ITU-T Study Group 13 Structure and Responsibilities Brian Moore

Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
ITU-T Study Group 13
Structure and
Brian Moore
Study Group 13 Chairman
Lucent Technologies
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
• Study Group 13 mandate and work plan
• Study Group 13 structure
• Lead Study Group activities
– IP
• Future activities
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
Study Group 13 mandate
• Multi-protocol and IP-based networks and their
• Responsible for studies relating to internetworking
of heterogeneous networks encompassing multiple
domains, multiple protocols and innovative
technologies with a goal to deliver high-quality,
reliable networking. Specific aspects are
architecture, interworking and adaptation, end-toend considerations, routing and requirements for
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
• To provide a focal point in ITU for
technology-independent network
architecture and long-term evolution
studies, including IP-network studies,
through development of the necessary
frameworks and architectures, coordination
with the various related studies in the other
ITU Study Groups and collaboration with
other standards bodies.
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
• To help ITU-T continue to respond to the
changes to studies and priorities necessary
to integrate traditional telecommunication
networks with IP-based networks in order
to provide full integration of services and
applications to end users. Also, to give
network providers the tools and information
to support the market-driven changes to the
telecommunication industry.
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
• To conduct IP-related studies focusing on
network architecture, network capabilities,
network evolution, service and
performance aspects, and access
arrangements to achieve interoperability in
the multi-vendor and multi-networkoperator environments.
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
Particular areas of study key to this
evolution are IP-based network
architectures, IP-based network
performance, IP transfer capabilities,
IP-VPN (virtual private network)
services, IP-based network resource
management and access
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
• To conduct the remaining studies in the
area of B-ISDN resource management,
performance and the ATM Layer and its
adaptation and interworking.
• To encourage harmonisation of IPrelated and GII studies across the ITU-T
study groups through the evolution and
further development of the ITU-T IP and
GII projects.
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
• To collaborate with other
standardisation bodies in identifying
gaps in the standardisation programmes
concerning IP networking and to
develop proposals and
Recommendations to advance the
necessary work.
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
1/13 - Principles, requirements, frameworks
and architectures for an overall
heterogeneous network environment
2/13 - ATM layer and its adaptation
3/13 - OAM and network management in IPbased and other networks
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
4/13 - Broadband and IP-related resource
5/13 - Network interworking including IP
multiservice networks
6/13 - Performance of IP-based networks
and the emerging Global Information
7/13 - B-ISDN/ATM cell transfer and
availability performance
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
8/13 - Transmission error and availability
9/13 - Call processing performance
10/13 - Core network architecture and
interworking principles
11/13 - Mechanisms to allow IP-based
services using MPLS to operate in
public networks
12/13 - Global coordination of network
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
13/13 - Interoperability of satellite and
terrestrial networks
14/13 - Access architecture principles and
features at the lower layers for IP-based
and other systems
15/13 - General network terminology
including IP aspects
16/13 - Telecommunication architecture
for an evolving environment
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
Structure of Study Group 13
• Working Party 1: Project Management
and Coordination (Questions 12 and
Chairman: Mr. J-Y. Cochennec
• Working Party 2: Architectures and
Internetworking Principles (Questions
1, 5, 10, 13,14 and 16/13)
Chairman: Mr. C-S. Lee
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
• Working Party 3: Multi-protocol
Networks and Mechanisms (Questions
2, 3 and 11/13)
Mr. Y. Maeda
• Working Party 4: Network Performance
and Resource Management (Questions
4, 6, 7, 8 and 9/13)
Chairman: Mr. N. Seitz
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
GII Aspects
• The objectives of the GII
• Driving forces, trends and directions
• The role of the ITU
• The current situation
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
GII Objectives
The GII must be designed to:
• enable information providers and users
(e.g. individuals, information users,
information providers, and information
service providers) to communicate
securely with each other any time and
anywhere at acceptable cost and with
acceptable quality
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
• provide a set of communication services
• support a multitude of open applications
• embrace all forms of information and
information generation (audio, text, data,
image, video, etc.) and of its use and
• operate in a transparent, user-friendly
and straightforward way
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
• provide seamless, interconnected and
interoperable communication networks,
information processing equipment, databases and terminals (including TV-sets)
• enable competition between the players
in the information and
telecommunications (including
broadcasting) sectors
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
Driving Forces
• the convergence of technologies in use
within telecommunications, computers,
consumer electronics and the move of
content provision industries towards digital
• the new business opportunities, created by
the unbundling of services made possible
or necessary by deregulation, and other
commercial and/or open market pressures
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
• Industrialised countries - 48 (18)
• Middle income countries - 10 (2.3)
• Least developed countries - 1.5 (0.01)
• World average - 11.5
– (PCs per 100 inhabitants)
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
Trends and Directions
• The GII will not, initially, require or
employ new network capabilities, but
will define how a multiplicity of existing
capabilities will interwork in the context
of a "federation of networks". However,
standardisation activities related to the
GII must permit new network
capabilities and technologies to be
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
Networking Directions
CO Emulation
CO = Connection-oriented operation
CL = Connectionless operation
= Directions
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
The role of the ITU
• The goal of the ITU is to play a
"catalytic role" in facilitating the
development of truly global information
infrastructures through its work on
standardisation, by offering a platform
for discussions of a general regulatory
framework and as a link between
developed and developing countries.
