Journalof GeophysicalResearch VOLUME 76 APRIL NUMBER 1, 1971 10 Mariner6 and 7 UltravioletSpectrometer Experiment: UpperAtmosphere Data, C. A. BARTH,C. W. HORD,J. B. PEARCE, K. K. KELLY, G. P. A•)ERSON,AN•)A. I. STEWART Department o• Astro-Geophysicsand Laboratory Jot Atmospheric and Space Physics University oJ Colorado, Boulder 8030œ Mariner 6 and 7 observationsof the Mars upper atmosphereshowthe ultraviolet emission spectrumto consistof the COs+ A-X and B-X bands,the CO a-X and A-X bands,the CO+ B-X bands, the C I 1561- and 1657-A lines, the O I 1304-, 1356-, and 2972-A lines, and the It I 1216-A line. Laboratory measurementsand theoretical calculationsshow that the CO•* bandsystems are produced by th'e--•Combination of photoionization excitation of COsand fluorescent scattering of CO.?.Anknalysis of the vibrational populations of the CO Cameron bands shows that they may be ProdUcedfrom photon or electron dissociative excitation of COs. The vibrational distribution• 'of the CO fourth po•tive bands is the same in the Mars spectrumas in a laboratoryCO, dissociativeexcitationspectrum,exceptfor the bandsthat are self-absorbedby CO in the Mars atmosphere.Since the •C I 1561- and 1657-A lines and the O I 1356- and 2972-A lines may be produced in the laboratory by COs dissociative excitationprocesses, these are the most likely sourcesin the Mars atmosphere.The altitude distribution of all the emissionsis the same, except for the Yi I 1216-A and O I 1304-A lines and part of the COs+ A-X bands. The scale heights indicate a cold, predominantlyCOs atmosphere.The O I 1304-A line emissionextendsto much higher altitudes than the':CO• emissions showingthat atomicoxygenis present.Its profilesuggests that it is excitedby more than one mechanism. Fluorescent scattering of the CO, + A-X and B-X bands indicates the presenceof COs+, but COy+ is not necessarilyan abundantion. Lyman a radiation with a single scale height extendingseveral radii from the planet establishesthe presenceof atomic hydrogen in the Mars exosphere. On July 31 and August 5, 1969, the first observationsof the ultraviolet spectrumof the make possiblethe determination of the com- Mars upper atmosphere weremadewith ultraviolet spectrometers on board the Mariner 6 and 7 spacecraft.The principal emissionfea- phere. positionand structureof the Mars upperatmosThe purposeof the presentreport is twofold' (1) to give the resultsof a detailedspectro- tures were quickly identified and reported in scopic analysis of the data that lead to the the literature [Barth et al., 1969]. A continued identificationof the principalmechanisms proexamination of these-ultraviolet observations has ducing the upper atmosphereemissions,and revealed that they are rich in spectral detail (2) to present the intensities of individual spectral features as a function of altitude so and contain sufficient altitude Copyright ¸ information to 1971 by the American GeophysicalUnion. that modelsof the Mars upperatmosphere may be constructed.A reviewof the techniquesand 2213 2214 BIRTH theory of the ultraviolet spectroscopyof planets [Barth, 1969] showsa number of the spectral emissions that were beingsoughtin the Mariner 6 and 7 experiment. INSTRUMENT The Mariner 6 and 7 ultraviolet spectrometer consistsof a 250-mm focal length Ebert-Fastie scanningmonochromator, a 250-mmfocallength off-axis telescope,and a two-photomultiplier tube detector system [Pearce et al., 1971]. The spectral range 1900-4300 A was measured in the first order at 20-A resolution with a b«alkali photomultiplier tube, and the spectral range 1100-2100A was measuredin the second order at 10-A resolution with a cesium iodide photomultipliertube. A completespectralscan including both orders was completed every 3 sec. Extensive light baffling was used to reject light from the bright disc of the planet while observingthe upper atmosphere. OBSERVATIONALGEOMETRY The spectral emissionsfrom the upper atmosphereof Mars were observedby having the ultraviolet spectrometer look tangentially through the atmosphereas the spacecraftflew INCIDENT SOLAR RADIATION LINE OF $16HT ET AL. by the planet. Sincethe relative velocity of the spacecraft with respect to the planet was 7 km/sec, a completespectral scan was obtained every 21 km as the effectiveobservationpoint, i.e., the closestpoint of the tangential line of sight, moved deeper into the atmosphere.The ultraviolet spectrometerson each Mariner had the opportunity to view the atmospheretwice, once looking ahead and once looking sideways, as each spacecraftflew by Mars making a total of four probes of the upper atmosphere.The geometry of the observationsis shownin Figure 1. In the caseof Mariner 6, the solar zenith angle of the effective observation point was 27ø for the first limb crossingand 0 ø for the second.For Mariner 7, the first limb crossing had a solar zenith angle of 44ø and the second had a 0ø angle. In all cases,the observations were made at an instrumentzenith angleof 90ø. SPECTRUM The ultraviolet spectrumof the upper atmosphere of Mars consistsof the C02+ A q/u-X 'I/g and B •u+-X •//g bands, the CO a 3//-X • Cameronand A q/-X •+ fourth positivebands, the CO+ B •;+-X •+ first negative bands,the C I 1561- and 1657-Alines,the 0 I 1304-, 1356-, and 2972-A lines, and the H I 1216-A Lyman a line. These spectralemissionfeatures are shown in the spectra in Figures 2 and 3. Figure 2 displaysthe Mars spectrumbetween 1900 and 4000 A at 20-A resolution,which was obtained whilethe instrument wasobservin g the Mars atmosphereat an altitude between 160 and 180 km abovethe surface.Figure 3 showsthe spectral interval between 1100 and 1800 A at 10-A resolution. This spectrum originated from the 140- to 