Space, Time, and Ambient Intelligence: Papers from the AAAI 2013 Workshop A Fuzzy Set Approach to Representing Spatio-Temporal and Environmental Context – Preliminary Considerations – Hans W. Guesgen School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand Illingworth et al., 2007; Tapia et al., 2004]. Although the reported successes are promising, determining the correct behaviour from sensor data alone is often impossible, since sensors can only provide very limited information and human behaviours are inherently complex. Several researchers have realised that context information, in particular spatial and temporal information, can be useful to improve the behaviour recognition process [Aztiria et al., 2008; Guesgen and Marsland, 2010; Jakkula and & Cook, 2008; Tavenard et al., 2007]. For example, breakfast usually occurs in the kitchen in the morning, which means that if something is happening at 07:00 in the kitchen, it is more likely to be breakfast than taking a shower. In this paper, we discuss how context information can be represented and how it can be used in the behaviour recognition process. We argue that using a probabilistic approach has shortfalls, due to incomplete context information, and that using an approach based on the concept of beliefs fails due to its complexity. We then make a case for fuzzy logic, which not only provides a simple and robust mechanism for reasoning about context information but also provides a means to represent imprecise information. Abstract This paper aims at providing a preliminary discussion on how to deal with spatio-temporal information in the context of behaviour recognition. It draws comparison with how humans reason in other areas, such as law, and discusses some of the pros and cons of formalisms for handling uncertainty, starting with probability theory, continuing with the Dempster-Shafer theory, and concluding with fuzzy logic. Introduction Most developed countries around the world are facing the problem of an aging population. Life expectation is higher than ever before, and so is the expectation to live a highquality, independent lifestyle throughout the entire life, independent of age or illnesses such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately this expectation is not always met. Rather than moving to a nursing home or employing the continuous support of a caretaker, we will soon have the technology to set up smart homes, which use sensors to monitor the person’s activities in a non-obtrusive way. However, without an intelligent reasoning engine, the information obtained from the sensors is of little use. The reasoning engine has to determine which activity currently takes place and whether this activity is a normal behaviour or poses a threat to the person living in the smart home. The approaches to behaviour recognition that have been developed over the last ten years range from logic-based approaches to probabilistic machine learning approaches [Augusto and Nugent, 2004; Chua et al., 2011; Duong et al., 2005; Gopalratnam and Cook, 2004; Rivera- A Case for Fuzzy Logic Behaviours often take place in particular contexts, but there is usually no one-to-one relationship between a behaviour and the context it occurs in. Rather, given a certain behaviour, context information is determined according to some probability distribution. If B is a behaviour (e.g., making breakfast) and C some context information (e.g., in the kitchen), then P(C|B) is the probability that C is true if B occurs (e.g., the behaviour Copyright © 2013, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence ( All rights reserved. 13 formulate uncertainty, where classical probability lies between belief and plausibility: takes place in the kitchen if we know that the behaviour is making breakfast). Given the conditional probabilities P(C|B), we can calculate conditional probabilities P(B|C) using Bayes’ rule. This assumes that we know the conditional probability for each context and behaviour. Moreover, we not only need P(B|C) but also P(B|C1,…,Cn), since context information is usually correlated. Assuming that we have knowledge of all the necessary conditional probabilities is unrealistic. In addition, the result of using conditional probabilities might be counterintuitive, as it does not align with how humans combine evidence. In [2012], Clermont puts forward an argument against probabilistic reasoning in law. Combining evidence on a probabilistic basis is not in line with the common practice of law, leading to the infamous conjunction paradox [Clermont, 2012]: Bel(B|C) ≤ P(B|C) ≤ Pl(B|C) Belief and plausibility is defined in the Dempster-Shafer theory on the basis of a mass function, which assigns basic probabilities to the power set of the frame of discernment. Although this solves the problem of evidence not adding up to 100%, it is not a solution to reasoning about context information in general, since the Dempster-Shafer theory is an even more complex framework than probability theory. In the next section, we discuss a simpler framework, which is not as rigorous from the mathematical point of view but which provides a simple and robust way to deal with context information. We purport to decide civil cases according to a moreprobable-than-not standard of proof. We would expect this standard to take into account the rule of conjunction, which states that the probability of two independent events occurring together is the product of the probability of each event occurring separately. The rule of conjunction dictates that in a case comprised of two independent elements the plaintiff must prove each element to a much greater degree than 50%: only then will the plaintiff have shown that the probability that the two elements occurred together exceeds 50%. Suppose, for example, that a plaintiff must prove both causation and fault and that these two elements are independent. If the plaintiff shows that causation is 60% probable and fault is 60% probable, then he apparently would have failed to satisfy the civil standard of proof because the probability that the defendant both acted negligently and caused injury is only 36%. Context Fuzzy Sets Unlike traditional sets, fuzzy sets allow their elements to belong to the set with a