Second Inwma!iml Coufemnce "%pica1 Climafoto~Me8clcomlom mid H~mIogy" Procacdingsedited by G.D e m d e , M. DCDapper. J. Alurandre pp. 2740 (2004) ? $ L 1 , i ' Preliminary Results of a Reduced-gravity Mode1 of the Wind-induced Oscillations of the Thermocline in Lake Tanganyika Jaya N m * ,Eric D E L E B R S ~ W * , Pierre-Denis PUSERER **, *** & S6bastien LERAND*. ***' t i - Lake Tanganyika ; Therm~cliie;Internal Sdche ; Reduced- Kaywoms. gravity Model. S m w . - A two-dimensional, reducd-pvity m d e l is established to study the wind-induced oscillations of the thermocline of Lake Tanganyika. An analytical solution is obtained for a sirapIified, one-dimensional, linearized set of equations, which suggests that the first mode of oscillation - exhibiting one node only should be dominant. The sensitivity to the wind stress, the stratification and the unperhubed thermoche depth of the amplitude and period of the linear solution is analysed. Numerical soIutions of the complete, non I'>near, two-dimensional reduced-pvity model are compared cursorily with fieId data and are seen lo exhibit properties that are rather similar to those of the idealized, ondmensional model. - t - 1. Introduction Lake Tanganyika is one of the deepest freshwater lakes in the world with a maximum depth of about 1,470 m. The lake is situated from * M t u t d9Ash-onomiect de Wopbysiqut G.Lemdtrc, Universitt Catholicpc de LouMin, 2 Chemin du Cyclotron,B-1348 Louvaio-la-Neuve (Belgmm). ** Geology and Minera1og)r Deparbnent, Royal Museum for Cenhal Africa, 13 Leuvensesteenweg, B-3080,Tenwren (Belgium). *** Lahratoire d'Ecologie des E a u Deuces, FacuI& Universitaires NotsefDame dc la Paix, 61 rue de BruxeIlan, B-5000Namur (Belgium). **** *Centre for Systems Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Uniwit6 Catholique de Lourain, 4 Avenue G.Lemaitre, B-1348Lonvain-la-Neuvt (Belgium). THE WIND-INDUCED OSCULATIONS OF l733 THERM- 29 siond model of the lake hydrodynamics and ecology. The hrst stage of this undmhking is concerned with the study of one of the most striking features of the lake hydrodynamics, i.e. the tiIting of themocline occurring during the dry season and the associated Iarge-amplitude internal seiches (COULER& S H G1991, ~ CHT-WA 1999, PWs~rnet al. 1999,PLENER& C O E2001). ~ These phenomena, which are believed to be induced by the wind forcing, are studied herein by means of a reducedgravity model. In the next section, the equations and the surface forcing of the reduced-gravity model are established. Then, this model is simplified to a one-dimensional, hear model, of which an analytical solution is derived and anaIysed. FinalIy, numerical results of the complete reducedgravity model a ~ eobtained, and compared cursorily with field data and one-dimensional,analytical solutions. W'E Fig. I. 31% -Map of Lake Tanganyika 3'20' S to 8'45' S, and 29'05' E to 3 1°15' E (fig. 1). On average, its length and width are of the order of 650 h and 50 h, r e e v e l y . The lake is a significant source of food for the countries sharing it, Le. DR Congo, Burundi, Tanzania and Zambia. The region undergoes two main seasons, the &y season and the wet season. The dry season, approximately from May to September, is characterized by smng southeasterly winds,the trade winds, whereas during the wet season the winds are generally naaheastdy and weaker {COULTER & SPIGEL 19911,though same short, strong wind events can occur during this season. For the dty seasons of E N S 0 years. preliminary data suggest that the air temperature is higher and the wind weaker. This seems to cause variability in catches of several species of pelagic fisbes, affecting the economy and the food stock of the neighbouring populations (htsm1997, WSNIER et al. 2000). Furthermore, over recent years, the Iake hydrodynamics has been