160-km level of the Mars upper atmosphere. Both the long and short wavelength spectradisplayedhere are the result of summing four individual 3-secspectralscans. EMISSION Fig. 1. Geometry of atmosphericlimb observations. In all four limb crossings,the line of sightwas perpendicularto a radiusvectormaking the instrument zenith angle e = 90ø. The solar zenith angle eowas 27ø and 44ø for the first limb crossings of Mariner 6 and 7, respectively,and 0ø for both secondlimb crossings. MECHANISMS The B-X and A-X C0•' bands may be produced in the Mars upper atmosphereby one or more of three mechanisms: (1) fluorescent scatteringof solar radiation by carbon dioxide ions; (2) photoionizationexcitation of neutral carbon dioxide by extreme ultraviolet solar radiation; and (3) electron impact excitation of neutral carbon dioxideby the photoelectrons producedin the photoionizationof the major MARINER 6 AND 7 UV SPECTROMETER EXPERIMENT 600' COa•rI-x'Z -ooo -- e4 •o o c0• õ•z-•rI uo J iiI•im I"I"I' I •• 4oo- olq • =2v+ co + • •,o "= o o v2v+ • - • Z • 2215 04. +•-•zN CO• I1•o o o jja• o o • • = d •'' - d JJ• I'• I•' I"' I'" I'1" I" 20 o E • do I"I' I ,,.,,,,.... , 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 WAVELENGTH, • Fig. 2. Ultraviolet spectrumof the upperatmosphere of Mars, 1900-4000 A, 20-A resolution. Spectrumwas obtainedby observingthe atmospheretangentiallyat an altitude between160 and 180km. This spectrumwas obtainedfrom the sum of four individual observations. constituentsin the Mars atmosphere.These CO2(Xl Z,+) + hl/• CO2+(B2Z.+) -+-e processes may be represented by the following set of equations,whichalsoliststhe wavelength X < of the solar radiation or the energyof the electrons responsiblefor the excitation. 686 A CO2(Xl Z,+) + h• • C02+(A 2n.) + e x <716A CO•+(X •IIo) q- Av--• CO•+(B •Z. +) C02(Xl Z,+) + e • CO•+(B•Z. +) + 2e 2890 A E > 18.1 ev E• 17.3 ev co, +(x •no) + • -• co, +(A 3507 A CO AlII-X ...;-; 5O0 I ' o 0 I -- IZ+ oJ 1''i ' !' co ,r, ! I i,o I • 4OO ;500 •t-. eu ,o• i! i I i zo0 ,00 I I ' 1200 I 1400 ' I ' I 1600 ' I I 1800 WAVELENGTH, ._ Fig.3. Ultravi, oletspectrum oJ.,the'Upper atmosphere of Mars,1100-1800 A, 10-Aresolu- tion.Spectrum was•)btained by Observing the atmosphere tangentially at an iqtitudebetween 140 and 160 km. This spectrumwas obtained from the sum of four individual observations. 2216 • BARTH ET AL. trum than photoelectron excitation, becausea large number of photonsare availablefor the photoionization excitation and because the threshold for electron impact excitation lies abovethe energy of most of the photoelectrons. A dayglowmodelcalculationfor a pure COrCO,`+ atmosphereillustrates the dominanceof the photoionization excitation and because the 1970]. The photoionizationexcitationspectrum producedby 584-A photonsthat was recorded in the laboratory by a Mariner ultraviolet spectrometeris shownin Figure 4. A comparison between it and the Mars spectrumin Fig- 600 o z 400• b.J •2 > •2oo- -• IJ.I -,,2 I A II-X II ' o H o o o o o• -• • H •1" •1" •i'" oI'1" o1" I"' oo 1" I' . ure 2 shows that the vibrational 0 •-• , I " i , 3000 [ I ' ' ' ' 3500 I 4000 WAVELENGTH, • Fig. 4. Laboratory photoionization excitation spectrum of CO2 produced with 584-A photons. 400 the A-X z ,.,2001 '• 0:: 0 I ' $000 ' ' I ' 5500 ' ' ' I 4000 WAVELENGTH, • Fig. 5. Theoretical fluorescent scattering spectrum for C'O,`+. Since the relative intensities between the two electronictransitionsand amongthe extensive vibrational developmentin the A-X system contain information about the excitation mecha- nism, laboratoryand theoreticalstudieswere conducted for each of the three mechanisms. The spectraproducedby the impact of 20-ev electronson neutral carbon dioxide were found to be similar but not identical to the spectra in spectra. For example, in the Mars spectrum the 0, 0 band is more intense than the 2, 2, whereasin the laboratory spectrumthe reverse is true. When the laboratory spectrumwas subtracted from the Mars spectrum,the bands at longer wavelengthsthat arise from the lowest vibrational ill distribution bands is not the same in the two levels were the most intense in the spectrum that remained. The emphasison the lower vibrational levels is indicative of a spectrum producedby fluorescentscattering,since the higher vibrational levels require shorter wavelength photons for excitation, and the solar spectrum falls off with decreasingwavelength in this part of the spectrum. A synthetic spectrum that showsthe relative intensities expected from fluorescent scattering is plotted in Figure 5. This spectrumwas calculated from the transition probabilities measured by Hesser [1968] and the branchingratios derived by Dalgarno and Degges [1970] from the work of Poulizac and Dufay [1967]. The relative intensity of the (0, 0, 0 to 0, 0, 2) band was determinedfrom the laboratory measurements of Wauchop and Broida [1971]. The two spectra,the photoionizationexcitation spectrum in Figure 4 and the fluorescent scatteringspectrumin Figure 5, add up quantitatively to match the intensity distributionof the C02+ B-X and A-X bands in the Mars producedby the impactof 584-A photonson spectrum.At the particular altitude where this CO2.At equivalentenergies, the crosssections Mars spectrumwas observed,the B-X (0, O) for the two processes were found to be nearly band is produced90% by photoionizationexequal [Wauchopand Broida, 1971; Ajello, citation and 10% by fluorescent scattering. 1971].In analogyto the productionof the N,? Photoionizationexcitationis the strongersource 3914-A band in the earth's atmosphere,photo- of the A-X band system,but individual bands ionizationexcitationis a more likely sourceof suchas the (0, 0) are producedmore strongly excitation of the CO,.