Commodity Data Sheet Apples Order from: Sandy Sears, Economic Information Assistant Economic Information Office Oregon State University, 219 Ballard Extension Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331-3601 (541) 737-6126 Item & Area Unit Dist. 2 District 1 Dist. 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 District 6 5105-96* March 1997 1992 1993 1994 1995r 1996p Production(Total) Commercial Crop Oregon Washington California Other States United States mil. lbs. “ “ “ “ 175.0 4,650.0 840.0 4,913.5 10,578.5 160.0 5,000.0 880.0 4,675.8 10,715.8 200.0 5,850.0 1,050.0 4,400.5 11,500.5 140.0 4,850.0 850.0 4,745.0 10,585.0 139.0 5,500.0 900.0 3,816.0 10,355.0 Utilization of Sales OR: fresh WA: fresh canned CA: fresh canned US: fresh canned juice and cider dried frozen other mil. lbs. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 110.0 3,300.0 150.0 370.0 30.0 5,781.0 1,496.7 2,472.0 324.2 246.6 155.3 120.0 3,700.0 120.0 370.0 41.0 6,154.9 1,334.8 2382.3 366.4 281.5 85.0 150.0 4,000.0 180.0 350.0 90.0 6,366.2 1,405.7 2,707.2 414.6 304.4 133.3 105.0 3,500.0 115.0 300.0 75.0 5,843.1 1,292.0 2,538.2 333.7 304.9 78.0 100.0 4,200.0 165.0 330.0 75.0 6,303.9 1,215.0 2,169.2 309.7 240.8 65.4 cents/lbs “ $/ton 10.3 13.0 115.0 13.1 16.0 85.5 10.7 13.0 75.7 11.6 12.3 187.0 12.6 14.0 178.0 cents/lb. “ $/ton “ “ “ “ “ 13.7 19.5 130.0 148.0 114.0 165.0 139.0 124.0 12.9 18.4 107.0 137.0 81.0 163.0 110.0 119.0 12.9 18.6 114.0 147.0 94.1 149.0 95.0 131.0 17.0 24.0 159.0 157.0 153.0 185.0 191.0 121.0 16.2 20.9 176.0 199.0 155.0 226.0 186.0 175.0 Farm Price Oregon: all sales fresh processing United States: all sales fresh processing canned juice and cider frozen dried other r - revised p - preliminary *Shaded areas of Oregon map represent the major areas of production for this commodity. SOURCE: Compiled by Extension Economic Information Office, Oregon State University, from USDA and other government reports. OREGON APPLES BY COUNTIES 1994-1996p Production Sold Value of Sales County 1994 1995r 1996p 1994 42 lb boxes 1995r 1996p $000 Benton 41,600 16,000 34,900 275 153 262 Clackamas 52,100 37,300 39,600 322 305 188 Lane 54,500 29,300 56,300 360 264 424 Linn 74,000 28,400 62,000 473 272 467 277,500 137,600 184,300 1,712 1,240 1,337 Polk 61,700 30,200 40,500 354 272 294 Washington 66,900 58,000 67,600 384 473 490 Douglas 57,300 10,700 10,800 329 87 71 Jackson 151,500 113,700 124,000 832 768 787 Hood River 1,542,000 983,000 1,327,200 6,418 7,761 6,024 Umatilla 1,211,700 958,900 405,500 4,829 5,400 1,581 Wasco 414,100 424,500 416,000 1,651 3,676 3,107 Other Co.s 757,100 505,800 445,600 3,461 3,151 1,988 4,762,000 3,333,400 3,214,300 21,400 23,822 17,020 Marion STATE TOTAL r - revised p - preliminary. SOURCE: Compiled by the Extension Economic Information Office, Oregon State University. Oregon State University Extension Service offers educational programs, activities, and materials--without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability--as required by the Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Oregon State University Extension Service is an Equal Opportunity Employer.