Which States Can Be Changed by Which Events? Niloofar Montazeri

Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning: Papers from the 2015 AAAI Spring Symposium
Which States Can Be Changed by Which Events?
Niloofar Montazeri
Jerry R. Hobbs
Information Sciences Institute/University of Southern California, Marina del Rey, California
Related works in the area of event semantics include detecting happens-before relations (Chklovski and Pantel
2004), causal relations (Girju 2003) and entailment relations (Pekar 2006) between events. The work by (Sil and
Yates, 2011) is the closest to ours. They identify STRIPS
representations of events which include such information
as preconditions, post-conditions and delete-effects of
events. The latter is defined as “conditions that held before
occurrence of event but no longer hold afterwards” and is
precisely what we are looking for. (Sil and Yates, 2011)
have limited delete-effects to those that are negations of
preconditions (e.g., “unhurt” is a precondition of “maim”
and its negation, “hurt” is a delete-effect), but we also extract conditional delete-effects such as “If x teaches, then
x’s retirement will put an end to it”. In addition, we find
possible delete-effects such as “If x is happy, realizing y
may put an end to it”.
We present a method for finding (STATE, EVENT) pairs
where EVENT can change STATE. For example, the event
“realize” can put an end to the states “be unaware”, “be confused”, and “be happy”; while it can rarely affect “being
hungry”. We extract these pairs from a large corpus using a
fixed set of syntactic dependency patterns. We then apply a
supervised Machine Learning algorithm to clean the results
using syntactic and collocational features, achieving a precision of 78% and a recall of 90%. We observe 3 different relations between states and events that change them and
present a method for using Mechanical Turk to differentiate
between these relations1.
Knowledge about event semantics plays an important role
in both understanding natural language and reasoning
about the world. In a series of papers (Montazeri and
Hobbs, 2011, 2012; Hobbs and Montazeri, 2014) we have
described our effort in manually axiomatizing change-ofstate verbs in terms of predicates in core theories of commonsense knowledge. This paper is an extension to our
previous work (Montazeri et. al, 2013) in which we investigated the possibility of automatically extracting axioms
for change-of-state verbs from text by detecting the states
that an event can change. As before, we use hand crafted
syntactic dependency patterns to extract candidate (STATE,
EVENT) pairs; but unlike our previous filtering method in
which we ranked the pairs and applied a threshold, we use
a supervised Machine Learning algorithm to filter the candidates. We observe 3 different relations between states
and events that change them (which result in 3 different
types of axioms) and present a method for using Mechanical Turk to categorizes pairs based on these relations.
Data Set: We harvested information from the ClueWeb09
dataset, whose English portion contains just over 500 million web pages2.
Patterns: We use lexico-syntactic patterns for extracting
candidate (STATE, EVENT) pairs. In our patterns, STATE
and EVENT are two phrases that are in an adverbialcomplement relation and have a common argument. Here
are simple verbal representations of our syntactic patterns:
“used to STATE, before EVENT” , “STATE until t when
EVENT”, “STATE until EVENT”, “if EVENT, no longer
STATE”, “no longer STATE because EVENT”, “became/got/came STATE after EVENT”, “became/got/came
STATE when EVENT”, “although EVENT, still/continued
STATE”, “stopped STATE, because EVENT” “how can
STATE if EVENT”, “no longer STATE if EVENT”.
In each pattern, EVENT is a verb phrase with verb VE and
STATE is a verb phrase with either (1) a verb VS in passive
This research was funded by the Office of Naval Research under Contract No. N00014-09-1-1029.
Copyright © 2015, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.
form (e.g., was detained)3 or (2) a “being” verb VBS, with
a noun, adjective, or a prepositional phrase (e.g., remained
successful, was hero, was in team). A “being” verb is a
verb in the set {“be”, “remain”, “become”, “get”, “stay”,
“keep”}. To apply the constraint that STATE and EVENT
have a common argument, the subject or the object of the
second phrase (according to their order in the sentence)
should be a pronoun that refers to the subject or object of
the first phrase. Some examples are: “(John was detained)
until March when (the authorities released him)”, “(John
was happy) until (he heard the news)” and “if (John hears
the news), (he will get upset)”.
