VOL. 76, NO. 28 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH OCTOBER 1, 1971 Mariner6 and7 Ultraviolet Spectrometer Experiment. Analysis of Hydrogen Lyman-Alpha Data DONALDE. AN•SON, J•., ANYCI•Am,•,SW. Holy Laboratory ]or Atmosphericand Space Physics University o] Colorado,Boulder 80502 Mariner 6 and 7 ultravioletspectrometers that flewby Mars in 1969observed the Lyman-, dayglowof atomichydrogen.Data in the altituderange200 to 24,000km are analyzedto determine the structure of the Martianexosphere. The classical evaporative theoryis applied to calculatea hydrogendensitydistribution.A sphericalmodel of the dayglowLyman-a emission,usingradiative transfertheory, is usedto producetheoreticalintensitiesfor com- parison with the datain orderto determine temperature anddensityin the exosphere. It is foundthat the exospheric temperature is 350ø ___100øKandthat the numberdensityat 250 km is 3 ___1 X 10' cm'•. The existence of a Lyman-acoronaimpliesa primarysourceof hydrogenon Mars, probablythe photodissociation of water vapor. Determination of the atomic-hydrogendis- tributionin a planetaryatmosphere is important in studying the evolution and structure of planetary atmospheres. In addition to implications of the mere existenceof a hydrogen corona,measurement of its distributionprovides informationabout conditionsat the uppermost boundary of a planetary atmosphere.This upperboundaryis the baseof the exosphere, or critical level, and is defined as the altitude at a densitydistribution and effectivetemperature at the baseof the exosphere. In additionit is possible to calculate the escape fluxandthe escape timefor hydrogen andotheratmospheric constituents. If thistimeis lessthanthe ageof the solar system there must be some mech- anismproducing thisconstituent. Owingto the sensitivityof the technique,the lack of a de- tectableLyman-a signalwouldimply that atmospherichydrogenhad escapedand that which a fraction,l/e, of a group of escaping regenerativeprocesseshave ceased. particleswill experienceno further collisionsas they go to infinitely greater heights [Spitzer, 1957]. Conditionsin the hydrogen exosphere are determinedby propertiesof the atmosphere at the critical level. Conversely,measurement of the hydrogen coronal distribution is a meas- AstheMariner6 and7 spacecraft approached Mars, the hydrogencoronawas first detected whentheclosest pointof thespectrometer optic axisto Mars was at a planetocentric distance of about30,000km [Barth et al., 1971].The anglebetweenthe optic axis and the sun sub- ure of conditions at the criticallevel.The prop- tended at the spacecraftwas 117ø for Mariner ertiesof primary importanceare the exospheric 6 and135ø for Mariner7. In thisgeometry the temperature,or effectiveMaxwellian tempera- signalis dominatedby the hydrogendistributure, that will give the observedhydrogendis- tion at a pointalongthe opticaxisthat passes tribution, and the number density at the criticlosest to the planet.The solarzenithangleof cal level. this point was 27ø and 44ø for the first limb A sensitivemethodof determiningthe distributionof hydrogenis the detectionand analysis of Lyman-a radiation that is produced from resonantscatteringof the 1216-A solar Lyman-a line by atmospherichydrogen.These Lyman-a airglow measurements, togetherwith appropriate radiative transfer and densitymodels,yield crossings of Mariner 6 and 7, respectively. The distanceof the closest point alongthe opticaxis to Mars is the effectivesamplealtitude.As the spacecraftcontinuedto approachMars, the Lyman-a intensity increasedto a maximum when the field of view crossed the illuminated limb. Observationswere then made of the illumi- nated discof Mars, acrossthe eveningtermiCopyright ¸ 1971by the American Geophysical Union. 6666 nator and darkside, and finally off the dark HYDROGEN LYMaN-a limb. In this discussion Mariner 6 and 7 data obtained above the bright limb at sample altitudesranging from 24,000 down to 200 km are analyzed.This treatment includesthe determination of the appropriate hydrogendistribution model and the exospherictemperature with proper consideration of the effectof multiple scatteringon the Lyman-a intensity. The Lyman-• intensity,•, expressed hereas an apparent column emissionrate, 4•r•, can be written as DaTa 6667 per atom [Chamberlain, 1961]. In this discussion, 9 = 1.0 X 10-• sec-•, using the solar flux measurement of Brunet and Rense [1969]. Observations of the Lyman-a corona surrounding Mars were made with a 250-mm focal length Ebert-Fastie scanningspectrometer [Pearce et al., 