Modelling Extraterrestrial Radiation Environments for Astrobiology


Modelling Extraterrestrial Radiation Environments for


David Fallaize, CoMPLEX, UCL

(Supervisors: Prof. John Ward, Dept. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Prof. Andrew Coates, Space & Climate Physics (MSSL))

MRes Summer Project - August 2007


This project is concerned with estimating the probability of bacteria being able to survive beneath the surface of Mars, given the harsh environmental conditions which exist there. To make such an estimate at least two things must be known: the level of ionizing radiation at the surface of Mars due to both solar and galactic radiation; and the capacity of biological material to survive the radiation. Correspondingly this project is divided into two parts: firstly the simulation of the radiation environment on Mars, using a

Monte-Carlo simulation program based upon the Geant4 physics framework; secondly a set of biological experiments which aim to link the damage caused by desiccation to the damage caused by γ radiation, using Antarctic extremophile bacteria as proxies for hypothetical Martian bacteria.

The result of the first part of the project is a Linear Energy Transfer (LET) spectrum for the surface of Mars corresponding to a year of SEP radiation, and a partial GCR spectrum up to 500 GeV protons and 40 GeV Helium nuclei. The LET spectrum is a biologically-relevant measurement of the radiation environment on Mars where “high LET” radiation (such as α particles) is biologically very damaging in comparison to “low LET” radiation (such as γ rays). These results show that the shape of the LET spectrum is not determined by the energy of primary radiation particles, but by the chemical composition of the surface. However the depth to which ionizing radiation penetrates the ground increases with primary energy, thus although the particle flux due to SEP radiation dominates the top layers of Mars, the secondary cascade of particles produced by high energy GCR radiation dominates the deeper layers.

These results are new and important and of use to the astrobiology community in assessing not just the viability of life on Mars, but assessing the health impact of this radiation on astronauts when planning manned missions to the surface of Mars. A full energy range of primary particles requires only a small amount of additional computing time to be devoted to the problem (approximately a week of the

CoMPLEX Xgrid would suffice).

The results of the second part of this project successfully show a correlation between the biological damage caused by desiccation and γ radiation, in terms of bacteria survival rates for each treatment.

In the future these results may prove to be useful in providing a method to estimate ionizing radiation damage, without having to directly expose bacteria to such radiation in the lab which is both hazardous and costly.

In addition two alternative protocols for exposing bacteria to ultraviolet light (in the UVC wavelength range) are described; although no useful results were obtained during this project, so no link is made between UVC resistance and desiccation and/or γ radiation resistance.

Chapter 1

Introduction and Literature Review


The Search for Life Beyond Earth

Astrobiology is the study of the origins, evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe. This is a wide-ranging remit to say the least, and touches on questions such as “what constitutes life?” to exploring the various conditions under which life might evolve, including the search for biospheres which could support life (which may or may not resemble our own planet).

In the search for life beyond Earth it seems natural to start with our nearest neighbour planet Mars.

It is widely accepted that primordial Mars (billions of years ago) was not totally dissimilar to the early conditions on Earth. Crucially it is believed that Mars had a working magnetic field which provided protection from the charged energetic particles from the sun and from galactic rays [1] [2] [3]. In addition, an atmosphere rich in carbon dioxide would have provided a greenhouse effect at the surface which would raise temperatures sufficiently to allow liquid water to exist on the surface of Mars [4].

The presence of an atmosphere would also block most of the harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun at the same time as absorbing and scattering highly energetic galactic cosmic rays (GCR), which would otherwise damage biological molecules at the surface. In short, Mars is thought to have once had the capacity for supporting life: whether life has ever existed on Mars is a question waiting to be finally answered.

Unfortunately for Mars at some point in history its magnetic field failed and since then the atmosphere has been all but stripped away by the solar wind [5] leaving a low surface pressure and temperature which is below the triple point of water: any solid water on the surface would sublime directly to gas, making Mars a dry and desolate place exposed to a harsh radiation environment.

Therefore the search for life on Mars must start below the surface itself where the rocky crust of the planet provides the protection which on Earth is provided by the atmosphere.


Sources of Radiation in the Solar System

Solar Radiation

The major source of radiation in the solar system, at least in terms of particle flux, is obviously the sun.

The Sun emits electromagnetic (EM) radiation across the spectrum from radio waves to UV and soft X-

Rays. The energy and flux of the solar energetic protons (SEP) is dependent on the level of solar activity which roughly follows an eleven year cycle, as does the solar wind which is a continuous emission of relatively low energy protons from the surface of the sun.

Solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are bulk ejections of energetic protons originating from the corona and chromosphere of the Sun. Solar flares are classified according to their peak flux, with the most energetic solar flares occurring quite infrequently. The most powerful solar flare known


Figure 1.1: Fluence spectrum for SEP and GCR particles striking Mars per year is believed to be the Carrington flare of September 1859, though only indirect evidence of its magnitude exists in the form of nitrates and beryllium-10 deposits in Greenland ice. The most energetic flare on record was seen on 4th November 2003.

The increase in SEP radiation due to solar flares is significant, but of relatively short duration, of the order of hours. Therefore although solar flares are hazardous to astronauts and sensitive electronics equipment in space, when considering the integrated flux of SEP radiation on the surface of Mars over the course of a year the solar flare data should have only minor impact on the final particle counts.

Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR)

High energy particles originating from exotic energy sources in the galactic core, such as quasars, black holes, or supernovae contribute a small fraction of the radiation in the solar system compared with that from the Sun. However the Sun is capable of producing protons with energies up to a maximum of around 10 GeV, whilst GCR can have energies in excess of 10


1 eV (though at vanishingly small flux).

88% of GCR is made up of protons, with 11% composed of helium nuclei, and the remaining 1% is made up from other fully ionised nuclei all the way up to Uranium [6]. Whilst these heavy nuclei are relatively rare, they are so energetic and so highly charged that they pose a serious threat to biological material in its path (see Section 1.2).

The particle flux of GCR is anti-correlated with the solar cycle as the solar wind deflects incoming galactic rays: when the solar wind is at a maximum the galactic cosmic radiation flux is at a minimum.

(This only really affects the flux of lower energy particles, up to approximately 10GeV per nucleon [7]).

Figure 1.1.1 shows the relative energy and flux of SEP and GCR particles striking Mars per year.

The GCR values are for minimum solar activity, hence maximum GCR – therefore the fluence spectrum is a ’worst case’ scenario for Mars.


Electromagnetic cascade

π− p e+


π+ n p e-

µ+ p

π0 p n n

Hadronic core


γ e+ e-

Figure 1.2: Diagram illustrating the cascade of secondary particles in the Earth’s atmosphere resulting from a single energetic primary particle (e.g. cosmic ray). The graph on the right indicates particle flux as the particle shower goes deeper into the atmosphere; the peak in the flux is the Pfotzer Maximum

(image courtesy of Dartnell)


The Pftozer Maximum

The Earth is largely protected from SEP and GCR thanks to its magnetic field, which deflects incoming charged particles below an energy of hundreds of MeV, and it’s atmosphere which soaks up most of the energy from any other incoming particles by a cascade of nuclear interactions.

These interactions, from fragmentation and scattering to direct ionization, produce a large number of secondary particles which also have relatively high energy, and go on to cause further cascades of secondary reactions of their own until the excess kinetic energy is dissipated. The energy of the primary particle is therefore bled away at the cost of the generation of a large number of extra secondary particles, giving a high cumulative particle flux which increases with depth through the atmosphere to a maximum known as the Pfotzer Maximum. After the Pfotzer Maximum particles have insufficient energy left to generate new secondary particles, and the flux tails off.

