correspondence Aquifer arsenic source a –6 0 δ18O (Ê) –5 –4 arsenic at 36.6 mbgl, where δ18O is −3.5‰. The minimum δ18O value of −6.5‰ occurs 24 mbgl, where the arsenic concentration is 50% lower (Fig. 1a, where we laterally juxtapose Figs 1a and 1g of Neumann et al.). Their model outputs, arbitrarily doubled to make them approach reality 1, show that 70% of the arsenic pollution resides in isotopically heavy water that was recharged before irrigation pumping began (Fig. 1a inset). Vertical profiles through the aquifer at Bejgaon (Fig. 1c), 800 m northwest of Bashailbhog, also show that appreciable arsenic resides in deeper, isotopically heavy groundwater. These findings suggest that isotopically light recharge is not driving arsenic pollution. Our view — that isotopically light water is flushing arsenic from the aquifer in Munshiganj — is supported by the fact –3 Unmineralized recharge 10 b As (mg l–1) To the Editor — Neumann et al.1 claim that dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in isotopically light recharge leaking from ponds in Bangladesh causes arsenic pollution of groundwater. They thereby link human activity to arsenic pollution of groundwater that adversely affects millions of people2. We suggest that the data of Neumann et al. show that isotopically light recharge is flushing arsenic from the aquifer at their two field sites in Munshiganj, Bangladesh. Relying on Fig. 1 in their paper, Neumann et al. state that the minimum δ18O value in groundwater coincides with the depth of maximum arsenic at 30 m below ground level (mbgl), and so conclude that DOC in isotopically light ‘pond recharge’ is driving arsenic pollution. Their Fig. 1 actually shows peak concentrations of 20 200 0 5 10 DOC (mg l–1) 15 70 0 250 500 200 0 5 10 Ca (mg l–1) Post-development recharge 15 500 1,000 As (mg l–1) 750 1,000 0 Isotopically light recharge 40 50 60 600 Predevelopment recharge δ18O (Ê) –2 –1 30 400 0 % water types 50 100 –3 20 Depth (m) As (mg l–1) Depth (mbgl) 60 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 As (mg l–1) Depth (m) 50 Isotopically normal recharge 10 600 40 –4 0 400 Isotopically light recharge 30 80 c 600 0 that, through a flushing zone 0–30 mbgl at Bejgaon (data for Bashailbhog are not available), concentrations of dissolved species plot along linear mixing lines between predevelopment water and fresher recharge (Fig. 1b). Finally, if DOC in isotopically light recharge was driving arsenic release, as proposed by Neumann et al., the concentration of DOC would decrease along the flow path as it reacts to reduce sedimentary iron oxyhydroxides and so release arsenic; in reality, concentrations increase along the flow path and with depth to 30 mbgl (ref. 3). Our proposal on flushing agrees with previous indications that ponds do not cause arsenic pollution in the Bengal basin4, and that the upper part of the shallow aquifer at Munshiganj is being flushed of arsenic5,6. ❐ 400 70 200 0 0 As (μg l–1) 5 10 15 20 25 Cl (mg l–1) 80 0 250 500 As (μg l–1) 750 Figure 1 | a, Aquifer profiles from Neumann et al. of arsenic and δ18O (Figs 1a and 1g in their paper). Yellow areas denote arsenic-rich water in the aquifer at Bashailbhog. Dark blue area is water identified by Neumann et al. as having δ18O < −4.75‰ and so is, in their interpretation, derived from ponds. In our interpretation, areas of both shades of blue indicate water that is flushing the aquifer of arsenic. Inset shows model outputs of Neumann et al. predicting the proportion of predevelopment water with depth (their Fig. 1e), overlain by the distribution of arsenic in yellow. b, Cross-plots of DOC, dissolved calcium, chloride and arsenic in the Munshiganj aquifer at Bejgaon, 800 m northwest of Bashailbhog (data from ref. 7; similar data are not available for Bashailbhog) for depths to 30 mbgl — the depth of penetration of water that is isotopically light — and so, according to Neumann et al., derives from ponds. We do not plot deeper waters from beneath the zone of flushing as they are of different derivation and age. The linear trends show mixing between a mineralized groundwater around 30 mbgl and less-mineralized shallower recharge. c, Aquifer profiles of arsenic and δ18O in the aquifer at Bejgaon; data for arsenic from ref. 7; data for δ18O from ref. 8, includes samples 30(2), 30(3) and 61(2). NATURE GEOSCIENCE | VOL 4 | OCTOBER 2011 | © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved 655 correspondence References Neumann, R. B. et al. Nature Geosci. 3, 46–52 (2010). Argos, M. et al. Lancet 376, 252–258 (2010). Harvey, C. F. et al. Science 298, 1602–606 (2002). Sengupta, S., McArthur, J. M., Sarkar, A. & Leng, M. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42, 5156–5164 (2008). 5. McArthur J. M. et al. Appl. Geochem. 19, 1255–1293 (2004). 1. 2. 3. 