* bands in the Mars spec- by fluorescentscattering. Thus this analysis I•IARINER 6 AND 7 UV SPECTROMETER]7•XPERIMENT showshow the Mars ultraviolet spectrum between2800 and 4000 A may be usedto measure quantitatively the number of CO•* ions in the Martian ionosphere,the number of CO• moleculesat the samealtitude,and the rate of photoionization occurring in the Martian upper atmosphere. The CO a-X Cameron bands are the most intense emissionin the Mars ultraviolet spectrum. They may be excitedby: (1) the fluorescent scattering of solar radiation by CO molecules in the Mars upper atmosphere; (2) the photoelectronexcitation of carbon monoxide; (3) the photodissociationexcitation of CO• moleculesin the Mars upper atmosphere; (4) the photoelectronexcitation of carbon dioxide moleculesto produce excited carbon monoxide molecules;and (5) the dissociativerecombination of ionized carbon dioxide molecules. These 2217 band is moreintensethan the (0, 0) band,while in the Mars spectrumthe reverseis true. These two mechanismsare also inadequateto account for the intensity of the Cameronbandsquantitatively. The upper state of the Cameronbands, the a 8II, is metastable; its lifetime has been measuredto be 7.5 ñ 2 msec [Lawrence, 1971]. Becauseof the small oscillator strength associated with this transition, an amount of carbon monoxide far in excess of the total number of moleculesin the Mars upper atmospherewould be required to produce the intensity of the Cameron bands observedin the Mars spectrum from fluorescentscattering.A similar quantitative argument may be made againstproduction of these bands by the photoelectronexcitation of carbon monoxide. The vibrational distributionproducedby the remainingthree processes is lesswell known. In fact, there is not yet experimentalevidencethat the Cameron bands are produced by photo- excitation mechanismsare described by the followingset of equations,where the energyof the photoelectrons or the wavelengthof radia- dissociation excitation or dissociative recomtion responsible for the excitationis alsolisted. bination while they have been produced by electron impact excitation. To investigate the CO(X•Z +) -•- h•--+CO(aSII) k _<2063A vibrational populationsfurther, the Cameron bands were produced in the laboratory by CO(X •Z+) -•- e --+ CO(asII) -•- e bombarding carbon dioxide at a pressure of E • 6.01 ev C02(X•Zg+) -•- h• --+ CO(a3II) -•- 0 (3p) k • 1082 A COe(X'Zg+) -]- e --+ CO(a3II) -•- 0 (3p) -]- e E> 11.5 ev C02+(X 'II,) -•- e --+CO(asII) -•- 0 (3p) Since the vibrational distribution of the CO bands is not the same for all five Cameron mechanisms,the relative populations of the upper vibrational levels give a clue to the actualmechanismoperatingin the upper atmosphere of Mars. The vibrational distributions for fluorescentscattering and photoelectronexcitation of carbon monoxide were calculated previously [Barth, 1966, 1969]. Both predicted spectra differ from the vibrational distribution of the Cameron bands in the Mars spectrum. In the fluorescentscattering spectrum, the vibrational population of the upper level falls off more rapidly than in the Mars spectrum.In the photoelectronexcitationspectrum,the (1, 0) 10 -8 torr with 20-ev electrons. The electron- excited spectrum recordedby a Mariner-type ultraviolet spectrometeris shown in Figure 6. The vibrational distribution of the Cameron bands in this laboratory sourceand the Mars ultraviolet spectrum is nearly the same. By using Franck-Condon factors calculated by Nicholls [1962], it was determined that the lowest vibrational level of the upper state was the most populated.Levelsup through v' -- 6 were observedwith their populationsdropping off relatively slowly with increasingvibrational number. When the identified Cameron bands were substracted from the Mars ultraviolet spectrum with the aid of the Franck-Condon factors,somespectral featuresremained.These are identified as the CO* B '•-X • first negative bands. They are also produced in the laboratory by the impact of electronson carbon dioxide.A laboratory spectrum that emphasizes thesebandsis shownin Figure 7 as recordedby a Mariner-type spectrometer.In the figure the amplitude of the first negativebandshas been adjustedto match the intensity presentin the Mars spectrumin Figure 2. First negativebands 2218 BART• 600] CO a$•-xl• ]oootxl to ET A•,. TABLE 1. Vibrational Populations of the Upper States of the Cameron Bands aqI-X•;, the First Negative Bands B•'I;-X•E, and the Fourth Positive Bands AqI-X•I; + in the Mars Spectrum. Excited State CO+ z -- BzE+-X 200- 0 I .... I 2000 ' 2500 WAVELENGTH, Fig. 6. Laboratory electron excitation spectrum of CO• producedwith 20-ev electrons. >. 400z Relative Population a3II, v• = 0 1.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.67 0.36 0.29 0.18 0.10 0.10 0.10 B•,v • - 0 1.00 1 2 0.90 0.21 AqI, v• - 0 1.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.77 0.46 0.32 0.17 0.15 0.14 . z 200- CO+ B;'•;+_X•E + oO.--tO • - ! • 0 I I" 0 I' the dominant mechanismin the Mars upper atmosphere.If the electronimpact dissociative excitationcrosssectionis much larger than the photodissociativeexcitation cross section,then photoelectronexcitation may be the dominant source of the Cameron bands. o 2000 2500 WAVELENGTH, •, Fig. 7. Laboratory electron excitation spectrum of COs producedwith 50-ev electrons. The dissociative recombination of CO•.* is energeticallycapableof producingthe Cameron bands with an extensive number of vibrational levelspopulated,but the laboratoryexperiment to measure radiation from this reaction has not been performed.However, with the CO•* denare also presentin the laboratory spectrumin sitiesfor the Mars ionospherethat are derived Figure 6. The relativepopulationsof the vibra- from the CO•.