Study Group 12 and ITU QoS Coordination IP Networking and MediaCom 2004

Study Group 12 and
ITU QoS Coordination
Dr. Charles (Chuck) Dvorak
SG12 Vice-Chairman
IP Networking and MediaCom 2004
Where are the world’s QOS experts?
A primary core competence of the ITU-T is
the substantial expertise that it has across
several Study Groups in the areas of QOS
and Performance. The experts who work in
the ITU-T do related work in regional SDOs
(for example, ETSI, T1, TTC), but nowhere
else does this same level of expertise reside.
IP Networking and MediaCom 2004
SG12 Area of Responsibility
End-to-end transmission performance of
networks, terminals and their interactions,
in relation to the perceived quality and
acceptance by users of text, speech, and
image applications; including the related
transmission implications of all networks
(PDH, SDH, ATM and IP) and terminals.
IP Networking and MediaCom 2004
IP and Multimedia in SG12
Q.2- Transm. Requirements for IP gateways and terminals
Q.8- E-Model (planning tool for speech quality incl. VoIP)
Q.11- Transmission of multiple interconnected networks
Q.12- Voiceband services transmission via IP networks
Q.13- Multimedia QOS and performance requirements
Q.14- Effects of interworking multiple IP domains on VoIP
Q.15- QOS coordination in the ITU (Lead Study Group work)
Q.16- In-service non-intrusive assessment of VoIP
IP Networking and MediaCom 2004
Examples of new SG12 work
G.17x: Transmission of Voiceband Services Over IP Flows
G.IPP: Transmission Performance Parameters Of IP Networks
Affecting Speech Quality And Other Voiceband Services
G.QoSRQT: Multimedia QoS Requirements
G.VoIP-Islands: Trans. Plan. for interconnected IP-based networks
supporting VoIP services
G.VBS-Islands: Trans. Plan. for interconnected IP-based networks
supporting PSTN-type speech and voiceband data services
P.VOIP: Speech requirements and measurements for IP terminals
P.GTWY: Speech requirements and measurements for Gateways
IP Networking and MediaCom 2004
Scope of Question 2/12
Speech quality requirements and measurement
methods for IP terminals and gateways.
IP network
IP Networking and MediaCom 2004
Scope of Question 14/12
Speech quality guidelines for connecting multiple IP networks.
IP network
IP network
Interconnection may be PDH, ATM, IP etc
IP Networking and MediaCom 2004
SG12 as the QOS Lead SG
Internal to the ITU-T, provide a roadmap for
QOS activities that can be used to identify,
communicate and resolve QoS-related issues.
External to the ITU-T, improve the visibility
and utilisation of ITU-T expertise in QoS, and
better leverage this expertise in specifications
being developed elsewhere in the industry.
IP Networking and MediaCom 2004
One example of an industry-wide issue
End-end performance and allocation of
objectives can be done for an end-to-end
architecture like that of the PSTN. But the
Internet is not an end-to-end network, but
a set of protocols that work across domains.
How to do effective performance planning?
IP Networking and MediaCom 2004