4. Authors’ reply — McArthur et al. argue that a single process, termed aquifer flushing, explains the pattern of dissolved arsenic concentrations we observe in groundwater in Bangladesh. We concur that rice-field recharge has the potential to flush out arsenic-contaminated groundwater at shallow depths; we have shown that rice-field recharge carries little arsenic or biologically available organic carbon that could mobilize arsenic from the aquifer1–3. However, we contend that their interpretation explains neither the origin of the high arsenic concentrations in groundwater located at intermediate depths, nor why concentrations decline at greater depths. We argue that McArthur et al.’s interpretation is inconsistent with the physics that force groundwater layering. Pond recharge must flow horizontally beneath low-arsenic recharge from rice fields, to reach the irrigation wells and river channels where it discharges. Thus pond recharge should predominately occupy arsenic-contaminated intermediate depths2,4. In their Fig. 1a, McArthur et al. compare water isotope data from one location with arsenic concentration data from multiple locations, where flow patterns differ. In fact, the δ18O minimum does align with the arsenic peak, within the resolution of the data, when data from the same wells are compared, contradicting their assertion of a 656 6. Klump, S. et al. Environ. Sci. Technol. 40, 243–250 (2006). 7. Swartz, C. H. et al. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68, 4539–4557 (2004). 8. Harvey, C. F. et al. Chem. Geol. 228, 112–136 (2006). J. M. McArthur1*, P. Ravenscroft2 and O. Sracek3 1 Earth Sciences, University College London, mismatch (see Supplementary Information and their Fig. 1c). Our interpretation, however, does not rely on this alignment. Plumes of different solutes that originate from the same source are often not collocated. Solutes follow different patterns because surface sorption retards transport to varying degrees and many solutes, including arsenic, are mobilized from the aquifer. Reactive transport of most solutes in groundwater is not explained by ‘endmember’ mixing, as suggested by McArthur et al. Indeed, according to their proposed model of linear mixing, the consistent decline in arsenic concentrations with depth, below its peak, implies more flushing towards the bottom of the aquifer, an implication that we feel is physically implausible. In their Fig. 1b, McArthur et al. do not present our measurements5 from 30 m and below, arguing that they are of different derivation and age. However, the origin of the contaminated groundwater is the question being pursued; all samples have different ages; and ponds existed before the advent of irrigation pumping. When the complete data set is plotted, the trends apparent in their Fig. 1b are no longer evident (see Supplementary Information). Our interpretation — that water within the intermediate contaminated zone originates from pond recharge — is also supported by chemical analysis showing Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK, 2 AMEC Entec, 17 Angel Gate, City Road, London EC1V 2SH, 3Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Palacký University, 17. listopadu 12, 771 46 Olomouc, Czech Republic. *e-mail: that ponds provide dissolved organic carbon that is biologically available; carbon-dating analysis suggesting that organic carbon concentrations are maintained by old organic carbon released from the aquifer; and the observation that only pond water from early in the dry season can provide the isotopically light recharge matching contaminated groundwater. ❐ References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Harvey, C. F. et al. Science 300, 584D–U3 (2003). Neumann, R. B. et al. Nature Geosci. 3, 46–52 (2010). Neumann, R. B. et al. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45, 2072–2078 (2011). Harvey, C. F. Nature 454, 415–416 (2008). Swartz, C. H. et al. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68, 4539–4557 (2004). Additional information Supplementary information accompanies this paper on Rebecca B. Neumann1,2, Khandaker N. Ashfaque1, A. B. M. Badruzzaman3, M. Ashraf Ali3, Julie K. Shoemaker4 and Charles F. Harvey1* 1 Massachussetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA, 2 University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA, 3Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh, 4Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA. *e-mail: NATURE GEOSCIENCE | VOL 4 | OCTOBER 2011 | © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1278 Supplement for Reply Rebecca B. Neumann1, Khandaker N. Ashfaque2, A. B. M. Badruzzaman3, M. Ashraf Ali3, Julie K. Shoemaker4 and Charles F. Harvey2 1 University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA 2 MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA 3 BUET, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh 4 Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA Figure S1. 