Telecommunication Development Bureau ITU-D STRATEGY, VISION, CHALLENGES Hamadoun I. Touré Director, BDT Krastu Mirski Deputy Director, BDT Telecommunication Development Bureau What is the ITU ? The first international intergovernmental organization (1865); UN specialized agency in telecommunications (1947); 189 Member States Open for all entities, dealing with telecommunications; more than 600 Sector Members; Main purposes: to promote the use of telecommunications worldwide and the extension of the benefits of the new technologies to all world’s inhabitants. Telecommunication Development Bureau ITU Organizational Chart Plenipotentiary Conferences Council General Secretariat Radiocommunication Bureau (BR) ITU-R Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB) ITU-T Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) ITU-D Telecommunication Development Bureau The Mission of the ITU-D To fulfil the purposes of the ITU: to offer technical assistance to countries in telecommunications; To promote the resource mobilization for implementation; To promote the extension of the benefits of the new ICT to all the world’s inhabitants. Telecommunication Development Bureau The Main Specific ITU-D Functions To promote the development, expansion and operation of telecommunication networks and services; To mobilize resources to provide assistance to developing countries; To cooperate with other relevant organizations (regional and global); To encourage participation by industry/private sector in telecommunication development activities. Telecommunication Development Bureau ITU-D Structure WTDC (World Telecommunication Development Conference) Study Groups Director BDT (Telecommunication Development Bureau) TDAG (Telecom. Development Advisory Group) Telecommunication Development Bureau BDT’s Dual Mission As UN Specialized Agency, BDT implements work programs adopted by World Development Conferences and Plenipotentiary Conferences As Executing Agency, BDT implements projects under the UNDP and other funds-in-trust mechanisms Technologie s BDT Information sharing Sector Reform Partnership Resource mobilization Direct Assistance Telecommunication Development Bureau Objectives of the BDT Human Resources Management Finance Telecommunication Development Bureau Valetta Action Plan (VAP) Framework to enhance cooperation with the ITU-D membership Six Programs Special LDC Programme Reinforcement of Project and Direct Assistance 22 Resolutions 11 Recommendations Telecommunication Development Bureau Chapter 1 Program of Cooperation among members in Telecom Development Sector WTDC Regional Dev. Conf. Study Groups TDAG Telecommunication Development Bureau Chapter 2: Programmes Prog 1 Reform Legislation Regulation Prog 5 Partnership with the Private Sector Prog 2 Technologies and GII Prog 4 Finance and Economics Prog 3 Rural dev. & Universal Service Prog 6 Human Resources Development Telecommunication Development Bureau Chapter 3: Special LDC Programme Nepal Eritrea Mozambique Guinea Bissau Niger Yemen Telecommunication Development Bureau Chapter 4 Execution of technical projects and direct assistance under UNDP and other funding arrangements Telecommunication Development Bureau The BDT Structure Director Policies, Strategies & Financing (PSF) Field Operations (FOP) Programme Support (SUP) Telecommunication Development Bureau Policies, Strategies and Financing Department /PSF/ Financing and Partnership Sector Strategies and Conferences Study Group ITU-D Sector Members Sector Reform Telecom Data and Statistics Telecom Surplus Telecommunication Development Bureau Field Operation Department /FOP/ Regional Presence Human Resources Development Special Unit for LDC Technology and Application Group E-Strategy Unit Spacecom Telecommunication Development Bureau Program Support Department /SUP/ Contracts and Procurement Fellowships Field Personnel Service Information Systems Support Telecommunication Development Bureau “BDT” Regions Africa Arab States Asia-Pacific Americas Region Europe and CIS Telecommunication Development Bureau Regional Presence CAIRO BANGKOK Moscow (2002) Jakarta GENEVA EUROPE Unit BRASILIA ADDIS ABABA Dakar Harare Yaoundé Bridgetown Santiago Tegucigalpa Telecommunication Development Bureau Operational Plan Implementation VAP Field Offices Prog. 1 Africa Prog. 2 Americas Prog. 3 Arab States Prog. 4 Asia-Pacific Prog. 5 Europe Prog. 6 Telecommunication Development Bureau Strategy of BDT Special attention to the requirements of the least developed and the developing countries; Work with governments to assist them in establishing appropriate policies and regulatory structures; Partnership with the private sector, global, regional and national organizations to meet the requirements of the countries. Telecommunication Development Bureau Preparation for the Istanbul WTDC Regional Preparatory meetings (RPM) in: Arab States, Alexandria (Egypt), 1719.10.2000; Europe and CIS, Sofia (Bulgaria), 2830.11.2000; Asia and Pacific, Bali (Indonesia), 2527.04.2001; Africa, Yaoundé (Cameroon), 2931.05.2001; Americas, Port of Spain (Trinidad and Tobago), 16-18.10.2001. Telecommunication Development Bureau Identified Priority areas for 2003 - 2006 Information Society and Digital Divide; Policy Issues and Telecommunication Regulations; Economic, Investments and Financial Strategies; Network (incl. Wireless Network) Development; Human Resources Management and Development; International Cooperation. Telecommunication Development Bureau Challenges for the BDT To meet the requirements of the fast changing IT environment (GII, Digital Divide, new players etc.); To increase the efficiency (more flexibility, focus on the new needs of the countries etc.) Telecommunication Development Bureau BDT Reform Internal and external decision making processes; WTDC (periodicity, organization, expected outputs etc.); Tasks and functioning of the Study Groups; Working relationships with the private sector and other new players. Telecommunication Development Bureau Creating Common Goals Telecommunication Development Bureau Together! Only together we can achieve our common goals! Only together we will be able to bridge the Digital Divide! Telecommunication Development Bureau Mandatory, but Really Cordial Thanks THANK YOU !