Using Common Sense Invariants in Belief Management for Autonomous Agents

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Robotics: Papers from the AAAI Spring Symposium
Using Common Sense Invariants
in Belief Management for Autonomous Agents
Gerald Steinbauer and Clemens Mühlbacher
Institute for Software Technology
Graz University of Technology
Graz, Austria
the robot fail to pick up the package. After the action is performed to robot’s beliefs that it picked up the package. If
the real world is not sensed to detect that its internal belief
is inconsistent the robot will start to move to B without the
package. Thus it will fail in finishing its task successfully. In
the case that the robot senses the world and detects the fault
it can perform another action to pick up the package again.
Thus the goal can be successfully achieved.
In order to find these inconsistencies between the internal
belief and the real world sensor measurements are taken. But
often we cannot directly observe the information we need
to detect an inconsistency. Thus we need additional background knowledge to detect the inconsistency. This problem
can be seen as a ramification problem of the sensor measurements.
Gspandl presented in (Gspandl et al. 2011) a method
which uses background knowledge to detect faults. The
background knowledge was represented as invariants which
have to hold in every situation. An example for such an
invariant is that an object cannot be physically at different
places at the same time. Additional to the detection also a
diagnosis is applied to discover the real cause of actions. IndiGolog (Giacomo et al. 2009) was used to implement the
high-level control.
IndiGolog is a high-level agent programming language.
It opens up the possibility to mix imperative and declarative programming. Thus some parts of the program can be
imperatively specified while other parts are executed using
reasoning. Continuing the example from above the procedure to deliver an object can be specified imperatively but
the selection which delivery task should be performed next
can be specified declaratively.
IndiGolog is based on the situation calculus (McCarthy
1963) and generates a history of actions which were performed. This history together with information about the
initial situation is used to represent the internal belief of the
robot. As mentioned above the usage of background knowledge is essential to be able to detect inconsistencies. But it
is a tedious task to specify this knowledge by hand. Therefore, we propose to reuse existing common sense knowledge
bases such as Cyc as background knowledge. In this paper we present a method to map the situation of the world
represented in IndiGolog to a common sense knowledge
base. Thus the background knowledge of the common sense
For an agent or robot it is essential to detect inconsistencies
between its internal belief and the real world. To detect these
inconsistencies we reuse background knowledge from a common sense knowledge base as invariants. This enables us to
detect and diagnose inconsistencies which can be missed if no
background knowledge is used. In order to be able to reuse
common sense from other sources a mapping between the
knowledge representation in the robot system and the common sense knowledge bases is introduced. In this paper we
specify the properties which have to be respected in order to
achieve a proper mapping. Moreover, we show a preliminary
implementation of such a mapping for the Cyc knowledge
base and evaluate this implementation in a simple delivery
robot domain.
In the field of autonomous agents and robots faults are not
totally avoidable. Such faults can occur due to imperfect
execution of actions or noisy sensor measurements. Such
faults may prevent a robot from finishing its task successfully. But also other robots or humans may change the world
in an unexpected way letting the robot fail in executing its
task. A simple example is a robot which delivers a package from location A to B. The robot can fail to deliver this
package if the pickup action fails due to a slippery gripper.
Or a person snatches the package from the robot during delivery. These are simple examples of the non-deterministic
interaction of a robot with its environment through acting
and sensing. A dependable robot has to deal with such situations.
These faults in the interaction lead to a situation where
the internal belief is in contradiction with the real world. To
overcome this problem it is necessary to detect and repair
such inconsistencies. The robot grounds its decision which
action to execute next to achieve a goal on this internal belief. Thus if the internal belief is in contradiction with the
real world the agent will perform a wrong or even dangerous
action. If we continue with the example above let’s assume
The work has been partly funded by the Austrian Science Fund
(FWF) by grant P22690.
c 2014, Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Copyright Intelligence ( All rights reserved.
call sensing actions. If an action α is a primitive action
Ψα (s) ≡ > and RealSense(α, s) ≡ >.
To deal with sensing we extend the basic action theory
with the sensing axioms {Senses} and axioms for refining
programs as terms C to D∗ = D ∪ C ∪ {Sensed }. See (Giacomo et al. 2009) for a detailed discussion.
