The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy Advances Volume 10, Issue 1 2010 Article 31 Transactions Costs in Charitable Giving: Evidence from Two Field Experiments Imran Rasul∗ ∗ † Steffen Huck† University College London, University College London, Recommended Citation Imran Rasul and Steffen Huck (2010) “Transactions Costs in Charitable Giving: Evidence from Two Field Experiments,” The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy: Vol. 10: Iss. 1 (Advances), Article 31. Available at: c Copyright 2010 The Berkeley Electronic Press. All rights reserved. Transactions Costs in Charitable Giving: Evidence from Two Field Experiments∗ Imran Rasul and Steffen Huck Abstract In large-scale fundraising campaigns based on direct mailings, typically less than 5% of individuals donate to the charitable cause. We present evidence from two field experiments designed to measure the existence of transaction costs that inhibit charitable giving in such fundraising campaigns, and shed light on the nature of such transaction costs. The experiments are designed in conjunction with the Bavarian State Opera House. The first mail-out experiment was implemented over two stages using a within-subject design. We develop a theoretical framework that makes precise the identifying assumptions under which we can exploit this two-stage design to measure the following structural parameters among potential donors: (i) the share of donors who would make a strictly positive donation in the complete absence of transaction costs and (ii) the probability that a potential donor has sufficiently low transactions costs to make a strictly positive donation. Our results imply response rates to mail-out solicitations would almost double in the complete absence of transaction costs. The second field experiment provides more evidence on the nature of transaction costs. We distinguish between ex ante transaction costs, which prevent the choice problem from being considered and ex post transaction costs, which prevent choices being implemented. We find that the likelihood of a donation being made increases by 26% in response to even a small reduction in ex post transaction costs. KEYWORDS: charitable giving, field experiment, reminders, transaction costs ∗ We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the ESRC and ELSE. We thank the editor, Thomas Buchmueller and two anonymous referees for suggestions that have helped improve the paper. We also thank Stefano DellaVigna, Brendon McConnell, David H. Reiley and seminar participants at MPI Bonn, LBS-Westminster, Munich, Paris, St. Andrews, and Warwick for valuable comments. We thank all those at the Munich Opera House, the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden London, Actori, and Maurice Lausberg for making this project possible. This paper has been screened to ensure no confidential information is revealed. All errors remain our own. Erratum The original citation for this article published on April 6, 2010 was as follows: Rasul, Imran and Huck, Steffen (2010) “Transactions Costs in Charitable Giving: Evidence from Two Field Experiments,” The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy: Vol. 10 : Iss. 1 (Advances), Article 31. DOI: 10.2202/1935-1682.2494 Available at: The citation was corrected on June 9, 2010 as follows: Huck, Steffen and Rasul, Imran (2010) ”Transactions Costs in Charitable Giving: Evidence from Two Field Experiments,” The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy: Vol. 10 : Iss. 1 (Advances), Article 31. DOI: 10.2202/1935-1682.2494 Available at: Rasul and Huck: Transactions Costs in Charitable Giving 4 Lqwurgxfwlrq !" # $%%&' (" $%%)' * + $%%)' ," - $%%./ 0' 1 23 4 5 4 ' 6 23 4 7"" 8" $%%)/9 : 5 ' " : ( ' ' ; ' ' " $ 0 ' 9 - ' + $%%<' => $%%?