 Barton, Charlotte (loose stone) 78 Fullerton, John (loose stone) 79 Mew, Edward (loose stone) 80 Burt, Ann (loose stone) 81 Davidge, James (loose stone) 82 Barton, William (loose stone) 83 Rogers, Theophilus (loose stone) 84 Whale, Ann 85 Whale, Charles 86 Morris, Sarah (loose stone) 87 footstone EH 1869 88 Russell, Henry (loose stone) 89 Mackett, John (loose stone) Orchard, William Highett, James White, Jessie Connock, Frances Harvey, Richard Harvey, Julia Mackett, Walter Leslie Mackett, Eliza Whitehead, Deborah Mumby, Charles Conquest, Emily Jane Fleming, James Palser, Sarah Matilda 15.5.1823 2.4.1803 2.6.1822 10.10.1845 wifeof John Orchard also wife Mary Ann & wife Jane, Jeremiah son 27.5.1823 18.6.1857 26.11.1875 Nov1865 & Rosamund his wife 25.4.1871 15.1.1879 6.10.1882 28.3.1883 12.3.1887 wife of William Burt & Eliza his wife & Hannah his wife 14.9.1906 26.4.1877 25.7.1892 Charles Whale son of Charles dau of Edward Morris 19.8.1892 Mahalath Glasspell his daughter & Robert sons of John Mackett 28.9.1853 E E E E E E E E E E E E E 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 E 103 Orchard, Elizabeth 29.8.1900 E 104 Calloway, Ethel Maria 7.9.1892 E E E E E F F F F 105 106 107 108 109 1 2 3 4 31.3.1896 5.2.1893 10.10.1892 6.2.1893 24.2.1869 9.5.1897 18.1.1883 18.11.1889 23.1.1886 Tutton, Clara Calloway, Mary Emma Butt, Fanny Earney, Emily Hayward, Edith Alexander, James Williams, Catherine Williams, William Wheeler, Edwin & wife Hannah also children 9.9.1887 26.9.1873 255.3.1897 2.11.1885 17.2.1883 23.10.1889 29.11.1896 12.11.1896 5.1.1883 Aug 1885 3.8.1858 3.4.1884 4.4.1863 Page 6 of 10 & Tabitha his wife dau of Benjamin White widow of Richard Harvey son of Walter Mackett also Charles her husband also Henry, children of George also Elizabeth his wife wife of Joseph of Fort Edward U.S. husband Henry dau Ethel Normand and Bertha dauthers of W Calloway dau of Charles Tutton dau of George Calloway and Henry her husband and George her husband wife of James Hayward Also Mary his wife dau of Wm Williams Merston Cross Also Mary his wife Monumental Inscriptions St George's Churchyard, Arreton F F F F F F F F F F 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Tharle, Barnaby White, James White, Ann White, Frances Robinson, Elizabeth Faulkner, Thomas Roach, Kate Roach, Walter Roach, William Mearman, Richard Oct 1879 24.2.1858 14.12.1875 Jan 1902 19.6.1857 6.3.1880 8.3.1903 14.4.`86` 29.3.1888 30.9.1866 F F F F F F F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Hills, Henry Hearn, Alfred Snow, James Baynham Knight, John Knight, Jeanette Reynolds, Joshua Roach, William 15.3.1909 23.6.1808 11.7.1870 27.12.1888 28.10.1881 19.8.1897 13.8.1862 F F F F F F F F F F 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 25.12.1892 6.9.1890 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Barlow, Frederick Black Roach, Marion footstone AH 1859 (see 26) Taylor, Olive Ann Taylor, Ann Pitt, Thomas Conquest, George Shirley, James Hansford, Jane footstone JW 1858 James White 6 not known footstone OAT1857( No 25) Lock, Henry footstone TBT1860 (no32) Draper, Mark Carpenter, George Chipp, Elizabeth Niblett, Fanny footstone Williams, Eliza footstone CUT 1864 (No47) Hendy, George Roach, William Roach, Charlotte Maria Wheeler, James Tharle, Clement Urry