As mentioned above we use the history of performed actions also to perform diagnosis. To trigger a diagnosis we
need to check that the world evolved as expected. The world
evolved as expected if the internal belief together with the
sensor readings is consistent. Definition 1 states the consistency of the world. Please note that we use the terms situation and history interchangeably to refer to a sequence of
actions executed starting in a particular situation.
Definition 1. A history σ is consistent iff D∗ |= Cons(σ)
with Cons(·) inductively defined as:
1. Cons() = Invaria(S0 )
2. Cons(do(α, δ̄)) = Cons(δ̄) ∧ Invaria(do(α, δ̄))∧
[SF (do(α, δ̄)) ∧ RealSense(α, do(α, δ̄))∨
¬SF (α, δ̄) ∧ ¬RealSense(α, do(α, δ̄))]
knowledge base can be used to detect violations without
the task of specifying the background knowledge within IndiGolog. This idea is inspired from the ontology mapping,
which is done to construct lager knowledge bases out of
smaller ones (see for example (Kalfoglou and Schorlemmer
2003) for a survey of ontology mapping).
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In the
next section we present our belief management with invariants. In the succeeding section the theoretical aspects of the
mapping are discussed. In the following section we explain
how this is implemented based on the existing belief management. Afterwards we present preliminary experimental
results of the implementation. Related research is discussed
in the following section. We conclude the paper in the succeeding section and point out some future work.
Belief Management with Invariants
As mentioned above we use IndiGolog to represent and execute high-level programs. IndiGolog uses the situation calculus (McCarthy 1963) (second-order logical language) to
reason about the actions that were performed. This enables
IndiGolog to represent a situation s of the world with an
initial situation S0 and a history of performed actions. To
specify this initial situation we use the axioms DS0 . The
evolution from one situation to another one uses the special
function symbol do : action × situation → situation 1 .
To model the preconditions of actions we use Reiter’s variation of the situation calculus (Reiter 2001). Thus we specify the precondition of an Action α with the parameters ~x
through Poss(α(~x), s) ≡ Πα (~x). All preconditions are collected in the axioms Dap . The essential parts to evolve the
world are the effects of actions. These are modeled using
the successor state axioms Dssa . These axioms have the form
F (~x, do(α, s)) ≡ ϕ+ (α, ~x, s) ∨ F (~x, s) ∧ ¬ϕ− (α, ~x, s). ϕ+
models the action effect which enables a fluent (set the fluent
to true). ϕ− models the action effect which disables a fluent (set the fluent to false). A fluent is a situation-depended
predicate. Using foundation axioms Σ and unique name
axioms for actions Duna we form the basic action theory
D = Σ ∪ Dssa ∪ Dap ∪ Duna ∪ DS0 . For a more detailed
explanation we refer the reader to (Reiter 2001).
The effects of sensor measurements are modeled in a similar way. The sensor measurements are modeled as a fluent
(SF ) which indicates which change occurs through a sensing action (De Giacomo and Levesque 1999). The fluent is
defined as SF (α, s) ≡ Ψα (s) and indicates that if action α
is performed in situation s the result is Ψα (s). Additionally
we use the helper predicate RealSense(α, s). This predicate has the value of the sensor for Fluent F connected via
the sensing of α. For detailed information how this predicate is defined we refer the reader to (Ferrein 2008). Please
note that SF (α, s) ≡ RealSense(α, s) must hold in a consistent world. The set of all these sensing axioms is called
{Sensed }.
In the remaining of the paper we call actions without sensor results primitive actions. Actions with sensor results we
Where Invaria(δ̄) represents the background knowledge
(invariants) as a set of conditions that have to hold in all
situations δ̄.
To perform a diagnosis we follow the basic approach from
(Iwan 2002). The goal is to find an alternative action history that explains the inconsistency. For this purpose special
predicates for action variations (Varia) and exogenous action insertions (Inser ) are used. The variations are defined
through Varia(α, A(~x), σ) ≡ ΘA (α, ~x, σ). Where ΘA is
a condition such that the action A is a variation of actions
α in the situation σ. This variations are used to donate the
different possible outcomes of an action.2 . The insertions
are defined similar as Inser (α, σ) ≡ Θ(α, σ), where Θ is
a condition such that some action α is a valid insertion into
the action history σ. Insertions are used to model exogenous
events, which occur during the execution.