/ $ ( ' @ # $%%&/ : 4 ' 0 A $%%9' - A $%%</ Published by The Berkeley Electronic Press, 2010 & 1 The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 10 [2010], Iss. 1 (Advances), Art. 31 ; 9?.?' 9??%' ( # $%%%/ - ;" * $%%%' => $%%?/ B C ; $%%<' - D $%%9' > $%%&' E $%%' $%%)/ 4 C ' ' !" # $%%&' * + $%%)' ," - $%%./' + +" - $%%$/' (" $%%)/' + $%%</' ; E $%%F/' ( 0 $%%F' G H $%%?/ = I $%%9' > = $%%<' 7"" 8" $%%)' 0 - $%%?/& 8 ' ' 7 C 7 A 0 " ' & = " ' ( 7 9?)/ " + " 9?)' G $%%F/ : ' * - 9??</ F 2 Rasul and Huck: Transactions Costs in Charitable Giving ' ' ' J K' C '%%% C = " A " ' ' 8 " " 1 23 6 23 5 " ' < ) " ' & F : ' F< 5 , ' ' J K ' C $'%%% 8 ' ' Published by The Berkeley Electronic Press, 2010 3 The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 10 [2010], Iss. 1 (Advances), Art. 31 8 4' ' 8 $< 8 " " ' : ' " L ' " 4 A ' "' A A - , + 5 Wkh Uhplqghu H{shulphqw 514 Ghvljq ' " " @ $%%< 7 A 4 '%%% C ' JAM" M AM"KF CK F ; ' ," - $%%./ : < 4 Rasul and Huck: Transactions Costs in Charitable Giving , C ' K " ' - - <%'%%% " ' Frqwuro= Ohdg Grqru= ! "#$### % $ A " 8 1 ' C N " O ( ' ; < C " : 7 A K C " < ; Published by The Berkeley Electronic Press, 2010 ) 5 The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 10 [2010], Iss. 1 (Advances), Art. 31 Table 1: The Design of the Reminder Experiment Phase One Treatment Reminder Control Lead Donor Control-Reminder Lead donor-Reminder (1430) (1431) Control-No Reminder Lead donor-No Reminder (715) (720) Phase Two Treatment No Reminder Notes: The numbers in parentheses are the number of recipients in each treatment combination. Only non-donors to the original mail-out treatment in phase one are treated in phase two. There are around 250 individuals that donated in the original phase one treatments. 6 Rasul and Huck: Transactions Costs in Charitable Giving 9 ' "' , " ' ; ' 4 "' ? - ; ! ! ' ' ; " ' ' ' ; ' $ - K ' " # 4 ' : ' " 5 C 4 ; ' <& " " F%% , 4 ' " : , " ' Published by The Berkeley Electronic Press, 2010 . 7 The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 10 [2010], Iss. 1 (Advances), Art. 31 Table 2: Random Assignment of Recipients into Treatments, by Experimental Phase Mean, standard error in parentheses P-value on test of equality of means with control group in box brackets Treatment Description Phase One: Control Phase One: Lead donor Phase Two: Control Phase Two: Reminder Number of Tickets Number of Average Value of Total Value of All Munich Year of Last Number of Female Bought in Last 12 Ticket Orders in Tickets Bought in Tickets Bought in Resident Ticket Purchase Recipients [Yes=1] Months Last 12 Months Last 12 Months Last 12 Months [Yes=1] [2006=1] 3787 3770 4253 8470 .466 6.30 2.23 86.6 416 .416 .565 (.008) (.178) (.047) (.666) (7.88) (.008) (.008) .478 6.27 2.22 86.3 423 .416 .574 (.008) (.153) (.046) (.650) (7.73) (.008) (.008) [.269] [.906] [.838] [.687] [.541] [.980] [.420] .479 6.11 2.19 86.1 406 .418 .555 (.008) (.145) (.045) (.615) (6.80) (.008) (.008) .470 6.19 2.20 85.7 415 .426 .568 (.005) (.094) (.032) (.432) (5.62) (.005) (.005) [.341] [.623] [.847] [.589] [.313] [.394] [.160] Notes: The tests of equality are based on an OLS regression allowing for robust standard errors. The "year of first entry" is the year in which the respondent is first recorded to have bought an opera ticket. All monetary amounts are in Euros. 8 Rasul and Huck: Transactions Costs in Charitable Giving C 4 K ) ( ' P ' C ' , C " " . 515 Frqfhswxdo Iudphzrun : ," - $%%?/ 4 " 4 ' ' ' ' P ' f' C' j , K 4 ' xf> j C f j |> f> j > f> j 293 4 , " C 8 " ) ' ;9 , ' ' ' . C ' C ' ' ' + +" - $%%$' > $%%&' ; $%%<' - + $%%./ Published by The Berkeley Electronic Press, 2010 ? 