Running Head: Taxometrics On the Detection of Latent Structures: An Analytic consideration of Meehl’s MAXCOV, MAMBAC, and MAXSLOPE procedures Michael Maraun, Peter Halpin, and Stephanie Gabriel Department of Psychology Simon Fraser University Correspondence: Michael Maraun, Dept. of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6 Fax: (604) 291-3427 1 Abstract In a series of papers, psychometrician Paul Meehl and colleagues have developed what he calls taxometrics, a set of procedures which, he claims, can be used to effectively detect taxonic latent structures (TLSs; i.e., structures in which the latent variable θ is not continuously, but rather Bernoulli, distributed) when, in fact, they do exist. Three of the most widely used taxometric procedures are MAXCOV, MAMBAC, and MAXSLOPE. As implied by a number of comments made by McDonald (2003) in his review of Waller and Meehl’s (1998) Multivariate taxometric procedures: Distinguishing types from continua, while Meehl’s taxometric procedures are the product of a true spirit of inventiveness, the work that he has published in support of these procedures is perhaps short on proofs of statistical assertions, and, more generally, psychometric theory. Given that usage of these procedures is on the rise, it is imperative that an analytical consideration of the claims that MAXCOV, MAMBAC, and MAXSLOPE are detectors of the taxonic latent structure, be undertaken. This is the task undertaken in the current work 2 On the Detection of Latent Structures: An Analytic consideration of Meehl’s MAXCOV, MAMBAC, and MAXSLOPE procedures In a series of papers, psychometrician Paul Meehl and colleagues introduced to the researcher what he calls taxometrics, a set of procedures which, he claims, can be used to effectively detect taxonic latent structures (TLSs; i.e., structures in which the latent variable θ is not continuously, but rather Bernoulli, distributed). Examples of these procedures are MAXCOV (Meehl & Yonce, 1996), MAMBAC (Meehl & Yonce, 1994), MAXSLOPE (Grove & Meehl, 2003), and MAXEIG (Waller & Meehl, 1998). In support of their claims that these procedures are detectors of latent taxa, Meehl and colleagues have offered up a mixture of mathematical deductions, reasoned arguments, and Monte Carlo simulations, and their generally positive assessments of the performances of their procedures would appear to have been corroborated by an ever increasing number of independent Monte Carlo studies. On the other hand, as implied by a number of comments made by McDonald (2003) in his review of Waller and Meehl’s (1998) Multivariate taxometric procedures: Distinguishing types from continua, this support is perhaps short on proofs of statistical assertions, and, more generally, psychometric theory. In the current work, an analytical investigation is conducted into the claims that MAXCOV, MAMBAC, and MAXSLOPE are detectors of the TLS.1 Such an undertaken is destined to fail if the terms on which it is founded are not clearly defined. Thus, before preceding to the analysis, the concepts latent structure, defining characteristic and manifest criterion of a latent structure, and assumption attendant to the employment of a 1 The MAXEIG procedure is handled in Maraun, Halpin, Gabriel, and Tkatchouk (2007). 3 tool of detection, and a review of the logic of employing manifest criteria as tools for the detection of latent structures, are explicated.2 Finally, the support Meehl and his coauthors have provided for their candidate tools of detection, notably, the Monte Carlo support that is a hallmark of their efforts, is considered. 1. Latent structures, manifest criteria, and assumptions Let there be a set of p manifest variates (indicators), Xj, j=1..p, contained in vector X, and è be a latent or unobservable variate, and let all variates be jointly distributed in a focal population P. A (unidimensional) latent structure, LS, is a set of (latent) properties, ti, each pertaining to either: (a) fX|è=θ , the joint density of the manifest variates, conditional on è ; or (b) fè , the joint density of è itself (see, e.g., Lazarsfeld, 1950, Anderson, 1959, McDonald, 1962, Bartholomew & Knott, 1999). Thus, a particular latent structure LS* is specified unambiguously as the intersection, k ∩t i , of its k defining characteristics, ti, each of these being of either i =1 type (a) or (b). Whereas a latent property is a property of a latent structure and, hence, a property of either type (a) or (b), a manifest property, pi, is a property of the joint density, fX, of the indicators. A manifest criterion, ci, of a latent structure k LS* ≡ ∩ t i is a pi that is, additionally, either a necessary, sufficient, or necessary i =1 2 As will be seen, it has become distressingly commonplace, and damaging, in theoretical work on latent variable structures to conflate the concepts of assumption and defining characteristic. 4 and sufficient condition of k ∩t i . For example, the four defining characteristics of i =1 one sub-specifies of the unidimensional, linear factor structure are: 1. the latent variate has a normal distribution; 2. the vector of manifest variates, X = [X1, X2, …, Xp]’, is multivariate normal conditional on each value of 3. the Xj have a linear regression on 4. conditional on each value of ; ; , the Xj are uncorrelated. The specification of characteristics (1) - (4) settles what is meant by (one sense of) unidimensional, linear factor structure, and allows for the possibility of deducing manifest criteria of this latent structure. The most important manifest criterion of (1) - (4) is, of course, that ΣX = ΛΛ' + Ψ, in which Λ is a vector of real coefficients, and Ψ is a p by p diagonal and positive definite matrix. In contrast to both the defining characteristics {t1, t2…,tk} of a latent k structure LS* ≡ ∩ t i whose detection is of interest, and the manifest criteria that i =1 are logically related to k I t i , an assumption, aj, attendant to the employment of a i =1 pi to make decisions about whether LS* is a latent structure of a particular X, is a quantitative feature of fX that is required to hold in order that pi be a ci of LS*. It is standard within mainstream statistics to carefully distinguish between targets of detection, on the one hand, and assumptions attendant to the successful employment of tools of detection, on the other. Consider the situation 5 in which it is desired to detect whether or not the means of two populations, µ1 and µ 2 , are equal. As is well known, it is not true that { µ1 = µ 2 }⇒ n1 n2 ( x 1 − x 2 ) ~ t ( n1 +n2 −1) . It is