On the Earth this Pfotzer Maximum occurs high in the atmosphere, at an altitude of approximately

15km. However on Mars the atmosphere is so thin (10-50 mbar atmospheric pressure at the surface, depending on the season) that incoming primary particles are not dissipated very much by the atmosphere, and the Pfotzer maximum in fact occurs just below the surface of the planet. In practical terms this means that in fact the first few centimetres under the surface of Mars are even more inhospitable than the surface: although UV rays are blocked out, the dense rock gives the first major obstacle to highly energetic SEP or GCR particles and large numbers of secondary particles saturate that region of the surface.

The obvious question is just how far under the surface must one travel before conditions become suitable for life? The answer to this depends on what one is looking for. Bacteria may be frozen in the regolith in a dormant state, accumulating damage over time from the radiation being deposited from space. Occasionally a localised thawing of the regolith may occur, which would allow the bacteria to reawaken and allow biological repair mechanisms to reverse some of the accumulated damage from the previous millennia. Therefore the question of how deep one has to dig to find life depends on how often


it is expected that thawing events allow the chance for repair of accumulated damage, as well as the type of radiation encountered at each depth and the effect of the different types of radiation on different biological materials.


The Biological Effect of Radiation

Radiation can broadly be classified as either ionizing and non-ionizing, and the damage caused to biological material by each group is different. Of the non-ionizing types of radiation, EM radiation at the energetic end of the spectrum are of prime importance to radiobiology: UV radiation is non-ionizing, but can cause considerable damage to biological material through promoting usually unfavourable chemical reactions. X-rays and γ -rays are not ionizing in the sense of strongly ionizing radiation particles such as

α particles, but are capable of ionizing biological molecules through photo-excitation, and so are weakly ionizing.

Electromagnetic radiation causes biological damage through photons exciting biological molecules into higher energy states than usual, allowing them to undergo chemical reactions which alter their function, generally for the worse. Ultraviolet radiation at wavelengths between about 200nm to 280nm

(termed UVC radiation, as distinct from the longer wavelength UVA and UVB) is most damaging to biological material due to the sensitivity of DNA to photons at this wavelength, which cause single-strand breaks of the DNA double helix or cause single base changes through photochemical reactions with the individual base molecules. The most significant damage caused by UV is the formation of pyrimidine dimers along the DNA molecule, where the double bond in a pyrimidine base (thymine of cytosine) absorbs a photon, exciting the bond and allowing it to react with a neighbouring pyrimidine base. The result is a kink in the DNA helix and reduced interaction with the paired bases of the nucleotides. If left unrepaired it is likely that transcription proteins will produce errors at this point (transcribing CC to TT is the ’signature’ of UV mutation), leading to incorrectly assembled proteins with loss of function.

X-ray and γ -ray photons can carry enough energy to directly ionize a molecule – that is, an electron is excited not just into an energetic state, but is stripped from the molecule entirely. The molecule is then significantly reactive and likely to undergo some chemical reaction which will alter it’s structure. For most biological molecules such as proteins, structure and function are inter-related, and so even a small change in structure can render the molecule useless, or worse still make it directly harmful. In addition

X-rays and γ -rays can induce the formation of free-radicals.

Ionizing radiation includes high energy electrons in the form of β - or δ -rays (the difference being

β -ray electrons are ’primary’ particles whereas delta rays are induced by other types of primary particle); positron radiation produced through nuclear reactions from hadronic primary particles; α particles

(ionised Helium nuclei) and all heavier atomic nuclei which can be produced as heavy ions by nuclear fragmentation.

Although ionizing radiation can cause damage through direct impact with biological molecules, by promoting unfavourable reactions or breaking existing bonds (e.g. single strand breaks in DNA), most of the damage caused by ionizing radiation is through free-radical production. Since biological tissue is largely composed of water, the passage of an ionizing particle is likely to cause a track of free radical production as water molecules are split by the passing ion. Hydroxyl radicals are extremely reactive entities and will cause massive damage to any biological molecule it encounters through promoting highly energetic chemical reactions, such as complete fracture of the DNA double helix, resulting in potentially massive loss of genetic data. Such damage caused by free radicals is very difficult for a cell to reverse, particularly in the case of bacteria where the genetic material freely floats through the cytoplasm, making it especially vulnerable to free radical damage.

In the event that free radicals avoid breaking DNA, they can also cause other types of damage to a cell, causing leakage of enzymes from intracellular compartments; reaction with membrane lipids leading to change of membrane diffusion dynamics; proteins altered by free radical reactions can im-


Figure 1.3: Example Bragg Curve (source: Wikipedia pair signaling pathways; defective proteins which interact with DNA could lead to alterations in gene expression.

The level of damage caused by ionizing radiation depends upon how many free radicals are induced by the energetic particle, which depends on how much energy the particle is depositing in the medium, and upon how heavily charged it is.

In physics terms the distribution of energy deposition of an ionizing particle (protons, ionized nuclei, but not electrons) as it travels through a material is controlled by the Bethe-Bloch formula

S = dE dx

= 4 πr


0 mc



A z


Z 2

! ln

β 2


2 mc 2 β 2

I (1 − β 2 )


− β



(1.1) where:

S = ’stopping power’ m = mass of an electron c = speed of light

ρ = density



= Avogadro’s Number z = atomic number of target

A = atomic mass of target

I = mean excitation energy of target

β = v/c (where v is particle velocity)

Z = charge of the particle

The important part of the Bethe-Bloch formula for this discussion is the Z


2 factor, which shows that the energy deposited increases with the square of the ionic charge, and quadruples every time the velocity halves (since β


= v




). When plotted on a graph, the so-called Bragg curve will look like

Figure 1.3, with the Bragg peak toward the right hand side of the curve indicating that the majority of the particle energy is deposited at the end of its path, where it is travelling slowest.

To return to the biological case, the worst-case scenario for a biological molecule is to encounter an ionizing particle at its Bragg peak, as it is in this region that the particle will induce the formation of a large number of free radicals. (However this detrimental effect does have a saturation point where so many free radicals are formed in one small region that many actually recombine again rather than travel through the material to cause damage to biological molecules).


In medical physics this effect can be exploited to beneficial effect through tuning a radiation source such that the Bragg peak falls on a target region of infected cells, such as a cancerous tumour, to maximise the dose-on-target while minimising the damage to the healthy outer layers of tissue through which the radiation has travelled to reach the tumour.

The exception to the above categorisation of ionizing/non-ionizing radiation is neutron radiation which causes damage similar to that caused by energetic protons. This is because neutrons can easily displace protons from virtually any atom, as well as cause nuclear fragmentation, so that although the primary particle itself is not ionizing, the secondary particles it produces are highly ionizing in nature.


Biological Mechanisms for Repair of Radiation Damage

Clearly the best approach for repair of radiation damage to a cell is to avoid that damage in the first place

– hence the evolution of UV-absorbing pigment in human skin which acts as a first line of defence against

UV damage. In the case of ionizing radiation, where free radical production is the prime hazard, a cell can mitigate the problem to a certain extent by having anti-oxidant molecules available within the cell to ’mop up’ excess free radicals before they have the chance to cause damage. Multi-cellular organisms also have the advantage that individual damaged cells can be killed without killing the organism as a whole.