seen to exhibit variability related to climate change (RJSNIER 1997, 2000). Understanding the Iake hydrodynamics and its variability is important for the management of its resources, as well as undemtanding limnologica1comditioils in the framework of paleochtic studies such as the ongoing CLlMLAXCE project (DESCY et al. 2002). h this respect, numerical modelling is an ~ d u a b l tool. e Our objective is to build a zhree-hen- 2. The Reduced-gravity Model Tbe thermocline is present all year round over a large fraction of the lake. This is the main reason why a two-layer mode1 is believed to be a relevant tool for representing the motions of the tbermocline in an idealized manner. In such a model,the prognostic variables related to each layer are assumed to be vertically homogeneous.If the subscripts "l'"and "2" are asscciated with the top and the bottom layer, respectively, h. W and n (i = 1,2)denote, for tbe i-th layer, the unperhubed depth, the component of the horizontal velocity along the x-axis and the component of the horizontal veIocity along the y-axis, x and y being Cartesian horizontal coordinates as tlIustrated in figure 2. Let 11 and f represent the upward displacement of the lake surface and the downward displacement of the thennoclhe, respectively, which is assumed to be impermeable (fig. 3). If the pycnocIine and bottom stresses are neglected,the continuity and horizontal momentum equations read : where t is time ;U,= we, + v~e,is the velocity vector h the i-th layer ; p; and e, are the horizontal unit vectors associated with the X and y coordinate axes, while e, = ex X e, is the vertical unit vector, pointing upward ; f is the Coriolis factor - which is relativeIy small and negative in the domain of interest -and g is the gravitational acceleration 9.8 m sj). (5 In the governing equations above, the vector is the wind W s , which is evaluated by means of the S m & BANKE(1975) pararneterihw, t = p. 10.63 x 10.' + 0.066 X 1D'lv.l) 1v.l v,, (3 where p. (= 1 kg m') is the air density and v. is the wind velocity, expressed in m S ' , The actual height of each water layer is d u a t e d as H,= h) -t1 + E and Hz= hl - E. The dissipative terms are expressed as D,= v (Aflvu,)+ V W v ) (i = 1,2), (6) where R, and A, are the horizontal eddy viscosities, which are taken to be differeat in the X- and y-directions because the ''width" of the lake is much smalIer than its "length". If the constant p, (i = 1,2)represents the water density in the i-th Iayer, the relative density difference e is defined to be E = l c P L , (7) P* The density is computed from the UNESCO (1981) equation of state of the water, in which the salinity is set to zero wide the pressure is assumed to be equd to one amosphere as density variations m mainly due to temperature variations in Lake Tanganyika. Given the range of the avaiIable in sihr tempem&re profiles, E is likely to be smaller than l W. The displacement of the lake surface is assumed to be much smaller than that of the pycnacline. Therefore, by virtue of continuity equations (I) and (31, the layer heights and tmspom satisfy aHllat = aH,lat = -P (fiu,) = V (H2u2). Thus, the order of magnitude of the top Iayer t~ansport,H1ar, is equal to that of the bottom layer, H1u2, implying that the order of magnitude of the left-hand side of momentum equation (2) is equivalent to that of the lefi-hand side of (4). As the thickness of the hypolimnion ranges from about 100 m to over 1,000 m while the depth of the e p i h d o n rarely exceeds 50 to 100 m, the ratio HII Hzis generally much smaller than unity. Therefwe, the contributions to the pressure force prevailing in the hypoZimnon are likely to be the only dominant terms in (4), i.e. -gHzv(q - = 0. By virtue of continuity equations (1) and (31, the lake-averaged values of and 5 must be