true, however, that {{f(X|1) and f(X|2) n1 + n2 sp are normal distributions}∩{ σ 1 = σ 2 }∩ { µ1 = µ 2 }}⇒ n1 n2 ( x 1 − x 2 ) ~ t ( n1 +n2 −1) . n1 + n2 sp Hence, conditional normality and homogeneity of variances are assumptions attendant to the use of the two-sample t-test to make valid decisions about whether, in fact, µ1 and µ 2 are equal (the magnitude of µ1 - µ 2 being the object of detection). In the context of the detection of latent structures, an assumption is a nuisance condition required in order for a given manifest property to be a manifest criterion for LS (just as conditional normality and homogeneity of variances are nuisance conditions that must be satisfied in order that the test statistic employed in the two-sample t-test has a t-distribution). Given that manifest criteria, {c1,c2,...,ck}, have been deduced for a given LS, LS*, a test of whether LS* is an LS of a particular X is a test of whether one or more of these ci do, in fact, describe fX. What kind of test is a test of whether a given ci describes fX depends upon the nature of the logical link of ci to LS*. If k property ci is a necessary condition of LS* ≡ ∩ t i , then it is true that i =1 k ∩t i ⇒ci , i =1 and if ∼ci is true, then LS* is not a latent structure of X. The fact that ΣX = ΛΛ' + Ψ is a necessary condition of (1) - (4) means that if ΣX cannot be represented as ΛΛ' + Ψ, then it can be logically concluded that the latent structure whose defining 6 characteristics are (1) - (4) is not a latent structure of X. Clearly, there could not have been developed such a test of whether (1) - (4) is a latent structure of a set of indicators, if (1) - (4) had not been specifiable as the latent structure whose detection was of interest. If, on the other hand, ci is a sufficient condition of LS, then it is true that k ci⇒ ∩ t i , and if ci turns out to be a property of fX, one may validly (but i =1 provisionally) conclude that LS is a latent structure of X. Note that c=[ΣX=Λ2Λ2'+Ψ] is not a sufficient condition of any of the two-dimensional linear factor structures because it is not true that ∼LS2lf⇒∼c=[ΣX=Λ2Λ2'+Ψ]. On the contrary, if a latent structure of X is the unidimensional, quadratic factor structure, then it is also the case that ΣX=Λ2Λ2'+Ψ (McDonald, 1967). Hence, the manifest property ΣX=Λ2Λ2'+Ψ cannot be used to distinguish between the 2dimensional linear, and 1-dimensional quadratic, factor structures, but only to rule out both as possible latent structures of X. A manifest property that is both a necessary and sufficient condition of LS can, of course, be used to both logically disqualify and (provisionally) confirm LS as the latent structure of X. Whether a manifest property ci is a manifest criterion of LS is established by mathematical proof. There are no degrees of criterion-hood: A manifest property either is or is not a criterion of a given LS. This degree of certainty is, of course, not achievable when the researcher employs a particular criterion, ci, to test whether X has some particular LS. Firstly, the researcher must make this decision, not on the basis of knowledge of the properties of fX, but, rather, on the 7 basis of inferences about these properties based on a sample of size N drawn from fX. Secondly, it is never the case that a manifest criterion ci holds exactly for a given fX. Even in the population, the task is always one of judging whether ci describes fX "well enough". Hence, the researcher must decide, on the basis of a sample, whether ci is sufficiently close to being a property of fX. The existence of approximation and sampling error renders sample based decisions made about the existence of latent structures via the employment of criteria, inherently tentative. However, while the issues of sampling and approximation error are certainly important, their fruitful consideration is contingent upon the antecedent determination of whether a given pi is, in fact, a ci of a given latent k structure LS*. Because a property pi is a ci of LS* ≡ ∩ t i only if it a necessary, i =1 sufficient, or necessary and sufficient condition of k ∩t i , to ascertain whether or i =1 not it is so presupposes that the defining characteristics k ∩t i of LS* can be i =1 unambiguously specified.3 The foregoing can be summarized as follows: i. A latent structure is simply the intersection of properties of either fX| =θ or f . 3 The truth value of a material implication, for example, cannot be established unless both its antecedent and consequent can be unambiguously specified. 8 ii. There is no meaning to a statement of interest in “deciding whether latent structure LS* is a latent structure of X” unless the full set of defining characteristics of LS* can be unambiguously specified. If such a specification cannot be provided, then the target of detection is unclear, and such detection talk is vacuous. iii. To build a tool of detection for particular latent structure LS*, whose defining characteristics are specified as LS*={ ∩ t i }, is to mathematically deduce i one or more manifest criteria of LS*. One establishes mathematically that c* is a manifest criterion by proving that one of the following is true: { ∩ t i }⇒c* (i.e., c* i is a necessary condition of LS*, and, hence, can be employed to disqualify LS* as a latent structure of a set of indicators); c*⇒{ ∩ t i } (c* is a sufficient condition of LS*, i and, hence, can be employed to confirm that LS* is a latent structure of a set of indicators); { ∩ t i } ⇔ c* (c* is a necessary and sufficient condition of LS*, and, i hence, can be used to both disconfirm LS* and provisionally confirm that LS* is a latent structure of a set of indicators). iv. The manifest criteria yielded by a given latent structure need not be useful in testing for the existence of the latent structure. A latent structure must be specified well enough, i.e., enough and the right combination of characteristics specified, so as to yield manifest criteria that are unique to it, and, hence, useful as input into the construction of a tool of detection. 