To make it possible to find such a diagnosis in practice we
use some assumptions. Assumption 1 states that the primitive actions are modeled correctly. This is a reasonable assumption as we do not want actions that contradict invariants
in their correct execution.
Assumption 1. A primitive action α never contradicts an
invariant if executed in a consistent situation δ̄:
D∗ |= ∀δ̄.(Cons(δ̄) ∧ Invaria(do(α, δ̄)))
Through the definition of Ψα (s) and RealSense(α, s) for
primitive actions and the Assumption 1 we can simply state
Lemma 1.
Lemma 1. The situation do(α, δ̄) resulting from the execution of a primitive action α in a consistent situation δ̄ is
always consistent:
D∗ |= ∀δ̄.prim act(α) ⇒ (Cons(δ̄) ⇒ Cons(do(α, δ̄))).
Where predicate prim act(α) represents if an action α is
primitive. This result is obvious as a primitive action never
introduces an inconsistency to a consistent situation.
We will use do([α1 , . . . , αn ], σ) as an abbreviation for the
term do(αn , do(αn−1 , · · · do(α1 , σ) · · · ))
The variations of actions could be considered as the fault
modes for an action
Furthermore according to the Definition 1 of the consistency and a consistent past we can state Lemma 2.
result of this failure is that the object is not carried by the
robot. We do not need to model why the action failed. It
doesn’t matter if the gripper was slippery or the software
module calculate a wrong grasping point. The only interesting point is that we know that the robot failed to pick up
the object. According to this knowledge the robot is able to
diagnose a wrong grasping action. Please note that the information about the root cause of a fault can be used to improve
the diagnosis if causal relations are modeled too.
Lemma 2. A sensing action α is inconsistent with a consistent situation δ̄ iff :
SF (α, δ̄) 6≡ RealSense(α, do(α, δ̄))
D∗ 6|= Invaria(do(α, δ̄))
We call SF (α, δ̄) 6≡ RealSense(α, do(α, δ̄)) an obvious
fault or obvious contradiction. The next assumption states
that the initial situation S0 is modeled correctly.
Use of Common Sense Knowledge as
Background Model
Assumption 2. The initial situation S0 never contradicts
the invariant:
DS0 |= Invaria(S0 )
The basic idea is to map the actual belief of the agent represented in the situation calculus to the representation of the
common sense knowledge base (KB ) and to check the consistency of the mapped belief with the background knowledge in this representation. For this we add the mapped belief to KB and check if the extended knowledge base is still
consistent. This is different to other mappings which map
the situations as well as the domain theory. Such a mapping
was proposed for example in (Thielscher 1999). Because
we are only interested in a consistency check of a single situation to map only the situation is sufficient. The mapping
from one representation to another is defined in Definition 2.
Please note that the representation in the situation calculus
is denoted by LSC . LKB denotes the representation of the
knowledge base we map to.
Definition 2. Function MLSC ,LKB : LSC × S → LKB represents the transformation of a situation and an extended
basic action theory to a theory in LKB .
The mapping has to fulfill some properties to be proper.
The first property states that the used constants have the
same semantics regardless if they are used in the situation
calculus or in KB . The second property is that the mapping
has to maintain the consistency in respect to the invariant.
This property is similar to the query property (Arenas et al.
2013) which is used to specify knowledge base mappings
for OWL.
To specify the second property we use I to donate one invariant of the background knowledge we want to use. This
could be for example the knowledge that an object is only
in one place in one situation. Additionally we use the term
implementation I to specify the representation of an invariant. An invariant I can be represented in situation calculus
as ISC (I) or in KB as IKB (I). It does not matter how this
implementation is done. It is only important that the corresponding reasoner interpret the implementation in such a
way that it represents the invariant I. The set of all these
implementations of invariants in the background knowledge
is denoted as ISC (BK ) and IKB (BK ) respectively. Please
note that in our case ISC (BK ) is equivalent to Invaria(δ̄).