1971]. A 250-mm focal length telescopewas used,which gave an angularfield of view 0023' X 203' and provided an altitude resolution of 26 km on Mariner 4•rlt- Fv/• (1) where F is the effective solar flux seen by a hydrogenatom, • is the atmosphericoptical depth at line center, and •9 includesradiative transfer effects.The effectivesolarflux, F, is defined as F = WS:, Av•r•/2 (2) where•r•Y,is the solar flux assumedto be constant over the wavelength interval where atmospheric resonancereradiation is important, and Av is the Doppler width in frequencyunits. Emission is assumedto occurat a wavelengthindependent of absorptionsothat the assumptionof complete redistribution of frequency is used to model multiple scattering effects.Both 4•rg and F are given in units of rayleighs.An apparentcolumn emissionrate 4•rlt = i rayleigh is equivalent to 6 and 34 km on Mariner 7 at the bright limb. Two photomultiplier tube detectors,or channels,were used to cover the spectral range 1100-4300 A. Lyman a was measured in second and third orders with the short-wavelengthchannel that was sensitive from 1100 to 2000 A. The two chan- nels were simultaneouslyscannedevery 3 sec. This analysis used the second-orderdata obtained at 10-A resolution.A samplingrate of 1 sample per channel per 5 msec gives 9 measurements across the line for each scan. The spectral information obtained from these observations is shown in Figure 1, which is an averageof 10 Mariner 6 Lyman-a spectra. The sets of bright limb data from Mariner 6 and from Mariner 7 each consist of more than 1500 individual Lyman-a spectrataken at altitude intervals of approximately 20 km. To display this large number of measurements an intensity It = 106/4•r photonscm-• sec-1 conveniently, the spectra were averaged in ster-1. If the optical depth, •, is small compared groupsof 25 near the planet and 50 beyond with unity alongall optical paths in the medium, 14,000 km. These groups were chosento be singlescatteringappliesand the factor • is equal small enough so that the altitude variation of to unity. In general• can be greateror lessthan unity dependingon whether multiple scattering buildup or attenuation is the dominant radiative transfer effect. The optical depth at line center is givenby • = aN ...o• 200- z•o Ioo (s) where(r -- 5.96 ß 10-• T-•/•'cm•' is the cross section at temperature, T, at the centerof the Lyman-a line. The columndensity,N, is the number ofhydrogen atoms cm -•'along theline of sight. When singlescatteringis applicable, equationI is oftenwrittenin the form 4•r•t= gN o (4) whereg - F(ris the emission ratefactordefined Fig. 1. as the number of photonsscatteredper second 1200 1225 1250 WAVEL•'N6TH Average of 10 Mariner 6 Lyman-a spectra near the bright limb. ANDERSON AND I-IORD 6668 age.Mean valuesfor the signaland background were recalculatedwithout noisespikes. 8.0- 6.0 4.0 2.0- o.s 0.•0.4,- 0.•- 0.1 , 6 12 18 24 R (103 KM) Fig. 2. Best fit to the Mariner 6 data including radiative transfer effects. Solid curve represents the intensity predicted by theoretical model with To -- 350øK and no • 3.0 X 10'4 cm-•. Each Lyman-a measurementconsistsof two components, an exosphericsignaland a Lyman-q sky background [Barth, 1970]. To determine the sky background,1300 spectraobtainedat sample distancesgreater than 60,000 km were averaged.The martian hydrogencorona was detectedwhenthe sampledistancewaslessthan 30,000 km. The sky backgroundfor Mariner 6 and 7 was 290 --+4 and 316 _+ 4 rayleighs,respectively. Galactic coordinates were 81.14ø longitude, --50.18 ø latitude, and 89.54ø longitude, --13.54ø latitude, respectively.The errors indicated are associated with calculation of the mean intensity by averaging1300 spectrafrom each instrument; the errors do. not reflect uncertainties in the instrument calibration. Each spacecraft was pointed in a fixed direction in the intensity is not affected.At large distances inertial spaceuntil the bright limb was crossed, from the planet the hydrogen density decreases sothe sky backgroundintensitysubtractionwas constant for both Mariner 6 and 7. more slowly with altitude, so more spectramay Figures 2 and 3 are graphs of the Mars be includedin the averagewithout losingaltitude information. Lyman-q intensity with sky backgroundsubTo determinethe true signal,a constantnoise tracted [Barth et al., 1971]. The vertical scale level, obtained by averaging several samples is fixed by the absolutecalibrationof the specadjacent to the Lyman-a line, was subtracted. trometer. An estimate of the error in absolute In addition obvious noise spikes were removed calibrationis --+70% [Pearce et al., 1971]. The by comparingindividualsampleswith the aver- abscissascale shows the distance from the closest I0.