9 v. Because to prove that manifest property c* is, in fact, a manifest criterion of a latent structure LS* is to prove mathematically that c* is either a necessary, sufficient, or necessary and sufficient condition of LS*, no such proof is possible, and the status of c* must remain in question, unless the defining characteristics of LS* can be unambiguously specified. vi. A fruitful evaluation of whether property c* as a criterion of a given LS not only requires that the defining characteristics of the LS be unambiguously specified, but that these characteristics be carefully distinguished from any assumptions that are necessary to bring about the criterion-hood of c*. Assumptions and defining characteristics are fundamentally different types of properties. The latter constitute the target of detection, while the former are nuisance side-conditions that are required to make a tool of detection perform adequately. vii. Latent variable modelling technologies such as linear factor analysis, linear structural equation modelling, item response theory, etc., are not general, open-ended data analytic techniques, nor even open-ended tools for the exploration of the “latent domain.” At root, each such name stands for the linkage of a particular class of latent structures and associated, mathematically deduced, manifest criteria. Thus, each “technique” is a tool for the detection of a particular latent structure. Meehl’s appreciation of this point was the reason that he rejected existing latent variable technologies, and began his development of taxometric tools, when faced with the need to detect taxonic latent structures. 10 Thus, when one tests the core hypothesis of unidimensional factor analysis, i.e., that ΣX=ΛΛ'+Ψ, one is not testing a general claim about the existence of a latent variate, nor conducting open-ended explorations of the latent domain, but, rather, whether or not the hypothesis that a particular latent structure, the unidimensional linear factor structure, underlies the indicators, can be disconfirmed. 2. Meehl's taxometric procedures Meehl invented his taxometric procedures with the aim of providing the applied researcher with tools that would yield valid decisions about whether or not a set of variates have a taxonic latent structure. MAXCOV, MAMBAC, and MAXSLOPE, three of the more popular of these procedures, are each based on an assertion that a particular manifest property necessarily obtains when the latent structure of a set of manifest variates is taxonic. More particularly, each of these procedures is based on the claim that a particular manifest property is a necessary condition and, hence, manifest criterion of the TLS. However, it is not possible to determine the truth value of material implications such as these unless their antecedents and consequents are unambiguously specified. The antecedent of each of the material implications of MAXCOV, MAMBAC, and MAXSLOPE is the intersection of the defining characteristics of the TLS. However, as will be seen, it is surprisingly difficult to acertain precisely what 11 Meehl takes to be these defining characteristics. Part of the difficulty lies in the fact that assumption and defining characteristic appear to have been conflated in Meehl’s published work.4 The procedures contained in Meehl's taxometric suite require different numbers of manifest variates (indicators). Let Xj, j=1..r be a set of r continuously distributed indicators5 and place these indicators in the random vector X. For an ⎛r⎞ arbitrary member of the set of ⎜ ⎟ partitions of the r indicators into p “output”, ⎝p⎠ and q=r-p “input”, indicators, let vector X1 contain the output, and X2 the input, indicators. The random variate t=1’X2 is the unweighted sum of the indicators contained in X2, and, hence, is itself an input indicator. While in the treatments of Meehl and his co-authors, X2 contains but a single indicator, it will turn out to be worthwhile to consider the case in which q>1. Thus, X2 will contain q≥1 indicators, with Meehl’s standard treatment that case in which t is the single variate contained in X2. Finally, let be a random, latent variate, let X and have a joint distribution in some population under study, and let fX| =s, s={T’,T}, be the densities of X conditional on each of T’ and T. 4 While Meehl has offered many expository accounts of what he means by the concept taxon, and has argued that this concept is an open concept whose contour lines are still being worked out, there is no place for such equivocation with respect the defining characteristics of the TLS, at least if mathematics is to be employed. 5 There has also existed in the literature controversy over whether it is appropriate to employ dichotomous indicators as input into taxometric procedures (Maraun, Slaney, and Goddyn, 2003; Meehl, 1995; Meehl & Yonce, 1996, p 1114). Meehl has indicated his preference for continuous indicators, at least until this controversy is resolved (Meehl and Yonce, 1996, p.1114), and, hence, unless otherwise noted, the Xj will be taken throughout the current work to be continuously distributed random variates. 12 MAXCOV ⎛ (2 + q) ⎞ In MAXCOV, p=2 and q≥1, so that there are ⎜ ⎟ partitions of the set ⎝ 2 ⎠ of indicators. Let Xi and Xj symbolize the indicators contained in X1. The focal manifest property of MAXCOV is the conditional covariance function, C(Xi,Xj|t=x). For MAXCOV to be a detector of TLSs, it must be the case that the material implication “if X has a TLS, then C(Xi,Xj|t=x) is a single-peaked function of t.” To determine whether this implication is true, its antecedent must be specifiable. The specification of the antecedent in turn requires the specification of the defining characteristics of the TLS. What then are the defining characteristics of the TLS? Meehl and Yonce (1996, p. 1097) claim that the "conjectured structure is...highly general, that of two overlapping unimodal frequency distributions." It is clear from this that one characteristic of the TLS is: 1) B : The latent variate and P( =T')=(1- T), is Bernoulli distributed with 0<P( =T)= T<1 in which T stands for the taxon, and T' the complement, class. This conclusion is further supported by the prominent place afforded to what Meehl calls the "covariance mixture theorem", a decomposition of the covariance matrix of Xi and Xj that is implied by every latent structure whose set of defining characteristics includes B . However, the version of this theorem featured in 13 Meehl's papers is not a description of the conditioning situation relevant to MAXCOV, the correct expression being (for a proof, see the appendix of Maraun and Slaney, 2006): 2) C([Xi , X j ]||t = x) = ΠTx in which Tx=P( Tx =T|t=x), + (1 − Π Tx ) T'x + Π Tx (1 − Π Tx )( Tx=C([Xi,Xj]|t=x ∩ =T) and Tx − T'x = E(X1|t=x ∩ )( Tx − T'x )' T'x=C([Xi,Xj]|t=x =T'), each a 2 by 2 conditional covariance matrix of Xi and Xj; =T) and T'x Tx ∩ =E(X1|t=x ∩ =T’). The conditional covariance function C(Xi,Xj|t=x) is the (1,2) element of the left member of (2). The deductions that Meehl makes about the functional dependence of C(Xi,Xj|t=x) on x follow