The property which has to hold for the mapping function
(MLSC ,LKB ) in all situations S is defined in Definition 3.
Definition 3. The mapping MLSC ,LKB is proper if the
transferred situation s together with the background model
IKB (BK ) lead to a contradiction if and only if the situation s together with the original implementation of the background knowledge lead to a contradiction:
This assumption is necessary as we are not able to repair
situation S0 through changing the history. The fundamental
axioms for situations (see (Reiter 2001)) state that there is
no situation prior to S0 (6 ∃s(s @ S0 )).
With the Assumption 2 and the Lemma 1 we can state
Theorem 1.
Theorem 1. A history δ̄ = do([a1 , ..., an ], S0 ) can only become inconsistent iff it contains a sensing action:
D∗ |= ¬Cons(δ̄) ⇔ ∃ai ∈ [a1, ..., an ].sens act(ai )
Where predicate sens act(α) represents if an action α is
a sensing action.
Proof. Through Assumption 2 we know that Cons() is
true. Through Lemma 1 we know that the consistency
will not change if a primitive action is performed. Thus
Cons(δ̄) remains true if δ̄ comprises only primitive actions.
Thus Cons(δ̄) can only becomes false through a sensing action.
Through Lemma 2 and Theorem 1 we can state a condition for an inconsistent situation.
Lemma 3. A situation δ̄ = do([a1 , ..., an ], S0 ) becomes
inconsistent iff it contains a sensing action and either there
is a contradicting sensing result or the invariant is violated:
D∗ |= ¬Cons(δ̄) ⇔ ∃ai ∈ [a1, ..., an ].sens act(ai ) ∧
[SF (α, δ̄)
RealSense(α, do(α, δ̄))∨
¬Invaria(do(α, δ̄))].
Furthermore we assume that only actions change the real
world. Thus if the two situations are different an action had
been performed. Finally we request that all possible actions
and their alternative outcomes and all possible exogenous
events are modeled. Moreover, we request that the number
of actions and their alternatives as well as the number of possible occurrences of exogenous events is finite. This leads to
the conclusion that once an inconsistency occurred we are
able to find a consistent alternative action sequence through
a complete search.
To illustrate these assumptions let us reconsider the example from the introduction. We like to model the task of
delivering a package from a location A to B. We model the
task using a pick, a place and a movement action. During
the movement we have to consider that the object the robot
is caring is also moving. As a possible variation of an action
we model that the pick action of a package can fail. The
IKB (BK ) ∪ MLSC ,LKB (D∗ , s) |=LKB ⊥ ⇔
D∗ ∪ II (BK ) |=LSC ⊥
its predicates and their properties. An important property
is a partly uniqueness. This means that if all parts of a
predicate are specified except one constant the constant is
uniquely defined. For instance such predicates can be used
to model that an object is only at one place at the time.
Beside explaining the mapping to Cyc it is important
to mention that we are only considering steady invariants
(Thielscher 1998). This means we are not interested in effects which will be caused by sensor readings in the future
and are enabled by the current situation. These effects are
called stabilizing invariants (Thielscher 1998). If we would
also consider stabilizing invariants the reasoner of Cyc have
also to reason about situations and their evolution. Additionally we would have to properly specify what consistency
means in case of multiple possible solution due the stabilizing invariant. Thus we avoid these problems by using use
steady invariants.
The mapping from the situation calculus to Cyc maps
three fluents. The transformation functions of the mapping
are shown in Listing 1 and 24 . The first fluent isAt(x, y, s)
represents the position x of an object y. The second fluent
holding(x, s) represents which object x the robot is holding. The last fluent specify if the robot is holding something.
The last fluent carryAnything(s) is used to interpret the
result of a sensing action. The background knowledge we
used in the situation calculus consists of two simple statements. The first statement specifies that every object is only
at one place in one situation. The second statement specifies
the relation between holding a specific object and sensing
the holding the object.
This definition states that regardless if we considered the
situation and the invariant implemented in the situation calculus or if we consider the mapped situation and the invariant implemented in KB both lead to the same result for the
consistency. With the help of Lemma 2 and the Definition 3
of the mapping we can state Lemma 4
Lemma 4. A sensing action α which does not lead to an
obvious fault is inconsistent if the following holds:
IKB (BK ) ∪ MLSC ,LKB (D∗ , s) |=LKB ⊥.