1 NATURE GEOSCIENCE | © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1278 (a–c) Groundwater solute profiles from the Bejgaon well cluster and solutes measured in pond and rice field recharge water (see Figure S2 and S3 for locations, and Table S1 – S3 for raw data). Aquifer As, Cl, Ca and DOC are from Swartz et al.1; oxygen18 and all recharge data, except Ca, are from Neumann et al.2. Calcium recharge measurements were not previously published, but are presented in Table S2. Data are presented only for wells from which all five solutes were measured (i.e., all shallow aquifer wells in Swartz et al. 1 except 30(2), 30(3) and 61(2) where oxygen-18 was not measured in 2005, see Table S1). Colored regions highlight depths in which maximum or minimum solute concentrations could exist given the measurement depths and assuming a single peak. The overlap of these regions demonstrates that, within the resolution of the data, the peak arsenic concentration is aligned with minimum oxygen-18 and Cl concentrations and elevated Ca and DOC concentrations. Pond recharge concentrations for the conservative solutes (Cl and oxygen-18) match those measured within the aquifer depth at which maximum arsenic concentrations occur. However, pond recharge concentrations for reactive solutes (As, Ca, DOC) do not necessarily match those measured within this aquifer depth, and this concentration difference provides information about the reactions that occur as the pond recharge water evolves into groundwater2. (d-f) Cross plots of solutes to a depth of 80 m from Swartz et al. 1, and including 30(2), 30(3) and 61(2). In contrast to McArthur et al.’s Figure 1B, there is no clear correlation between arsenic and either Cl or DOC because the depth profiles are slightly offset (see a-c), as is expected for reactive solutes (e.g., As). The geochemical processes that couple the concentrations of arsenic, calcium and DOC are discussed in Neumann et al.2. 2 NATURE GEOSCIENCE | © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1278 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Figure S2. Field site overview with sampling locations and boundary for model in Neumann et al.2. See Tables S1 – S3 for data obtained from each sampling location. 3 NATURE GEOSCIENCE | © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1278 Figure S3. ed studi field “old pond” well profiles Zoomed in view of the Bashailbog section of the field site. See Table S1 – S3 for data obtained from each sampling location. 4 NATURE GEOSCIENCE | © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1278 Table S1: Bejgaon Well Profile Stable water isotopes collected in 2002 were analyzed in 2002 at the National Hydrology Research Institute (NHRI) in Saskatoon. Two of these samples were reanalyzed in 2005 at the Pacific Centre for Isotopic and Geochemical Research (PCIGR) at the University of British Columbia when isotope samples collected in 2005 were sent to this laboratory. The two re-analyzed samples sat sealed in the fridge between the 2002 and 2005 analysis periods. Isotopes values from the PCIGR center are lighter than those from the NHRI. Based on the high level of quality control reported by the PCIGR center, we believe the lighter 2005 values are correct. Therefore, we used the 2005 data for our analyses in Neumann et al.2 and above in Figure S1. Table S2: Recharge Data !"#$%&' 46%&71"##&8%&*' ;&<&=&>8&' ;&8E6=F&7!"$=8& >8?70@87./0AB3/012;70<=:7; () 099. ;&<70 $A !"#$ CD7;=E702F06B;F=?70<=:7;0 1;2F8.7G0H2.7.?:7/0F;290I2B3E0 123/041%*50J0-./0123/041%#!5 I2B3E0123/041%*50067/8973:0 12;70<=:7; -./0123/041%#!50067/8973:012;70 <=:7; *+,-. 099. ;&<70 B&=7CD# %$"## %'"+& !"(! *+/0 1# 099. 099. ;&<70 ;&<70 B&=7CD# CA %&'"$! !"() %$("*) 1/2 099: ;&<70 CA !"#( *+1-3 099: ;&<70 B&=7CD# %#*"!! 4,1 099. ;&<70 CA !"() 54,1 099. ;&<70 CA !"!( 16 099. ?@( CA &"#$ #"#, !"'! #"(, #"'$ !"*& !"#) !")& %#!"#$ 2008 stable water isotope sample from the recharge sources were analyzed at PCIGR. 5 NATURE GEOSCIENCE | © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1278 Table S3: Bashailbog Well Profiles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able continues next page… 6 NATURE GEOSCIENCE | © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1278 Table S3 continued. C4-17 C4-55 C4-60 C4-90 C4-105 C4-120 C5-17 C5-60 C5-90 C5-105 C5-120 C6-17 C6-35 C6-90 C6-155 C6-170 ! %& %" (& +( +& " '# (#) *!+ ((" (!! #$%% #$"# ($&) '$#! +$#* +$*# ! %" (& +( +& %' (%( &#( *)( (+" #$(% ($"+ )$+& '$!& +$%" ! %% (& *& !( %' *" +*' )& %(+ #$(% #$'* *$'( %$+# %$'* References: 1. Swartz, C. H. et al. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta., 68(22), 4539-4557 (2004). 2. Neumann, R. B. et al. Nature Geosci. 3, 46-52 (2010). 3. Harvey, C. F. et al. Chem. Geol., 228, 112-136 (2008). 4. Harvey, C. F. et al. Science, 298, 1602-1606 (2002). 7 NATURE GEOSCIENCE | © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.