constants, which are m bottom L @+X Fig. 2. Bathymetry (in metres) of L& Fig. 3. - The main p m e h r s and variables of a two-layer Tanganyika. model of the l&, which upon assuming that h, c< h, pives rise to a d u d - g r a v i ty model. - assumed to be zera in all applications considered below. As a resuIf. the displacement of the lake surface and that of the thermocline satisfy approximateIy the following relation - Substituting (8) into the pressure force in the right-band side of (Z), neglecting relative to 5, dropping the subscripts "l", it is readily seen that the equations governing the dynamics of the epilimnion cm be approximated by .. $+$*4:4> with H = h + 5. The latter equations are similar to those of a one-layer, deptfi-inregrated model, except for the reduction of the gravitational acceleration by the small dimensionless factor E. Hence, they make up a modd usually referred to as "reduced-gravity model". Models of this type have demonstrated their ability to represent the displacement of a pycnocline in many applications. ,k,,$3.* ,p,:>' . J , L - 3. The Linearized, Onedimensional Mode1 According to et al. (2002), a suitable idealized wind forcing is as follows : during the wet season the wind stress is zero,and during the dry season the wind is assumed to blow at a constant velocity from the southern end of the lake toward the northern one. Let Td and denote the duration of the dry season and that of the wet season, respectively, sa that one year is T = + T. Then, if time is prescribed to be zero at the beginning of a dry season, the wind stress can be written as 5 = z,(t)e, with . nature. kl I 1 n+rw I--?- c >, ' O N OFS THE - l x E l I M m 33 Assuming that the t h e m l i n e displacement remains small compared with the thiclmess of the epibnion, neglecting the CorioIis force and the advective part of the acceleration, integrating governing equations (9)(10) over the width of the lake and parameterizing the dissipative terms as Newtonian friction for physical reasons and for the sake of simplicity, as well -, the following linearized, one-dimensional model focused on along-lake variations is obtained : - L A'' ' :, , .>, ~ , where y is the relevant Newzonian friction coefficient At the initial instant the themwline displacement and the veIocity are assumed to be zero.The impermeability of the lake ends requires that the velocity be pregcribed to be zero at any h e at both ends of the lake, i.e. v (t, y = 0) = 0 = v(t, y) = L,where L = 650 km is the length of the lake. The steady-state response of the thennodine to the dry season wind stress PT is a linear function of the distance y to the southenunost end of the lake, with the thermoctine being shallower in the south and deeper in the north, i.e. where pz is a positive commit representing the dry season wind stress, which is to be estimated by means of parameterization (3,howing the order of magnitude of the wind speed ;X is the Heaviside step function, i.e. a function which is equal to 1, lD, or 0,according to whether its argument is > 0,= 0,< 0.The surface forcing (1 1) (fig. 4) is used te obrain all of the results presented herein, be they of an analytical or a numerical wind Ness: tpV) +*4 L THE INDUCED O The associated along-lake velociv is obviously zero. This solution is incompatible with the initial conditions and, hence, cannot set in abruptly. For this reason, a transient regime develops, in which oscillations of the thermocline are superimposed on the steady-state solution. The response to a Heavlsidetype wind forcing s t d n g at t = 0 reads P :d m a b M & y - P= vH(t,y) = 2 V"@ sin(w,t) sin (ka] , nml time r to t-0 l-T with 1-TtG Fig. 4. -Schematic representation of the annual cycIe of the wind stress /I1). ' 4t E. = and €gm2 va=- 4~ mk ' (16) .., EX$ .,l . , -. -i....