In order to avoid problems through the different interpretation of undefined or unknown fluents we request that the
mapping maps all fluent and constants. This is very restrictive but it is necessary if we map from a representation which
uses the closed world assumption like IndiGolog to a representation with the open world assumption. Moreover, we
assume that the number of fluents and constants is finite 3 .
With a mapping which respects the above mentioned properties we are able to check for inconsistencies in a different
Implementation Using Cyc
To map the internal belief it is sufficient to map the fluents in
a situation s. We will now define a proper mapping in more
detail for the common sense knowledge base Cyc. We assume for now n constants c1 , ..., cn and m relational fluents
F1 (x̄1 , s), ..., Fm (x̄m , s) used in the extended basic action
theory. x̄i represents the set of variable of the ith fluent. In
order to define the mapping we define a set of transformation
functions for constants and fluents.
Listing 1: Mapping of the Fluents
RFisAt (x, y) →
( i s a s t o r e d A t {x} A t t a c h m e n t E v e n t )
( o b j e c t A d h e r e d T o s t o r e d A t {x} {y } )
( o b j e c t A t t a c h e d s t o r e d A t {x} {x } )
R̄FisAt (x, y) →
( i s a s t o r e d A t {x} A t t a c h m e n t E v e n t )
( n o t ( o b j e c t A d h e r e d T o s t o r e d A t {x} {y } ) )
( o b j e c t A t t a c h e d s t o r e d A t {x} {x } )
RFholding (x) →
( i s a robotsHand HoldingAnObject )
R̄Fholding (x) →
( not ( i s a robotsHand HoldingAnObject ) )
RFcarryAnything →
( i s a robotsHand HoldingAnObject )
R̄FcarryAnything →
( not ( i s a robotsHand HoldingAnObject ) )
Definition 4. For constant symbols {ci } we define a transformation functions RC : ci ∈ LSC → LKB .
Definition 5. For a positive fluent Fi we define a transformation function RFi : T |x̄i | → LKB . For a negative fluent
Fi we define a transformation function R̄Fi : T |x̄i | → LKB .
Where T denotes a term.
The mapping MLSC ,LKB (D∗ , s) can now be defined as
Definition 6. The mapping MLSC ,LKB (D∗ , s) consists of a
set of transformed fluents and constants such that:
(∀i∀x̄i .(D∗ , s) |=LSC
MLSC ,LKB (D∗ , s) ≡
Fi (x̄i , s)|RFi (x̄i ) ∪
RC (x))∪
(∀i∀x̄i .(D , s) |=LSC ¬Fi (x̄i , s)|R̄Fi (x̄i ) ∪
RC (x))
Listing 2: Mapping of the Constants
We implemented such a mapping from the situation calculus to Cyc. Cyc (Reed, Lenat, and others 2002) is a common sense knowledge base which also integrated many other
knowledge bases. Cyc uses higher order logic to represent
RC (x) →
( i s a {x} P a r t i a l l y T a n g i b l e )
Please note that in the case of situation calculus invariants we coded this knowledge by hand. In the case of Cyc
The fluents are predicates of finite many first order terms. Thus
the mapping can be done in finite time if the number of constants
is finite.
{x} and {y} represent the unique string representation of the
related constant in Cyc.
Experimental Results
invariants such constraints are already coded in. For instance the used class AttachmentEvent for the predicate
storedAt {x} allows only to attach an object to one location. If an object is attached to several locations a violation
is reported by Cyc. The class PartiallyTangible represents
physical identities.
We performed three experiments with the above presented
implementation. In all experiments a simple delivery task
had to be performed. The robot had to deliver objects from
one room to another. To perform this task the agent was able
to perform three actions: (1) pick up an object, (2) go to
destination place, and (3) put down an object. Each of these
actions can fail. A pick up action can fail in such a way
that the object is not to be picked up. The pickup action can
fail at all or picks up a wrong object from the same room.
