Appointment Made November 7 Texas Commission for the Deaf For a term to continue at the pleasure of this governor: Sidney J. Braquet 742 East Six and One-Half Street Houston, Texas 77007. Issued In Austln, Texas, on November 18,1986. TRD-6610900 Mark Whlte Governor of Texas * * * Appointment Made November 14 Automated Information and For a term to continue at the pleasure of this governor: Gary L. Hammon 8%1 Tesoro Drive Suite 500 Issued In Austh, Texas, on November 18,1986. TRD-8610900 . Mark White Gwernor of Texas School: Bradley Elementary, El P Executive Order ' WHEREAS,the Third Called Session of the Sixty-ninth Texas Legislature successfully completed a series of budget reduction. accounting and revenue measures which address the immediate budget deficit and cash flow problems of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS,the actions taken by the L.egislature establish revsed fiscal year 1987 budgets for state agencies; NOW,THEREFORE,I, Mark White, Governor of Texas, purmant to my constitutional and statutory authority as the chief budget officer and chief planning officer of the state, do hereby rescind Executive Order MW-39 and the percentage spending reduction requirement as outlined in paragraph seven of MW-36. However, because we expect our state government fiscal situation to continue to be tight, I am leaving in place the provisions of MW-36 relating to agency cost-saving measurds. I direct all agencies and universities to maintain every effort to operate in the most efficient and effective mannner possible and to seek out new opportunities to save funds. This Executive Order shall be effective immediately, and shall remain in full force apd effect until modified, amended or rescinded by me. Given under my hand this 10th day of November, 1986. TRD-8610901 Mark White Gowrnor of Tarcrs Executive Order MW-40 ORDER MW-40 ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR THE 1986 ALLOCATION OF THE STATE CEILING ON PRIVATE ACTIVITY BONDS. WHEREAS, the state ceiling imposed by the Tax Act has an effective date of August 15, 1986 for calendar year 1986; and WHEREAS, the state ceiling for Texas imposed by the Tax Act shall be an amount equal to $75 multiplied by the state population; and