$$*r.,,.. , e?.:). , . '. ,<".:L , where the damping coefficient, the angular frequency and the wave number of the n-th mode are p = y / 2,W. = (egWI,Z p)'"and k.= (2n 1)nlL,respectively.As the model is hear and the surface wind stress is a sum of Heaviside functions, the adutions of (1I)-(13)may be expressed as a sum of appropriately-delayed responses to a single Heaviside-type forcing, Le. - - r: fr; F,m; : 1 v 9 ! i; r . I The oscillations of the thermoche may be seen as standing waves, of which the n-th mode exhibits 2n - 1 nodes. As E. / E , ' = (2n - I)-l, the arnpIitudesE. of the oscillation modes decrease quickly as n increases, so that only the first mode contributes significantly to the oscillations, as is illustrated in figure 5. In 0th words, the present sirnpIlfied model suggests that the thermmline osciUations are likely to exhibit only one node, in the centre of the lake, and two maxima, at the ends of the lake. W',. r I 1 A .',, .. Furthermore, according to the idealized solution above, the amplitude md period of thermochne oscillations should depend on the wind stress, the density difference -or stratification-and the unperturbed depth of the thermocline as indicated in table 1, and exhibit values of the order of those dispIayed in figure 6.The latter suggests that the period of the oscillations is much less sensitive than the amplitude of the thermoche motions to the variations of the model parameters and forcing, QualitativeilIusmtion of the sensitivity of the ampliiude and period of Ulmoclinc . oscillations to model parameters or forcing, in accordance with the Iinearized, me-dimensionalmodel solution Faiod AmpIitude t Wind velocity : v. t L & Stratification : E T .l Unperturbed depth of the thwmocline : A t L . . . . : ! . I 10 - Fig. 5. The first thee modes (n = 1,2,3) of the thamocline oscinations, as in expressions /l$) and (17). 35 THB m W D U C E D OSCILLATIONS OF THE THWMOCIDE h . / . . . . . * pm-. .I amplitude: 4 = 20 f l I metres .. ..p 20 30 40 amplitude (metres) I 50 60 Fig. 6. -Values of the amplitude E, and period 2 n I W, of the first -and only significant -mode of thermocline oscillations obtained by varying the wind velacity v, the relative density difference E and the unperturbed depth of the W r m ~ : I i n he in the intervals 3 5 v. 5 7 (m a-'), 0.5 X l@'5 E e 1I[r and 30 s h 5 70 (m),which rue believed to represent the mge of the admissiblevalues of these p m e t e r s . The damping coeficient p i s set to 2 year.', a value which has a minor impact on the amplitude and period of h oscillations but seems te be ~ppropriatein view of the numerical results discussed below. The mean and standard deviation of amplitude E, md period 2 a l w, are indicated. - THE WINI]-INDUCEDOSCLUTIONS OF THE THEKMdCLTNE 4, NnmerieaI Results from the Complete Reduced-gravityModel I.. Eg.7. -Evolution dmhg the second year of simuIation of the downwad d q b mmt of the thermache at the northern (solid curve) and southern (dashed curve) ends of the lake, as evaluated by means of the complete, seduced-gravitymodel. The unperturbed depth ofthe thermoche, the dry season duration, the wind spead, and the relative density d i m c e are h = 50 m. X, = 4 months, v. = 5 m s',and E = 6.3 x 10-1.respectively. (BAWO 1998)is implemented, consisting in setting to zero the water fluxes crossing the boundaries of every grid box in which the actual water coIumn depth wouId become after one-time step - smaIler than a critical value, which is taken to be 5 ni herein. A series of numerical experiments is conducted, with different values of the model parameters, the results of which are in agreement with table 1. A detailed discussion of this work may be found in NAIM et al. (20021, along with an in-depth comparison with €heavailable field data, which includes the identification of the main timescales of the themocline displacement by means of wavelet analysis. 