The goto action can end up in a wrong room. The put down
action can fail in such a way that the robot is still holding the
object. Additionally to these internal faults an exogenous
event can happen which teleports an object in another room.
The probabilities of the different action variations and the
exogenous event can be seen in Table 1.
We use the Prolog implementation of IndiGolog (Giacomo et al. 2009) to interpret the high-level control program.
This implementation offers the possibility the check if a fluent is true in a situation. It uses the action history, the initial
situation and regression to answer if a fluent holds (see (Reiter 2001)). This makes it possible to make a snapshot of all
fluents for the current situation. This snapshot can be transferred through the mapping to Cyc.
As we discussed above we use the mapping to check if an
action history is consistent with sensor readings. To check
if a situation is consistent we use the algorithm depicted in
Algorithm 1.
go to wrong location
pick up wrong object
pick up fails
put down fails
random movement of object
Algorithm 1: checkConsistency
input : α . . . action to perform in the situation,
δ̄ . . . situation before execution action α
output: true iff situation is consistent
Table 1: Probabilities of faults of actions and the exogenous
if sens act(α) then
if SF (α, δ̄) 6≡ RealSense(α, do(α, δ̄)) then
return f alse
δ̄ 0 = do(α, δ̄)
M = MLSC ,LKB (D∗ , δ̄ 0 )
if ¬checkCycConsistency(M) then
return f alse
return true
The different experiments differ in the size of the domain.
Each experiment5 ran for 20 different object settings (different initial locations and goals for object). Each object setting
was performed 5 times with different seed for the random
number generator. This ensures that the object setting or
the triggered faults does not prefer a particular solution. For
each test run a timeout of 12 minutes was used.
The experiments used three different high-level control
programs. The first program (HBD 0) used no background
knowledge but direct detection of contradictions. The second program (HBD 1) used background knowledge handcoded into IndiGolog. The third program (HBD 2) used the
proposed mapping and background knowledge in Cyc.
To implement the programs we used the Teleo-Reactive
(TR) approach (Nilsson 1994) to perform the task. The TR
program was used to ensure that after a change of the belief due to the diagnosis the program can be continued towards its goal. To perform the experiments with the different programs we used a simulated environment based on
ROS. The simulated environment evolves the world according to the performed actions. The effects are simulated according to the desired action of the high-level program such
that the non-deterministic outcomes are randomly selected
to reflect the given fault probabilities. Exogenous movements are randomly performed before an action is executed
according to their probabilities. Similar experiments with
simulated and real robots and the belief management system
were presented in (Gspandl et al. 2012).
First, the algorithm checks if a sensor reading is directly
inconsistent with the situation. This is done to find obvious
faults. For example if we expect that an object is at location
A and we perform an object detection at A with the result
that the object is not there. The conclusion is simple that the
sensor reading and the internal belief contradict each other.
Next the algorithm uses the mapping to check if the invariant
is violated. It maps the current situation to Cyc and checks
the consistency within the Cyc common sense knowledge
Through Lemma 3 it is sufficient if we check only the
sensing actions. The algorithm is executed in each iteration
of the interpretation of the high-level control program. Thus
if we check D∗ |= Cons(δ̄.α) we have already checked
D∗ |= Cons(δ̄). Using this knowledge and the Lemma 2
we check if the sensing results lead to an obvious fault in
Line 2. Otherwise we use the proper mapping and therefore
Lemma 4 holds. Therefore we can conclude that the algorithm is correct.
The tests were performed on an Intel quad-core CPU with
2.40 GHz and 4 GB of RAM running at 32-bit Ubuntu 12.04. The
ROS version Groovy was used for the evaluation.
The tasks were performed in a simulated building with 20
respectively 29 rooms. Different numbers of rooms and objects were used to evaluate the scalability of the approach.
The number of successful delivered objects, the time to deliver the object as well as the fact if a test run was finished
in time was recorded.
In the first experiment three objects in a setting of 20
rooms had to be delivered. The success rate of being able
to deliver the requested objects for the whole experiment
can be seen in Table 2. Additionally the percentage of runs
that resulted in a timeout (TIR) are reported. The average
run-time for one object setting can be seen as well. For the
reported run-times we omitted the cases where the program
ran into a timeout.
success rate/%
significantly increases the run-time if the environment is increased. Please note that the environment is only increased
by a factor of 1.45. Thus the increase of the run-time increases faster than the environment size. This also points out
that an efficient reasoning for the background knowledge is
essential to avoid problems in scaling.