However for a simple bacteria these methods are not available, and the cell must cope as best it can with any damage which occurs.


Reversing UV damage

The pyrimidine dimer (aka. thymine dimer) damage caused by UV interactions can be reversed by a process called “nucleotide excision repair” (NER) where a large number of different proteins collaborate to detect damage and clip out around 30 bases around the damaged region. DNA replication enzymes then re-fill the bases to restore the correct genetic sequence. In humans this is the only method of UV repair available.

Other non-mammalian organisms have additional methods of repair for UV damage, such as endonuclease enzymes which are capable of directly removing thymine dimers from the DNA double helix, through detecting the weakening in the DNA backbone caused by a pyrimidine dimer.

Photolyase is an enzyme found in prokaryotes and in yeast. It is a light-activated enzyme to repair thymine dimers in a process known as photoreactivation. The photolyase enzyme uses energy absorbed from visible light to catalyse the removal of thymine dimer lesions from DNA.

The RecA protein in e. coli is one of the many DNA repair enzymes which contribute to reversing damage to the DNA molecule; the protein has a homologue in virtually all organisms, making it a highly ubiquitous protein structure. In RecA deficient strains of the bacteria the protein is non-functional, leading to loss of repair ability for UV damage.


Repairing Double-Strand Breaks

Double-strand breaks in DNA, such as those caused by ionizing radiation, can be repaired either by

Homologous Recombination (HR) or Non-homologous End Joining (NHEJ). HR uses the homologous pair chromosome to reconstruct the sequence of the broken DNA molecule. NHEJ is less complicated and less reliable – the ends of the broken molecule are simply stitched back together, with possible inversion or loss of significant chunks of genetic material.

Deinococcus radiodurans (Figure 1.4) is an interesting bacteria in that it is able to withstand a massive fragmentation of its genetic material through double-strand breaks, and yet still faithfully reconstruct the genetic material without loss of function. It is believed that this is due to each cell having


Figure 1.4: Deinococcus radiodurans (Michael Daly, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, up to ten copies of the entire genome. This redundancy ensures that no matter how many fragments are generated by double strand breaks, since the damage is random it is extremely unlikely that any break points will occur in precisely the same location on every copy of the genome. Therefore it is possible for the bacteria repair enzymes to use the homologous recombination process and match homologous sequences across fragments to reconstruct the entire genome, with close to perfect fidelity.

In the context of frozen cells in a Martian surface, an efficient repair process like that found in D.

radiodurans would be helped by the fact that if frozen, the fragments of DNA would be very slow to diffuse through the cell, simplifying the repair process and extending the time-frame over which the cell could reasonably be expected to survive.


Reproducing the Effect of Ionizing Radiation in the Laboratory

This project is concerned with modelling the extent of ionizing radiation at various depths beneath the surface of Mars, and relating that to the extent of damage this would be expected to cause to hypothetical biological entities such as bacteria, if they were to be lying dormant at that depth. This requires some estimates of how much radiation (and of what type of radiation) various bacteria can endure before being effectively killed. Effectively killed in this case means that they have sustained so much molecular damage that they are incapable of reproducing.

The first step is to estimate the flux of GCR and SEP which Mars encounters in a year and how much radiation is deposited at various depths beneath the Martian surface as a result. This is carried out by computer simulation and is the subject of the first part of this project.

Having obtained an estimate for the radiation environment on Mars the next step is to relate the radiation dose to a survival time for bacteria.


From Radiation Dose to Relative Biological Effect, and the LET spectrum

Obviously for the most realistic approach one would use a radiation source which exactly mimics that found on Mars to irradiate samples of bacteria to estimate survival times. However this is not a very practical idea since it is not economically feasible to simultaneously generate all the different forms of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, in the correct proportions, in the laboratory, and measure the kill rate of different bacteria under this regime. In addition, were one to devise a bench-top high energy proton radiation source then it is likely that the experiment would result in some quantity of low-level residual radioactivity in the sample (and lab equipment), making the safe handling and eventual disposal of the samples difficult.

For these reasons it is necessary to make simplifications to translate the radiation environment on

Mars to something that can be tested in the laboratory. The simplest approach is to simply add up


the energy dose from each type of radiation at a given depth on the surface of Mars, as calculated by computer simulation. This gives a total radiation dose (expressed in Grays per cm 2

, per year). This dose can then be administered in the form of any other radiation in the lab, typically γ -radiation. This is the crudest level of simplification since it neglects the differing biological implications of exposure to each variety of radiation.

A slightly improved method is to derive the Relative Biological Effect (RBE) of the radiation environment which is defined as the dose of γ -radiation which would produce equivalent biological effect.

This is worked out by arbitrary scaling of each type of radiation source - for example an alpha particle is deemed to be equivalent to twenty times its dose in γ -rays, so all radiation doses originating from alpha particles are multiplied by twenty.

γ -rays are chosen as the benchmark radiation type since they are relatively easy to produce in small quantities in the lab from readily available radionuclides.

γ -rays are sufficiently penetrating that they can interact with biological samples within glass containers, unlike laboratory produced alpha radiation which is unable to penetrate so much as a single sheet of paper. In addition γ -sources do not induce radioactivity in the sample, so they are one of the safer forms of radioactivity with which to work, assuming simple common-sense safety precautions are followed.

The disadvantage of the RBE is that the scale factors are empirically derived from radiation experiments on eukaryotic cells, for example experiments carried out by the medical physics community who are primarily interested on the effect of radiation on human patients. Therefore these scale factors are not necessarily relevant when it comes to considering prokaryotes such as bacteria, where the genetic material is not confined within a nuclear envelope, and where different methods of repair mechanisms exist depending on the type of damage sustained. The RBE makes no allowance for the effect of rate of energy deposition on biological effect – for example the exchange rate of alpha particles to γ -rays will increase as the particle reaches the Bragg peak.

A more realistic approach to marrying radiation doses (in energy units per year) to a dosage of γ radiation (in time units of exposure) is to make use of the Linear Energy Transfer (LET) spectrum of the radiation environment. The LET spectrum expresses the dose delivered in terms of the energy deposited per unit length, normalised to the total dosage, rather than the net dose itself. This is a better quantity to consider since it effectively takes into account the rate of energy deposition of the radiation particle, which for ionizing radiation will be equivalent to the rate of production of damaging free radicals.

Thus a slow moving, highly charged Fe56 ion (depositing energy as its Bragg peak) will have extremely high LET since it is depositing energy at a massive rate over a short distance, causing enormous biological damage. The same Fe56 ion earlier in its path with higher kinetic energy may in fact register a lower LET if it has not yet reached the Bragg peak, since although it is more energetic, it is not giving up so much energy to the surrounding tissue. In contrast a relatively high-energy γ -ray may have a low

LET since it continuously deposits its energy as it travels long distances through the material, and will not cause nearly so much biological damage.

A graph of proportion of dose delivered at each LET gives a more accurate view of how the radiation environment will affect biological material. Knowing that high LET radiation, regardless of what exact type of radiation it is (proton, γ -ray, fast electron), causes proportionally greater damage to a biological entity allows an improved scaling of dose to RBE.

Figure 1.4.1 illustrates the relationship between RBE and LET for arabidopsis seeds. A similar chart could be derived empirically for a given bacterial strain, which would specifically relate the type of damage from different LET to the RBE benchmark.