7)pical numerical results are displayed in figure 7. The latter is qualitatively and - to a large extent -quantitatively similar to the analytical solution of the hear model presented in figure 8, indicating the relevance of the analytical solution (18). The tilting of the rhermocline induced by the dry season wind stress -from day 1 to day 120 in figures 7 and 8 -, and the oscillations of the thermdine may be found in all availabIe field data, as may be seen in, for instance, COULTER & SPIGEL (1 99 1). NAITHANI et al. (2002) - The equations (9)-(10)of the complete reduced-gravity model are discretized on an Plrakawa C-grid,and solved by means of a finite-volume scheme including a forward-backwud time stepping similar to that described h BECK ER^ & DEL~~RSNUDER (1993).The "width" of the lake being much smaller than its "length",the grid size in the X-directionis set to be smaller than that associated with the y-direction, Le. Ax = 3 h and Ay = I0 km. To ensure numerical stability, the time increment At must be such as that (BECKERS &DELEERS~ 1993). ER It is readily seen that setting At = 5 minutes is appropriate for most relevant values of the model parameters. For numerical reasons,the horizontal viscasities are given values satisfying A, J k = A y / M . A series of numerical experiments suggests that the suitable order of rnagitude of A, is 3 m2S.'. In certain model runs, the upward dispIacernent of the themocline can be equivalent to the unperturbed depth of the thermocline. To prevent the themocline from outcropping, an elementary wemg-drymg algorithm 37 and figure 9. fig. 8. -Evolution during the second year of calculation of the downward dispiacement of the themocbne at the northern (solid curve) and southern (dashed curve) ends of the lake, as obtained from the analytical solution (1 8) of the simplified, linearized model. The model parameters listed in the caption to figure 7 are equal to those selected to obtain the present results. I n addition, the friction parametery is set to 4 year1. 'EL9-S99 : TOT Jo Jonor Lpa~mrO- -@S p v p~!Bqmoarqq1nXo8 8Elp XRJlllS EX aylJ0 U O g E Y A 'EL61 ' E ) 'mtWa 'a 'S 'KuvuS :(g) 6 Xydv~80aBo!gp v rlsqoq pqof3 - -EJV31kyas pomu pm a n q 3 uo paseq s~llprreq-gprn E :smalsilsosa u i 3 3 ~ 'a lUT3- '&-I8p ~smm 0 s JO ~13edq 2 'a N' -I p 'S ' m ~ "a-3 s 'msnd '96.E8 'dd ' S ~ W 'ktr%W ~ B P Q V R 'qa~P00d:h O T 9 ) PlmM ?P30 5-7 , 1m5a u 'l~prhm : f f~f - ~@ne8m~ qq ssnopnpn~ p @ o ~ o n m n prim panadmp P PW 'TOOZ 'a '-Q -BI 'a-"dmm 'cm '8s-SP :LOP '9t80141401NH suog~ls a a q iv suollanl3nl~: ~tlapaqa a p k :,nW ~3!80toUtU!~'6661 '3 'ElM!03 - .8q_rllmStrq,aqg j o \ -@@qd mOIJ ~m '@ *'I; W n d 'h"ommmowq '-g 'nom8nrs~ S n h '*a 'EWZ-OL~Z:LZ "~~~ .u?ara~. ~ n r u a w' t p a ~ * e q ~ K r n Z u qa, m tq sa3mq3 L 3 o l o u q pm al~tmpxna3ea "0002'a-a -' 'dd OS ' I Q F U C L L - M W I L W ~ ~ 2V-I ua sauaqsg am 30 inama9ette~atp JOJ y3leasaa v-0~~ - 'qLm%ne~ 30 saSw1crq3 s a p q s g pm 6801omrr11 'awu.q3 '~661'wd ' m n d '6E-EZ : E ' # 3 ~ l l ~ # ~ ~ n l dp~uwruar!~zug - q i l w l a~ y g JO s u o g ~ p s oaqmuuaqr q '8' m m s m a m ~'-1' m ~ pa3np~pu$ p0 s ! s L p v ' z ~'a-a z - p'dd~' s a q q m!& IW q r JOJ" ~ 3 p u o3~ ~ a ~n 3r z3 l 0 w q n g - '(-3) ~ T ~ 3~ v-1 ~ w , n! 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S p n l 3 q ~apour3 ~ p o r p L q' p n o ! s u a q - q B bq army m u av m passarppe aq m m pm ' y m q v!m ~p~sasppom p aw dq -sarda~Ion SE a3uapqm ponpv-p- 03 anp 3a a -1C1ahggadsa~ 'swam $0 m maj B pm FM p oi E $0 mpm a q j a apwgdum ne pm poyzd r?m B aheq pm 'qv[ a q $0 a p p F ar.p j o pooqmoqq%taaatp F apon ano Xpo Sqyqgxa apom a q ~6q palmpop 1Cla8nq are 'pmm maX p ~nasardam y q m 'aqmraratp a g $0 srrup~fl[l3soa q pm ap jo md maqvon a q n! ladaap 3 ~ a m[ q ag aqmmraq ayr 30 3ugp noseas-XTp a q Zynpo~darJQ a[qede~m laponr &!