The Workshops of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence Incentives and Trust in Electronic Communities: Technical Report WS-16-09 TRM: Computing Reputation Score by Mining Reviews Guanquan Xu,* Yan Cao, Yao Zhang, Gaoxu Zhang, Xiaohong Li, Zhiyong Feng School of Computer Science and Technology, Tianjin University, China * Abstract tional Model (Xu et al. 2009) and so on, consider different aspects which may impact ratings to generate the final trust score. Although all these models have achieved good results in some situations, they still have some drawbacks. They only take advantage of overall ratings to assess the sellers’ performance and ignore some implicit information in textual reviews. A well-reported issue with the eBay reputation management system is the “all good reputation” problem (Resnick et al. 2000), where feedback ratings are over 99% positive on average. Such strong positive bias can hardly guide buyers to select sellers to transact with. One possible reason for the lack of negative ratings at ecommerce web sites is that users who leave negative feedback ratings can attract retaliatory negative ratings and thus damage their own reputation (Resnick et al. 2000). Although buyers leave positive feedback ratings, they may express their real feelings in free textual reviews. For example, a comment like “The products were as I expected.” expresses positive opinion towards the product aspect, whereas the comment “Delivery was a little slow but otherwise, great service. Recommend highly.” expresses negative opinion towards the delivery aspect but a positive opinion to the transaction in general (Zhang, Cui, Wang 2014). By analyzing the sentiment information in these reviews we can capture buyers’ embedded opinions. In this paper, we propose a new reputation model (TRM) which based on word2vector model to obtain implicit sentiment information of users’ reviews, and calculate comprehensive reputation score of the seller. Experimental results on real-world datasets shows our approach is effective to get reputation score accurately. As the rapid development of e-commerce, reputation model has been proposed to help customers make effective purchase decisions. However, most of reputation models focus only on the overall ratings of products without considering reviews which provided by customers. We believe that textual reviews provided by buyers can express their real opinions more honestly. As so, in this paper, based on word2vector model, we propose a Textual Reputation Model (TRM) to obtain useful information from reviews, and evaluate the trustworthiness of objective product. Experimental results on real data demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in capturing reputation information from reviews. Introduction With the growing availability of online business, a lot of ecommerce websites were developed to encourage users make transactions with others through the web. In some cases, since most users may not have any interactions with objective seller, they have to integrate a number of information sources to produce a comprehensive trust score of the seller’s likely performance. To get these information, websites such as Amazon ( encourage users to express opinions on products by posting overall ratings and textual reviews (Li, Feng, and Zhu 2006 ). In some famous e-commerce systems such as eBay and Amazon, the reputation score for a seller is the positive percentage score, as the percentage of positive ratings out of the total number of positive ratings and negative ratings in the past 12 months. However, it can’t guarantee buyers give honest ratings to the sellers. Some existed trust models, such as Personalized trust model (Zhang, Cohen 2008), BRS trust model (Jøsang, Ismail 2002), FIRE trust model (Dong-Huynha, Jennings, and Shadbolt 2004), swift trust model (Xu et al. 2007), Time-Cognition Based Computa- Textual Reputation Model We think textual reviews which provided by buyers can express their real opinions more honestly. For an honest buyer, s/he may give a relative positive rating for a transaction, but the review provided by the buyer may be negative. For example, a buyer gave a positive rating (5 star) for a transaction, but left the following textual feedback: “bad Copyright © 2015, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence ( All rights reserved. 491 communication, will not buy from again. Super slow ship(ping). Item as described. ” (Zhang, Cui, Wang 2014). Therefore, for an honest buyer, based on his review, we can get his real overall rating. Textual reputation model can be described as Figure 1. gram architectures for computing vector representations of word. For a certain word, through calculating the information distance between aspect keywords with it, we can get the most relevant keywords. In this paper, we delete the stop words and punctuations to generate the text corpus. The word2vec tool takes the text corpus as input and produces the word vectors as output. It first constructs a vocabulary from the training text data and then learns vector representation of words. Then for each aspect Ai , we gave some pre-defined keywords wAi . For example, in a review about hotel, the keywords about service contains “service”, about room feature contains “room” and so on. After that, for a sentence’s semantic word representation xm ! {w1 , w2 ,...,wn } , we calculate the information distance between word wn with different keywords by using cosine similarity. Then, we can get the correlation between the sentence and aspects by counting the words similarity, and rank it to assign the sentence an aspect label. For example, supposing a sentence’s word representation is xm ! {w1, w2 ,...,wn } , the correlation between the sentence and aspects is correlatio n( xm , Ai ) ! "nk !1 cosine(wk , wAi ) . Then the aspect label of max(correlation( xm , Ai )) is the sentence’s aspect it belongs. Textual Reviews Textual Pretreatment Aspect Segmentation Aspect Rating Score Computing Aspect Weight Overall Rating Calculation Seller Reputation Score Evaluation Figure 1: Textual Reputation Model. For textual reviews, pretreatment is the first step. After that, every sentence was divided into different aspect. Aspect rating scores together with their weights are further computed by sentence sentiment. After aggregating the results got from aforementioned steps, the seller’s reputation score can be calculated. Overall Rating Calculation In this phase, we take advantage of aforementioned results to calculate the buyer’s overall rating. Note that a review may not cover all the aspects about a product. It is possible for a buyer to focus on only one aspect. In this situation, it means that the buyer pay more attention to the aspect which he is interested in. And this aspect must have a great influence on the overall rating about the product. Therefore, the weights of aspects should have associate with the number of sentences which belong to them. Otherwise, to calculate the aspect trust score, the sentiment of sentence should be considered. Since sentiment analysis is not the crucial part in our model, we assign the sentences sentiment labels manually. For example, “I felt very welcome at La Tortuga, and very much liked that it was close to everything. Breakfast and WiFi Internet access were included in the price. My room was just OK, considering the room rate. The room was clean, the air conditioning worked, there was enough hot water, and the bathroom amenities were good. The bed was too soft for my liking, but that's a matter of personal taste.”, in this review, the numbers of sentences belong to different aspects are shown in Table 1. Textual Pretreatment Since every review may contain a number of sentences and each sentence may belong to a different aspect, it is necessary to pretreatment these reviews. Therefore, for a buyer’s review D , we can get some sentences X ! {x1 , x2 ,..., xm } . Then we delete the stop words in each sentence by using a stop words list to get the sentence’s semantic word representation xm ! {w1 , w2 ,...,wn } . Aspects Segmentation For a general buyer, he may express his opinions about a certain product from different aspects. For example, Ä€price”, “screen”, “lens”, ... , are all important features of a digital camera. Hotel features include “price”, “room”, “service”, and so on (Long et al. 2010, 2014). In this phase, we map the sentences in a review into subsets corresponding to each aspect. Since every aspect is associated with a few keywords, we design an approach to map these sentences by using word2vector model. Word2vector (Mikolov et al. 2013a) (Mikolov et al. 2013b) is a learning tool which provides an efficient implementation of the continuous bag-of-words and skip- Aspect Number Pos/neg Location 1 1/0 Service 1 1/0 Room 3 2/1 Table 1: Results for Aspects Segmentation 492 For each aspect, we assume the number of positive sentence is Aipos , negative is Aineg . Then the rating value in aspect i can be calculated by Equation 1. Aipos Aipos # Aineg TA ! i pˆ ! i 1 1 # a * (e $b*Number ) T! (2) d "i!1TA *WA (maxrating $ min rating ) # min rating d "i!1WA i i Extensive experiments on one hotel review (TripAdvisor dataset) were used to evaluate effectiveness of our Textual reputation model. Seller Reputation Score Evaluation Following the definition of reputation by (Jøsang, Ismail 2007), the reputation score for a seller is the probability that buyers expect the seller to carry out transactions satisfactorily (Zhang, Cui, Wang 2014). The reputation score can be estimated from the positive and negative ratings towards the product. Based on Bayes rule, the expectation can be estimated from observations and some prior probability assumption. Γ(α # β ) ( α$1) p (1 $ p)( β $1) Γ( α ) Γ( β ) Dataset The TripAdvisor dataset was originally used by Wang et al. (2010, 2011). The dataset contains 246,399 hotel reviews as well as overall ratings. Since some reviews consist of few words, we select some suite reviews for case studies. Case Study In this section, we select some reviews from dataset randomly to verify the effectiveness of our model. For the logistic function, we set a ! 1, b ! 20 , and The results are shown in Table 2. According to the results, we can see that our model can predict the ratings effectively. (3) The Bayes estimate of S can be calculated as follows: UserName Location Room Service Rating UserName TextTrust Real Value UserName TextTrust Real Value EgyptTravelers pos neg 3 2 1 1 1 0 3.4657 (5) Experiments (3) i Beta( p | α, β ) ! "Uu!1 Ratingu # k U * max rating # 2k Note that, the U is the number of reviews, and the k is the preset value to smooth the reputation value. And the overall rating of a buyer can be calculated as : Ratingu ! (4) Note that the Beta distribution is a special case of the Dirichlet distribution for two dimensions (Heinrich 2005). In BRS trust model (Jøsang, Ismail 2002), it adopts constant setting α ! α # 1, β ! β # 1 to get reputation value. However, it is not suit to the condition with a great number of ratings. Inspired by CommTrust (Zhang, Cui, Wang 2014), it can set α ! α # k , β ! β # k to be a suitable preset value. Then the reputation score of seller can be calculated by: (1) Then we can get the rating of location is 1, the rating of service is 1 and the room’s rating is 2/3. Since the number of sentences in most reviews is less than 10, we use the logistic function to smooth the weights. And the weights is given by : WA ! α α# β WA i 0.8812 0.2698 0.1197 bluevoter 3.872 4.0 Philvincent 5.0 5.0 EgyptTravelers 3.4657 3.0 PepperR 3.333 3.0 Jeff P 2.095 3.0 Olliebuba 2.668 3.0 Conclusion and Future Work This paper proposed a novel word2vector-based model to obtain useful information from reviews. It can deal with generate reputation score according to buyers’ textual reviews. Case study results on real data demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in capturing trust information from reviews. In the future, we will use more datasets to verify it, and we will also make some necessary adjustments to this model to improve its accuracy and efficiency. 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