largely from properties he imputes to (2) as following from a combination of defining characteristics of TLS and assumptions attendant to attempts to test for TLS. The problem is that the boundary between these two sets is, at times, unclear in Meehl's writing. Meehl and Yonce (1996, p.1096), for example, state that "The core idea motivating the procedure is that, if two observable variables ("indicators") tend to discriminate, i.e., are valid for, a latent category ("taxon") and they do not covary otherwise (no "nuisance covariance" within the latent classes), then any observed correlation is due solely to category mixture." That the elements of X must discriminate T from T' suggests that a second defining characteristic of the TLS is: 14 3) val: E(X | = T) -E(X | = T')>0, when the indicators are appropriately reflected. However, in this quote, the following property is also mentioned: 4) lcu: C(X| = ) is a diagonal matrix for ={T’,T}. It might then appear that this too should be taken as a defining characteristic of TLS. However, one also reads that "If the latent structure is taxonic (and there is sufficiently little or no nuisance covariance)..." (1996, p.1096). Because Meehl and Yonce here entertain the possibility of taxonicity without lcu, it sounds as if lcu should be taken to be merely an assumption, or side-condition, required for a valid test of taxonicity. Thus, already, there has arisen uncertainty about the antecedent of the material implication whose truth status is in question. But the situation is even more uncertain than this, for it is clear from (2) that it is not mere lcu that is relevant to MAXCOV, but, instead, the uncorrelatedness of Xi and Xj conditional on t=x∩ 5) ldcu: C(X| t=x ∩ ={T’,T}: = ) is a diagonal matrix for ={T’,T} and all values x. It is not clear from their work how Meehl and Yonce see ldcu as arising. Is it a defining characteristic of TLC? If so, then why do they discuss lcu? Perhaps 15 they envision ldcu as entailed by lcu. If so, they envision wrongly (Maraun and Slaney, 2006). Now, for a LS whose set of defining characteristics includes {B ∩ldcu}, 6) C(Xi,Xj|t=x)= in which Xk|x =( Tx Xk Tx - (1 - Xk T'x Tx ) Xi|x X j|x , ) . An identity akin to (6) arises frequently in Meehl's writings on MAXCOV, this perhaps suggesting that {B ∩ldcu} should, indeed, be contained within the set of defining characteristics of TLS. It must be noted, however, that once cannot take as a defining characteristic of an LS a property such as ldcu, this property involving the conditioning of manifest indicators Xi and Xj on not only , but on manifest indicator t. A conditional result of this sort must arise as a mathematically deduced consequence of the defining characteristics of a latent structure. The trouble is that in the absence of an unambiguous characterization of TLS, it is not even possible to attempt a proof of such a deduction. Moreover, Meehl claims that his characterization of the TLS implies that C(Xi,Xj|t=x) is a function of only Tx. However, neither B ∩val∩ldcu, nor B ∩val∩lcu make this be the case by implying that Xi|x X j|x is constant with respect to x. As noted, Meehl and Yonce (1996, p.1096) claim that "... if two observable variables ("indicators") tend to discriminate... and they do not covary otherwise... then any observed correlation is due solely to category mixture." It is clear from 16 (6) that this not true, as the final term Xi|x X j|x , an unknown function of x, enters the expression for C(Xi,Xj|t=x). This is perhaps why Meehl, elsewhere in his work, mentions the requirement that 7) cm: ( Xi Tx - Xi T'x ) is a constant function of x. But whether Meehl believes that cm is an assumption, a defining characteristic of TLS, or, perhaps, a deduced consequence of TLS, is, similarly, unclear. Shortly, an important candidate characterization of TLS, for which cm is a necessary condition, will be considered. Meehl and Yonce (1996) claim that "...The covariance mixture theorem is general because it holds for situations when there is nuisance covariance..." This is correct: decompositions of the form = C(E(X|Y))+E(C(X|Y)) exist regardless of the form of the conditional covariance matrices C(X|Y = y) . The problem is that, contrary to the tone of the quote, this fact has little relevance to MAXCOV’s performance. Any LS whose set of defining characteristics includes B has (2) as a necessary condition and this underlines the fact that (2) is of little use as a manifest criterion. For any LS whose defining characteristics includes {B ∩val∩ldcu∩cm}, C(Xi,Xj|t=x) is a function of x only through {B ∩val∩ldcu∩cm} does not determine the behaviour of Tx Tx . However, , because, while the 17 behaviour is determined by ft| =T (x) and ft (x) , these densities are not determined by {B ∩val∩ldcu∩cm}. This is problematic, because the basis for Meehl's belief that C(Xi,Xj|t=x) is single-peaked under TLS appears to follow from (6), his belief that cm holds, and his belief that Tx is both a nondecreasing function of x, and crosses .5 (see Maraun and Slaney, 2006, for a detailed analysis). The first requirement, that Tx be nondecreasing in x, is the requirement that the density of and t be monotone likelihood ratio dependent (hereafter, mlrd) (Maraun & Slaney, 2005). However, mlrd is not even implied by the "stronger" (in the sense of implied manifest properties) unidimensional monotone latent variable (umlv) structures (Holland & Rosenbaum, 1996; Maraun & Slaney, 2006) whose defining characteristics are: 8) i. a single latent variate (i.e., unidimensionality); ii. latent conditional independence (lci): fX| θ = s = r ∏ fXj| θ = s, for all values s. j= 1 iii. Latent monotonicity (lm): P(Xj > x| = s) > P(Xj > x| = s) for j = 1, .. ,r, all values x, and s={T’,T}. Certainly, Meehl and colleagues do not provide a TLS whose defining characteristics yield, as a necessary condition, mlrd of the distribution of and t. 18 Interestingly,the implications {B ∩lci}⇒ldcu and {B ∩lci}⇒cm are both true (Maraun & Slaney, 2005). Thus, given that the defining characteristics of the TLS include at least {B ∩lci}, TLS implies ldcu and cm. A necessary condition for latent structures whose defining characteristics include {B ∩val∩lci} is 9) C(Xi,Xj|t=x)= in which Xk Tx (1 - Tx ) Xi Xj >0, = E(Xk | = T) - E(X k | = T'). However, for neither {B ∩val∩lci}, nor the stronger umlv structure {B ∩lm∩lci}, is the nature of the functional dependency of Tx on x deducible (Holland & Rosenbaum, 1986; Hemker, Sijtsma, Molenaar, & Junker, 1997; Maraun & Slaney, 2005). Thus, for these structures, neither