9 The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 10 [2010], Iss. 1 (Advances), Art. 31 ' ' ' ' " ; B' ' + $%%9/ , " # ' 5 5 " ' 8 ' ,' v ' w 5 ' s t ' v w ' s vw> 2$3 t v ww> , s ' 10 Rasul and Huck: Transactions Costs in Charitable Giving t ' 7 1 23 v6 ' 23 5 " ' w' ' v s2 > st 2&3 w st = s 2F3 8 (' C ( ' C B : f j " ' v C B (' 7"" 8" $%%)/ A ' ' ; ' ' " C B > $%%&' ; $%%</ , Published by The Berkeley Electronic Press, 2010 99 11 The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 10 [2010], Iss. 1 (Advances), Art. 31 ' ( ' " C' t A s ' ' " , ' G I - 516 Uhvxowv G 9 $ & - &) & ' &' : ' G ' 4 )F& 9&$ : ," - $%%./ ' ? ? ; ," - $%%./ Q : ," - $%%./ ' ' '$ 12 Rasul and Huck: Transactions Costs in Charitable Giving Table 3: Outcomes for the Reminder Experiment 017 Mean, standard error in parentheses P-values on tests of equalities with comparison group in box brackets Phase Two Treatments Phase One Treatment Row Comparison Group Column: Control Group Lead Donor (1) (2) Row (1) = Row (2) Phase One Treatments Control (No Reminder) Response Rate Mean Donation Response Rate Mean Donation Response Rate Mean Donation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) .037 037 74 3 74.3 0 - .017 017 63 8 63.8 (.003) (6.19) (.003) (10.4) .035 132 .015 96.6 (.003) (14.3) (.003) (12.5) [.564] [.000] [.765] [.049] 0 - Reminder Notes: All monetary amounts are measured in Euros. The tests of equality in box brackets are based on a mean comparison t-test against a two sided alternative hypothesis. The final row shows the p-value on a Mann Whitney test of the hypothesis that the two samples are from populations with the same distribution.Mean donations are conditional on giving. Published by The Berkeley Electronic Press, 2010 13 The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 10 [2010], Iss. 1 (Advances), Art. 31 G G & F ' 4 " : ' G < G - 9) 9 + - 9& G ' 9) + 99 9& ( (' ' 4 : ' ' ' ' " j A ' ' , ' 8 B A ' G - + - : K B C > $%%&' ; $%%</' C B C B 14 Rasul and Huck: Transactions Costs in Charitable Giving ' P23 ' ' 23 " ; ' 9F ' )F& <&.' $) ' 9&$ ?<< , C B' ' C' C ,' ' (' ( G - 2+ - 3 ' $)F) 29)3 , )?$$ .F)% ' %?& ; ' ' ' " , 4 8 1 23 ' v6 ' 23 5 ' w = Published by The Berkeley Electronic Press, 2010 9F 15 The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 10 [2010], Iss. 1 (Advances), Art. 31 ' vfrqwuro = wfrqwuro => 23 vohdg grqru = wohdg grqru == " 0 ' ' < ) ' ' C A ' P F& F<P 5 " , ' 0 ' v w ' j ( ' " ' 9% ' %'%3' R%S' 2%'3 G - + - 99 = ' wj &$ &' w j ( ' G - wj 4' + - : ' C wj j " ' 9% ( ' I + ,' : +f > j , 4 ' x+f > j , ' " w+j , @ I +x+f > j ,, : w+j , j 99 ' ' B 16 Rasul and Huck: Transactions Costs in Charitable Giving ; 4 ,' ' : ' " ' "' " ' ,' 6 614 Wkh Wudqvdfwlrq Frvw H{shulphqw Ghvljq # ' A' $%%. $'%%% ' 4 # ' 9'%%% C9$ & 9$ T ' $%%)' 9'%%% <%'%%% ; * + $%%)/ ' ; ; $%%</' 5 L B Published by The Berkeley Electronic Press, 2010 9< 17 The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 10 [2010], Iss. 1 (Advances), Art. 31 ; ' : A' K " " I " ' ' N7 G O ; " 8 (' " " 7 # ' " 9& A ' " - <'$%% ; " 9& ( " ' ' ' A 18 Rasul and Huck: Transactions Costs in Charitable Giving 615 Uhvxowv F (' ' : $) ' ' C ?%9F (' A ' : ' " K ' 5 ; " " ! " => $%%?/ A ' ' $) &F ' ' 4' , $< ' " " ' ' j 8 " 9F (' A ' A C Published by The Berkeley Electronic Press, 2010 9. 