SampLe Analysis Maps The following four maps provide examples of Streams that provide spawning or rearing habitat for Figure 9 how resource managers can use a geographic anadromous salmonid sh, as observed during Road-stream crossings information system to analyze data and show Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife surveys, are links among different data sets. also highlighted on the map. During the master Subwatershed 'I . planning process for future urban areas, local and Upper Clackamas River 8.9 regional planners can use maps like this to make Hot Springs Fork Collawash River Areas of PLanned Increase in Land-Use Intensity 9 .4 decisions about the effects of urban expansion on Collawash River 0 0 10.7 natural ecosystems. Oak Grove Fork Clackamas River 8.9 This map is the result of comparing two maps shown previously in the atlas: Existing Land Use and Future Land-Use Plan. To create this map, we grouped all possible and uses into five basic categories and Fish Creek Note: This mop shows on/y the actual areas where coho, Roaring River chinook and stee/head are known to be distributed. 11.2 Middle Clackamas River or other fish. 3 - Single-Family Residential By using GIS to compare or overlay the rankings in the existing land-use data with the future land-use data, we calculated a resulting number ranging from + I to +4. For example, a property that is currently a farm (ranking I ) and is slated for industrial zoning in the future (ranking 5) received a +4. A ranking of +3 could mean that a farm is slated to become multi-family residential or that a rural residential area is slated for commercial development. in the map 17.7 Deep Creek Known Impediments to Fish 12.4 Richardson Creek Passage 14.3 Clear Creek adopted by the Metro Council and reserves designated by the city of Sandy. These areas may eventu- ally be included inside the Metro or Sandy urban growth boundaries and developed to accommodate an increasing population. Once these areas are developed, they would experience an increase in 16.4 This map shows both potential impediments to sh 24.9 Rock Creek movement, known as road-stream crossings, and 0 0 Lower Ciackamas River 18.9 0 known impediments such as dams and waterlalls. 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 Crossings per square mile S S S because streams are often diverted into pipes, called culverts,to pass under roads. Some culverts S a Road-stream crossings are important to fish habitat - 0 particularly small diameter pipes, culverts that are alongside a road (within five feet) for some distance Note: The most detailed stream data available were ( I 5.8 per square mile) than the rural residential C improperly installed, and culverts with a large drop could show up as several road-stream crossings, used to locate the crossings. Roads and streams are subwatershed of Richardson Creek ( I 4.3 on the downstream side - can prevent fish from even though the stream may not actually cross mapped in greater detail on federal lands than on non- per square mile), even though the Fish Creek S S moving further upstream. underthe road. In contrast, urban streams that have 1ederal lands; as a result, more road-stream crossings subwatershed appears to have fewer road miles S long ago been routed underground are not mapped appear on federal lands. Individual road-stream cross- per square mile than the Richardson Creek and thus would not show up as road-stream cross- ings were not verified in the field. For more information subwatershed (see Figure 3). ings, even when streams are piped directly under- about the base data displayed on this map, refer to the It would be very time consuming for eld crews to walk every road and stream to identify where Also displayed on this map are urban reserves 14.0 Goose Creek Road-Stream Crossings and legend, the bright red color represents land that could see the highest intensity ofchange (+4). 10.0 Eagle Creek 4 - Multi-Family Residential 5 - Commercial and Industrial 13.8 North Fork Clackamas River lowest- to highest-intensity use. 2 - Rural Residential 1.5 South Fork Clackamas River Nonhigh/ighted streams may or may not contain these assigned each category a number ranking them from - Farm, Forest and Open Space 0 0 0 0 0 0 0r 15.8 they meet, especially in a watershed as large as neath roads. base map description. a GIS (geographic information system) to locate Also shown on the map are known impediments Figure 9 shows the number of road-stream crossings road-stream crossings ( I .5 per square mile), likely probable road-stream crossi ngs. These computer- to fish passage, such as waterfalls, dams and large per square mile for each subwatershed. A