In the third experiment nine objects in a setting of 20
rooms had to be delivered. The success rate of being able
to deliver the requested objects for the whole experiment
can be seen in Table 4. Additionally the percentage of runs
that resulted in a timeout (TIR) are reported. The average
run-time for one object setting can be seen as well. For the
reported run-times we omitted the cases where the program
ran into a timeout.
average run-time/s
success rate/%
average run-time/s
Table 2: Success rate, timeout rate (TIR) and the average
run-time of the approaches for experiment 1.
Table 4: Success rate, time out rate (TIR) and the average
run time of the approaches for experiment 3.
In Table 2 it can be seen that the number of object movements which ran in a timeout is much higher in the case of
the Cyc background knowledge. The high number of timeouts is a result of a higher run-time due to the external consistency check. The run-time is currently the main drawback for the mapping to Cyc. The high run-time is caused
by the mapping as well as the reasoning in Cyc. But Table
2 shows that the diagnosis is significantly more successful if
background knowledge is used. Otherwise it failed often to
detect and diagnose the fault.
In the second experiment three objects in a setting of 29
rooms had to be delivered. The success rate of being able to
deliver the requested objects for the whole experiment can
be seen in Table 3. Additionally the percentage of runs that
resulted in a timeout (TIR) are reported. The average runtime for one object setting can be seen as well. For the reported run-time we omitted the cases where the program ran
into a timeout.
In Table 4 it can be seen that the number of object deliveries that ran into a timeout is 100 percent using the Cyc
background knowledge. This means that it was not possible
to move nine objects in 12 minutes. If the program with the
IndiGolog background knowledge was used only 29 percent
of the objects settings ran into a timeout.
An interesting observation is that the HBD 1 scaled better with the increase of the number of delivered object than
HBD 0. This indicates that also the time to detect an error
is smaller if the background knowledge is used. We suppose
that it is an advantage if the right fault was earlier detected.
Please note that we trade a higher run-time for a higher success rate. Although, the run-time of the Cyc-based approach
is currently significantly higher it still has the advantage of
using already formalized common sense knowledge.
success rate/%
Related Research
Before we conclude the paper we want to discuss related
work on dependability, belief management, logic mapping,
common sense, diagnosis in the situation calculus and plan
One well known framework for dependable high-level
control of robots is the BDI (Belief-Desire-Intention) framework. The BDI approaches consist of a belief of the agent
about the current state of the world. The agent tries to fulfill
a desire. Intentions are carried out according to the current
belief to achieve the desire. These intentions are revised every time the belief or the desire changes. Thus the agent reacts to changes in the environment. It is also possible to post
sub-goals as new desires to make a progress towards a goal.
See (Dennis et al. 2008) for a unification semantic for the
different BDI approaches. In the context of robotics the procedural reasoning system (PRS) follows this approach and
is used as an executive layer in the LAAS robot architecture
(Alami et al. 1998).
average run-time/s
Table 3: Success rate, timeout rate (TIR) and the average
run-time of the approaches for experiment 2.
Table 3 shows again the high number of timeouts in cases
where CYC mapping is used. Another interesting observation is the increase in the run-time. The run-time of the
HBD 1 increased by a factor of 2.23 and the run-time of
the HBD 2 increase by a factor of 1.43. Please note that
the increase of these run-times was limited due to the timeout. This indicates that the usage of background knowledge
out is the work concerning diagnosis using the situation calculus. In (Mcllraith 1999) a method was proposed to diagnose a physical system using the situation calculus. The
method tries to find an action sequence to infer the observations. The method does not modify any actions which
were performed. Instead the action sequence is searched as
a planning problem. Also the use of Golog as a controller
for the physical system which was proposed in (McIlraith
1999) does not change this paradigm.