Tharle, Frederick Cooper, Isaac Barnes, Isaac Young, James Rose, Elizabeth footstone F.T.1870 (No 56) Attrill, William Rickaby, William 21.4.1857 16.7.1859 17.5.1883 2.5.1869 19.1.1894 18.9.1858 26.9.1883 24.7.1885 7.1.1867 21.12.1859 22.12.1884 6.5.1875 6.6.1907 3.1.1880 20.5.1876 24.10.1874 9.5.1864 5.12.1859 6.1.1864 21.2.1882 30.8.1872 5.10.1867 Ann his wife of Yaverland wife of James White also Alicia White dau of Thomas Ann his wife dau of Edward Roach son of Edward Roach son of Edward Roach Frances his wife, Richard their son Ann widow of Henry Isabella his wife Katherine dau late Vicar of Arreton also Harry and Fanny also George her husband his wife Fanny Frances Roach & Ann Cheverton son of Wm Barlow Reginald & John & Frederick Ann Taylor dau of Richard & Ann also Jane Pitt his widow also Fanny his wife wife of Edward hansford also Emily Louisa lock Thomas Barton Tharle also his wife Fanny also his wife Maria also grandau Emma Hendy wife of Frank Niblett dau of William Williams Clement urry Tharle only son of William Roach wife of William son of Edwin Wheeler accidently shot himself infant son of Barnaby Tharle son of John Cooper also Frances his wife Frances Tull 27.4.1861 31.10.1906 Page 7 of 10 Monumental Inscriptions St George's Churchyard, Arreton F F F F F F F F 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Tull, Frances Hookey, George Wheeler, Sarah Westmore, Luke footstone SW 1861 (No59) footstone IC 1864 (No49) Butchers, Elizabeth Westmore, James 24.11.1870 23.12.1901 26.11.1861 10.4.1874 F F F F F F F F F F 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Orchard, William Orchard, Maria Brooks, John Horlock, Elizabeth Smith, John Barton, William Butchers, William Flux, William Edmunds, William Blake, Julia Groundsell 11.3.1864 21.4.1884 25.10.1870 April 1862 7.7.1875 10.11.1877 20.10.1905 18.11.1872 19.12.1895 9.6.1878 F F 74 Meads, Louisa 75 Faulkner, Violet 7.10.1894 25.1.1895 F F 76 Dickinson, Frederick 77 Cole, Mary 13.12.1894 5.1.1904 F F F F 78 79 80 81 23.4.1956 8.4.1898 30.9.1891 13.6.1883 F F F 82 Galt, Ethel 83 Galt, Joseph James 84 Salter, Manny Walter 10.12.1871 18.4.1881 20.4.1899 F F F 85 Calloway, Caroline 86 Cawley-Way, George 87 Hills Martha (Mattie) 31.12.1902 8.7.1927 29.12.1906 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 Yates, Charles Buckett Faulkner, Charles Braxton-Perress, Annie Galt, Henry George Pearce, Fanny Jeatt, Kathleen Hayward, Maria Calloway, Emily Mackett, Walter Henry Hayward, James Blake, James Ruffin Scott Blake, Sarah stone no inscription no stone Parsons, Thomas Faulkner, Thomas King, James Henry Wheeler, Henry no stone 12.11.1908 25.12.1896 15.10.1926 16.2.1905 30.12.1904 22.11.1909 27.2.1905 30.11.1906 24.10.1905 8.11.1906 26.5.1887 24.8.1915 8.3.1941 18.5.1904 Page 8 of 10 widow of John Tull widow of John Wheeler also wife Harriet, son John Sarah Wheeler Isaac Cooper wife of Wm Butchers also George, both sons of Luke son henry widow of William Orchard George Cooper, grandson dau of John Smith infant son of William Barton wife Elizabeth, dau Janet dau of James Fred bro of James James Meads dau of Thomas & Emily Faulkner his wife Melinda and Fanney daughters of James Chrles, Louisa & Lydia Robert her husband son of Joseph, Jane dau of Joseph infant dau od Joseph also wife