Deconstructing Malthus (Human growth population and global carrying capacity)

Deconstructing Malthus
(Human growth population and global carrying capacity)
Camarinha A.S.B
M. D. Pediatrician
Rio Claro
São Paulo
A winning challenge for Brazil so far…
A THEORY: Josué de Castro
Physician, geographer, writer, expert on nutrition, MP, political activist, diplomat and chair of FAO (1952 -1956).
In 1946 he wrote Geography of Hunger, a groundbreaking ecological work about the political
hunger issues in Brazil.
In 1952 he wrote Geopolitics of Hunger, a masterpiece and opening statement spotting hunger in
worldwide scale and translated in 26 languages and was quoted: "This is the most encouraging and
hopeful book I have ever read in my entire life... To read this book which is so meaningful, so clear in
thoughts and rational in showing scientific data, so wise in suggesting new forms of knowledge, is
like finding a renewed hope for humanity." Pearl Buck - Book Find News - New York (Literature Nobel
Prize winner).
Josué de Castro
“The Population increase in a geometric ratio,
whilst the means of subsistence increases in
an arithmetic ratio “ - Essay of principle of
population - 1798. Thomas
He stated then: *“I have publicly denounced hunger as a CURSE devised by men against other men”.
*“To stop production is the worst way to avoid demography explosion. Human education and development are the only valid
means to achieve an active and vivid economy”.
*“Still more deadly than severe and complete hunger is the phenomenon of chronic or partial hunger, silently undermining
countless population around the world.”
Josué de Castro did not believe hunger is the natural result of overpopulation as Malthus previously stated but is in fact a MANMADE phenomenon. Always considered a taboo , the hunger issue has been deeply debated, out of 23 published books, 2 have
been translated to 26 languages.
Castro's revolutionary proposal was that Earth has enough natural resources and agricultural technology to tackle the issue. To
his view there is a link between high protein intake and low birth rate meaning that overpopulation is the result of hunger and not
the cause of it.
A DREAM: Herbert de Souza ( “BETINHO”)
As a sociologist he changed the way hunger was dealt with in Brazil. The country had the most unequal society in the world was also the 8th most successful economy at the
time. Unfortunately this is still the case in nowadays spread worldwide, making this matter ever more ethically inadmissible.
He launched a hunger campaign named “Citizen Action Against Poverty and for Life”, an enormous solidarity crusade that brought poverty and hunger issues into everybody's
soul .
Like a modern day D. Quixote, his innovatory action model with no hierarchy nor institutional frame inspired people collecting tons of food donations to neighborhood
beneficiaries (slum neighborhoods).
The picture shows “Betinho” through an artist's eye, portrayed with different types of grains. He was seen as a kind and missionary man.
A BRAINSTORM: Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC)
Former president, sociologist, university professor, senator.
Fernando Henrique's big challenge was to slay hyperinflation (over the prior decade inflation averaged 732% a year). This rate depreciated low income people purchasing power,
sometimes reaching 1.5% a day. The new currency plan “Plano Real” rescued the people from many years of economic panic. This action in a short time leveraged millions above
poverty line.
The new currency plan was a package of economic reform, setting stability in order to consolidate democracy and also stopping the country's repeating boom and bust cycle. It
was then possible to manage the end of minimum wage money bills erosion. Most of the time it was 30% or 40 % a month, debilitating low income families who already struggled
to have three decent meals a day.
He also implemented the social net spending program named BOLSA ESCOLA – a monthly cash allowance provided to mothers of low income (regarded in Brazil as the home
administrator) via a bank card system eliminating bureaucracy and corruption. In order to receive the allowance the family's children must attend school and have an up to date
vaccination certificate. By the end of his mandate poverty decreased 31,9% since Plano Real was launched.
A POLITICAL WISH : Luis Inacio Lula da Silva (LULA)
Former president, MP, union trade president, power lathe worker
After a short trial of the “Zero Hunger program” LULA was advised not to implement the scheme due to its excessive bureaucracy. He then renamed previous program “Bolsa Escola”
as “Bolsa Familia”(Family Spending Program) and amplified it to reach 11 million families (around 25% of the population). The program focused in economic growth and continuity,
emphasizing social spending aimed at reducing inequality and poverty.
The economic growth generated more jobs and regularly increased the minimal wage. The agricultural productivity tripled in the past 3 decades and a new Brazilian economic boom
and social improvement has been reached. His mandate provided the people with better credit lending and lower interest rates.
Coming from a penniless family from the impoverished northeast of Brazil, LULA's charisma and understanding of the poor was an essential tool to his mandate. He was an inspiration
to millions of Brazilians living in penury. By the end of his mandate poverty decreased 51,9%.
As soon as the world manages to incase a positive and humanistic theory, dreams, brainstorms and serious political wishes aimed at extinguishing
hunger on Earth, we will be a step closer in achieving a fair society for all.
Nothing justifies the excessive military spending currently happening in numerous countries. In order to transform and improve mankind's potential,
vital issues such as hunger need to be in top priority list of every government on earth.
It is time to remember Josue de Castro and his struggle against Hunger – “as a curse devised by men against other men” and his strong believe by that
time (1952) in a possible global carrying capacity. Inside Malthus's Ark we can fit and feed the entire world…
1. Castro j. Geografia da fome (Geography of hunger).11.ed Rio de Janeiro:Ed Griphus;1992
2. Castro J. Geopolitica da fome (Geopolitics of hunger)
3. Conway G. The doubly green revolution: food for all in the twenty-first century.London:Penguin;1997
4. Rev.Bras.Saude Mater.Infant..vol.8 no.3 Recife July/Sept. 2008
5. Essay of principle of population - 1798. Thomas Malthus
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