is the behaviour of C(Xi,Xj|t=x) deducible. Thus, [singlepeakedness of C(Xi,Xj|t=x)] could not possibly be a necessary condition of the much "weaker" structure {B ∩val∩lcu}. What, then, could be the grounds for the belief of Meehl and Yonce that TLS implies that [{ Tx is nondecreasing in x}∩{ Tx crosses .5}]? The answer may well be found in a consideration of the supporting Monte Carlo study conducted by Meehl and Yonce (1996). It is claimed by Meehl and Yonce that "Although our Monte Carlo data were generated by a Gaussian algorithm assigning equal variances SDt2, SDc2 to taxon and complement classes, none of the core derivations underlying MAXCOV are thus restrictive. The conjectured highly general, that of two overlapping unimodal frequency 19 distributions. The mathematics speaks for itself, and it was developed by Meehl with psychopathology in mind, where skewness and heterogeneity of variance are common" (Meehl and Yonce, 1996, p.1097). This is misleading. While decomposition (2) does, indeed, follow directly from B , neither the behaviour of Tx , nor C(Xi,Xj|t=x), follows from (2), and the behaviour of these quantities are the essential issues. In the absence of an unambiguous characterization of TLS, Meehl and Yonce cannot, in fact, know what role is played by the features that they assign to their Monte Carlo data. In fact, Maraun and Slaney (2005) prove that the latent structure whose defining characteristics are { B ∩val∩lci} implies both that Tx is nondecreasing and crosses .5, so long as: i) ft| =s(x), s={T',T}, are each θ normal densities (a condition called, herein, cn); ii) σ2t|T= σ2t|T' (a condition called, herein, hv). However, cn and hv are precisely the two features of the Monte Carlo data simulations downplayed as unimportant by Meehl and Yonce. Thus, what the Monte Carlo results of Meehl and Yonce (1996) actually illustrate is that MAXCOV can be used to make valid decisions about whether { B ∩val∩lci∩cn∩hv} is a latent structure of a set of indicators. More will be said on this point later in the paper. MAMBAC 20 ⎛ (1+ q) ⎞ In MAMBAC, p=1 and q≥1, so that there are ⎜ ⎟ = (q + 1) partitions of ⎝ 1 ⎠ the set of indicators. Let Xi symbolize the single output indicator in an arbitrary partition. The focal manifest property of MAMBAC is d(x)=E(Xi| t≥x)- E(Xi|t≤x). For MAMBAC to be a detector of TLSs, it must be the case that the following material implication is true: “if X has a TLS, then d(x) is a single-peaked function of x.”6 Once again, to detemine the truth value of this material implication, its antecedent must be specifiable, and this is equivalent to the requirement that the defining characteristics of TLS be specifiable. According to Meehl and Yonce, the inventors of MAMBAC, what then are the defining characteristics of the latent structure that MAMBAC was designed to detect? They (1994, pp.1065-1066) list properties B , val, and lcu ("...the variables are uncorrelated within categories (no xy nuisance covariance", 1994, p.1065), and two further restrictions on the conditional indicator densities: 10) i. cu: The conditional densities, fX j| =s , j=1..r, s={T’,T}, are unimodal; ii. cl: lim fX j =x| =s = 0 , j=1..r, s={T’,T}, and fX j =k| =T > fX j =k| =T' , j=1..r, for k x →∞ suitably large. Property cl arises in the context of the following quote: "That hb → Q as x → ∞ holds for any pair of smooth distributions such that the taxon density function 6 Meehl and Yonce (1996) also claim that d(x) will necessarily be convex if the latent structure of X features a continuously distributed . 21 ft(x) exceeds the complement density function fc(x) for all values x>K (large enough) and both densities are asymptotic to the baseline (Fisher's "high contact") as x → ∞ " (1994, p.1066). This is the claim that under cl, lim P(T'|Xi ≤ x) → (1- ΠT ) . Because x →∞ 11) P(T'|X i ≤ x) = P(X i ≤ x|T')(1 - Π T ) P(X i ≤ x) ⎡ P(Xi ≤ x|T')(1 - Π T ) + P(X i ≤ x|T)Π T ⎤ =⎢ ⎥ P(Xi ≤ x|T')(1 - Π T ) ⎣ ⎦ −1 −1 ⎡ Π T P(X i ≤ x|T) ⎤ = ⎢1 + ⎥ , ⎣ (1 - Π T )P(X i ≤ x|T') ⎦ lim P(T'|Xi ≤ x) → (1- ΠT ) if and only if x →∞ lim 12) x →∞ P(X i ≤ x|T) → 1. P(X i ≤ x|T') It is certainly not self-evident that cl implies this limit. Meehl and Yonce (1994) claim that the set of properties {B 13) val lcu cu cl} jointly imply that d(x) is equal to Xi (P(T|t ≥ x) + P(T' |t ≤ x) − 1) . 22 This then raises questions about the status of the set {B while Meehl and Yonce call the equality d(x)= Xi val lcu cu cl}. For (P(T|t ≥ x) + P(T' |t ≤ x) − 1) an "algebraic identity" (1994, p.1066), it is not even a necessary condition of {B ,val,lcu,cu,cl}. Under B and lci, the left member of E(Xi|t≥x)- E(Xi|t≤x) is equal to ∞ ∞ 14) E(Xi| t≥x)= ∫∫Xf i X i ,t ∞ ∫Xf i X i|t ≥ x dX i = dX i dt x −∞ −∞ P(t ≥ x) ∞ ∞ ∫ ∫ [X (1 - T ∫ ∫ [(1 - T )fXi ,t| =T' + ∫ ∫ [X (1 - Π T )fXi| =T'ft| =T' + X i Π T fXi| =T ft| =T ]dX i dt ∫ ∫ [(1 - Π T i = )fXi ,t| =T' + X i f T X i ,t| =T ]dX i dt x -∞ ∞ ∞ f T X i ,t| =T (under B ) ]dX i dt x -∞ ∞ ∞ i = x - ∞∞ ∞ (under lci) )fXi| =T'ft| =T' + Π T fXi| =T ft| =T ]dX i dt x -∞ = (1 - Π T )P(t ≥ x|T')E(X i | = T') + Π T P(t ≥ x| = T)E(X i | = T) (1 - Π T )P(t ≥ x| = T') + Π T P(t ≥ x| = T) Similarly, under {B 15) E(Xi| t≤x0) = lci}, the right member is equal to (1 - Π T )P(t ≤ x|T')E(X i | = T') + Π T P(t ≤ x| = T)E(X i | = T) (1 - Π T )P(t ≤ x| = T') + Π T P(t ≤ x| = T) 23 Substituting the identity P(t ≥ x|T') = P(T'|t ≥ x)P(t ≥ x) into E(Xi|t≥x) and (1 - Π T ) simplifying, produces 16) E(Xi| t≥x)=E(Xi| = T' ) +P(T| t≥x) Similarly, substituting P(t ≤ x|T') = 17) Xi . P(T'|t ≤ x)P(t ≤ x) into E(Xi| t≤x) produces (1 - Π T ) E(Xi| t≤x)= E(Xi| = T' ) +P(T| t≤x) Xi . From (16) and (17) follows the central identity of MAMBAC: 18) d(x)=E(Xi| t≥x)- E(Xi| t≤x)= [E(Xi| = T' ) +P(T| t≥x) Xi = Xi ]-[ E(Xi| = T' ) +P(T| t≤x) ( P(T| t≥x)- P(T| t≤x))= Xi Xi Xi ]= ( P(T'| t≤x)- P(T'| t≥x)) (P(T| t≥x)+ P(T'| t≤x)-1). Thus, the identity d(x)= Xi (P(T|t ≥ x) + P(T' |t ≤ x) − 1) is a necessary condition of latent structures whose defining characteristics include B and lci. If, as claimed by Meehl and Yonce (1994), this identity is a necessary condition of TLS, then the defining characteristics of the TLS cannot be {B val lcu cu cl}. The 24 psychometrician who would like to deduce manifest criteria for the TLS cannot do so for lack of an unambiguous characterization of this latent structure. As in Meehl's treatment of MAXCOV, the reader is told that neither conditional normality, nor conditional homogeneity of variances, data generation features of the Monte Carlo support they offer, are required