certain degree. Rather than deciding whether an element d does or does not belong to a set A of a domain D, we determine for each element of D the degree with which it belongs to the fuzzy set Ã. In other words, a fuzzy subset à of a domain D is a set of ordered pairs, (d, ȝÃ(d)), where d ∈ D and ȝÃ: D → [0, 1] is the membership function of Ã. The membership function replaces the characteristic function of a classical subset A ⊂ D. Rather than asking the question of what is the probability of a certain behaviour occurring in a particular context, we now pose the question as follows. Given some context information C, to which degree is a particular behaviour a C-behaviour. For example, if C is the day of the week, then we can ask for the degree of the behaviour to be a Monday behaviour, Tuesday behaviour, and so on. In terms of fuzzy sets, we define D as the set of the seven days of the week and ȝà as the membership function that determines to which degree the behaviour occurs on a particular day. For example, we might want to define a fuzzy set that reflects the degree to which a restaurant visit falls on a particular day. The membership function of such a fuzzy set is shown graphically in Figure 1. Unlike probabilities, the membership grades do not need to add up to one. A similar argument can be made for reasoning about behaviours. If we know that it is 60% probable for a behaviour to occur at the given time and 60% probable for it to occur at the observed location, then the combined probability would only be 36%. Another shortcoming of probability theory is that probabilities have to add up to 100%. In cases where we have perfect information, this is not a problem. However, when we do not have complete knowledge, this may lead to counterintuitive results. For example, if we do not have any information that a behaviour normally occurs on the weekend, we cannot assign a probability of 0% to P(B|C), since this would imply that P(¬B|C) equals 100%, which would means that the behaviour has to occur on a weekday. The Dempster-Shafer theory [Dempster, 1967; Shafer, 1976] offers a way out of this dilemma. It uses the concept of belief (Bel) and plausibility (Pl) instead of probability to 14 membership grade of at least α is called the α-level set of Ã: ( α} Aα = {d ∈ D | ȝÃ(d) y greater than α, then the If the membership grade is strictly set is referred to as a strong α-leveel set. Reasoning with Conteext Fuzzy Sets To avoid the problems with accu umulating values, which we encounter in probability theeory and the DempsterShafer theory, we choose onee of the schemes for combining fuzzy sets that was originally proposed by y sets Ã1 and Ã2 with Zadeh [1965]. Given two fuzzy membership functions ȝÃ1(d) and ȝÃ2(d), respectively, then the membership function of the intersection Ã3 = Ã1 ∩ Ã2 is pointwise defined by: membership Fig. 1: Graphical representation of a m functions that determines the degree to whiich a restaurant visit falls on a particular day of thee week. In the example above, the context infoormation is still crisp information, despite the fact that it is used in a fuzzy set: for any restaurant visit, we can determiine precisely on which day of the week it occurs. Other context information might not be precise, but ratheer conveys some vague information. For example, if a behaaviour occurs on a cold day, it is not clear what it means foor a day to be a cold day. In this case, we represennt the context information itself as a fuzzy set, as illustrateed in Figure 2. d), ȝÃ2(d)} ȝÃ3(d) = min{ȝÃ1(d nction of the union Ã3 = Analogously, the membership fun Ã1 ∪ Ã2 is pointwise defined by: d), ȝÃ2(d)} ȝÃ3(d) = max{ȝÃ1(d omplement of a fuzzy set The membership grade for the co Ã, denoted as ¬Ã, is defined in n the same way as the complement in probability theory: ȝ¬Ã (d) = 1 – ȝÃ(d) Fig. 2: A fuzzy set that maps temperatuures to the qualitative values cold, medium, warm m, and hot. he min/max combination In [1965], Zadeh stresses that th scheme is not the only scheme for defining intersection and union of fuzzy sets, and that it depends on the context which scheme is the most approprriate. While some of the schemes are based on empirical investigations, i others are the result of theoretical considerattions [Dubois and Prade, 1980; Klir and Folger, 1988]. However, H [Nguyen et al., 1993] proved that the min/max operations are the most robust operations for combining fuzzy sets, where robustness is defined in terms of how much impact uncertainty in the input has on the error in the output. Similarly, we can define a fuzzy set that expresses distances by rounding them to the closesst half metre – something we as humans often do wheen we perceive distances, although not necessarily alwayys on the same scale (see Figure 3). Fig. 2: A fuzzy set that approximates disttances with a granularity of half a metre. n Conclusion This paper tries to offer some preeliminary insights in how context information can be repressented and how it can be used in the behaviour recognition n process. Since context information is often incomp plete and imprecise, probabilistic approaches are impraactical and therefore often not useful in real-world application ns. Fuzzy logic can offer As the examples have shown, fuzzy sets can be used for associating behaviours with context inforrmation and for representing imprecise context informatioon. Fuzzy set theory also provides us with a means to convert fuzzy sets back to crisp sets, which is achieved with tthe notion of an α-level set. Let à be a fuzzy subset in D, then the (crisp) set of elements that belong to the fuzzyy set à with a 15 a way out of this problem, as it provides robust mechanisms for dealing with uncertainty. References Augusto, J. and Nugent, C. (2004). The use of temporal reasoning and management of complex events in smart homes. In Proc. ECAI-04, pages 778–782, Valencia, Spain. Aztiria, A., Augusto, J., Izaguirre, A., and Cook, D. (2008). Learning accurate temporal relations from user actions in intelligent environments. In Proc. 3rd Symposium of Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence, pages 274–283, Salamanca, Spain. Chua, S.-L., Marsland, S., and Guesgen, H.W. (2011). 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