Using a chart like Figure 1.4.1 in combination with a LET spectrum of the surface of Mars, a more realistic RBE can be calculated, allowing a better marriage of ionizing radiation dose to equivalent dose in γ -rays.


Figure 1.5: RBE vs. LET for Arabidopsis seeds


From γ -Radiation to Survival Curves

The previous section explains how it is possible to convert a given radiation spectrum (measured in terms of LET rather than raw energy deposition) into an equivalent dose of γ -radiation. The final step is to estimate how rapidly bacteria will become effectively killed (i.e. incapable of producing viable daughter cells) given the yearly dose of radiation.

The technique is to simply irradiate a frozen sample of a given bacteria with γ -radiation equivalent to a number of years exposure to radiation, and to then thaw the bacteria, spread them on agar impregnated with nutrient broth, and to estimate the fraction of bacteria which survived the whole process.


Chapter 2

Modelling Extraterrestrial Radiation


This chapter discusses the Geant4 framework used to model the radiation environment on the surface of

Mars, its limitations, and the model parameters used for this project.



Geant4 is a modelling framework [8] developed by a large community of scientists to simulate the passage of particles through matter. The toolkit has a wide range of possible applications, including space science.

The ATMOCOSMICS program is an application based upon the Geant4 toolkit developed by Laurent Desorgher et al. [9] to simulate the interaction of cosmic rays with the Earth’s atmosphere. Dartnell extended the code to simulate the effect of solar and galactic radiation on the atmosphere and surface of

Mars, and used it to calculate energy deposition profiles for a Martian year at various levels beneath the

Martian surface [10] [7].

This project takes code supplied by Dartnell and extends it to calculate not only the energy deposition profile, but the LET spectrum on and beneath the Martian surface.

Geant4 is a Monte Carlo type modelling tool: successive simulated particles are independent of one another, and the interactions experienced by each particle (and hence energy deposition profile of each particle) is random within the bounds set by hard-coded probabilities defined in Geant4 (nuclear interaction cross-sections). The output of the simulation of a single particle is the energy deposition profile of that particle (and any secondary particles it produces) as it travels through the Geant4 world.

A second particle of similar energy will produce a similar but probably not identical deposition profile

(due to the stochastic nature of the modelling). As further particles are simulated the statistics of the deposition profile should gradually converge to a reasonable approximation of reality.

Since each primary particle within Geant4 can be treated independently, and results from many particles are amalgamated to produce the final deposition profile, the process lends itself well to parallelisation across multiple computers. The code supplied by Dartnell was modified to run on the CoMPLEX

XGrid (a network of Apple Mac computers which donate idle CPU time to running parallel processes).

A centralised MySQL database was used to collate the results to allow maximum flexibility in postprocessing of the results.


Limitations of Geant4

The statistical parameters within Geant4 which control the likelihood of each type of particle interaction obviously have an enormous effect on the accuracy and validity of the results produced by Geant4. The


scientists who regularly update Geant4 continually improve the correspondence between Geant4 and reality by updating the models and parameters within Geant4.

Unfortunately from a programming point of view the authors of Geant4 do not seem to prioritize backwards compatibility of their code: the program supplied by Dartnell and Desorgher was originally written for Geant4 version 4.7.0 (released February 2005), and does not work with any later versions of the Geant4 framework. Using the latest version of Geant4 (4.8.3) the code does not at first compile without some minor modifications. Once compiled the code produces runtime errors; modifications to resolve these errors resulted in a program which entered a seemingly infinite loop in the stepping routines within Geant4.

Without more in-depth knowledge of the workings of the Geant4 and ATMOCOS sections of the program, it is necessary to continue using an out-dated version of the framework.

In addition to the version limitation discussed above, Geant4 also has an energy limitation of 10

GeV per nucleon for ionic primary particles, and ionic primaries beyond Carbon-12 are not supported.

Exceeding these limits is possible, but the authors of Geant4 make no guarantees as to the validity of the resulting simulation. This latter limitation is particularly irritating for assessing the impact of GCR on biological matter since it disallows the simulation of Iron nuclei (Fe56 ions). As mentioned previously the GCR spectrum is composed mainly of hydrogen and helium nuclei, with only relatively low flux of heavier ions. However there is a significant peak of flux around carbon and iron, which should not be neglected due to the relatively high ionic charges they carry (which appears as a squared term in the

Bethe-Bloch formula). Therefore although the particle flux of Fe56 is orders of magnitude lower than that of GCR protons, they cannot be neglected.

With a limit of 10 GeV per nucleon, the most energetic GCR He nuclei which can be directly simulated have a total energy of 40 GeV, which is below the energy at which the GCR particle flux becomes negligible. It is possible to ’fake’ the higher energy He nuclei by simulating four energetic protons in their place and multiplying the resultant energy depositions by a weighting factor. For this project, due to time constraints, simulations were carried out for H nuclei (protons) only up to 500 GeV, and He nuclei up to the Geant4 limit of 40GeV (total energy), and no proton “fill-in” was attempted.

(It would be interesting to extend the simulations beyond the Geant4 limit and compare the results with results where protons are used in place of He nuclei, to see the extent to which they agree or disagree, however this is beyond the scope of this project.)


Model Parameters

The model was initialized with a column of Martian atmosphere and dry topsoil.


The regolith was set to record depositions in ten centimeter layers – that is, deposition events were assigned to a depth beneath the surface discretized into 10 cm lengths.

The range of primary particle energies (10 MeV to 1 TeV – 5 orders of magnitude) was divided into

500 logarithmically equal sized bins (a constant ratio between upper bound and lower bound of each bin, such that the base-10 logartihm of this ratio = 0.01 (5 orders of magnitude divided by 500 bins)). For each energy bin a number of primary particles were simulated such that the energy and LET deposition profile obtained by the aggregate set of results was thought to representative.

It should be noted that the quantity of prime interest is the energy and LET deposition profile of all resultant particles from a primary particle of given energy, not just the deposition of the primary itself (though this will obviously contribute to the overall profile). Therefore the number of primary particles which must be simulated for a statistically accurate representation of the deposition profile depends on the number of secondary particles which the primary can be expected to generate – high

1 atmosphere composition by mass: CO2: 95.47%, N2: 2.7%, Ar: 1.6%, O2: 0.13%, CO: 0.07%, H2O: 0.03%. Regolith composition by mass: SiO2: 42,65%, Fe2O3: 22.3 %, MgO: 8.69%, Al2O3: 7.98%, SO3: 6.79%, CaO: 6.53%, TiO2: 1.01%,

P2O5: 0.98%, K2O: 0.61%, Cl: 0.55%, MnO: 0.52%, Cr2O3: 0.30%


energy primaries produce vastly more secondary particles than low energy primaries, therefore fewer high energy primaries need be simulated for an accurate deposition profile.

The best method to ensure high quality statistically plausible results would be to continuously build the deposition histogram every time a primary is simulated, and to keep simulating primaries until the further simulation of a primary particle of any energy does not significantly alter the shape of the histogram. At this point one could be confident that the deposition data is a good representation of the actual distribution.

For this project a simpler approach was taken where as many primary particles were simulated as was feasible in the time available, with fewer high energy primaries than low energy primaries being simulated. The final spectrum obtained is believed to be statistically valid – adding the results from a small number of extra primaries to the histogram made no noticeable difference. However this method was probably a little wasteful of computing resources; a more statistically rigorous approach would be appropriate for future simulations.