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 5.65 I I I ! 6 12 18 24 R (103 km) Fig. 3. Best fit to the Mariner 7 data including radiative transfer effects. Solid curve representsthe intensity predicted by theoretical model with To -- 350øK and no -- 2.5 X 104 cm -•. HYDROGEN L¾•AN-a point alongthe optic axisto the centerof Mars. Error bars shownin Figures2 and 3 indicate DATA 6669 the exospherictemperature T•, the escapeor critical level radius Re, and the number density the standard .deviations of the individual meas- Hydrogen atoms are assumedto be in ballistic, satellite,and escapeorbits.The contribution to the density is determined for these components by consideringthe energy constraints HYDROGEN DISTRIBUTION and angular dependencefor each type of orbit. Satellite orbits are populated by infrequent A detailedhydrogendistributionis considered only above the escapelevel. Trial calculations collisions that occur within the corona and are indicate the exosphericLyman-a intensity is lost by rare destructive processessuch as insensitiveto the distributionof hydrogenbelow photoionizationand charge transfer collisions [Chamberlain, 1963]. The extent to which satelthe escapelevel and relatively insensitiveto the total amount. Analysis of the Lyman-a inten- lite orbits are populated is not known, but Chamberlain indicates that a level does exist sity when Mariner observedthe disc of Mars shouldbe sensitiveto the amount of hydrogen above which satellite orbits become depleted. The degreeto which escapeorbits are popubetweenthe escapelevel and the altitudewhere COs becomesopaque. Hunten and McElroy lated is also in doubt. Chamberlain and Smith [1970] have discussedthe hydrogen densities [1971] show that depletionof the high-velocity in this region of the Mars atmosphere.Owing tail of the Maxwellian distribution function may to the relative insensitivity of the measured retard the escape of hydrogen atoms from a exosphericintensity considered in this work, a CO•. atmosphereby 50% of the classicalJeans nominalvalue of 250 km is chosenfor the escape value. The approach used here has been to level with an amount of hydrogenequivalentto neglect atoms in satellite orbits and to assume a full complementof escapingatoms. Addition oneopticaldepth belowthis level. Above 250 km the density distribution is of satellite orbits to the model reduces the determined from considerationof orbit theory exospherictemperaturederivedfrom thesedata. and solution of the collisionlessBoltzman equa- Depletionof escapingparticlesleadsto a higher tion [Chamberlain,1963]. The densitydistribu- temperature. tion determined in this manner is a function of Figures4 and 5 showsinglescatteringcolumn urements in each group of intensity measurements. Relative weights are assignedon this basisfor comparisonwith theoreticalmodels. 10.0 1.0 R$C :7. RC 5. RC ---• O.I 5.R c I-R c 5 6 15 50 R(10 $ KM) Fig. 4. Theoretical single scatteringslant intensitiesfor T• -- 350øK and values of the satellite critical level equal to 1, 3, 5, and 7 times R•. All curveshave the samevalue oœn•. 6670 ANDEeSON AN•) Hoed I0.0 1.0 - 700 ,-,. 500 • 4oc 350øK---//• ,01 3 6 15 30 R(103 KM) Fig. 5. Theoreticalsinglescatteringslantintensitiesfor the satellitecritical]eve]equal to R, and for temperaturesT, = 250, 300, 350, 400, 500, and 700øK. All curveshave the same value of emission rates calculated for the Mariner 6 boundaryexistswhereC02 absorption becomes Mars encountergeometry.Figure 4 indicates important.In thisdiscussion theupperboundary the effectof addingsatelliteorbits.In Figure is taken at a radial distance 10 times the lower 5 the exospherictemperatureis varied. boundary.Hydrogenbeyondthisdistancemakes a negligiblecontributionto the observed planeTRANSFER EQUATZONS tary intensity.The right-handsideof equation Radiative transfer effects on the observed in5 is an average of the product of the source tensityweretaken into accountby a factorfi functionS(R') and transmission functionTIt(R, in equation1. The factorfi is foundby solving R ') ] alongthe line of sight.Opticaldepthfrom the basicequationsof radiativetransfer [Chan- the observationpositionR to a point R • along drasekhar,1960]. In this analysisthe assump- the line of sight is t(R, R'). The transmission tion of complete frequency redistribution is functionis given by made with absorptionand