*A-X bands, and the recombinational levels of the CO a 8II state and the tion rate measuredin the laboratory [Welle• CO* B •Z statein the Mars spectrumare given and Biondi• 1967], it does not appear that in Table 1. sufficientrecombinations can take placeto proOn the basis of the laboratory experience duce the observedintensity even if all recomwith the CO•.* band systems where similar binationsproducethe Cameronbands. spectra are producedwith similar crosssections The CO A-X fourth positivebandsmay be by electronsand photonsof equal energy,it producedin the Mars upper atmosphere by the may be expectedthat photodissociation excita- same five processesthat are potential sources tion of carbon dioxide by extreme ultraviolet of the Cameronbands: (1) fluorescentscatterradiation will producethe Cameronbandswith ing by CO, .(2) photoelectronexcitationof CO, a vibrationaldistributionsimilar to that pro- (3) photodissociation excitation of CO•, (4) duced by electrons.If the cross sectionsfor photoelectrondissociative excitationof CO•, and photon and electron impact are similar, then (5) dissociative recombination of CO•.*. The an argument analogousto the one used with following equationsdescribethese mechanisms the CO•.*bandswouldsuggestthat photodisso- and the wavelengthsof the solar radiationreciative excitation of carbon dioxide would be sponsiblefor their excitation. MARINER 6 AND 7 UV SPECTROMETER EXPERIMENT CO(X'Z +) -•- h•--•CO(AIII) k_• 1545A which was obtained in the laboratory with a Mariner-type spectrometer,showsbands arising from vibrationallevelsfrom v' -- 0 up to CO(X l Z+) + e • CO(A lII) -[- e E > 8.02 v' -- 6. The lowest level has the greatest popu- ev lation,but all levelsup through6 are populated as well. When the laboratory spectrumis compared with the Mars spectrumin Figure 3, an analysisshowsthat the vibrationalpopulations in the two sourcesare nearly the same, althoughthe spectrathemselveshave differences. What are missing in the Mars spectrum, as compared with the laboratory spectrum, are fourth positivebandswhoselower vibrational C02(X'Z +) -[- h•-• CO(AlII) q- O(3p) k < co(x +) + e CO(A 2219 920 A + o(P) + e E> 13.5 ev C02+(X2IIg)+ e--• CO(AlII)+ O(3P) In contrast to the Cameron bands, the first mechanism,the fluorescentscatteringof solar radiation by carbon monoxidemolecules,cannot be eliminated on a quantitative basis. In fact, becauseof the large oscillatorstrengthof the A-X transition,this band systemis ideally level is the lowestvibrational level of the ground electronicstate, the v"-- 0 level. The reason why they are missingmust be that sufficient CO moleculesare present in the Mars upper atmosphereso that self-absorptionis taking place in transitions connectedto the ground suited to be a measure of the amount of carbon vibrational level. The measuredvibrational populationsof the [Barth, 1969]. As will be seenfrom the-analysis upper state of the fourth positivebands are of the vibrational distribution, however, the alsogivenin Table 1. The populationdistribubulk of the excitation of the fourth positive tion in the Mars spectrumis differentfrom the band in the Mars spectrumcannot come from distributionthat would be producedby mechfluorescentscatteringby CO molecules. A simi- anismsI and 2 (fluorescentscatteringand pholar argumentcanbe madeagainstphotoelectron toelectron excitation of CO) and these data thus may be used to eliminatethese mechaexcitationof CO being a strongcontributor. How the vibrational distribution of the fourth nismsas principalcontributors. Dissociativerepositivebands may be used to identify the combinationof CO•*, (mechanism5) is also sourceof excitationwas exploredby using the eliminatedby thesemeasuredvibrationalpoputechniquesdevelopedfor the previous band lations, since this mechanismis energetically monoxide in the Mars upper atmosphere systems;namely,the productionof this band onlyableto excitethe v' -- 0 and I levels,and, the observed Mars spectra show substantial systemin the laboratoryby bombarding up throughthe v' -- 3 level. This with 20-ev electrons.The spectrumin Figure 8, populations 500 - CO A•II- X •y-+ 400 oooooo - ¸ I I I'1' 500 - 200 - wt,-. I m(,o I'' -- eJ I ' I' co ro ! i .3CI -- ...... ,oo_ 0 cu I -' •- •zo0 ' I ' I •4oo ' I ' I •6oo ' ! ' I ' •800 WAVELENGTH, • Fig. 8. Labora•o• electron excitation spectrum of GO• producedwith 20mv electrons. 2220 BARTH ET AL. leavesonly mechanisms 3 and 4 (photodissoei-excitationof molecularhydrogen[Barth ½t ed., ative excitationand photoelectrondissoeiative 1965]. Photoelectron excitation of either the excitation of C02) as sourcesof the Mars atom or moleculeis not significantbecauseof fourth positivebands.No doubt both meeh- the small fractional abundance of either form anism_s are operating,but, followingthe argu- of hydrogenin the Mars ionosphere.The most mentsgivenpreviouslyfor the Cameronbands plausible first choice of excitation for the (that in dissoeiativeexcitation processes, the 1216-A line is resonantscatteringof solar Lyexcitationcrosssectionsare approximatelythe man a radiation. samefor photonsor electronsof equalenergy), ALTITUDE DETERMINATION the major sourceof fourth positiveband exciWhile the distance from the earth to the tation shouldbe photodissoeiative excitation causethe numberof photonsavailableis greater Mariner spacecraft flying by Mars could be measured to a fraction of a kilometer [Anderthan the numberof photoeleetr0ns,. When a syntheticspectrumof the fourth son et ed., 1970], it was not possibleto deter- positive bands wassubtr acted';fr0m theMars mine the