Political Science Student Union Executive Meeting • 30 July 2007 • Location EXECUTIVE MEETING MINUTES ROLL CALL OF ATTENDANCE Members Present President Treasurer Forum Representative Departmental Committee Representative Communications Officer Andrew Dear Sebastian Sajda Ravi Patel Rizwana Lalani Kailei Hines Guest There was 1 guest whose name was not taken. Meeting Called - 5:40 1. BEVERAGE GARDEN There was a discussion of what kind of beverages and what kind of food is allowed at the beer garden. That guest suggested serving wine at the beverage garden and was informed it was possible. There was discussion of the new guidelines for holding such event. There were concerns raised in a meeting with an individual from SFU Security such as what the end time is and that there is a long turnaround for applications for security for such events. Tim said there were two different kinds of serving it right certificates, Andrew is going to check if he has the right kind of “serving it right”. There are contacts who have the necessary certification that we can get. Guest mentioned there are a lot of barbecues around that are available. Engineers without borders was suggested, it was also mentioned that we may need to have a sink. There was discussion over what type of food to sell. Nothing was decided upon. 2. CONSTITUTION Sebastian mentioned there was a wording issue in the last amendment of the constitution which implied that the PSSU grants travel and conference funding when, in actuality, it is the SFSS. 3. INCREASING INTEREST IN PSSU There was discussion over how interest in the PSSU could be increased. It was determined that we would send a final email after the last meeting to explain what we have done during the summer to the pol majors-minors list. It was suggested we maintain regular emails and avoid the use of attachments. 4. DEPARTMENT QUESTIOANRE The old list of questions appears to be lost forever. There was some general agreement that email list should be used for the departmental survey. How effective is your undergraduate studies advisor? (1-10 + comments) A question regarding how easy it is to obtain reference letters/form bonds with teachers? Discussion of what type of professors this question should be geared towards... How effective do you think that professor and TA feedback forms are? What areas of political science do you think need more profs/attention? Do you prefer reserves or custom course ware? Do you prefer to electronic course article things? 5. FUNDING Sebastian/Andrew Let it be resolved that, at the earliest opportunity, the funds be transferred from our semester account to our trust fund. Passed. 6. SIGN FUNDAGE Andrew mentioned that the SFSS is willing to pay for a specific type of sign if we contribute at least 50$ 7. JOURNAL Sebastian explained a number of different systems which could be used to organize the editorial structure of the journal. Meeting Adjourned – 6:45