led. Appointments are published in chronological order. ~dditionalinformation on documents submitted for 3lication by the Governor's Office can be obtained by calling (512) 463-1814. Texas Diabetes Council C5, 1L or terms to expire February 1, 1987: Can,lyn Gmbb 1500 Thornridge Road Austin, Texas 78758 ; David C. Warner, W.D. ; 5701 Trailridge Drive Austin, Texas 78731 Ms. Grubb and Dr. Warner are being reappointed. ! Issued in Austin, Texas, on September 0,1988. Executive Order MW.38A i- Rescinding Executive Order MW-38, reservingfor housing bonds aportion of the 1986 state ceiling on nonessentialfunction bonds imposed by House Rule 3838 and allocating such porlion among certain state agencies and other issuing authorities within the State of Texas. WHEREAS, Executive Order MW-38 was premised upon the enactment into law of provisions of House Rule 3838, $701(b), in the form approved by the United States House of Representatives on December 17, 1985; and WHEREAS. House Rule 383d in the form a ~ ~ r o v eind~rinciolebv members of the House-Senate Conference Commit- ' NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mark White, Governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me, d o hereby order and proclaim that Executive Order MW-38 is rescinded and no longer in effect. Upon enactment of House Rule 3838, a subsequent executive order will be issued allocating authority to issue sueh private activity bonds and qualified mortgage bonds. subject to the state unified volume cap contained herein. Issued in Austin, Texas, on August 29, 1986. ark White Governor of Texas TRD-8608634 Proclamations WHEREAS, a vacancy now exists in the office of mayor of the City of Wylie; and vacancies now exist in membership of the city council of the City of Wylie for Places 3 and 4; WHEREAS, the charter of the City of Wylie iequires filling such vacancies by special election; and WHEREAS, pursuant to $201.053, Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated, Election Code, if the governor determines that a? emergency warrants holding a special election to fill a vacancy before the first authorized uniform election date, the election may be held on an earlier nonuniform date; and C The Governor September 16, 1986 11 TexRen 3957