Regional Radiocommunication Conference Information session Results of the second synthesis of the draft Plan Pham Nhu Hai PXT Team Leader Radiocommunication Bureau Second synthesis and beyond.. Main features of the synthesis programs Second synthesis – Input data – results Conclusions RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland RRC-06 DA VINCI CODE Maximise assigned requirements/spectrum available Unbiased – it does not know – Source of requirement – Types of requirement • Allotment or assignment • Single or linked set of requirements • DVB-T or T-DAB (Band III) RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland The production of the draft Plan Draft Plan (Case 1) – RRC-04 decisions – ATV & OPS included 3 study cases (WPIPG) – ATV only (Case 2) – OPS only (Case 3) – Neither ATV nor OPS (Case 4) RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland Input data (COM 5/1) Digital requirements Reference situation – ATV – OPS Administrative declarations RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland Digital requirements Reference date: 31 October 2005 109 Member States and one observer (the Palestine Authority) submitted The remaining 10 – AGL asked to convert ATV – ISL and SEY request NOT to generate – GNE,LBR,MWI,RRW,SOM,SRL and STP – PXT generated following advice of WPIPG RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland Total requirements 2658 7172 DT1 DT2 DS1 DS2 21948 40565 RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland Requirements – Band III DS1 8000 6000 4000 DT1 DT2 DS2 2000 0 Notice type RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland Requirements – Band IV & V 40000 DT1 30000 20000 DT2 10000 0 Notice type RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland Analogue TV - Total 100000 80000 60000 Eligible Included 40000 20000 0 ATV Eligible 93984 Included 18687 RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland Analogue TV break-down 80000 60000 40000 Eligible Included 20000 0 ST61 GE89 RCC Eligible 71597 12519 9484 Included 7528 10672 115 MIFR RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland Other primary services - Total 10000 8000 6000 Eligible Included 4000 2000 0 OPS Eligible 9767 Included 8020 RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland OPS break-down 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Included ARS BEL CTI F G GEO IRN ISR JOR KGZ RUS TJK UAE UZB RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland Administrative declarations 5000000 4000000 3000000 2000000 1000000 0 Additional Total Used Missing First second 3855918 Additional Total 1355812 4967444 Used 982421 1157223 Missing 222584 RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland AD files and statistics ADM Validation Results Add Consolidated file ** Total Date of posting 1 AFS AFS_AD_add_VAL.zi p 126068 AFS_AD_merge 126068 27.03.06 2 ALB ALB_AD_add_VAL.zi p 7 ALB_AD_merge 3811 27.03.06 All details can be found at RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland Band III – second synthesis 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 T-DAB DVB-T Total 9830 7550 Both 5353 4056 ATV 5365 4073 OPS 6692 4622 None 6673 4629 Total Both ATV OPS None RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland Does the synthesis favour T-DAB? Bandwidth: T-DAB < DVB-T Protection criteria: T-DAB < DVB-T >> Fewer incompatibilities Synthesis does not know the type of requirement >> statistically better chance of getting a frequency! >> results shown in some areas RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland Band IV and V - Results 60000 40000 20000 0 First Second Total 55849 55849 Both 32937 38090 ATV 33189 38317 OPS 36899 42629 None 37099 42823 Total Both ATV OPS None RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland Band IV&V – PE/DP1/DP2 in % 100 80 PE First Second 60 40 20 0 PE First Second 1 Both 2 ATV 3 OPS 4 None 43.2 45.3 59 61.5 59 59.4 66.1 66.4 68.2 68.6 76.3 76.7 RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland Band III – Case 1 & 4 120 No of adm 100 80 Case 1 Case 4 60 40 20 0 >40 >50 >60 >70 >80 >90 % requirements satisfied RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland Band IV/V – Case 1 & 4 120 No of adm 100 80 Case 1 Case 4 60 40 20 0 >40 >50 >60 >70 >80 >90 % requirements satisfied RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland CNG 2 – Band IV/V TGO TCD STP SRL SEN NIG NGR MTN MLI LBR GUI GNE GNB GM GHA GAB CTI CPV COG CME CAF BFA BEN Case 4 Case 3 Case 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland CNG 3 – Band IV/V ZWE ZMB UGA TZA SWZ SDN RRW NMB MWI MOZ MDG MAU LSO KEN ETH COM COD BOT BDI AGL AFS Case 4 Case 3 Case 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland CNG 4 – Band IV/V UAE QAT OMA Case 4 KWT Case 3 IRQ Case 1 IRN BHR ARS 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland CNG 5 – Band IV/V UZB TKM TJK RUS Case 4 KGZ Case 3 KAZ Case 1 GEO AZE ARM 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland CNG 6&7 – Band IV/V SYR PSE LBY LBN JOR Case 4 ISR Case 3 EGY Case 1 CYP YEM SOM ERI DJI 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland Initial target used for synthesis First planning exercise – Administrations with no requirements satisfied IPG-1 and WP-IPG to – firstly determine a nominal maximum equal number – Normal synthesis continues RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland PXT considerations The use of a large target number for the synthesis process may result in – distorted distribution of assigned requirements for small geographical areas that include a number of administrations of significantly different geographical sizes. – The higher the target number the lower the overall number of satisfied requirements. RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland PXT considerations While a number between one to 21 could arbitrarily be used, it is difficult to justify with sound reasons why any such number is the most suitable, because of the differences in the planning configuration used by different administrations. The higher a number that is used the more potential for distortion of the distribution of assigned requirements. RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland PXT recommendation The use of one as a target number, in order to avoid the situation where administrations may receive no assigned requirement, is recommended before the synthesis software continues to assign channels in an anonymous and maximising manner as originally designed. RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland Conclusions Results are getting better! More requirements satisfied Band III still a challenge! Impact of ATV on the overall results is significant Impact of OPS on the overall results is not significant RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland Conclusions (..) Computers will NOT bring results!!! You and only You will…. Coordination and negotiation do not end at RRC-06 RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland Thanks for your attention GOOD LUCK TO US ALL! RRC-06 Information session 15 May 2006 Geneva Switzerland