19 The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 10 [2010], Iss. 1 (Advances), Art. 31 Table 4: Outcomes for the Transaction Costs Field Experiment Mean, standard error in parentheses P-values on tests of equalities with comparison group in box brackets Treatment Row Comparison Group Column: Control Group Marked Letter (Ex ante TC) (1) (2) Row (1) = Row (2) Filled form (Ex post TC) (3) Row (1) = Row (3) Marked Letter (Ex ante TC) and (4) Filled form (Ex post TC) Row (3) = Row (4) Response Rate Mean Donation (1) (2) .027 90.8 (.002) (8.21) .026 96.7 (.002) (12.1) [.593] [.683] .034 87.1 (.002) (7.08) [.034] [.733] .031 76.9 (.002) (4.80) [.489] [.234] Notes: All monetary amounts are measured in Euros. The tests of equality in box brackets are based on a mean comparison t-test against a two sided alternative hypothesis. Mean donations are conditional on giving. 20 Rasul and Huck: Transactions Costs in Charitable Giving "' " 8" $%%&/ ' ' ' 7 Glvfxvvlrq 8 " ' : ' 0 A $%%9' G $%%&/9 9 P ' Published by The Berkeley Electronic Press, 2010 9? 21 The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 10 [2010], Iss. 1 (Advances), Art. 31 ' C - , 2-,3 G # ' + : ' C ; '%%% -, - " (' C A $ " : + ' ' s t' 99 & vURK =' 5 wURK = , + " C 0 C' + " : + 0 ' 4 9< ; ' 5 ; ' P 9< 8 0 + + " ' + ' "$% 22 Rasul and Huck: Transactions Costs in Charitable Giving , ' ' 9) (' P P K C ," - $%%./ * + $%%)/ A ' ' P " P ( ' 8 ' ' " T 9) : 4 ; 4 = ' 4 A H $%%?/ Published by The Berkeley Electronic Press, 2010 $9 23 The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 10 [2010], Iss. 1 (Advances), Art. 31 Table A1: Random Assignment to Treatments Across Phases Robust standard errors in parentheses Ordered Probit Phase One Treatment: Lead Donor Observations Bivariate Probit: Reminder Treatment Assignment Reminder Treatment Assignment R1 R2 -.003 .001 -.000 (.027) (.009) (.012) 21225 21225 21225 Notes: *** denotes significance at 1%, ** at 5%, and * at 10%. Robust standard errors estimated throughout, and marginal effects are reported for the bivariate probit regressions. The reminder treatments are as follows -- R1: No Reminder; R2: Reminder. The reference category is the individual being originally assigned to the Control group for the phase one treatment. 24 Rasul and Huck: Transactions Costs in Charitable Giving Appendix: The First Field Experiment: Mail-Out Letter (Translated) Bayerische Staatsoper Staatsintendant Max-Joseph-Platz 2, D-80539 München [ADDRESS OF RECIPIENT] Dear [RECIPIENT], The Bavarian State Opera House has been investing in the musical education of children and youths for several years now as the operatic the art form is in increasing danger of disappearing from the cultural memory of future generations. Enthusiasm for music and opera is awakened in many different ways in our children and youth programme, “Erlebnis Oper” [Experience Opera]. In the forthcoming season 2006/7 we will enlarge the scope of this programme through a new project “Stück für Stück” that specifically invites children from schools in socially disadvantaged areas to a playful introduction into the world of opera. Since we have extremely limited own funds for this project, the school children will only be able to experience the value of opera with the help of private donations. [This paragraph describes each matching scheme and is experimentally varied as described in the main text of the paper]. As a thank you we will give away a pair of opera tickets for Engelbert Humperdinck’s “Konigskinder” on Wednesday, 12 July 2006 in the music director’s box as well as fifty CDs signed by Maestro Zubin Mehta among all donors. You can find all further information in the enclosed material. In case of any questions please give our Development team a ring on [phone number]. I would be very pleased if we could enable the project “Stück für Stück” through this appeal and, thus, make sure that the operatic experience is preserved for younger generations. With many thanks for your support and best wishes, Sir Peter