1. To move forward: tab or page down RISK ASSESSMENT FORM USE OF X-RAY EQUIPMENT DEPARTMENT / UNIT CMMP Physics & Astronomy To move back: shift + tab or page up BUILDING Physics and Astronomy PERSONS INVOLVED CMMP permitted workers - on authorised users list PROCEDURE(S) COVERED BY THIS ASSESSMENT Use of X-ray diffractometers in F10E. Sets are serviced annually by Panalytical and Rigaku Could an alternative technique be used which involves less or no radiation? NO Could a lower energy exposure be used? NO Will any aspect of the work be carried out in a Controlled Area? NO room no If YES please give details including equipment, energy, current-time product, radiation output per unit current-time product at a specified distance, procedures: Make an assessment of the risks: LOW The assessment of risks to personnel arising from ionising radiations should be based on the potential for dose before controls are put in place. This section may be used to explain the nature of the risks: X-ray generators are used to perform X-ray diffraction Will any aspect of the work be carried out in a Supervised Area? YES room no F10 If YES please give details including, equipment, energy, current-time product, radiation output per unit current-time product at a specified distance, procedures: Panalytical XPert and Rigaku Smartlab operating at up to 50kV Make an assessment of the risks arising from the work: This section may be used to explain the nature of the risk: YES Low Risk: X-ray generators are used to perform X-ray diffraction experiments CONTROL MEASURES Consider, in turn, each component of the radiation work and the Controls applicable to it, ticking any relevant Control box. Where necessary please indicate other measures you have implemented to control the risks arising from the work, in the space provided. The higher the risk the more stringent the Control measure. COMPLIANCE to ensure adequate equipment and facilities the College Co-ordinator for Ionising Radiations (ext. 46655) has been notified of this X-ray equipment by the department/unit the equipment meets the requirements of regs 31 & 32 IRR 1999 the equipment complies with the conditions of the generic authorisation the equipment has an identification number or distinguishing mark the supplier is reputable, e.g. has a quality standard other control: Annual Service by Panalytical and Rigaku THE ROOM OR ENCLOSURE as a means of minimising dose from unintended exposure the following are implemented: the room / enclosure is adequately shielded the room / enclosure access is fitted with an interlock an emergency stop button is provided and clearly positioned within the room the entrance to the room / enclosure is fitted with a warning sign other control: X-ray equipment 1 LR24A THE EQUIPMENT indicate which of the following will be used to minimise exposure: the equipment is operated by a trapped key system – to prevent accidental emission the equipment is fitted with a means of locking off - to prevent uncontrolled use the equipment is fitted with a safety device e.g. interlock, which will ensure that an exposure; a) cannot commence whilst any access door is open b) is interrupted if the access door is opened c) does not recommence merely on closing the access door the equipment is checked for radiation safety at least every 12 months, and always after repair or modification, by a competent person other control: PERSONNEL with regard to the people who may come into contact with the closed source: those undertaking the work are authorised radiation workers those undertaking the work are sufficiently trained the work poses no risk to those who may be/are pregnant maintenance workers and cleaners enter the room under ‘permit - to - work’ the work poses no risk to non radiation workers or other members of the public other control: We keep a list of designated workers WORK AREA to minimise exposure to non radiation workers, the work area will make use of: delineated area / segregated from other work fixed or mobile shielding interlocks to prevent access to source room whilst X-rays are being emitted other control: Combination entry to F10E - only CMMP permit holders MONITORING AND PERSONAL DOSIMETRY as a means of detecting exposure the following are used: film badges TLDs stray radiation is monitored annually by Panalytical other control: DISPOSAL indicate which of the following disposal routes will be used via the UCL Cleaning & Waste Service via an Authorised Contractor state contact details Panalytical, Rigaku other control: X-ray equipment 2 LR24A DECLARATION I the undersigned have assessed the activity and the associated risks and (delete as applicable) declare that there is no significant risk/the risk will be controlled by the method(s) listed above. Those participating in the work have read the assessment. The work will be reassessed whenever there is significant change and at least annually. NAME OF SUPERVISOR Neal Skipper DATE: 1 October 2015 SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR REVIEW DATE: 1/10/16