for the proper functioning of the MAMBAC-based decision mechanism: "The analytical theorems on which MAMBAC is based do not postulate normality or equality of variance" (Meehl & Yonce, 1994, p.1066). As with MAXCOV, to evaluate the authenticity of this claim, two issues must be distinguished. The first issue is whether either one, or both, of conditional normality and conditional homogeneity of variances is required to be either a defining characteristic of TLS, or, alternatively, an attendant assumption, in order that (18) be a necessary condition of TLS. As was already established, (18) is not a necessary condition of a latent structure whose defining characteristics are {B val lcu cu cl}. It is interesting to note, then, that given the joint normality of Xi and t, conditional on , lcu and lci just happen to be equivalent conditions, and (18) is then a necessary condition of {B val lcu cu cl}. Might, then, an unacknowledged defining characteristic of TLS be conditional normality? Once again, Meehl and Yonce are emphatic in rejecting this option, and so it remains a mystery as to how they envision the required factorability of fXi ,t| =s , s={T’,T}, as coming about. The second issue is whether or not the material implication TLS⇒[d(x) is single-peaked] is true. Given that it could be shown that (18) is entailed by TLS, 25 and, recall, (18) is certainly not entailed by a TLS whose defining characteristics are {B val lcu cu cl}, it still would have to be proven, as a second step, that the implication TLS⇒[ Xi (P(T|t≥x)+ P(T'| t≤x)-1) is single-peaked] is true. However, the truth value of this implication could only be evaluated given a clear specification of the defining characteristics of TLS, and such a specification is precisely what is missing from Meehl's work on MAMBAC. The focal manifest property Xi (P(T|t ≥ x) + P(T' |t ≤ x) − 1) , a necessary condition of all latent structures whose defining characteristics include {B lci} , is a function of x because P(T|t ≥ x) + P(T ' |t ≤ x) is a function of x. Now, 19) P(T| t≥x)- P(T| t≤x)= = P(t ≥ x|T)Π T P(t ≤ x|T)Π T − P(t ≥ x) P(t ≤ x) Π T (P(t ≥ x|T) - P(t ≥ x)) (1 − Π T )[P(t ≥ x|T) - P(t ≥ x|T')] = , P(t ≥ x)(1 - P(t ≥ x)) P(t ≥ x)[1 - P(t ≥ x)] from which it follows that 20) E(Xi| t≥x)- E(Xi| t≤x)= Xi Π T [P(t ≥ x|T) - P(t ≥ x)] P(t ≥ x)[1 - P(t ≥ x)] . The monotone property of any distribution function (e.g., Fraser, 1976, p.43) ensures the non-increasingness of P(t≥x) in x, and, hence, the single-peakedness 26 of the denominator. However, little can be said about the numerator of (16). Let = P( =T') so that P(t≥x) =(1- )P(t≥x| = T) + P(t≥x| = T)=- (P(t≥x| = T) + P(t≥x| = T'). Then P(t≥x) - P(t≥x| = T'))= - f, in which f=P(t≥x| = T)- P(t≥x| = T'). Thus, if TLS has, at least, the characteristics { B ∩val∩lci}, then, when the variates are appropriately reflected, P(t>x| = T)- P(t>x| = T')>0, making P(t≥x) -P(t≥x| = T) negative, and thus implying that P(t≥x| = T)-P(t≥x) >0. Nothing more detailed about the the behaviour of P(t≥x| = T)- P(t≥x) is implied by { B ∩val∩lci}, and this is hardly surprising given that the behaviour of this quantity is determined by ft, , a joint density that is determined neither by { B ∩val∩lci}, nor { B ∩val∩lci} in conjunction with any other properties Meehl and Yonce (1994) consider. MAXSLOPE ⎛ (1+ q) ⎞ In MAXSLOPE, p=1 and q≥1, so that there are ⎜ ⎟ = (q + 1) partitions ⎝ 1 ⎠ of the set of indicators. Let Xi symbolize the single output indicator in an arbitrary partition. The focal manifest property of MAXSLOPE is d E(Xi|t=x). dx MAXSLOPE can rightly be said to be a detector of TLSs if the following material implication is true: “if X has a TLS, then d E(Xi|t=x) is a non-linear function of dx 27 x.” According to Grove and Meehl (1993), the ingredients of MAXSLOPE are the following: 21) i. cu (1993, p.709). ii. The manifest variates can be non-normally distributed (1993, p.709). iii. B (1993, p.709). iv. val (1993, p.710). v. ~lcu: The Xi are correlated within each latent population, i.e., (1993, p.710). In contrasting MAXSLOPE and MAXCOV, Grove and Meehl (1993, p.712) make the observation that, with respect MAXCOV, "Meehl (1973) assumed as a testable conjecture and to simplify the mathematics, that the covariance of X and Y was zero both in T and T'." This account is questionable. First, lcu is not a testable condition, for only LS that possess particular defining characteristics in addition to lcu yield testable implications for fX (Holland & Rosenbaum, 1986). Let given latent structure LS* have defining characteristics {lcu∩t2.. ∩tr} and let the implication {lcu∩t2.. ∩tr} ⇒ c be true. Then a test of whether or not fX satisfies c is not a test of lcu per se, but rather the set {lcu∩t2.. ∩tr} that defines LS*. The characteristic lcu cannot be tested independently of the other defining characteristics of LS*. Second, Meehl suggests in his writings that one interpretation of a taxon is that it has causal powers with respect to its indicators, 28 this suggesting that lcu (or lci), the standard and historically important paraphrase of this notion, should be taken as a defining characteristic of TLS, not merely as a simplifying convenience (as was seen previously, the central identities of both MAXCOV and MAMBAC follow, in fact, from {B ∩lci}). Regardless, the important point to note is that, according to Grove and Meehl, a defining characteristic of the latent structure that MAXSLOPE was designed to detect is ~lcu, the correlatedness of Xi and t conditional on . Given that one of lcu, or lci, or ldcu is a defining characteristic of the TLS that MAXCOV was designed to detect, and that lci is a defining characteristic of the TLS that MAMBAC was designed to detect, it appears to be the case that the latent structure that is the target of MAXSLOPE is different than the latent structures that are the targets of MAXCOV and MAMBAC. It is hard to know what to make of this, given that, throughout Meehl's work, these procedures are treated as if they were designed to be detectors of the same latent structure. Grove and Meehl (1993, p.710) discuss the covariance mixture theorem, but neither provide an expression for E(Xi|t=x), nor d E(Xi|t=x), that is dx deduced on the basis of a defining characterization of TLS. Consider the following if-then linkages between particular latent structures and For latent structures whose sole defining characteristic is B , d E(Xi|t=x). dx 29 22) E(Xi|t=x) = E(Xi |t = x| = T')(1- ΠTx ) + E(Xi |t = x| = T)ΠTx = E(Xi |t = x| = T') + in which X i|x Xi|x Tx = E(Xi |t = x| = T)- E(Xi |t = x| = T') , and E(Xi |t = x| = T') and E(Xi |t = x| = T) are the "within class" regression functions. It follows from (21) that for such a latent structure, 23) d E(Xi|t=x)= E(Xi |t = x| = T')' + [ dx Xi|x ' Tx + Tx ' Xi|x ] in which primes denote derivatives evaluated at x. Clearly, the behaviour of d E(Xi|t=x) is determined by both the regression functions and dx Tx , and these, in turn, are determined by the joint distribution of X and . However, this joint distribution is not deducible for the latent structure whose sole defining characteristic is B . Hence, neither is the nature of the functional dependency of d E(Xi|t=x) on x. dx For a latent structure whose defining characteristics are { B ∩lci}, 24) E(Xi |t = x| = T') = E(Xi | = T') 30 and 25) E(Xi |t = x| = T)= E(Xi | = T) . In other words, those latent structures whose set of defining characteristics include lci, the standard quantitative translation of the causal interpretation of latent taxa (Grove, 2004, p.5), and a defining characteristic of the latent structures that are the targets of MAXCOV and MAMBAC, yield within-class regression functions that do not depend on t, thus contradicting 20v. Once again, it appears to be the case that MAXSLOPE has inadvertently been designed to detect a latent structure that is different from those that are the targets of detection of MAXCOV and MAMBAC. For a latent structure whose defining characteristics are {B ∩lci}, 26) E(Xi|t=x)= (1 - Tx ) E(Xi | = T') + E(Xi | = T)ΠTx = E(Xi | = T') + Xi Tx Xi Tx . From (26), it follows that 27) d E(Xi|t=x)= dx ' 31 For latent structures whose defining characteristics are {B ∩val∩lci}, it is, additionally, the case that 28) d E(Xi|t=x)= dx Xi Now, clearly, the shape of Tx ' >0. ' Tx is determined by the joint density of and t. But, once again, this density is neither determined by {B ∩val∩lci}, nor any conjunction of properties considered by Grove and Meehl (1993). Grove and Meehl (1993, p.710) provide an example based on conditional gaussian data and state that this choice is "...purely for convenience..." Their example also involves the equality of the conditional covariance matrices C([Xi,t]| = T ' ) and C([Xi,t]| = T ), and the equality of Xi and t , data generation properties that Meehl and Grove (1993, p.710) characterize as follows: “None of these assumptions is critical, and all can be dropped later on...” But, in fact, it is not clear whether this is true. The reader will recall that these data generation features ensure that and t are mlrd, and mlrd is equivalent to the condition that P( = T|t = x) is nondecreasing and crosses .5. In a later publication, Grove (2004) provides a more detailed mathematical account of MAXSLOPE. He claims that d E(Xi|t=x) should be considered as dx having a “taxon-indicating shape” when it has “…a particular nonlinear form, 32 generally a “slanted” ogive shape.” The characteristics he initially ascribes to the TLS are: 29) i) B ; ii) cu; iii) io: fX j| =T' and fX j| =T , j=1..r, intersect at most once; iv) cl: E(X j |t = x| = s) , j=1..r and s={T’,T}, are linear. Thus, Grove’s claim should be read as, “a necessary condition of { B is that cu io cl} d E(Xi|t=x) is a nonlinear function of x.” He claims, furthermore, that dx “There is no need for the variables to have any certain distributions (subject to the constraints given in auxiliaries [1] and [2])…there is no need for the withinpopulation regressions to be zero, i.e., “local independence” is not assumed…in fact, there is no need for the within-population regressions to have the same slope” (2004, p.8). Beginning on page 11, Grove provides what he calls a “…bridging partial…” (p.11) definition of the taxon concept, but which is, in fact, a second lisr of TLS related characteristics: 30) i) B ; ii) cu; iii) val; 33 iv) val2: M(X=j| = T) > M(Xj| = T'), in which M(Z| =s) is the mode of the density of Z conditional on v) (1 - (1 - T T )fX =M(X| = T')|T' > )fY =M(X| = T')|T' > f f T X = M(X| = T')|T T Y = M(X| = T')|T , (1 - , (1 - T T )fX =M(X| = T)|T' < )fY =M(X| = T)|T' < =s; f T X = M(X| = T)|T , f T Y = M(X| = T)|T vi) cl; vii) eb: The slopes of E(X j |t = x| = T') and E(X j |t = x| = T) , by (vii), each linear, are equal. List (30) only further muddies the waters, for eb contradicts Grove’s earlier claim that “…there is no need for the within–population regressions to have the same slope..”, and, contrary to his claim on Page 37 of his manuscript, the properties listed in (30) do not imply that the “…the within-class densities…intersect at most once…”7? Consider, once again, several linkages between latent structures and d E(Xi|t=x). For a latent structure whose defining characteristics are {B dx 31) E(Xi|t=x)= (1 Tx 7 cl}, Tx )[E(X i | = T') + bT' (x - E(t| = T'))] + [E(X i | = T) + bT (x - E(t| = T))] For example, two normal densities with unequal means satisfy (iiib)-(iiid), but cross twice unless they have equal variances. 34 Employing eb in conjunction with (31), leads to Grove’s (2004) equation (2): 32) E(Xi|t=x)= E(Xi | = T') + bT' (t - E(t| = T' ) + Tx [ Xi - bT' t ] . That is, the focal manifest property of MAXSLOPE is a necessary condition of {B cl eb}. From (32), it follows that, for a latent structure whose defining characteristics are { B 33) cl eb}, d E(Xi|t=x)= bT' + dx Tx Once again, the behaviour of ' [ Xi - bT' t ] d E(Xi|t=x) and, in particular, the issue of dx whether it has a “slanted ogive shape” rests on the behaviour of Tx . As was the case for MAXCOV and MAMBAC, what would be required to determine the behaviour of Tx is knowledge of the joint distribution of latent structure whose defining characteristics are { B and t. However, the cl eb} does not determine this density. Hence, even if, as Grove seems to suggest, the TLS has defining characteristics { B cl eb}, the behaviour of the right member of (33) could not possibly be a necessary condition of this latent structure. 