Jonas, Staatsintendant Published by The Berkeley Electronic Press, 2010 25 The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 10 [2010], Iss. 1 (Advances), Art. 31 Appendix: The First Field Experiment: Mail-Out Letter (Translated) “Stück für Stück” The project “Stück für Stück” has been developed specifically for school children from socially disadvantaged areas. Musical education serves many different functions in particular for children and youths with difficult backgrounds -- it strengthens social competence and own personality, improves children’s willingness to perform, and reduces social inequality. Since music education plays a lesser and lesser role in home and school education, the Bavarian State Opera has taken it on to contribute to it ourselves. The world of opera as a place of fascination is made attainable and accessible for young people. In drama and music workshops, “Stück für Stück” will give insights into the world of opera for groups of around 30 children. They will be intensively and creatively prepared for a subsequent visit of an opera performance. These workshops encourage sensual perception – through ear and eye but also through scenic and physical play and intellectual comprehension – all of these are important elements for the workshops. How does Orpheus in “Orphee and Eurydice” manage to persuade the gods to let him save his wife from the realm of dead? Why does he fail? Why poses the opera “Cosi fan tutte” that girls can never be faithful? It is questions like these that are investigated on the workshops. The workshops are also made special through the large number and variety of people who are involved in them: musicians, singers, directors, and people from many other departments, ranging from costumes and makeup to marketing. The participants in each workshop work through an opera’s storyline, and are introduced to the production and will meet singers in their costumes as well as musicians. This makes the workshops authentic. After the workshops the participants are invited to see the actual opera production. Through your donation the project “Stück für Stück” will be made financially viable so that we can charge only a small symbolic fee to the participants. This makes it possible to offer our children and youth programme also to children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds that can, thus, learn about the fascination of opera. Note: In German, Stück für Stück is a wordplay --- “Stück” meaning “play” as in drama and “Stück für Stück” being an expression for doing something bit by bit. 26 Rasul and Huck: Transactions Costs in Charitable Giving Appendix: The Second Field Experiment: Mail-Out Letter (Translated) Bayerische Staatsoper Staatsintendant Max-Joseph-Platz 2, D-80539 München [ADDRESS OF RECIPIENT] Dear [RECIPIENT], Some weeks ago you heard from us about our fundraising call for the project Stück für Stück that forms part of the children and youth programme of the Bavarian State Opera. As this call has expired now I am happy to inform you that we received many generous donations, that supported the project [in the reminder with information treatment (which we do not use for our analysis) it was also stated that over 150,000 euros had been raised]. Next to our artistic endeavour, cultural heritage, education, and the fostering of creativity are a key part of the Bavarian State Opera's social responsibilities. Given this background and the success of our fundraising call so far, we would like to give you another opportunity to donate and invite you to support Stück für Stück also in the coming weeks. Please transfer your donation (for which you will receive a tax receipt) to our account: Recipient: STOK Bayern, BuSt. München Bank: Bayerische Landesbank Girozentrale Sort code: 700 500 00 Account number.: 24592 Reference: „Kapitel 1581, Titel 28201 Kinder-/Jugendprogramm“ For donations from abroad: BIC: BYLADEMM IBAN-Nr.: DE36700500000000024592 USt-ID-Nr.: DE 814173346 If you have any queries please call our Development team at 089-2185-1106 any time. I would be glad if you could help to support Stück für Stück for school children from deprived background to introduce them to the world of opera. Many thanks for your help and best wishes, Dr. Ulrike Hessler Published by The Berkeley Electronic Press, 2010 27 The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 10 [2010], Iss. 1 (Advances), Art. 31 The Second Field Experiment: Reducing Ex Ante Transaction Costs The Second Field Experiment: Reducing Ex Post Transaction Costs 28 Rasul and Huck: Transactions Costs in Charitable Giving Uhihuhqfhv 9/ dnhuori1j1d dqg u1h1nudqwrq 2$%%%3 N! : O' ' ( & 991 )9& $/ dqguhrql1m 29?.?3 N# : ;1 ; G - !B O' ( ) & ?)1 9FF) . &/ dqguhrql1m 29??%3 N: ; = E #1 ; 8# # O' & ( 9%%1 F<F)) F/ dqguhrql1m 2$%%<3 N+ # G ( - O' ( ) & .1 9$$ / dqguhrql1m dqg u1shwulh 2$%%F3 NE # ! 8 G 1 ; # : ( - O' ( ) & * ..1 9<%$& </ ehnnhuv1u dqg s1zlhsnlqj 2$%%)3 # E 1 ; + -' ' T T )/ fkrl1m1m/ g1odlevrq/ e1f1pdguldq dqg d1phwulfn 2$%%&3 N =O' & +, ) ) ?&1 9.% 9. ./ fkxufk1w1u/ p1z1|hd}ho/ u1p1mrqhv/ o1n1nrfkhydu/ j1g1zdww/ v1m1prqjlq/ m1h1frughv/ dqg g1hqjhokdug 2$%%F3 N; - 4 = 0 ( 7 : G G A O' ( - . ?<1 ))%.% ?/ furvrq1u dqg m1}kdqj 2$%%?3 ( ! G G 1 : A : L > E E #' ' & ( 9%/ ghoodyljqd1v/ m1d1olvw/ dqg x1pdophqglhu 2$%%?3 ; A E G # ' ' TG 7" Published by The Berkeley Electronic Press, 2010 $$ 29 The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 10 [2010], Iss. 1 (Advances), Art. 31 99/ gldprqg1z dqg v1qreoh 2$%%93 N= - G A O' ( , / 91 $9$ 9$/ hfnho1f dqg s1jurvvpdq 2$%%&3 N- > 0 1 = , 8 A4 G G 0UO' ( ) & * .)1 <.9)%9 9&/ idon1d 2$%%)3 N#! (O' & )1 9%99$ 9F/ ihku1h dqg v1jdhfkwhu 2$%%%3 N( - V ! -O' ( & ), 9F1 9?.9 9/ ilvfkkrii1e dqg u1eh|wk 29?)3 N: * 8 , 1 - E O' 01 2, ) 9&1 99< 9</ iuh|1e1v dqg v1phlhu 2$%%F3 NA G E 7 1 JG G K ( ! O' * & +, ?F1 9)9)$$ 9)/ kxfn1v dqg l1udvxo 2$%%.3 G G ( A1 ! ( I ( ! ' ' T G + 9./ kxfn1v dqg l1udvxo 2$%%?3 G (1 E G > G #' ' T G + 9?/ mrkqvrq1h1m dqg g1j1jrogvwhlq 2$%%&3 N= = A +UO' &%$1 9&&.? $%/ nduodq1g dqg m1d1olvw 2$%%)3 N= E 0 G # U ! +A I ( ! O' & +, ?)1 9))F?& $9/ nrr1p1p dqg w1h1urkdq 29??<3 N ; I - + - -O' & )1 $9<$& 30 Rasul and Huck: Transactions Costs in Charitable Giving $$/ odlevrq1g 2$%%93 N; G G O' ' ( & 99<1 .999? $&/ odqgu|1f/ d1odqjh/ m1d1olvw/ p1n1sulfh/ dqg q1uxss 2$%%<3 N T ! G1 ! ( ! O' ' ( & 9$91 )F).$ $F/ olqvn|1d1v 29?)3 NA - 0 Q 1 ; -O ) 0 ' &?1 .$9%9 $/ olvw1m1d dqg g1oxfnlqj0uhloh| 2$%%$3 N ! A 0 - G # 1 ! ! T G G O' ( ) & 99%1 $9&& $</ pdguldq1e1f dqg g1i1vkhd 2$%%93 N E A 1 : F%92"3 E A 7O' ' ( & * 99<1 99F?.) $)/ phhu1m dqg k1v1urvhq 2$%%?3 ;7G G A ' I7!- 8" E 9%&) $./ srwwhuv1m/ p1vhiwrq/ dqg o1yhvwhuoxqg 2$%%3 N; DV ! AB > G #O' ( ) & .?1 9&??F9? $?/ srwwhuv1m/ p1vhiwrq/ dqg o1yhvwhuoxqg +$%%)3 N+ A > G #1 ; ! AO' & &&1 9<?.$ &%/ urpdqr1u dqg k1|loglulp 2$%%93 N8 G ; = 1 ; E EO' ( ) & .91 F$&F) &9/ urqghdx1g dqg m1d1olvw 2$%%.3 N0 G # G 1 ! + I ( ! O' &* & 991 $&.9 Published by The Berkeley Electronic Press, 2010 $F 31 The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 10 [2010], Iss. 1 (Advances), Art. 31 &$/ uxelqvwhlq1d dqg |1vdodqw 2$%%<3 N; 0 G +O' & 91 &9) &&/ vlhj1k dqg m1}kdqj 2$%%?3 ! E 7 ( ' ' G 0 T &F/ ydq glhshq1p/ e1grqnhuv/ dqg s1k1iudqvhv 2$%%<3 N= G ! = 0 O' ' ! : 0 &/ yhvwhuoxqg1o 2$%%&3 N : > AB ( O' ( ) & .)1 <$)) &</ zduzlfn1p 2$%%&3 $ $ 3$ 4$ 56 + / / 7 8 / ' @7$ 32