EVENT and hence we used the following fine-grained tags
for annotating the results:
• Category-1: STATE is a precondition of EVENT and will
no longer hold after EVENT. Examples are (lost (y), find
(x, y)) and (alive (x), die (x)). Pairs in this category result in axiom with the format:
EVENT’(e, x, y) → changeFrom’(e, e0) & STATE’(e0, x/y)5
• Category-2: STATE is not a precondition of EVENT, but
if STATE holds before EVENT, occurrence of EVENT
will surely put an end to it. Examples are (teacher (x),
retire (x)) and (married (x), die (x)). Pairs in this category result in axioms with the format:
EVENT’(e, x, y) & STATE’(e0, x/y)→ changeFrom’(e, e0)
Parsing the Corpus and Applying Patterns: Since our
patterns require syntactic information, we parsed the sentences using the fast dependency parser described in (Tratz
and Hovy, 2011)4. Before parsing this corpus, we first filter
out sentences that won’t match any of our patterns, using a
set of regular expressions derived from the patterns. Next,
we parse these sentences and apply our syntactic dependency patterns to extract STATE and EVENT from each
sentence along with several features such as pronounresolution (whether the common theme is the object or
subject of the event), the pattern that was matched against
the sentence, state and event verb’s voice (passive/active),
and whether the state has been represented by an adjective
or a noun.
In the next step, we aggregate the features extracted for the
same (STATE, EVENT) pairs into (STATE, EVENT, f, P, F)
tuples; where f is the frequency of the pair (which shows
how many times it was extracted by any change-of-state
pattern), P is a dictionary structure that shows for each
pattern, how many times it was matched against the
(STATE, EVENT) pair, and F is a dictionary structure that
keeps the most frequent value for each feature. We then
drop the “being” verbs for nouns, adjectives and prepositional phrases; and construct the argument structures for
states and events based on the most frequent pronounresolution case. After removing tuples with empty events
like “be”, “have”, “get”, “do”, etc., we get about 68000
instances, examples of which are (lost (y), find (x, y)) and
(teacher (x), retire (x)).
• Category-3: Similar to the situation for Category-2, but
EVENT only sometimes puts an end to STATE. Examples
are (happy (x), realize (x, y)) and (confused (x), read (x,
y)). Such pairs result in defeasible axioms with the format:
EVENT’(e, x, y) & STATE’(e0, x/y) & etc6→ changeFrom’(e,
We refer to pairs that belong to any of the above categories
as “change-of-state” and the rest as “non-change-of-state”
pairs. Table 1 shows the distribution of change-of-state
pairs and the finer-grained categories for all annotated
pairs. In total, 69% of the annotated pairs are change-ofstate pairs. We consider this as the baseline precision for
our method.
Table 1: Distribution of Pair Categories
Filtering the Results
In order to increase the 69% baseline precision of the simple pattern-matching method, we used the C4.5 decision
tree learning algorithm (Quinlan 1986) to classify the extracted pairs into change-of-state/non-change-of-state categories. The features we used are pronoun resolution,
matched patterns, state and event verb’s voice (passive/active), and whether the state has been represented by
an adjective or a noun) plus the following statistical information: 1) number of distinct patterns that have extracted
the pair, and 2) Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI) between (STATE, EVENT) and the set of change-of-state pat-
Assessing the Quality of the Results:
Preparing the Evaluation Data Set
One of the authors annotated 870 (STATE, EVENT) pairs
which are a combination of random and high-frequency
pairs. While trying to annotate these pairs, we found 3
types of change-of-state relationships between STATE and
In the case that the verb is a state verb, we can also consider active
forms, however, in this work we only consider passive forms.