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
GII Recommendations
• Y.100 GII Overview
• Y.110
GII Principles & Framework
• Y.120 GII Scenario Methodology &
Examples of Use
• Y.101 GII Terminology & Definitions
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
• Y.130 Information Communication
• Y.140 GII Points of Interconnection
• Y.800 Performance framework for the
GII (draft)
• Y.1501 Relationships among ISDN, IP
and GII performance Recommendations
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
Contents - IP Aspects
• Background
• ITU actions
• The ITU-T IP Project
• Future plans
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
IP Aspects
• Explosive growth of IP based networks
• Data traffic growing ten times faster
than voice traffic
• In near future will account for over 80%
of all traffic on telecomms networks
• Business directions are changing
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
• Shorter development cycles
• Shorter life cycles for services and
• Standards bodies must be able to
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
• Interoperability of IP and telecomms
networks and of their services is of
major concern
• IP-based services are required with the
speed, capacity, ease of use, reliability
and integrity that has been associated
with the world wide public telephone
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
ITU-T Actions
• Study Group 13 appointed as Lead
Study Group for IP related aspects
• Guidelines for collaboration with the
ISOC/IETF prepared by TSAG
– how to interact on work items
– representation
– document sharing
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
• All ITU-T Study Groups actioned to
review their Questions to determine how
best to address the development of
standards for IP-based networks in their
specific area of responsibility
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
• IP-based networks were recognised as
a key strategic area for the ITU by the
October 1998 ITU Plenipotentiary
• Two Resolutions were passed
– involvement in ICANN
– strategic review of ITU IP related studies
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
The ITU-T IP Project
• In its capacity as ‘Lead Study Group for
IP related studies’ Study Group 13 has
developed an ‘ITU-T IP Project’ which:
– is separate from, but closely related to GII
– is intended to encompass all related ITU-T
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
Scope of the Project
IP A pplications
Including M u lti m ed ia - Q 3/13 and S G 16
S ig nalling S u ppo rt - S G 1 1
S ervice Interw o rking
Q s 2/13, 8 /1 3 an d 9/1 3
IP an d
no n-IP
A ccess Q s 12 /13 ,
26 /13 ,
S G s 15
and 16
N etw ork C ap ab ilities Q s 1, 2 , and 3/13, S G s 8 an d 9 11
Interw orking - Q s 8/13, 9/1 3, an d SG 16
IP Perfo rm ance - Q 1 3/1 3, S G s 2 , and 12
IP an d
no n-IP
A ccess Q s 12 /13 ,
26 /13 ,
S G s 15
and 16
IP T ransp ort - Q s 19 /13 , 20/13 and S G 15
M an ag em ent - S G 4
N am in g, N u m b ering , A d dressin g and R o uting - S G 2
O v erall N etw o rk A rchitecture an d Fram ew ork - Q s 25 /13 an d 29/13
O p eration al Issues - S G s 2 , 3, an d 7
= W o rk area
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
Project Areas
• Area 1 - Integrated architecture
• Area 2 - Impact to telecommunications
access infrastructures of access to IP
• Area 3 - Interworking between IP based
network and switched-circuit networks,
including wireless based networks
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
• Area 4 - Multimedia applications over IP
• Area 5 - Numbering and addressing
• Area 6 - Transport for IP-structured
• Area 7 - Signalling support, IN and
routing for services on IP-based
• Area 8 - Performance
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
• Area 9 - Integrated management of
telecom and IP-based networks
• Area 10 - Security aspects
• Area 11 - Network capabilities including
requirements for resource management
• Area 12 - Operations and Maintenance
(OAM) for IP
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
Future Plans
• Study Groups will continue to build links
with the IETF with the objective to:
– avoid duplication of work and divergent
– collaborate where appropriate
• Study Group 13 will continue to develop
and manage the IP Project with the
assistance of the other Study Groups.
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
Workshop on IP-networking
and Mediacom-2004
• Held on 24 to 26 June 2001
• Objectives were to introduce Mediacom-2004 to a
wider audience, to further develop this and the
ITU-T IP Project, to identify key study areas and
identify standards coordination issues for
discussion with other standards bodies
• Presentations and summaries can be found at
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
Key issues from the workshop
• Need for harmonisation of IP QoS
classes and for the interworking between
existing and new QoS mechanisms.
Relationship of QoS to billing and
• Importance of management, not only for
networks but also for service relations
and QoS
• Importance of private IP VPNs
• Transition to Next Generation Networks
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
Satellite Intersector Coordination
Group (ICG SAT)
• The Intersector Coordination Group on
Satellite Matters was first established at the
World Telecommunication Standardisation
Conference in 1993 to coordinate the review
of Recommendations being developed in
ITU-R and ITU-T in order to assure a
continuing and full integration of satellite
transmission medium in public networks,
taking account the application of emerging
technologies and services
Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
• reviewed and updated the workplans of ITU-T
and ITU-R Study Groups relevant to satellite
• considered impact on future activities of ICG-SAT
of decisions concerning the refinement of the ITU
• identified areas in satellite communications that
require coordination
• prepared reports on a number of topics including
IP/Satellite related matters, service and network
convergence and working methods
• Next meeting is in Turkey, 26 to 28 June 2001