35 What is known Table 1 summarizes linkages between latent structures that could reasonably be considered to be candidates for labeling as the TLS, and the focal manifest properties of each of MAXCOV, MAMBAC, and MAXSLOPE. It furthermore indicates those quantities whose functional dependency on x is not determined by the given latent structure. As is evident, none of the latent structures considered determines the functional dependency of the focal manifest properties of MAXCOV, MAMBAC, or MAXSLOPE, on x. For each linkage, the focal manifest property is a function of at least one quantity (listed in the far right column) whose functional dependency on x remains undetermined by the corresponding latent structure. In other words, as it stands, neither MAXCOV, nor MAMBAC, nor MAXSLOPE are detectors of any of these latent structures. While it is possible that Meehl and colleagues would prefer to consider the intersection of some other set of characteristics as constituting the TLS, their published efforts, as has been shown in the present work, certainly do not settle what this set of characteristics might be. Table 1 shows that, for latent structure {B ∩val∩lci}, the focal manifest properties of MAXCOV, MAMBAC, and MAXSLOPE are functionally dependent on x through only a single quantity: (MAMBAC), and ' Tx Tx (MAXCOV), P(T| t≥x)+ P(T'| t≤x) (MAXSLOPE). We will now introduce a single 36 assumption: that q, the number of indicators contained in X2, is large. As q becomes large, the density functions ft| θ = s, s = {T, T’}, will each converge to normal densities (Basawa & Rao, 1980; Holland, 1990): ⎛ (t exp ⎜ 1 ⎜ 2 2 2 ⎝ ) t|s 1 34) (2 )2 ⎞ ⎟⎟ . ⎠ t|s 2 t|s Given satisfaction of this assumption, the behaviour of the focal manifest properties of each of MAXCOV, MAMBAC, and MAXSLOPE can now be determined. As proven in Maraun and Slaney (2005), for {B ∩val∩lci}, as q becomes large, D Tx converges to -1 ⎛ (1 - Π T ) ⎞ exp(ax2 + bx + c) ⎟ , ⎜ 1+ ΠT ⎝ ⎠ 35) in which a = 2 c= 2 t|T 2 t|T (ó 2 t|T' - ó 2 t|T ) - t|T' 2 2ó 2 t|T ó 2 t|T' 2 , b= 2 t|T 2 t|T' t|T' (ì t|T' ó 2 t|T - ì t|T ó 2 t|T ó 2 t|T' ó 2 t|T' ) , and 2 + ln t|T 2 . The behaviour of (35) can be summarized as t|T' follows (see Maraun & Slaney, 2005): 37 If ó 2 t|T' = ó 2 t|T , then the joint distribution of and t is monotone likelihood ratio dependent, and D Tx is both nondecreasing and crosses .5; 2 If ≠ t|T' 2 t|T , then D Tx is a quadratic function of x, that, depending in a complicated way on the values assumed by the parameters 2 and t|T T, t|T' , t|T , 2 t|T' , , either does or does not cross .5. Thus, it can be concluded that, so long as the assumption of large q holds, it is a necessary condition of {B ∩val∩lci} that C(Xi,Xj|t=x) is either one- or twopeaked. Thus, under the satisfaction of this single assumption, the behaviour of C(Xi,Xj|t=x) can legitimately be used as a detector of the latent structure {B ∩val∩lci}. For {B ∩val∩lci}, as q becomes large, it follows from (35) that ' Tx 36) converges to (1 - Π T )(2ax + b) ⎛ ⎞ (1 - Π T ) exp(ax 2 + bx + c) ⎟ ⎜1+ ΠT ⎝ ⎠ 3 . This function can be shown to possess either one or two critical points, and a single peak, depending on the values assumed by T , t|T' , t|T , 2 t|T' , and 2 t|T . 38 Thus, under the assumption of large q, the behaviour of d E(Xi|t=x) can dx legitimately be used as a detector of the latent structure {B ∩val∩lci}. Finally, for {B ∩val∩lci}, as q becomes large, P(T| t≥x)+ P(T'| t≤x)= P(T| t≥x)- P(T| t≤x) converges to 37) ∞ ∞ n( ; ∫[ t|T x T 2 in which n( n( t|T ; t) + (1 - t|s t|T x 2 ∫ n( t|T ; t|T ; t)dt T -∞ , - x 2 ; t) + (1 2 ; t)]dt )n( ; 2 ; t)]dt ∫ [ n( ; )n( ; T t|T' t|T' T t|T t|T t|T' t|T' -∞ T ; 2 T x∫ t|T ; t)dt t|s ⎛ (t exp ⎜ 1 ⎜ 2 2 2 ⎝ t|s ) 1 ; 2 ; t) = (2 )2 ⎞ ⎟⎟ . This function is more ⎠ t|s 2 t|s complicated than those of MAXCOV and MAXSLOPE because it involves the reintroduction of the marginal density of t. Not surprisingly, then, its functional dependency on x is far more varied, ranging from increasing, to single-peaked, to convex, depending on the values assumed by the parameters and 2 t|T T, t|T' , t|T , 2 t|T' . What can be concluded, then, is nothing more than that a necessary condition of {B ∩val∩lci}, under the assumption of large q, is that the focal manifest property of MAMBAC is nonlinear. Thus, if it does not appear that E(Xi| t≥x)- E(Xi|t≤x) is nonlinear, the hypothesis that {B ∩val∩lci} is the latent structure of a set of indicators should be rejected. , 39 40 Discussion Throughout his work, Paul Meehl has argued forcefully for both the empirical realist conception of science, and the central role of latent variable modelling technology in the execution of the empirical realist program of psychological research. His unique technical contribution was the development of a class of tools, taxometric tools, three of which are MAXCOV, MAMBAC, and MAXSLOPE, that he claimed could be effectively used to detect discrete causal structures (latent taxa). Ambiguity inherent to his specification of the defining properties of latent taxa has meant that it has not been possible to evaluate the truth of these claims. In the current work, it has been proven that, given satisfaction of a single assumption, i.e., that the number of indicators contained in the conditioning set of a taxometric analysis be large, MAXCOV, MAXSLOPE, and MAMBAC can legitimately be employed as detectors of the latent structure {B ∩val∩lci}. If it is agreed on by researchers that this latent structure is an acceptable paraphrase of what they mean by latent taxon, then MAXCOV, MAXSLOPE, and MAMBAC can be employed as a disconfirmatory tool for the hypothesis of latent taxonicity. To date, there does not appear to exist a confirmatory test of the existence of this latent structure (i.e., one based on the existence of a sufficient condition of {B ∩val∩lci}). In a related line of work, Maraun, Halpin, Tkatchouk, and Gabriel (2007) have proven that, under the same conditions, the taxometric technique MAXEIG (Waller & Meehl, 1998) is a detector of {B ∩val∩lci}. Specifically, they prove 41 that, for large q, if the first-eigenvalue function is not one- or two-peaked, then it is logically valid to conclude that the latent structure in play is not {B ∩val∩lci}. Thus, each of the most notable of Meehl’s techniques can legitimately be employed as a disconfirmatory tool of the hypothesis that the latent structure of a set of indicators is {B ∩val∩lci} . “Consistency tests” (see Waller & Meehl, 1998) can, of course, be produced, if desired, by conducting analyses on all of the ⎛ (p + q) ⎞ ⎜ p ⎟ partitions of the overall set of (p+q) indicators into p output indicators, ⎝ ⎠ X1, and one input indicator, t=1’X2. 42 References Basawa, I., & Rao, B. (1980). Statistical inference for stochastic processes. New York:Academic Press. Fleisher, E. & Baize, H.R. (1982). Self monitoring: A theoretical critique. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Fraser, D.A.S. (1976). Probability and Statistics: Theory and Applications. Toronto:DAI Press. Grove, W.M. (2004). The MAXSLOPE Taxometric Procedure: Mathematical Derivation, Parameter Estimation, Consistency Tests. 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