Data Collection

The results were collected into a MySQL database which aggregated deposition data according to:

• layer at which deposition occurred

• energy of the primary particle (in MeV)

• LET of the depositing particle (binned between 10

− 6 and 10

4 keV/ µ m in 1000 evenly logarithmically spaced bins)

• type of depositing particle (electron, proton, gamma, heavy ion, etc.)

(The cumulative energy deposited in that LET bin was also recorded, in order to allow dose-normalised

LET spectra to be calculated later, should that be required.)

The spectrum of primaries simulated was recorded separately. Once a large number of primary particles had been simulated across all energy bins (corresponding to no specific solar or cosmic radiation spectra), the histogram counts for each energy level were normalised, to give a “histogram of histograms” which contained the entire LET spectrum for every combination of layer and secondary particle type, for a single primary particle of each energy bin.

From the normalised data, a LET spectrum at any layer for any secondary particle type, due to any combination of primaries could be calculated by summing the individual LET spectra corresponding to the input primary energy histogram (e.g. that for a year of SEP radiation, or for the helium nucleus component of GCR).

The advantage of this approach is that the maximum amount of data is extracted from the simulation such that any input spectra can be ’simulated’ just be re-scaling the collected data, rather than re-running the simulations again which would consume further computing power.

The distinct disadvantage is a somewhat complicated database structure to handle the results, with a single table holding most of the data which grows to quite enormous size. The enormous size is not in itself a major problem (hard disk space is very cheap per GB), however since the database table is indexed for each of the variables listed above, the computational cost of actually extracting the results by running queries on the database becomes increasingly large. This problem can be mitigated by lowering the resolution of the energy bins for primary particles, or lowering the resolution of the LET bins for deposition events, or by collecting LET data summed for certain collections of secondary particle, rather than collecting them individually.


Figure 2.1: Differential LET Spectrum for Martian surface (top 10cm layer) under annual mean SEP



The model was initially set to have an atmosphere corresponding to vacuum, and a surface of pure ice. Mono-energetic hydrogen ions were simulated impacting into the surface, and the ionization LET caused by just the primary particle itself in the top layer of surface was recorded. This was compared with values of LET which were expected from directly solving the Bethe-Bloch equation (which was performed by a shareware Windows-based LET calculator developed by Vladimir Zajic of Brookhaven

National Laboratory: ).

The simulated LET and that calculated by the LET calculator agreed to within 5% giving confidence that the simulator was producing valid results.

Once the full primary spectra for GCR has been simulated, it will be possible to also validate the results by recalculating the energy deposition profile produced by Dartnell in [7] (since the model parameters used for this simulation also store detailed energy deposition histograms), and comparing the two graphs. If they do not match then this will indicate that something is wrong with the LET simulation results. However this will not be possible until the full spectrum has been simulated.


Simulation Results


LET spectrum due to SEP

The LET spectrum on Mars for a single year of SEP was calculated using the results from the simulation for primary particles up to 10 GeV and the mean annual SEP spectra component of 1.1.1. The LET spectrum as a function of depth is shown in Figure 2.2.1. The LET broken down into depositing particle types is shown in Figure 2.2.1.

Note that the following LET spectra are differential LET spectra: the particle flux on the y axis is per unit of LET on the x-axis (the histogram counts were divided by bin width); this is one of the conventional methods for graphing LET found in the literature..


Figure 2.2: Differential LET Spectrum as a function of depth, for annual mean SEP

Figure 2.3: Differential LET Spectrum for annual mean SEP, split into depositing particle types (“exotic” particles were kaons, muons, pions and other short-lived particles produced in the secondary shower.

HZE are all nuclei above helium.


Figure 2.4: Differential LET Spectrum for Martian surface (top 10cm layer) under partial GCR spectrum


LET spectrum due to GCR

The differential LET spectrum due to the Hydrogen nucleus (i.e. proton) component of GCR, up to

500 GeV, and He nuclei up to 40 GeV is shown in Figure 2.2.2 (using GCR fluence as shown in Figure

1.1.1). Figure 2.2.2 shows the LET spectrum at increasing depth.




SEP Results

The LET spectrum of Figure 2.2.1 shows that under the action of SEP radiation there is a relatively high flux of low LET radiation compared to high LET radiation. The general shape of the LET spectrum seems consistent with LET spectra available in the literature [11] and [12].

The breakdown of LET by depositing particle type shows which particle types are actually responsible for the high and low LET components. The LET spectrum in general seems to follow the HZE component, with modulation from the other contributing particle types, such as electrons, which produce spikes at low and intermediate LET, and alpha particles which dominate the high end of the LET spectrum.

The γ component is highly suspicious. As expected the γ radiation component is highest at low

LET; however there is also a large count for high LET depositions which grows ’noisier’ as the LET increases. In fact according to the data the highest LET events are due to γ radiation (the same is true for the GCR results). This is very bizarre indeed and almost certainly a mistake – there is no chance that $gamma radiation can possibly produce such high LET. It is possible that there is a mistake in the numerical handling of low energy (or low stepping-distance) γ ray deposition events, or in the histogram normalisation process.


Figure 2.5: Differential LET Spectrum vs. depth under partial GCR spectrum

Another possible explanation lies within the implementation details of Geant4, which stops tracking particles if they either leave the universe as defined by the program, or are deemed unlikely to produce any more interactions. In that case the particle track is aborted, and the energy remaining with the particle is deemed to be deposited immediately, and the length scale over which this is done (which will influence the calculation of LET) is not defined – in other words the LET should not be calculated in this case, and if it is, Geant4 is not to blame if it is ridiculous! This possibility is being explored in order to rule out anomalous gamma radiation depositions from future results.

The sharp discontinuities in the electron, exotic, and HZE spectra are signatures for nuclear events where certain elements or molecules have captured an incoming particle of specific energy and decayed in a precisely defined manner (determined by nuclear physics) to release neutrons, protons, alpha particles, or larger nuclear fragments of well defined energy, and hence well defined LET. Therefore it should be possible to identify exactly which nuclear reactions are taking place between the SEP protons and the surface by analysing the peaks of the spectrum. However this has not been carried out for this project due to lack of time.

Figure 2.2.1 shows the change in LET spectra as one goes deeper underground. The shape of the spectra remains roughly the same (though the anomalous γ radiation LET seems to disappear with increasing depth) but at lower flux, until after about 6 metres of regolith the particle count starts to become so low that statistical noise dominates the results. No depositions due to SEP primaries were recorded lower than 10.7 metres beneath the surface.


GCR Results

Perhaps surprisingly, at first glance Figure 2.2.2 looks very similar to the SEP LET spectra in Figure

2.2.1. Also the top layer particle flux is actually lower than that for the SEP component, indicating that in terms of LET, the SEP component is the more important for the top 10cm of the Martian surface.


However on reflection this is not such a surprising result: the SEP primary particle flux is an order of magnitude higher than the GCR flux for low energies. Furthermore, the high energy GCR particles should not be expected to produce much effect on LET at the top layer since they should be travelling too fast to be depositing much energy by ionization – their Bragg peak will lie a few layers below the surface, as will the Pfotzer maximum (although one would expect considerable backscatter of radiation particles).

From Figure 2.2.2 this does indeed seem to be the case. The GCR particles penetrate much deeper into the ground than the SEP particles and soon dominate the LET spectrum, even though this simulation is only a partial GCR spectrum with limited energy primaries.