~&-pa3np 'ala[dmoa a g jo wpsaz p y m u arfl put! noynlos pyA@ue a u A, w m w o v a mag -P =U = W Epm on 'OOZ*OS[ brl: '06 'OL '& 'OE '5 '1 mdap a¶ W puod-03 1I 011s=qimn a a ~.n8unlnd~ . p Bprpv ayr m sqldap s n o w %1-E66t n!pamgrnur m a d m aw 30 s a w amL -6 - ~~~p UNBSCO 1981. Tenth Report of the Joint Panel on Oceanographic Tables and Standads. UNESCO Technical Papers in Marine Sciences, 36. - CL:'.' 4 - 7'? h ,J i :,, , : 1 : L ? Second lnlemalfuna~Caflfir*rce i n Mecreamlom and HydmbgyY Fmesdings edited by Relationship between the Zonal: Circulation over the Equatorial Indian and hcific Oceans and the East African Lakes : Victoria, Tanganyika and Nyassa-Malawi Level Fluctuations \' ' Laurent B w c o m * & Yves RCHARD ** Kmmms. - East African Lakes ; Lake Level Fluctuations ;Hydrological Varinbility ; Atmosphereocean Interaction ;Telmnnection ;Indian Ocean ;El Nifio Southern Oscillation ;Zonal Circulation. SUMMARY. The analyses of the Great East African Lakes, qctoria, Tanganyika, and Nyassa-Malawi Ievel records show synchronisrns. which can only be accounted for large-scale mechanisms.The relations between lake-level variations and atmospheric circulation indexes are studied. This way, for the period 1946-2000, fow indexes are selected to characterjze the bond autumn zonal circulation ~ v e the r Pacific and Indian Oceans, Over the Indian Ocean two surface Zonal Wind Index (ZWI calculated for October to December) are used. For the Pacific the Southern OscilIation Index (SOU and the Niiio 3 index (during the same quarter) are held to account for the El Nfia Southern Oscillation (!ZNSO). This exploration shows that overall negative correlations between lwel fluctuations (especially for Vjctwia and Tanganyika) are sdy obtained with Indian Ocean circulation indexes. If ZWI are highly correlated with ENSO indexes, except a positive correlation with Nyassa-Malawi, no correlations with ENSO events m show. It seems tempting to consider that, for the 1946-2000period, the autumn zonal circulation cell over the Indian Ocean may play a role in the equatorial lake level anomalies.Intense ZWI (abnormally smng western wind) is associated with deficient auhunn rainfall followed by lower l& rise. On the - * FRE[=NRS 2566 "ORSA-, cedex prance). B i t 504, Universitk Paris-Sud. 914U5 Orsay ** UMR-CNRS 5080, Centre de Recherchex de Climatologie, UniversitE de Bourgogne, 21004 Dijon d e x (Fhnce). Second International Conference on TROPICAL CLIMATOLOGY, IMEmOROLOGY AND HYDROLOGY Climate-related Risk Analysis and Sustainable Development in Tropical cl as Bmssels, 13-14 December, 2001 Royd Academy of Ovmeas Sciences Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium Guest Editam :G. D e m d e , M.De Dapper, J. AJexandre 2004 CONTENTS Foreword ......................................................................... Opening Speech ..................................... ............................ Tropical Meteorology R. W ,Variability and Rends of the Summer Monsoon Rainfall in Bangladesh ................................................................ I. N m , E. DEUERSNIJDER, P,-D. PLISMER & S. L m , Pfeliminq Results of a Reduced-gravity Model of the Wind-induced Oscillations of the Thmocline in Lake Tanganyika .................. L.B m m m & Y. R-, Rela?ionshjpbetween the Zonal Circulation ovw the Equatorid Indian and Pacific Oceans and the East African Lakes :Victoria, Tanganyika and Nyassa-Malawi Level Fluctuations. ROYAL~ R O L O O I C A LINSNS'ITIUTE OF BELGIUM ROYAL A c A n m OFOYERSEAS SC~ENCFS av. Circulake / Ringlaan 3 B-ll80 B ~ u s s m(BeIgium) Tel. : 02.373.05.08 Fax : 02.373.05.28 E-mail : Web : www.meteo.beJlW-KM me Defacqzslmat l/3 B-1000B~ussas(BeIgium) TeI. : 02.538.02.1 1 Fax : 02.539.23,53 E-maiI :kaowmom@skynetbe Web : http// ISBN 90-75652-36-4 D/2004/0149/5 J. Moeuwso~s,I. N Y S SJ.