emissionprofilesassumed to be Doppler. Thomas [1963] discussesthese assumptionsin detail. By solving = exr the transferequations,the correctionfactormay be written where a(x) is the Doppler broadeningfunction exp (--x •) and x -- (v -- Vo)/A•, is the fre- 27o fo t(R'Rb) where t(R, Rb) is the optical depth from the observationpositionR along the line of sight to an effective boundary Rb. The vector R, will lie on one of two spheresthat bound the Lyman-e• scattering region. An effective lower quency shift from line center •o measured in Doppler widths. In this formulation, solution of a transcendental equation for the sourcefunction is the heart of the problem. Thomas [1963] and Meier and Mange [1970] have obtained solutions for the Lyman-a planetary geometry. Methods used here will be described in a later publication. The source function satisfies the integral equation HYDROGEN LYMAN-e• DATA ß 6671 (7) fi 13 The driving term, or single scattering source function, is the result of direct solar illumination and is givenby (8) wheret(R, R•,,) is the opticaldepth from position R to the boundary of the exospherein the directionof the sun.Definingthe pr•ary source function in this way causesSo(R) and therefore S(R) to reduce to unity for an optically thin medium.The integral over optical path in equation 7 is identical to the integral in equation 5 except for the kernel function io 200 •(t)=• •• exp[-.(x)t]a(x) dx In equation 7 an average of the optical path integral is taken over all directions,or a solid angle .• = 4• ster, about the point R. In units of effective solar flux, the predicted 3oo 400 HYDROGEN 500 600 EXOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE (OK) Fig. 6. Distribution of the root mean square (rms) errors when the best models at each temperature are fitted to the data. column emission rate is Combination of the definition of /3 (equation 5) with the formal solution (equation 10) gives the predictedintensity expressedin equation1. Rssvr•s In the processof choosingthe exosphefic model that best explainsthe observedintensifies, two key parameters,along with their associated uncertainties, are determined. These parameters are the total vertical optical depth, or equivalentlythe number densityat the critical level, and the exospherictemperature.The follo•ng procedurewas usedto determinethese parameters. First, a vertical optical depth was chosenfor each of the selectedtemperatures, 250•, 300•, 350•, 400•, 500•, and 700OK basedon the observed intensity beyond 14,000 •. In this region of the exospherethe ratarive transfer correctionis small, so the predictedsinglescat- tering intensityis adequateto give a first estimate of the verticalopticaldepth. The secondpart of the procedureis to vary the optical depth to find the optimumvalue for each of the selectedtemperaturesby using radiative transfer theory and the completeset of data shownin Figures 2 and 3. In selecting these optimum optical depths,the root mean square (rms) error was minimized. Two results were obtained from this analysis. First, the initial estimatesof vertical optical depth were very closeto the optimum values for each temperature. This result indicatesthat the absolute intensities measured in the outer part of the exosphereare consistentwith the best relative intensity shape for each temperature, provided by an optimum choice of optical thickness. Second,among the selectedtemperatures with the proper optical thickness, the best fit is providedby choosing the exospheric temperature to be 350øK. The rms error as a function of temperature for Mariner 6 is shownin Figure 6. An optimum fit found by usingthis two-parameter model corresponds to a minimum rms error of 10% and gives nominal values of 3 X 10' 6672 ANDERSON AND •{ORD 10.0 =2.0xlO 4CM -3 =3.0xlO4CM -3 =4.0 xlO4CM -3 1.0 0.1 $ I 6 I 15 30 R (103 KM) Fig. 7. Radiativetransfercorrected intensitiesfor T• -- 350øKand n• -- 2, 3, and 4 X 10' cm-a modelscalculatedfor the Mariner 6 trajectory. Intensitieshave been normalizedto the n• -- 3 >< 10' cm-a model at large distances. cm3 for the numberdensityat the criticallevel and 350øKfor the exospheric temperature. The third step in this procedureis to deter- Figures2 and 3, compared with the slopesimplied by the varioustemperaturemodels,an upperlimit of 450øKis placedonthe exospheric mine the uncertainties associated with these temperature or a standarddeviation of -F 100øK. parameters,particularlythe exospheric temperaIn summary,least-squares analysisgivesan ture. In Figure 6 the steepincreasein rms error