It is also clear that low numbers of energetic primary GCR particles are capable of producing a significant secondary cascade; what the primary particles lack in numbers, they make up for in secondary particle generation. It is notable the pattern of signature nuclear interactions (spikes in the LET spectrum) are the same for both SEP and GCR components – this would seem to indicate that the shape of the LET spectrum is determined by the chemical makeup of the Martian surface, which produces characteristic nuclear fragmentation and scattering when bombarded with ionizing particles. The energy of the primary particles does not therefore control the LET spectrum itself, but rather controls the depth into the regolith to which the LET spectrum extends.

Whilst LET is the biologically relevant parameter of interest, the total energy deposited is obviously still important. Therefore a possibly more useful graph may be the LET spectrum normalised by energy deposited at that LET as a fraction of the total energy deposition for all particles. This would give a dosage-normalised LET spectrum, which includes both the biologically important factors of LET and energy.


Chapter 3

Experimental Methods

Having calculated a LET spectrum for the surface and subsurface of Mars by simulation with the Geant4 framework, the next step is to quantify the effect of that radiation on biological material. From this it is possible to estimate the survival time of bacteria frozen beneath the Martian surface.

Unfortunately for this project we have access to neither Martian bacteria (since they have never been discovered!) nor a source of ionizing radiation, relating the LET spectrum to the kill-rate of life on Mars is a little tricky. The compromise is to use “extremophile” bacteria isolated from soil samples taken from the Antarctic as substitutes for the hypothetical Martian bacteria, and to use desiccation and UVC radiation in place of ionizing radiation.

The aim of the project is to find a correlation between the resistance of Antarctic bacteria to UVC, desiccation, and γ radiation. Ideally some combination of UVC and desiccation exposure will provide a good estimator of γ radiation resistance. Having scaled the LET spectrum on Mars to some equivalent dose of γ radiation (via the RBE, or Q-factor), it would then be possible to make a guess about how long the Antarctic bacteria could survive on Mars, without having to resort to the use of ionizing radiation in the lab.

The experimental methods used to assess UVC and desiccation resistance are described in the following sections, and roughly follow the experimental methods outlined in [13].


Bacterial Test Strains

Four strains of Antarctic bacteria isolated by Samantha Whiting as part of her PhD thesis [14] were chosen as test bacteria – two of these were found underneath an algal mat ( Pseudomonas sp. and

Psychrobacter aquatica ), and two from an exposed location in the Miers Valley ( Bacillus sp. and Streptomyces sp.

). The samples were chosen to give a range of ’extremity’ in the environment in which the bacteria were found – the two from under the algal mat were subject to less harsh conditions than those found in the exposed environment. At the same time these bacteria also all grow on the same media at approximately the same rate, simplifying things from an experimental point of view.

A further three strains of Antarctic bacteria (labelled LD7 , LD10 and LD27 ) along with a sample of

D. radiodurans , were provided by Lewis Dartnell along with recently measured γ -radiation resistance data [unpublished, Dartnell]. In addition to this a sample of ’Top10’ strain e. coli was supplied by Steve

Branston. All of these strains except the LD27 strain grow at a reasonable rate using the same media as the Miers Valley bacteria, again simplifying the experimental process. The LD7 , LD10 , LD27 bacteria were recently identified by Dartnell using 16S phylogeny as being Brevundimonas sp., Rhodococcus sp./Nocardiaceae sp.

, and Pseudomonas sp.


The sample of D. radiodurans was included as a benchmark bacteria of known high radiation resistance. At the opposite end of the resistance spectrum is the “Top10” e. coli which is a strain of which


Figure 3.1: Pseudomonas sp.

(left) and Psychrobacter aquatica (right) from sheltered region (underneath algal mat), Miers Valley, Antarctica

Figure 3.2: Bacillus sp.

(left) and Streptomyces sp.

(right) from exposed area, Miers Valley, Antarctica

Figure 3.3: Brevundimonas sp. (LD7) (left), Rhodococcus sp. / Nocardiaceae sp. (LD10) (centre) and

Pseudomonas sp. (LD27) (right)

Figure 3.4: Deinococcus radiodurans (left) and Escherichia coli (Top10) (right) has impaired function of the RecA repair protein. The lack of a working “RecA” protein means that the e. coli will be especially susceptible to UVC damage (since UVC-induced thymine dimers will remain unrepaired); the only mechanism for repair of double strand break damage is Non-Homologous End

Joining (NHEJ).

Photographs of the bacteria streaked onto agar plates are shown in Figures 3.1, 3.2, ??

and 3.4.


Figure 3.5: “Ferris-Wheel” for keeping liquid cultures aerated


Growing Conditions

All bacteria were initially streaked onto sterile agar plates of

Broth 1 at one quarter the recommended strength ( grown using


4 strength Czapek-Dox nutrient broth (






4 strength nutrient broth (CM0001 Nutrient

NB1) – 2.6g per 800ml) except LD27 which was

CZD – 7.0g per 800ml). The bacteria were cultured at room temperature (i.e. on the bench) until single colonies were visible on the agar. These colonies containing many thousands of individual bacteria were assumed to be derived from a single parent bacteria, and therefore to be genetically identical.

Universal tubes containing 5ml of freshly autoclaved liquid nutrient broth ( except LD27 for which




4 strength NB1 for all strength CZD was used) were inoculated with a single colony from each plate using a sterile loop, and then loaded onto a bench-top ’Ferris-wheel’ (Figure 3.1.1 set at 40 rpm in order to keep the broth aerated and to maximise growth rate at room temperature.

Room temperature was chosen as it allowed rapid growth of the bacteria, at the cost of some experimental validity; since these are cold-loving bacteria they should ideally be cultured at lower temperature to ensure that they behave as naturally as possible. It is possible that in a room temperature environment the effects of desiccation and UVC exposure are being modulated by the stress of the bacterial machinery being twenty degrees hotter than in a freezing habitat.

Samples for experiments were always taken after 3 days of liquid culture – this was towards the end of the growth curve for the bacteria chosen, yet before the bacteria became non-viable through over-growth in the medium.


Counting bacteria - The Colony Forming Unit (CFU) assay

In order to count viable bacteria, either at zero time point or after some experimental treatment, a CFU assay was performed. Samples of bacteria were diluted to an appropriate concentration in sterile 0.01M

phosphate buffer solution (PBS) to give a total volume of 1ml in epindorffs. A bench top vortex machine was used to ensure homogeneity of the bacteria within the buffer solution. 100 µ l samples of the diluted bacteria were then evenly spread onto agar/



NB plates (or agar/



CZD where appropriate) in triplicate, using a glass spreader which was soaked in 70% ethanol and flamed before each use. The plates were dried under Bunsen flame for a few minutes, before being covered and placed in a stack to grow until individual colonies became visible and countable (3 to 4 days typically; longer for D. radiodurans ).

Assuming that each single colony on the agar was derived from a single bacteria in the diluted sample, the number of colonies visible on the plate can be simply counted and multiplied by 10 to give the number of bacteria present per ml at the specified dilution (since each plate was made using

100 µ l =


10 of a ml). Therefore the number of viable bacteria per ml of the original sample is that


Figure 3.6: Nalgene airtight tub used as a desiccator number multiplied by the dilution factor. Knowing the original bacteria count, and the count after some experimental treatment (e.g. 2 weeks desiccation), the survival fraction after experimental treatment can be easily calculated.

At all times the usual precautions for sterile working conditions were maintained – i.e. working under a Bunsen flame, wiping surfaces with ethanol before starting work, wearing gloves, autoclaving all materials and media. Common-sense safety precautions appropriate for working with flammable material (ethanol, gloves) close to a Bunsen flame were followed.


