Commodity Data Sheet Dist. 2 AllVegetablesforProcessing andFreshMarket,ValueofSalesa Order from: Sandy Sears Extension Economic Information Office Oregon State University Ballard Extension Hall 219 Corvallis, OR 97331-3601 (541) 737-6126 County & District 1993 District 4 District 1 Dist. 2 District 5 District 6 District 3 7000-97* April 1998 1994 1995 1996r 1997p thousand dollars Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington Yamhill District 1 6,969 18,544 10,136 7,731 67,007 9,205 2,471 9,801 9,361 141,225 8,446 18,486 11,176 8,557 70,504 8,734 2,836 10,669 10,438 149,846 9,027 17,523 11,544 9,465 70,504 9,151 2,652 7,613 10,743 148,222 8,587 16,553 10,110 9,125 67,703 8,753 3,124 8,073 11,564 143,592 9,221 15,778 10,276 9,949 66,449 11,457 2,948 8,407 7,403 141,888 District 2 334 591 461 611 591 Douglas Jackson Josephine District 3 1,805 826 808 3,439 1,668 767 642 3,077 1,821 813 712 3,346 1,228 653 670 2,551 899 987 667 2,553 Morrow Umatilla Other counties District 4 8,044 31,261 241 39,546 9,971 31,874 256 42,101 11,272 39,621 269 51,162 9,167 34,693 284 44,144 6,186 59,187 121 65,494 Malheur Other counties District 5 75,744 60 75,804 67,783 292 68,075 54,266 196 54,462 65,772 185 65,957 45,706 337 46,043 Jefferson Other counties District 6 3,332 102 3,434 3,189 322 3,511 5,940 570 6,510 5,600 810 6,410 3,451 0 3,451 263,782 267,201 264,163 263,265 260,020 State Total r - revised p - preliminary. /a/ Crops included are onions, snap beans, beets, sweet corn, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage, green peas, tomatoes, spinach, lettuce, garlic, cantaloupe, muskmelons, and watermelons sold or held for sale; also includes squash and pumpkin, rhubarb, radishes, lima beans, rutabagas, and other misc. vegetables. *Shaded area of Oregon map represent major areas of production for this commodity. SOURCE: Compiled by Extension Economic Information Office, Oregon State University OREGON PRODUCTION OF SELECTED VEGETABLES FOR PROCESSING, 1940-1997p Year Snap Bean Sweet Corn tons Green Peas ——O N I O N S /a/——— Malheur Co. Other Co.s thousand cwt 1940 1950 1955 1960 15,000 53,500 81,900 83,100 5,000 33,700 54,000 106,400 20,590 55,400 38,640 51,480 n/a 1,170 1,470 1,410 n/a 600 558 608 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 122,600 130,900 148,000 153,700 143,500 167,600 225,100 217,200 291,200 263,300 77,850 45,400 51,700 36,300 58,200 1,732 1,836 1,536 2,374 2,134 847 957 672 882 914 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 132,150 131,200 129,900 179,350 183,200 208,850 224,000 274,800 298,800 299,400 42,400 56,900 54,650 37,450 52,900 2,115 2,328 2,625 2,856 2,484 924 840 767 1,071 1,092 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 137,100 136,250 140,200 152,100 172,420 319,200 312,750 301,700 320,000 322,430 55,000 46,000 23,000 45,400 44,940 2,475 3,300 3,300 3,373 3,672 1,092 1,133 987 814 1,104 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 160,480 144,400 133,380 123,650 128,340 292,500 323,590 409,950 331,750 365,400 54,120 44,250 36,730 40,250 49,730 3,434 3,360 4,090 4,242 5,505 1,104 1,110 958 1,050 1,280 1985 1986 1987 1987 1988 1989 124,820 138,710 117,940 117,940 125,210 173,990 354,730 322,450 343,900 343,900 353,706 394,940 43,190 34,160 43,620 43,620 37,440 48,080 5,280 4,505 5,520 5,520 5,353 5,292 1,505 1,440 1,512 1,512 1,296 1,619 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 147,320 137,940 124,430 122,210 147,200 396,450 399,950 391,450 387,550 431,850 43,630 61,770 37,820 51,870 53,660 5,850 6,710 6,649 5,940 7,378 1,682 1,848 2,493 3,835 4,750 1995 1996r 1997p 139,950 134,100 148,190 452,350 438,100 353,000 70,770 36,240 42,810 7,134 7,080 7,440 2,720 2,394 3,330 r - revised p - preliminary. /a/ Includes fresh market. n/a not available. SOURCE: Compiled by Extension Economic Information Office, Oregon State University, from USDA and other government reports. Oregon State University Extension Service offers educational programs, activities, and materials--without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability--as required by the Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Oregon State University Extension Service is an Equal Opportunity Employer.