~DECKERS, , H. hfmm & 1. P O E S ~ The , Climatic Significance of Late-Pleistmene and Early- to MiddleHolocene Mass Movements and their Aesent-day Remobiization in Rwanda and Ethiopia ..................................................... J. Hus, Magnetic Susceptibility : a Proxy of the Palaeoenvironrnent and Palamclimate in Sediments .............................................. J. NYSSEN, 3. P o ~ m ,H. Vm-, J. MOEYERSONS, J. DECKERS, H,M m & C. S-, Spatial Variability of Rain and its Erosivity in a Tropical Mountain Catchment :Tigray, Northern Ethiopia ...... Agricdtum, Food and Weather Prediction F.LW, M. COWLI & E.F.LAMBIN* Monitoring Natural Disasters and ''Hot Spots" of h d - c o v e r Change with SPOT4 Vegetation to Assess Region at Risk.................................................... 123 E. C.KIPKoRIR, S.M.G A ~I. MUKABANA , !t% D.h, Evaluation of the Onset of the Growing Season for Various Climatic Zones in Kenya by means of a Soil Water Balance Method for DifferentSoiI Types. I37 C.B.S.h, L.P.S ~ O N D & S T. R WHEELER, Modelling the Partitioning of Solar Radiation Caphue and Evapotranspiration in Intercropping Systems ................................................................... 15 1 M.F.NARANJO, Change in the Wydrologicd Management of the Mexican Basin during the 16th Century ........................................... 175 G. l? &m, M.&m, F.BAEDB,T.Mmm, P,D.JONES & T.TSUKAHARA, -1872 Extension of the Japanese hstnunental MetewoIogicaI Observation Series Back to 1819 h.....................................,. 187 A. GIODA,J. ROWWL, Y.L'Hm & B. PCIUYAUD, Analyse at variabilig ternporelle d'lme longue S& de pIuies des Andes en relatim avec 1'DscillationAustrala (La Paz, 3 658 m 1891-2000) ................. 199 A. D m s , Early Weather Obsemtions in Olukonda,Namibia, 1905-1%?6.. 219 V,THANH TAM, E DESW & 0.BMEUAN,Estimation of Underground Rivers in a Tropical Kam Area by way of a Multithematic Study ... 231 G.R DEWXE, Intensity-Dwrion-Frequency (IDF') Curves for Yangam- bi, Congo, based upon Long-term High-fiquwcy Precipitation Data Set (Part 9 ........................................................... 245 B. Monmom & G.R. ~ M A R E R , The Est&lisbment of IntensityDuration-Frequency Curves far Precipitation in Yangmbi, Congo (Part IX) .................................................................... 253 Y. S ~ E ~ HDesign I, Rood Estimation under Inadeguate Data - a Case Study ....................................................................... 267 M. MUCHINDA, Drought Incidence in Zambia over the Thirty-year Period 1970/1971 - 1999(2000................................................... J, C. MOIJBABANW, C~assficationdes rtgimes pluviom&Eiques en Rkpublique ~ m r a t i q u du e Cmgo et rn Angola .................... B. NEPLWA,Long-term........................................................ Temperature and hecigitatim Variability and Trends in Kuwait.. P.&ER, B. TYCHON, A. OER & R. PAUL,L'enseignement en gestion des risques naturels ............................................................ P,O m ,Can Dust Variability be a Regional Indicator of L4tnd Degradation Trend in Arid and Semi-arid Areas 7 Analysis in the Sahel ........... S. S- & P. 0- Are the 1 9 9 and 2000 Urban Floods in Senegal due to Exceptional Rainfall Events ? ........................................... E.v S O K O L ~ ~ NN. A ,N.SOKOLIHWA & E. K. S-W, The Assessment of the Connection between the Atmospheric Circulation and the Sea Surface Temperature (SST)of the Quatwial Pacific for Synoptic Scale Processes using B e Singular Value Decomposition Methd ( S W ) ...................................................................... 28 1 295 3M 321 331 345 353