Jane son of Henry, & Harry his brother husband Daniel Henry and his wife Frances husband John, dau. Amy & Ada also William Pearce also father Arthur Jeatt also husband James wife of Frederick Callaway also wife Ann also wife grace, son William also James her husband his widow Catherine his widow Emily sarh Jane his wife wife Mary, son Frederick Monumental Inscriptions St George's Churchyard, Arreton F F F 103 Kelleway, Rebecca 104 Pittis, George Eric 105 Halson, Charles 20.12.1919 17.2.1925 10.11.1859 F F F 106 Parsons, Josiah 107 Lambourne, George V 108 Blake, Mary 18.6.1877 2.1.1899 9.4.1870 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 29.10.1899 9.4.1879 5.9.1866 16.4.1875 8.5.1868 16.7.1871 26.6.1869 16.12.1878 4.6.1874 24.3.1879 15.8.1870 13.11.1880 8.1.1882 8.5.1901 21.1.1893 June 1859 F F F F F F F F F 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 Blake, Henry Fidler, Alice Tosdevin, James Hatcher, Fanny Hayles, Ann Stone, George Kingswell, Hannah Guy, John Meader, William Tosdevin, Eliza Rossiter, Esther (behind 115) Coombes, Mary (behind 113) Tosdevin, John Payne, Edie Butcher, Walter Tukesbury, Thomas (inscription on back) Butcher, Emily Jane Young, Ann Kemp, James Kemp, Rebecca Burnett, Ellen (behind 124) Lacey, Rosina (behind 124) Barnes, George (behind 130) Chiverton, William Humber, Abraham (behind 132) F F F F F 134 135 136 137 138 Orchard, William Gallop, Emma Orchard, Harriet Hayward, Fanny Hendy, Sarah Kate 8.5.1883 23.11.1893 10.4.1893 26.11.1896 6.4.1901 F F F F F F F F F F F F F 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 footstone footstone Chipp, Isaac Barton, Ann Damp, John Organ, Mary Ann White, Charles Fitt, Clara Isabella Clarkson, William Blake, James Sibley, Thomas Lock, Ellen Lock, William 24.6.1882 29.5.1859 12.9.1867 2.11.1893 21.12.1897 28.12.1884 27.6.1907 31.3.1863 27.10.1860 11.10.1867 13.6.1887 26.9.1894 11.7.1882 29.2.1858 8.1.1868 30.1.1875 3.10.1894 9.8.1905 30.8.1887 20.10.1862 Page 9 of 10 Seymour and Kate also Olympia Halson & M Philpott son of Thomas Parsons his wife Elizabeth Mary (wife) and Jessie Saunders dau. sexton for 40 years wife of Alfred Fidler wife of James hatcher dau. Of Daniel Hayles wife of John Kingswell also his wife Maria wife of James & dau. Ann wife of John dau of Frank Payne son of William Butcher dau of William Butcher wife of James Kemp sister Sarah Ann and Maria his wife son of Benjamin Chiverton wife of Charles, son Harry dau of William Hayward wife of Arthur Hendy dau of Guttridge & Fanny Hendy daughter wife of Stephen & infant child and Sarah his widow wife of Wallace Fitt & wife Jane wife of John Lock & Caroline his wife Monumental Inscriptions St George's Churchyard, Arreton F F F F 152 153 154 155 Millmore, Fanny Orchard, Ellen Lowe, William Dore, Janet 1.11.1883 25.9.1898 17.5.1883 13.5.1875 F F F F F F 156 157 158 160 161 162 Havelock, John Glaspell, Loveday Newbury, Florence Rutherford, William Hayward, William Hayward, Mary 11.9.1875 13.11.1876 21.11.1883 11.7.1885 27.3.1877 6.2.1875 Plots were arbitrarily defined to assist the transcribers Thanks to Pat Phillips of Arreton for this transcription Page 10 of 10 and James Millmore & Charles Orchard & Mary his wife George infant son & George Lowe son of John dau of James Glaspell wife of William Hayward