height above the surfaceof Mars of spectrum,emissionlines from atomic carbon the tangential line of sight of the ultraviolet remained.From the positionsof a number of spectrometerto better than tens of kilometers the ultraviolet lines of C I marked in the figure, it may be seenthat there is a dear cut identi- from the spacecraftorientation. However, the distance between successiveultraviolet spec- fication of the 1561- and 1657-A lines. Carbon trometer measurements was determined to better linesalsoappearin the laboratory spectrumthan a kilometer, sincethosemeasurementswere producedby the impact of 20-ev electronson CO• as can be seenin Figure 8. The mostlikely dependent on the motion of the spacecraft. Thus scale heights of particular emissionfea- source of excitation of the carbon lines in the tures could be determined with sufficient ac- Mars spectrumis photodissoeiative excitation curacy to be useful in formulating atmospheric or photoelectron dissoeiative excitationof ear- models. bon dioxide. If there were free carbon atoms in the Martian atmosphere,the 1561- and 1657-A lines could be produced by resonant scattering[Barth, 1969]. In any case,the measured intensityof the carbonlines may be used to determinean upper limit to the numberof carbonatomspresentin the upper atmosphere. The atomic oxygen lines at 1304, 1356, and 2972 A may be produced in the Mars upper atmosphereby (1) resonantscatteringof solar It is possible,however,to determinea nominal altitude scaleby assuminga simpleatmospheric model and by usingthe ultraviolet data themselves to determine the altitude scale [Stewart, 1971]. The radio occultationexperiment that measuredthe electrondensityin the Mars ionospheredeterminedthat the maximum electron concentration occurred at an altitude of 135 km at a location where the solar zenith angle was 57ø [Fjeldbo et ed.,1970]. Sincethis radiation by atomic oxygen, (2) photoelectron height measurementdirectly dependedon the excitationof atomic oxygen, (3) photodissocia- tracking of the spacecraft,it was possibleto tive excitationof carbondioxide,and (4) photo- achievean accuracyto within I km. By assumelectron dissociative excitation of carbon dioxing that the upper atmosphereis nearly pure ide. Only the •P-•S transitionthat producesthe COo.and that the maximum electron density 1302-, 1304-, and 1306-A triplet is an allowed occurs at the same altitude as the maximum transitionand thus is the only seriouscandidate rate of photoionization,it is possibleto calculate for the resonant scattering mechanism. The that the total column density of COo.above •P-sStransitionthat producesthe 1356-, 1358-A 135 km is 4.2 X 10•6 molecules cm-ø'.As will be doublet and the •P-•S transition that produces seen in the next section, the Cameron bands, the 2972-A lines are forbidden transitions but besidesbeing the most intense emission,were may be producedby the photoelectronand observedover the most extensivealtitude range photodissociation mechanisms. The atomic hy- of any of the ultraviolet emissions.By using drogen 1216-A Lyman a line may be excited COo.absorption coefficientsand the model atby (1) resonantscatteringof solar radiation mosphere,the location of a maximum in the by atomic hydrogen,or (2) photodissoeiativeCameron band emission was calculated to be at MARINER 6 AND 7 UV SPECTROMETEREXrERIMEZ•T 240 135 km, assumingthat photodissociation was 2221 - ß co2*õ 2y.-2 o coz* . the excitation mechanism. Since the observations 220 were made edge-onthrough a sphericalatmosphere, the maximum in the intensity distribu- - ß o o o 200 tion occurs 10 km lower at 125 km. The altitude variations of the Cameron bands for each o o Oo 180 of the four limb crossings were then fitted to a calculation appropriate to an overhead sun even in the caseswhere the solar zenith angle was 27ø and 44ø. This procedure then established the altitude scale for all the upper atmosphereemissions. o ß o ß 160 o 140 ! 120 ! •,,,•,• ! ! ,,•,,,y io i 0o t , ,,,,,,! io z io3 SLANT INTENSITYt kR ALTITUDE VARIATION Observations made on each of the two limb crossingson Mariners 6 and 7 yielded the variation with altitude of the spectralemissions from the 100-km level of the upper atmosphere to as far up as the particular constituentcould be detected.For the airglowthat originatesWith the carbon dioxide molecule,the emissionsextend upward to 220 km, near the top of the thermosphere.Atomic oxygen and atomic hydrogen emissionsare present in the exosphere as.well, extendingoutward to an altitude of 700 km for atomic oxygen and to a planetocentric distanceof 25,000km for atomichydrogen. Fig. 9. Slant intensity of the C02+ B-X and A-X band sytems as a function of altitude. excitation of CO•, the altitude profile of the emissionis proportionalat high altitudesto the density distribution of neutral carbon dioxide. The maximum intensity that is measurednear 125 km is over 600 kR, or 6 X 10• photons cm-• sec-•, of airglow between 1903 and 2843 A consistingprincipally of the Cameron bands, although there is a small contributionfrom the CO* first negative bands. When this emission rate is adjustedto give the zenith rate'for this emission,the value obtained is 20 kR or 2 X 10TMphotonscm-• sec-LThis is equal to a sizeable fraction of the total number of photons cm-• sec-• in the solarflux at wavelengthsshorter than 1082 A, the photodissociativethreshold The intensity of the CO• B-X and A-X bandsas viewedtangentiallythroughthe atmosphere is shownin Figure 9. The scaleheight of the A-X bandsis greater than that of the B-X bands, since,as the spectroscopic analysishas for the Cameron bands. shown, fluorescentscatteringby CO•+ makes a The altitudevariationof the CO A-X