Measuring Desiccation Resistance

100 µ l of each liquid culture of bacteria was pipetted into separate 35mm petri dishes (“Falcon” polystyrene tissue culture dishes; these were chosen for both their convenient size, and their hydrophilic treated surface which prevents ’beading’ of liquid droplets). The dishes were placed in freshly auto-claved and dried air-tight Nalgene tubs (stacked in 4 columns in the tub, leaving an inch of free space below the lid, as shown in Figure ??

) containing approximately one inch of granulated anhydrous calcium chloride to act as a desiccant and to keep humidity within the container at a constant low level. In addition a control dish containing 100 µ l of sterile



NB1 was prepared and included in each tub, in order to provide a background contaminant count for the tub itself, and for the rest of the process.

At the same time a dilution series was carried out on each bacteria to determine the initial cell count of the liquid cultures prior to desiccation.

After a set period of time (ranging from a few days to a few weeks) the petri dishes were removed from the Nalgene tubs and the dried residue in each dish was re-hydrated with 1,000 µ l (1ml) of PBS.

The dishes were then agitated for 10 minutes on an oscillating table, set at 20 oscillations per minute.

This method was found by trial and error to be the optimum – shorter oscillation times yielded lower cell recoveries, longer times produced a marked increase in number of contaminants in the final CFU assay, reducing the ’signal to noise’ ratio of the test. It was suggested that scraping the dishes with a sterile loop prior to oscillation would be beneficial, however this was also found to produce an increase in contaminant level, though this is difficult to explain since the loop was sterile and the operation was performed under Bunsen flame.

Finally a dilution series was carried out on the PBS/re-hydrated bacteria solution to determine the final number of viable bacteria. For longer desiccation times the appropriate dilution was in fact zero

– i.e. 100 µ l aquilots of the PBS/rehydrate were spread onto agar neat. This CFU yields the number of viable bacteria per ml of rehydrate.

Note that there is a hidden factor of 10 dilution in the experimental procedure, since 1,000 µ l of PBS


Figure 3.7: UV Sterilising Cabinet used to test bacteria UVC resistance is used to rehydrate a sample originally held in a 100 µ l volume of liquid. Therefore the calculation of total viable cells per ml of rehydrate is divided by the viable cells in 0.1ml of liquid culture.


Measuring Ultraviolet Radiation (UVC) Resistance

The UVC resistance of bacteria was tested by placing 500 µ l samples of the liquid cultures of bacteria into 35mm tissue culture petri dishes (as used for the desiccation experiment). Having taken a dilution series to determine initial cell count for each strain

1 the dishes were placed in a UVC sterilising cabinet,

Figure 3.4 (previously wiped with Virkon and turned on for several hours to remove contaminants). The dishes were located directly underneath the UV striplight at the back of the cabinet, and the UV lamp switched on. After set exposure times 10 µ l aquilots were removed from each petri dish, and a CFU assay performed as described previously.

No special precautions were taken to avoid repair by photoreactivation mechanisms during the experiment itself as it was decided that this would overly complicate the procedure. In addition, the aim was to measure overall resistance to UVC, and the extent to which each bacteria is capable of repair by photoreactivation is ’fair game’ as far as this project is concerned. However, to avoid differing light conditions while growing on the agar plates following CFU assay, the stack of plates was wrapped in foil for the growth period.

The low surface tension provided by the hydrophilic surface of the petri dish was especially important for this experiment since it was desirable to have a single thin layer of liquid to expose to UV light.

A thin layer is essential to avoid ’self-shielding’ where bacteria suspended in the top layer of the liquid absorb the full effect of the UVC radiation and shield those bacteria below them in the liquid, leading to distorted results. 500 µ l was found to be the minimum volume of liquid which would form such a thin single layer.

1 in practice the same t=0 series was used for UV and desiccation to avoid duplication of work and waste of materials – i.e. after carrying out an initial cell count for a set of bacteria entering the desiccator, a UV test was also carried out to make maximum use of the initial cell count results


Chapter 4

Experimental Results


Desiccation Resistance

Recovery Efficiency

In order to ensure that the recovery process of rehydrating the bacteria was reasonably efficient, an experiment was carried out whereby a desiccated sample of Brevundimonas sp.

1 was rehydrated in the usual way above and a CFU assay performed. The remaining liquid in the petri dish (PBS and rehydrated bacteria) was discarded, and another 1000 µ l of PBS pipetted into the dish, which was oscillated for a further 10 minutes at 20 osc./min. The CFU assay was repeated (at zero dilution) and compared with the first CFU results, in order to estimate the proportion of viable cells which remained attached to the petri dish during the first rehydration process.

The rehydration process was found to be approximately 90% effective: the second rinse produced a cell count one tenth that of the initial rehydration. The 90% efficiency was used to correct the results by assuming that the final CFU counts represented only 90% of the bacteria which survived the desiccation process.


The control dishes in the desiccators were hydrated in the same way as the test dishes in order to assess the level of background contamination. In all cases the control plates contained no more than 8 contaminant colonies; furthermore often the contaminants had a fungal rather than bacterial appearance, and in any case did not resemble the distinctive appearance of the actual test bacteria, leading to no confusion between contamination and actual bacteria. There was no cross-contamination of sample bacteria within the desiccator.

Table 4.1 shows the desiccation resistance of each bacteria. These results are shown graphically in

Figure 4.1.

1 chosen for it’s distinctive yellow colonies, making it easy to distinguish from contaminants


1: Pseudomonas sp.

2: Psychrobacter aquatica

3: Bacillus sp.

4: Streptomyces sp.


A: LD7: Brevundimonas sp.


B: LD10: Rhodococcus sp. / Nocardiaceae sp.


C: LD27: Pseudomonas sp.

D: Deinococcus radiodurans

E: ’Top10’ e. coli




3 4






Fraction surviving after n days desiccation

7 10













13 14




































Table 4.1: Fraction of bacteria surviving desiccation




UVC Resistance Results

The results for the UVC resistance experiments were highly chaotic and of low reliability and extremely low repeatability. For this reason the results are not presented in this project.

Contamination (in the form of large apparently fungal growth on the agar plates) was a particular problem and prevented a CFU count being obtained in approximately 50% of cases. The reason for such high contamination was probably the large number of plates which were streaked with UVC exposed bacteria at zero dilution. This effectively measured the contaminant level of the cabinet which was, if not greater in frequency than the number of viable bacteria, at least faster growing than the bacteria, and therefore dominated the agar plate.


Chapter 5

Discussion of Experimental Results


Desiccation Results

The graphs clearly show that D. radiodurans exhibits the greatest desiccation resistance of all the bacteria tested, with survival several orders of magnitude better than the closest competitors. The Bacillus sp.

, Streptomyces sp.

and Rhodococcus sp./Nocardiaceae sp.

all show intermediate desiccation resistance; all other bacteria exhibit relatively poor resistance and are essentially completely wiped out by one week of desiccation. The LD10 bacteria sample was found to be Pseudomonas sp.

, and although it did not resemble the Pseudomonas sp.

from the Miers Valley in appearance, the desiccation resistance was similarly poor.

With the exception of the results for deinococcus, there is rather wide spread of data for all bacteria – for example the results for Bacillus sp.

after 14 days has two data points, measured on separate occasions with different samples. Although they look reasonably close on the graph, the scale is logarithmic and hides a significant difference of survival factor between the two samples. Worse still is an experiment at 10 days desiccation which showed near zero survival; probably this is an outlier, but it is also an indication that the experimental process does not give a high degree of repeatability.

