OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE Commodity Data Sheet E 9170 -89 Chickens and Eggs 1989p 1988r 1987 1986 UNIT AREA & ITEM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OREGON 2,644 thou /a / Layers, average no. 659 mil Eggs produced /a/ 0.541 $ /doz Egg price 6.4 Egg -feed price ratio -OR,WA,CA lbs /doz 249 eggs /lay Rate of lay 15.8 mil Broilers produced 0.320 $ /lb Broiler prices 191 $ /ton Broiler -grower feed /c/ 168 " WA -CA) (ORfeed, Laying Value of Production: * thou $ 29,710 Eggs 480 chickens Farm /I 22,752 Broilers Egg price Egg -feed price ratio /b / Rate of lay Broilers produced Broiler price Broiler -feed price ratio /b/ Value of Production: * Eggs Farm chickens Broilers f mil mil bil $ /doz lbs /doz eggs /lay mil $ /lb mil $ It I/ change 189 7.9 9.8 45.4 38.4 1.9 15.6 6.1 13.8 2.7 26,737 42,714 59.8 420 438 4.3 22,372 27,403 32,200 17.5 276.3 68.4 5,807 280.6 69.4 5,602 277.8 69.7 5,944 268.7 67.1 6.1 -3.7 -1.4 0.616 0.549 0.528 0.689 8.3 9.4 -0.4 It UNITED STATES Chicks hatched Layers, average no. /a/ Eggs produced /a/ 88 -89 - - - - -- 5,437 2,351 2,538 638 617 678 0.470 0.520 5.7 256 17.0 5.8 262 17.3 0.756 8.0 267 20.0 0.350 231 2,488 0.280 0.330 192 164 203 184 24,988 710 7.0 248 6.5 248 5.3 251 5.8 250 4,646 0.345 3.7 5,003 0.287 3.1 4,801 0.332 3.1 5,036 3.6 10.2 16.1 3,510 128 6,780 3,178 112 5,703 3,067 95 7,435 3,854 140 8,780 25.7 47.4 18.1 0.366 4.9 /a/ December 1, previous year through Nov. 30th. r- revised p- preliminary /b/ Number of pounds of poultry ration equivalent in value at local market prices to one dozen eggs or one pound of chicken liveweight. /c/ "Complete" ration feed specified which is fed without mixing or supplementation; for Pacific states - OR, WA and CA. * Value of production- for '85 this includes the value of home consumption. SOURCE: Compiled by Extension Economic Information Office, Oregon State August, 1990 University, from USDA and other government reports. CHICKENS, NUMBER ON OREGON FARMS District County January 1---1960 & 1970 -000 head -- 145 22 585 743 370 212 190 230 350 753 - -- December 1 of the previous year-- 1986 - -- Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington Yamhill District 85 70 400 1 Clatsop Columbia Coos Curry Lincoln Tillamook District Douglas Jackson Josephine District Gilliam Hood River Morrow Sherman Umatilla Wasco Wheeler District Baker Malheur Union Wallowa District Crook Deschutes Grant Harney Jefferson Klamath Lake District 3 4 5 1988r 1989p 411 thousand head 22 20 25 25 1,270 1,420 115 135 1,160 1,370 1,340 95 95 110 130 1,100 5 5 1,080 1,040 60 50 3 3 1 1 18 15 15 15 253 145 6 6 6 6 70 55 50 50 2,468 2,729 2,929 2,647 2,577 15 42 21 2 2 4 2 4 2 3 25 10 9 0 1 3 0 3 1 3 0 3 1 18 1 3 187 112 35 20 12 11 135 130 60 10 7 5 5 180 250 280 220 35 322 220 30 255 255 0 1 1 0 1 1 185 2,380 55 50 32 15 20 15 2 1987 7 80 55 35 345 295 295 6 3 1 25 15 20 2 2 5 8 5 60 25 27 18 125 1 2 2 3 2 0 30 0 5 2 0 125 125 3 2 1 0 0 6 4 6 2 0 142 85 138 12 131 130 30 55 8 8 15 130 4 1 2 2 0 5 1 30 2 2 3 2 9 2 24 44 20 55 15 14 45 9 4 11 6 55 11 176 STATE TOTAL. 3,360 2 2 2 2 8 4 2 2 4 2 4 0 1 60 4 1 2 2 0 5 0 1 3 2 0 1 1 3 2 0 1 65 65 65 65 0 0 137 74 74 72 72 3,141 3,280 3,365 3,122 3,050 6 1 0- 0 - revised. p - preliminary. SOURCE: Compiled by the Extension Economic Information Office, Oregon State University. August, 1990 r VALUE OF CHICKEN EGGS SOLD BY COUNTIES, OREGON COUNTY 1986 9170 -89 1989p 1988r 1987 thousand dollars Clackamas Linn Marion Yamhill Jackson Other counties 11,215 1,183 9,520 590 317 380 606 2,609 2,947 2,245 1,098 2,079 3,364 3,234 4,898 STATE TOTAL 28,064 23,781 26,400 42,200 r revised. - p - 10,650 972 8,499 11,407 19,006 24 32 9,146 14,424 preliminary. Oregon Chicken Eggs Sold Price (rG Production /doz) (000 doz) 100 58 95 57 Production 90 56 85 55 80 54 75 53 70 52 - 65 60 55 50 Price 45 50 49 48 47 - 46 40 35 30 25 20 51 I 72 r 73 74 75 I i 76 s l T i 77 78 79 80 81 r r 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 Year source: Compiled by Extension Economic Information Office, Oregon State University 45 44 43 42 VALUE OF BROILERS SOLD BY COUNTIES /a/ IN OREGON COUNTY 1986 9170 -89 1987 1989p 1988 thousand dollars Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Polk Yamhill Other counties STATE TOTAL.... r - /a/ 5,241 6,081 1,230 2,466 3,263 3,141 1,330 5,395 5,829 1,390 2,567 3,486 2,493 1,212 22,752 22,372 revised. p - preliminary. 12 -month period beginning with December - 1 6,086 7,906 1,439 3,399 4,094 2,956 1,523 8,088 8,470 2,035 4,326 3,522 4,288 1,471 27,403 32,200 of the previous year. Oregon Broilers Price Production (0 /Ib) (000 lbs) 38 105 36 100 Price 34 95 32 90 30 85 28 80 26 75 24 70 22 65 20 60 MrProduction 18 16 55 g 72 1 73 74 I 1 r 1 T 50 I 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Year source: Compiled by Extension Economic Information Office, Oregon State University 89 .