fourth' major contribution to the A-X emissions, positivebandswas determinedby fitting a synwhereasthe photoionizationexcitation of CO• is the major sourceof the B-X bands.The scale 240 height of the ion is usually greater than that of co• •-• • the neutral speciesfor either photochemicalor 220 o (2,0) øø ß(0,1) ß ß diffusive equilibrium. The two different scale 2O0 heights for the two mechanismsmay be seen more clearly in Figure 10, where the intensity oo ß 180 o ß of two bands of the A-X transition that originate from different upper vibrational levels are øoo ß 160 plotted. The (2, 0) band originating principally from photoionizationexcitation has a smaller 140 scaleheight than the (0, 1) band, which originatespredominantlyfrom fluorescentscattering. o o o o The most intense emission in the ultraviolet 120 10-I , , ,,,,,,1 I0 o p , , ,,,,,I •N ' ''''"! l0 t SLANT INTENSITY, kR 10o ' ' ' '''"! 10I portion of the spectrum,the CO a-X Cameron bands, is plotted as a function of altitude in Fig. 10. Slant'intendty of the CO•* A-X (2, 0) Figure 11. Since this emissionoriginatesfrom and (0, 1) bands as a function of altitude. Note photodissociation or photoele. ctron dissociative discontinuity in the intensity scale. 2222 220 BARTI-I ET AL. - of the point at the highestaltitude measured whosedeviationmay or may not be real. The most likely altitude dependenceof this line is the sameas that of the other emissions arising from dissociativeexcitationprocesses on C02. The slant intensity of the 2972-A atomic oxygenline is shownin Figure 11 as a function of altitude. Sinceits altitude dependence clearly 2OO ß o o ß o 180 ß o ß o T 160 o 140 o OI 2972 follows that ß COe3•-X 120 - Ioo i0-! I00 i0 t SLANT 102 INTENSITY, 103' kR Fig. 11. Slant intensity of the CO a-X Cameron bands and the O I 2972-A of altitude. line as a function of the CO a-X Cameron bands plotted in the samefigure,the excitationmechanism for the line most probably is the same as for the Cameronbands;namely,the dissociation of CO• by photonsor electrons.Above the altitude where the maximumintensity occurs, about 125 km, the 2972-A intensityfollowsthe carbon dioxide altitude distribution.In Figure 12, the 1356-Aatomicoxygenhas the same altitude dependenceas the carbon monoxide bands, thus suggestingthat this line also is thetic spectrumincludingthe (v', 0) bandsto the Mars spectranormalizingon the v', v" -v• O) produced from CO• in a dissociativeexcitation bands. The emission rate of the atomic process. carbon lines was determined by subtracting the synthetic spectralfrom the Mars spectra.The slant intensities as a function of altitude of the fourth positive bands and the C I 1657-A line are plotted as a function of altitude in Figure 12. These emissions reach a maximum near 145 km, becausebelow that altitude the airglow at this wavelengthis absorbedby CO2. At higher altitudes,the fourth positivebands also follow the same scale height as the Cameron bands, which is the neutral carbon dioxidescaleheight. The altitude profile of the atomic carbon line The altitude distributionof the atomic oxygen 1304-A line is quite different from that of the other atomicoxygenemissions, thus indicating that its excitationprocessis different from those producing the 1356- and 2972-A lines. In Figures 13 and 14, the slant intensity of the 1304-A emissionis plotted as a function of altitude for the two limb crossingsfor each of the two spacecraft.This atomicoxygenline was detectableall the way up to 700 km in contrast to the altitude rangeof all of the other spectral emissionsdescribedso far, which terminate at alsofqllows thisscaleheightwiththe exception approximately 240 km. Such an altitude distribution 220 ß co A Irl -x i•: o C! 1657[ x O[ 1356[ 200 o ß 180 x o ß 160 o ß 140 o 120 ß x I00 ........ 10-2 I ..... I0-1 I:1,1 , ? , ,,,,,I I00 IOt SLANT INTENSITY, kR Fig. 12. Slant intensity of the CO A-X fourth positive bands, the C I 1657-A line, and the O I 1356-A line as a function of altitude. indicates that the 1304-A emission originatesfrom a processthat excitesatomic oxygenitself. This is true certainly above 240 km and may be true over the entire observed altitude range. Examination of the data indicates that there is not a single well-defined scale height, but instead there is an altitude variation that suggeststhat there are two excitation processes,one with a maximum at very high altitudesin the range 500 to 700 km and the other with a maximumin the range 100 to 300 km. In analogywith the excitationprocesses producingthe 1304-Aline in the earth'sairglow, the high-altitude excitation processon Mars must be the resonantscatteringof solar radiation by atomic oxygen and the low-altitude source,the photoelectronexcitationof atomic oxygen.Photon or electronimpact dissociative •IARIi•ER • Ai•D 7 • 700 • ß 600 - MARINER 6 o oß •PECTROMETERF•XPERIMEi•T •o o[ 1304 • •o Iist LIMB I•o o •= 0 2ndLIMB • • 500 - ,......... t t •[ MARINER }t HZ z ß E ' t• 2223 o e• o m 400 - ß • o ß • • o o0 •00 - ! • • PLANETOCENTRIC DISTANCE (101km) •0 % •oo 2oo- • •. •m• ß o ß o ]5. •]a• [•[e•s•[• of •he • H•e •s • fu•c•o• of d•s[•ce for •H•e• 6. A v•]ue of 3• • fo• •he _ 0• i0• SLANT i0• •NT[NS•TY, • Y•. ]3. •]• •e•s•[•of•he0 [ ]30•-A H•e •eso• sc•e•gofso]••d•io• by.a•-Om•C asa function of altitude forthetwolimbcross-hydrogen in theMarsexosphere. ings ofMariner 6. D[scuss[oN While the data that have been presentedcon- excitationof carbondioxidemay alsocontribute to the low-altitudesource. L•an a radiationwasobserved all the way out to morethan 20,000km abovethe surface of Mars.Theslantintensity asa function of the rain su•cient informationto deter•ne • the structureand composition of the upper •tmosphereof Mars, quantitativeinterpretation of the spectrale•ssionsand the construction of modelatmospheres is left for future publica- distance fromthe centerof theplanetis sho• tio•. However,a qualitativeexamnation0f in Figure 15 for Mariner 6 and Figure 16 for these ultraviolet observationsallows several Mariner7. A valueof 300R for the L•an a sky background hasbeensubtracted fromthe observedintensityin preparingthesefigures [Barth, 1970].The existence of a singlescale importantconclusions to bedrawn concerning the Mars upper atmosphere. First, with the exception of the H I 1216-A,O I 1304-A5nes and a portionof the CO•*A-X bands,all the heightin thisaltitudedistribution suggests the emissions maybe andprobably are produced mostplausibleexcitationmechanism to be the by actionof solarphotonsand photoelectrons on carbon dioxide. Second,with these same exceptions,all the scaleheightsare the sameand 700-. ' MAE•N[E 7 * o[ •o• • •oo 2 .• ß •s•UMS o% E 500- o 2•dLIMB o aresmall. These twoconclusions mean thatthe upper atmosphere is essentially undissociated andcold. Third, since atomic oxygen emksions ß 0 ß •• 400- •o • • • •• [ • ß 0o MARINER 7 HZ - • 0 z • , 200 :oo i01 Y[•. H. •]• • • fu•c[[o• ........ : i0• ,., ,•,,,,: SLANT INTENSITY, R •[e•s•[• ,of•heO [ ]30•-AH•e of •t•[ude fo• [•e •o o.• 10• Hmb cross- • PLANETOCE•RIC DISTA•E (10 • kin) •[•. ]6. •]aD•[D[eDS[[• O• [•e • [ ]2]•-• •m• [•ce • H•e • • fu•ct•o•of •]•etoce•tHcd•s- fo• ••er . T. A v•]ue of 300 • fo• t•e 2224 BARTH ET AL. TABLE 2. Slant Intensitiesof the CO•+ B-X Band, the CO•+ A-X Band System,the A-X (2,0) Band, and the A-X (0,1) Band as a Functionof Altitude for the Four Limb Crossings. CO2+ Altitude, km B-X, kR Crossing Mariner 6 First Limb 217 194 Mariner 6 Second Limb 171 148 211 189 167 -- Mariner 7 First Limb C02 + Altitude, km A-X, kR 15 27 85 >33 211 189 166 143 184 162 139 -195 176 156 137 205 183 162 139 8 23 34 15.4 __ 200 2.4 181 161 6.9 15.5 __ Mariner 7 Second Limb 210 188 166 3.0 4.6 14.3 8. 15. 30. 104. 19. 51. > 142. -25. 28. 57. > 146. 14. 24. 49. > 165. are observedabove250 km, somedissociation of the COO.has occurred.Fourth, becausepart of the COO.*A-X A-X Altitude, km 214 191 168 145 186 164 141 217 197 178 158 139 207 185 164 2,0, kR 0.6 1.1 1.9 8.1 0.9 3.3 8.4 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.9 8.0 0.6 1.1 2.5 A-X Altitude, km 0,1, kR 210 187 164 141 182 160 137 213 193 174 154 135 203 181 160 137 0.5 0.7 1.3 4.3 1.2 2.8 4.8 0.9 1.0 1.5 2.8 4.5 0.6 • 1.2 2.6 5.5 as water that is currentlyoperatingin the Mars atmosphere. emission is attributed to fluores- cent scattering,ionized carbon dioxideis a constituentof Mars' ionosphere, but not necessarily APPENDIX The slant intensities of the various emission the major constituent.Last, the presenceof features as a function of altitudearegivenin atomic hydrogenin the exosphereof a planet tabular form in this appendix.Table 2 lists the with such a comparatively low gravitational intensitiesfor the COo.*bands, the B-X band, field means that there must be a source of the A-X band system,the A-X (2, 0) band, dissociation of a hydrogen-bearing moleculesuch and the A-X (0, 1) band; Table 3 lists the CO TABLE 3. Slant Intensities of the CO a-X Band Systemand the O 1 2972-A Line as a Function of Altitude for the Four Limb Crossings. CO Mariner 6 First Limb Crossing Altitude, km a-X, kR Altitude, km 2972-A, kR 200 16. 55. 251. 511. 420. 38. 111. 380. 193 170 147 124 --188 166 143 1.1 2.9 10.2 21.0 -1.2 4.0 10.3 673. 48. 116. 388. 567. 120 180 160 141 122 >20.0 2.5 4.3 11.6 21.5 177 154 131 108 Mariner 6 Second Limb Crossing 195 173 150 127 Mariner 7 First Limb Crossing 187 167 148 129 109 Mariner 7 Second Limb Crossing 0 I 194 173 151 128 106 465. -- -- 60. 123. 187 165 2.5 4.6 409, 143 11.0 712. 121 20.6 526. -- -- MARINER 6 AND 7 UV SPECTROMETER ]•XPERIMENT TABLE 4. Slant Intensities of the CO A-X Band System,the O I 1356-ALine and the C I 1657-A Line as a Function of Altitude.* CO Altitude, km A-X, kR 200 175 150 125 100 O. 6 2.7 8.6 6.9 3.0 OI CI 1356 A, kR 1657 A,kR 2225 those emissionfeatures below 1900 A, with the exceptionof the 1304-A line, the slant intensities for the four limb crossingsare averaged and the altitude given is the averagealtitude for the four observations.Becauseof the large number of data points, the Lyman a 1216-A data are not givenin tabularform but are available,alongwith the rest of thesedata, from the National SpaceScienceData Center. Possibleerrors in the measuredintensity of the Mars upper atmospherespectral emissions * The intensities for the four limb crossingshave been averagedand are given as a function of the may result from four causes:(1) the absolute calibrationof the spectralresponseof the inaverage altitude. strument, (2) the subtraction of the backof the a-X band systemand the 0 I 2972-A line; groundproducedby the off-axisresponse instrument, (3) the elimination of impulsive Table 4 the CO A-X band system,the 0 I 1356-Aline, and the C I 1657-Aline; and Table noise generatedby the photomultipliertubes, 5 the 0 I 1304-A line. In all instances,the and (4) the subtractionof the electronicoff-set slant intensity,'which is given in kilorayleighs, producedby imbalancein the amplifiercircuits. is the apparent columnemissionrate that is The method of calibration and the estimate of observedby viewingthe sphericalatmosphere the calibrationerrors are given in the instrufrom the outside, perpendicularto a radius ment paper [Pearceet al., 1971]. Becauseof a vector.A kilorayleighis 10• photonssecfrom a lack of photometricstandardsfor wavelengths square centimeter column. It is equal to 4•r lessthan 3000 A, systematicerrorsin the calitimes