For space reasons we have unified two alternative axioms into one:
STATE’(e0, x/y) means STATE’(e0,x) or STATE’(e0,y)
The predicate etc means “Some other conditions hold”
terns. We compute this mutual information using the following formula:
provided by all the 4 annotators and get the final answer
for each question. MACE (Multi-Annotator Competence
Estimation) is an implementation of an item-response
model that learns in an unsupervised fashion to a) identify
which annotators are trustworthy and b) predict the correct
underlying labels. It is possible to have MACE produce
answers in which it has a confidence above 90%. We have
used this feature in our experiment.
Since we had two types of questions, we ran MACE on
each set of answers separately. As a result, we got for each
pair, 2 answers: a yes/no answer for question 1 and a 3choice answer (surely/sometimes/rarely) for question 2.
We then aggregated the answers to obtain the final category of the pair according to Table 2.
In the following, we refer to Mace as M and to the author
that annotated the pairs as A. We measure the agreement
only on those cases where MACE was sure about its answer and hence produced one. In evaluating the performance of Mechanical Turk, we are particularly sensitive to
false positives, as they will reduce precision, while false
negatives only reduce recall. We consider the following
cases as false positives: for binary yes/no questions: M said
“yes”, but A said “no”. For 3 choice questions: 1) M said
“surely”, but A said “sometimes” or “rarely” 2) M said
“sometimes”, but A said “rarely”. Table 3 shows the
agreement between M and A (which is above 80%) and
percentage of false-positives (which is less than 8%) for
different types of questions.
Where pti represents pattern i, P (state, event, pti)
represents the probability that pattern i extracts (state,
event) and * is a wildcard. We normalized the PMI values
using the discounting factor presented in (Pantel and Ravichandran, 2004) to moderate the bias towards rare cases.
We achieved a precision of 78% and a recall of 90% in a
10-fold cross validation test on our 870 annotated pairs,
which means about 10% improvement over the random
selection baseline.
Categorizing Pairs With Mechanical Turk
We performed an experiment with Mechanical Turk to
investigate whether we can use crowd sourcing for categorizing the change-of-state pairs into the 3 finer grained
categories which we introduced earlier. For each (STATE,
EVENT) pair, we asked 2 questions from the annotators.
Here is an instantiated version of the two questions for the
pair (lost(y), find(x,y)):
1. If I hear "something/someone is found"
a. I can tell that it/she was lost before being found
b. I cannot tell whether it/she was lost before being
2. If something/someone is lost:
a. finding will surely put an end to it.
b. finding will sometimes put an end to it.
c. finding will rarely put an end to it.
Final Answer
We have presented a method for extracting (STATE, EVENT)
pairs in which EVENT can put an end to STATE, with a precision of 78%. We observed 3 different relations between
states and events that change them (which result in 3 different types of axioms) and presented a method for using
Mechanical Turk to differentiate between these relations.
In future, we would like to consider synonymy of events
and consolidate the data extracted for synonym events
which will hopefully boost the quality of extractions. As
for categorizing the pairs, we can adopt the method used
by (Sil and Yates, 2011) for identifying preconditions of
events (which is important for identifying Category-1
pairs). Finally, we can try using machine learning and statistical analysis to categorize the pairs automatically.
From the 870 pairs that we had annotated by ourselves, we
randomly selected 20 pairs per each change-of-state category, plus 20 non-change-of-state pairs, a total of 80 pairs.
We divided them into 8 assignments each containing 10
pairs (for each pair, 2 questions, and hence 20 questions
per assignment). We required that each assignment be
answered by 4 subjects. After collecting the results, we
used MACE7 (Hovy, et. al 2013) to aggregate the answers
3 Choice
Conclusions and Future Work
Table 2: Final Categories Based on Answers to Questions
Table 3: Agreement and False Positives for different types of questions
We can aggregate the answers to these 2 questions according to Table 2 to obtain the right category.
False Positives
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