A final related domain is plan diagnosis (Roos and Witteveen 2005; De Jonge, Roos, and Witteveen 2006). The
problem of identifying problems in plan execution is represented as model-based diagnosis problem with partial observations. The approach treats actions like components that
can fail like in classical model-based diagnosis. The currently executed plan, partial observations and a model how
plan execution should change the agent’s state are used to
identify failed actions. Moreover, the approach is able to
identify if the action failed by itself or due to some general
problem of the agent.
In contrast to the BDI approach IndiGolog uses no subgoals to achieve a task. Instead planning and a high-level
program are used to guide the agent to a certain goal. The
reactive behavior of the BDI system can also be achieved
in IndiGolog using a teleo-reactive (TR) program (Nilsson
1994). Such programs are also used in our implementation
to react to a repaired belief. To react quickly to changes in
the environment long-term planning is often omitted in BDI
systems. This problem was tackled in (Sardina, de Silva,
and Padgham 2006) with a combination of BDI and Hierarchical Task Networks (HTN). Using this combination longterm planning can be achieved. This proposed system is related to IndiGolog due to the possibility to use long-term
planning which is also possible in IndiGolog. Another point
we want to mention about the proposed approach is that it
also uses a history of performed actions. Thus it would be
possible to integrate our belief management approach into
the system as well.
Beside the relation to other high-level control we want to
point out the relation of our approach to other belief management approaches. Many different approaches exits that represent how trustworthy a predicate is. For example the anytime belief revision which was proposed in (Williams 1997)
use weighting for the predicates in the belief. Possibilistic
logic which can be related to believe revision techniques (see
(Prade 1991) for more details) uses the likelihood of predicates. Another method to specify the trust for a predicate in
a similar framework as the situation calculus was proposed
in (Jin and Thielscher 2004). The influence of performed
actions is also considered for determining trust. In relation
to the basis of the belief management system presented in
this paper (Gspandl et al. 2011) all these approaches differ
in the fact that we rank different beliefs instead of predicates
within one belief. Although it is left for future work to integrate the weighting of predicates into our approach.
If we look at the mapping of logic the work presented
in (Cerioli and Meseguer 1993) has to be mentioned. The
addressed mappings can be used to use parts of one logic in
another one. The difference to our approach is that we are
not interested to transfer another reasoning capability into
our system. Instead we want to use some kind of oracle
which tells us if the background knowledge is inconsistent
with our belief.
Before we start the discussion about different methods to
represent common sense knowledge we want to point out
that our proposed method does not rely on any special kind
of representation. As mentioned above the only interesting
aspect is that the predicates can be mapped in the system and
preserve the consistency regarding the background knowledge. Thus all these methods could be used in the implementation instead of Cyc. In (Johnston and Williams 2009b) a
system was proposed which represent common sense knowledge using simulation. This knowledge can also be learned
(Johnston and Williams 2009a). Due to the simulation it is
possible to check if a behavior contradicts simple physical
constraints. In (Küstenmacher et al. 2013) the authors use a
naive physics representation to detect and identify faults in
the interaction of a service robot with its environment.
Another relation to the work of others we want to point
Conclusion and Future work
In this paper we presented how a mapping of the belief of
an agent represented in the situation calculus to another representation can be used to check invariants on that belief.
The mapped belief is checked for consistency with background knowledge modeled in the representation of the target knowledge base using its reasoning capabilities. The
advantage of this mapping is that existing common sense
knowledge bases can be reused to specify invariants. We formalized the mapping and discussed under which condition
the consistency is equivalent in both systems. Moreover, we
presented a proof-of-concept implementation using Cyc and
integrated it into a IndiGolog-based high-level control.
An experimental evaluation showed that background
knowledge is able to significantly improve the detection and
diagnosis of inconsistencies in the agent’s belief. Furthermore, the evaluation showed that the run-time for the mapping as well as the reasoning in Cyc is high. Thus in future
work we will evaluate if other knowledge bases are better
suitable for that purpose. One such knowledge base is presented in (Borst et al. 1995) and is used to specify physical
systems and their behavior. Moreover, we will investigate in
the future if the mapping could be performed lazy such that
only predicates are mapped which are essential to find an inconsistency. Finally, we have to investigate if the run-time
drawback of using for instance Cyc is still significant if the
domain and handcrafted invariants become more complex.
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