the apparent surfacebrightnessof the bration may be discoveredin the future as standardsare developedand adopted.For this atmosphere in 10• photonssec -• cm-'ster-L For emissionsat wavelengthslonger than samereason,the measuredvaluesof solarflux, 2800A, a substantialbackground hasbeensub- which are usedin conjunctionwith the planetracted from the spectral data. The origin of tary airglow data to determineupper atmosmay alsobe revised.However, this backgroundis the off-axisresponse of the pheredensities, instrument to the light from the bright disc the relative changein intensitywith altitude, of the planet. The spectralcharacterof the which is used to determine scale heights, will not be affected by changesin the absolute disc is known from Mariner measurements made subsequentto the atmosphericlimb observa- standards. The three remainingcauses,the subtraction tions and it consists of the Fraunhofer specphotomultiplier noise,and trum of reflectedsunlight.The intensitieslisted of off-axisresponse, electronicoff-set,are susceptible to subjective assume that the emission is uniform over the O. 1 0.3 0.4 O. 4 0.3 O. 3 0.5 1.7 1.5 0.8 0.23ø X 2.3 ø field of view of the instrument and that the slit is aligned tangentially with the sphericalatmosphere.Correctionsfor theseassumptionscan be made by usingthe analytic formalismgivenin a discussion of the geometry of planetaryspacecraft observations [Hord et al., 1970]. For the two limb crossings eachfor judgement in thereduction process. Thesubtraction process hasthe largesteffecton the data at high altitudeswherethe intensityis small and at low altitudes where the backgroundis large.The errorsinvolvedin the subtraction process doaffectthevariation of intensity with altitude. These errors may best be evaluated Mariners6 and 7, the slant rangeto the point where the line of sight was perpendicularto by a repetition of thereduction process, which is possible by usingthe dataavailable through the radius vector was 7600, 6000, 8900, and the NationalSpaceScienceData Center, 6200km, respectively, and in all casesthe slit wasalignedtangentiallywithin 3ø. For the spectralrange above 1900 A, the the 1216-ALymana line,therewererelatively For all of the emissions with the exceptionof few measurements made over the critical alti- andan evaluation of the statistical slant intensityof the emission featuresis given tuderegion was not possible. for each individual limb crossing,whereasfor variationof the measurements 2226 BARTH ET AL. TABLE 5. Slant Intensities of the 1304-A Line as a Function of Altitude for the Four Limb Crossings.* Mariner6 Mariner'7 First Second First Second Altitude, km 0 I, 1304 A, g Altitude, km 0I, 1304 A, g Altitude, km 0 I 1304 A, g Altitude, km 0 I, 1304 A, g 704 681 11. 23. 37. 54. 700 677 11. 3. 684 664 682 660 3. 8. 655 632 610 587 564 542 519 496 473 450 428 405 383 360 337 315 292 270 247 224 202 23. 56. 55. 87. 80. 86. 69. 103. 89. 130. 205. 254. 344. 410. 473. 540. 561. 558. 679. 676. 693. 644 624 604 585 565 545 525 505 486 466 446 426 406 387 367 347 327 307 287 267 248 3. 15. 28. 36. 175. 162. 127. 168. 232. 247. 278. 344. 370. 638 616 594 572 550 528 505 484 462 440 418 395 373 351 329 307 285 263 241 219 197 3. 24. 21. 27. 20. 43. 52. 76. 99. 130. 152. 211. 259. 292. 331. 438. 403. 414. 410. 421. 382. 659 636 614 591 568 545 523 500 477 454 432 409 387 364 341 319 296 274 251 228 205 142. 200. 212. 328. 395. 460. 588. 582. 579. 183 570. 179 781. 2?9 399. 175 439. 160 137 114 574 562. 650. 156 133 110 897. 830. 800. 209 190 170 410. 453. 469. 153 131 109 455. 558. 507. 151 131 111 427. 460. 427. 59. 63. 68. 58. 61. 62. 63. 88. 86. 116. 32. 39. 29. 48. 48. 81. 104. 132. 132. 142. . * The intensitieshavebeenderivedfrom a runningfive-pointaveragewherethe altitude is that of the central point. However,for the Lymana measurements, where Propulsion Laboratory, the radio occultation exthe scale height is very large comparedto the altitude interval betweenmeasurements,the root mean square variation, which was dctcrmined periment; and H. M. Schurmeier, A. G. Herriman, and C. E. Kohlhase, the Mariner project staff. This work was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. for groupsof 50 measurements, is given in Figures 15 and 16. :. Acknowledgments. The'ability to achievefour limb crossingswith a well-aligned slit from two spacecraft moving at 7 km/sec relative to Mars was the result of the highly cooperative, responsible interacti. on of the several scientists conduct- ing experimentson the spacecraft,and the Mariner project staff. The principalswere R. B. Leighton and B.C. Murray of the California Institute of Technology, the television experiment; G. C. Pimentel and K. C. Herr of the University of California at Berkeley, the infrared spectrometer .experiment; G. Neugebauer and G. Miinch of the California Institute of Technology,• the infrared radiometer experiment; A. J. Kliore of the Jet ß , ß The Editor wishes to thank A. Dalgarno and another referee for their assistance. in evaluating this paper. REFERENCES Ajello, J. M., Emission cross sectionsof CO, by •electron impact in the interval of 1260 A to 4500 A, Part 2, submitted to J. Chem. Phys., 1971. Anderson, J. D., L. Efron, and S. K. Wong, Martian mass and earth-moon mass ratio from coherent S-band tracking of Mariners 6 and 7, Science,167, 277, 1970. Barth, C. A., The ultraviolet spectroscopyof planets, in The Middle Ultraviolet: Its Science MARINER 6 AND 7 UV SPECTROMETER EXPERIMENT and Technology, edited by A. E. S. Green, John Wiley, New York, 1966. Barth, C. A., Planetary ultraviolet spectroscopy, Appl. Opt., 8, 1295, 1969. Barth, C. 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