The high variability may be due to different rates of desiccation depending on where the bacteria was placed in the desiccator – high away from the desiccant, or immediately above it. Although the humidity within the tub was assumed to be low and constant throughout, there is no way to guarantee this with the equipment used. A possible improvement would be to use a specially designed desiccator unit rather than the improvised Nalgene tubs.

The results for Breveundimonas sp.

seem inconclusive - with only a few data points to draw upon, it is unclear whether the bacteria is killed completely after 14 days of desiccation, or whether that was an anomalous result, and that in fact the bacteria has resistance similar to that of the Streptomyces sp.

Overall the results are consistent with the hypothesis that those bacteria which are found in extreme environmental conditions display better resistance to desiccation than those from more moderate conditions. The Bacillus sp.

(a spore forming bacteria) and Streptomyces sp.

were Miers Valley bacteria found in an exposed area, whereas as the Miers Valley Pseudomonas sp.

and Psychrobacter aquaticus were found sheltered by an algal mat, where they would not naturally experience such desiccating conditions.

There seems to be a general trend in the results where the initial desiccation process rapidly decimates the bacteria population; the difference in resistance across the bacterial strains seems to be that the weaker bacteria continue to die with continued time spent desiccated, whilst the survival rate of the more resistant bacteria reaches a plateau. It is possible that for the more resistant bacteria the desiccation provides a selection process, where the weaker members of the population die first leaving only the stronger members which are harder to kill, and which do not suffer from continued desiccation.

It is not possible to accurately calculate the ultimate survival time of the resistant bacteria from this data for continued desiccation as the curves drawn through the data are too arbitrary to support


extrapolation. However from the look of the results, it looks likely that the desiccation resistant bacteria would remain viable above a one-in-a-million survival threshold for perhaps as long as two months, compared with just two weeks (at most) for the weaker bacteria.

D. radiodurans seems to be remarkably resilient and from the data gathered, would perhaps be able to survive above a one per million threshold for up to six months.


Comparison of Desiccation Resistance and γ -Radiation Resistance

Figure 5.1 (provided by Dartnell) shows γ -radiation resistance for the bacteria e. coli , LD7 , LD10 ,

LD27 ( Brevundimonas sp.

, Rhodococcus sp./Nocardiaceae sp.

, Pseudomonas sp.

respectively) and D.

radiodurans . Neglecting e. coli , the qualitative correspondence between this graph and the desiccation results is striking, and supports the hypothesis that desiccation resistance is a good indicator of radiation resistance. In fact desiccation, which induces DNA double strand breaks, seems more harmful to D.

radiodurans than relatively high doses of γ -radiation, which is after all only weakly ionizing. This suggests that either the desiccation regime produced more double strand breaks than the γ radiation exposure, or that another form of biological damage is also occuring to kill the bacteria.



Dartnell suggests that the strangely high radiation resistance for e. coli is an artifact of the experimental process, which in fact kills 99% of the e. coli by freezing before they are irradiated, leading to artificially high rates of survival of the remaining, extra-resilient, bacteria.

Although the data collected for this project is insufficient to calculate a direct “exchange rate” between desiccation exposure and γ -radiation irradiation, the principle seems reasonable, and with further data points to provide greater resolution of the graphs in Figure 4.1, such a comparison could be made.


UVC Radiation Resistance

The lack of results for UVC radiation resistance were probably insufficient sterlisation of the cabinet before use (overnight sterlisation seems to be required rather than just a few hours), and shielding of the bacteria by the edges of the petri dishes. In addition it is possible that the UVC source is in fact very intense, but is unable to penetrate any depth at all of the liquid broth, leading to self-shielding even of the extremely thin layer. Consequently aliquots taken for testing would incorporate a mixture of irradiated and shielded material, giving spurious results.

An Improved UVC Protocol?

In order to improve upon the results yielded by the UVC protocol outlined in Section 3.4, a second protocol was tried where instead of 500 µ l samples in petri dishes, a ’dot matrix’ of 10 µ l aliquots was placed on a 90mm petri dish, deliberately taking advantage of the high surface tension to give stable hemispheres of liquid on the surface.

After exposure, a single ’dot’ could be collected in its entirety and diluted as appropriate. The advantages of this protocol are:

• Definite similarity of UVC exposure between all ’dots’ since they are identical

• No ’shadowing’ from the sides of the dish

• No tendency for liquid to collect in the edges of the dish due to convexity of the dish surface

• Virtually 100% recovery of exposed material since the entire 10 µ l dot can be pipetted back after exposure

The main disadvantages are that the dot will inevitably self-shield so that bacteria in the centre of the dot are protected, and there is an increased risk of contamination from spores in the cabinet which were not destroyed by the pre-sterilising process.

It is difficult to assess the performance of the second protocol since time constraints on the project limited its use to a single set of experiments, where 5 bacteria samples and one control dish (containing dots of nutrient broth) were irradiated for 5, 12, and 30 minutes. The contamination level of the results was found to be high, with fungal-type growth dominating three of the agar plates produced. The other problem was a lack of positive results – the CFU count for almost all of the plates was zero, except for

D. radiodurans which at 30 minutes exposure produced a CFU count higher than that for 12 minutes exposure. Similarly the LD27 Pseudomonas sp.

produced a CFU count at 30 minutes, but not after 12 minutes.

In summary the second protocol did not appear to perform any better than the original protocol, again due to both insufficient sterilisation of the cabinet before use, and self-shielding of the bacteria.

Another possible solution is to irradiate a desiccated sample of bacteria, in a combined desiccation plus UVC regime. However the variability evident in the results for the desiccation experiments could well obscure any effect of UVC exposure.


Chapter 6

Further Work

The simulation/modelling component of this project is tantalisingly close to producing significant results

– a complete LET spectrum for the Martian surface under the impact of both SEP and GCR for particles up to 1 TeV energy. A little more computer simulation and time to post-process, and re-validate the results is all that is required, although the rogue γ radiation registering high LET needs to be resolved. In addition the results offer a wide variety of avenues to explore: linking the LET spectrum to a desiccation regime for bacteria to estimate survival times of sub-surface bacteria is still a plausible possibility; assembling a ’best-fit’ LET spectrum to simulate that of Mars using lab-ready radio-nuclide sources.

The desiccation experiments in this project could be extended by repeating the experiments already performed to provide more statistical basis for the results, and to hopefully reduce the variability observed so far. Once data is obtained through which a survival curve can be accurately fitted, a direct correlation with γ resistance may be possible. In addition it may be desirable to use an industrial-type freeze-drying method for desiccation to more accurately model the conditions found on Mars, rather than the slow and presumably more gentle bench-top desiccation method followed here. In addition it would be advisable to repeat the experiments using bacteria cultured at low temperature rather than room temperature to check for variation in gene expression with growing conditions.

The UVC resistance experiments could be tried with an alternative UV source, e.g. hand-held lamp.

Although this was available for use during this project, the cabinet was selected for convenience since it was believed to provide a more constant experimental environment, and was simpler to set up. However the protocols used in this project failed to produce any results, so other avenues should be explored.


Chapter 7


I would like to acknowledge the help and encouragement I received from my supervisors. I would also like to thank Lewis Dartnell, upon who’s PhD work this project is based, for his support and encouragement.



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