exospherictemperatureof 350ø _+ 100øK and as the temperature decreasesbelow the best-fit • criticallevel volumedensityof 3 +---I X 10' value reflectsthe rapid changein the shapeof cm-8independent of instrument calibration. Figthe theoreticalcurveas onegoesto lower-tem- ures 5 and 6 are graphsof the 350øK model perature models. On the basis of the low-tem- togetherwith the data. In Figure7 graphsof peraturepart of the curveshownin Figure6, it the 350øK model for critical level volume densi- is estimated that the lower limit on the ex- tiesof 2, 3, and4 X 10' cm-8are given.Table ospherictemperatureis 250øK, or a standard I givesthe volumedensityas a functionof altideviationof --100øK. As the temperaturein- tude above the critical level for the 350øK creasesabove350øK, the shapeof the theoreti- model with n• = 3 X 10' cm-•. cal curvedoesnot changeits basicshapebut does SUM MARY changeslope.When the optimum700øK model is fitted to the data for example,virtually all A modeldensitydistributiontogetherwith a data points close to the planet lie above the theoretical curve, while all those far from the spherical radiative transfer formulation have planet lie below.In other words,the rms error beenusedto analyzeMars Lyman-a data obtained from ultraviolet spectrometers on Mari- in Figure 6 assumes• random distribution of ner 6 and 7. Values were obtained for the tem- errors and doesnot properly reflect how badly the slope of the 700øK model disagreeswith the data. To specify an upper limit on the exospherictemperaturea differentanalysismust be used.If one considers the slopeuncertainty of the data on the logarithmic scale'shownin atomichydrogenat the baseof the exosphere. A measureof the stability of the Mars atmosphere againstlossof atomichydrogencan be obtainedfrom the escapetime of a hydrogen perature, 350øK, and density,3 X 10' cm-• of atom from the exosphere. The exospherictern- HYDROGEN LYMAN-a TABLE 1. 6673 REFERENCES Volume Density Distribution Altitude, km Density, 104 cm-3 250 500 75O 1000 2500 5O00 750O 10000 12500 15000 17500 20000 22500 3.0 2.1 1.7 1.4 0.61 0.24 0.12 O.O72 0.048 0.034 0.026 0.020 0.016 perature and density determinedhere give an escapeflux of 1.8 X 108 cm-• sec-• and an escape time of 10' see, which is less than 1 Martian day. A primary sourceof hydrogenmust therefore exist in the lower atmosphere of Mars. The source of atomic hydrogen on Mars is probably the dissociation of water vapor. Hunten and McElroy [1970] estimatethat the integratedphotodissociation rate of water vapor is between 10• and 10TMcm-• sec-•. Therefore, this source is more than adequate to account for the flux of atomic hydrogenthat is currently escapingfrom the planet. Acknowledgments. We thank Charles A. Barth for his advice and creative suggestions,and Lloyd Wallace for his many useful comments. This work was supported by NASA contract NGL I)ATA 06-003-052. Barth, C. A., Mariner 6 measurements of the Lyman-alpha sky background, Astrophys. J. Left., 161, L181, 1970. Barth, C. A., C. W. Hord, J. B. Pearce, K. K. Kelly, G. P. Anderson, and A. I. Stewart, Mariner 6 and 7 ultraviolet spectrometer experiment: Upper atmosphere data, J. Geophys. Res., 76, 2213, 1971. Brunet, E. C., and W. A. Rense, Rocket observations of solar ultraviolet emission lines, Astrophys. J., 157, 417, 1969. Chamberlain, J. W., Physics o] the Aurora and Airglow, Academic, New York, 1961. Chamberlain, J. W., Planetaw coronae and atmospheric evaporation, Planet. Space Sci., 11, 901, 1963. ChamberlMn, J. W., and G. R. Smith, Comme,,ts on the rate of evaporation from a non-Maxwellian atmosphere,Planet. Space Sci., in press, 1971. Chandrasekhar, S., Radiative Transfer, Dover, New York, 1960. Hunten, D. M., and M. B. McElroy, Production and escape of hydrogen on Mars, J. Geophys. Res., 75, 5989, 1970. Meier, R. R., and P. Mange, Geocoronal hydrogen: An analysis of the Lyman-alpha airglow observedfrom Ogo 4, Planet. Space Sci., 13, 803, 1970. Pearce, J. B., K. A. Gause, E. F. Mackey, K. K. Kelly, W. G. Fastie, and C. A. Barth, The Mariner 6 and 7 ultraviolet spectrometers,Appl. Opt., 10, 805, 1971. Spitzer, L., The terrestrial atmosphere above 300 km, in The Atmosphere o] the Earth and Planets, edited by G. P. Kuiper, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill., 1957. Thomas, G. E., Lyman-alpha scattering in the earth's hydrogen geocorona, 1, J. Geophys. Res., 68, 2639, 1963. The Editor thanks M. B. McElroy and another referee for their assistance in evaluating this paper. (Received March 22, 1971; accepted June 29, 1971.)