high because of its low road density (0.7 road miles per generated crossings, marked wherever a road and culverts, as identified by the Oregon Department number of crossings can be attributed to (a) more square mile). a stream come within five feet of each other are of Fish and Wildlife and the U.S. Forest Service. The actual roads (see Figure 3 for road density in each shown on the map. land-use intensity. Howeve because local comprehensive plans have not been updated since reserves Not all ofthe road-stream crossings shown consist were adopted, the map does not show specific areas of culverts. Some road-stream crossings may have within the urban reserves where growth will occur bridges, while very small or intermittent streams may flow across a road. Also, areas where a stream runs number of known fish impediments is small com- subwatershed); (b) more detailed road data, such pared to the number of potential barriers indicated as the gravel road data kept by the USFS; (c) more by the road-stream crossings. (Whether an impedi- streams; or (d) streams that run close to roads. For ment actually blocks fish passage depends on the size example, Fish Creek subwatershed in the Mt. Hood ofthe waterlall, whether the dam has a fish ladder National Forest shows more road-stream crossings and the fish species trying to pass.) 0; 0 The Roaring River subwatershed, also in the Mt. Hood National Forest, has the lowest number of the Clackamas. Instead, resource managers can use 0 Note: The road density data were produced in I 988- 0 0 S S S C C C I 996 and may not reflect current conditions. For example, because USFS road data were produced in I 994, they do not include logging roads abandoned or removed since then. New roads built since I 996 in urban areas are also not included. S S S S Relative Susceptibility to To create this map, we combined the inherent Figure 10 Mass Wasting stability of each geology unit with slope categories, High susceptibility to mass wasting This map shows the relative susceptibility of different areas in the watershed to mass wasting, the large movements of soil that occur as landslides and debris forming a geology-slope matrix with rankings for each combination (Booth; King County). For ex- S U bwatershed ample, an area with unstable, old landslide deposits Upper Clackamas River 13% (QIs) and steep slopes would show up as high flows. Hot Springs Fork Collawash River 64% susceptibility." An area with moderately stable Coltawash River Mass wasting can transport vast amounts of soil, and 49% sedimentary rocks (Qts) could show up as either Oak Grove Fork Clackamas River often trees and rocks, from hillsides to nearby medium susceptibility" orlow susceptibility" deFish Creek streams, This process can affect fish habitat by 41% pending on slope. In the Lower Clackamas area, the Roaring River clogging streams with sediment, washing out habitat pools and woody debris, and scouring riparian areas. abundance of gentle slopes means that the entire South Fork Clackamas River area is considered to have low susceptibility" to found there are only moderately stable. other than geology and slope. Heavy rainfall, rain-on- geology and slope. snow events, and certain soil types, textures and 19% Eagle Creek in all watersheds, including undisturbed, forested frequency and severity of natural mass wasting are 31% North Fork Clackamas River Mass wasti ng happens naturally, although infrequently, Mass wasting events are also influenced by factors 25% Middle Clackamas River mass wasting, even though some geologic materials watersheds. The two major factors that affect the 22% 17% Goose Creek 0% Deep Creek 0% Richardson Creek 0% Clear Creek thickness can make an area more susceptible to mass Geology is important because some types of geo- 8% Rock Creek 0% wasting. Mass wasting can also be aggravated by logic materials, particularly certain rock types, are Lower Clackamas River 7% human activities such as land clearing, road building very strong and stable and thus resistant to sliding. 0% and some timber harvesting practices. These factors 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Other types of geologic materials are mechanically were not included in the analysis because current Percent with high susceptibility rather weak or unstable, and thus susceptible to data is not available forthe entire watershed. landslides. The map also shows ancient landslide deposits, The geologic units in the Clackamas watershed can including debris flows, rock falls, earth flows and As shown in Figure I 0, the subwatersheds in the active slumps. Because soil in these areas has already upper Clackamas (top ofgraph) generally show a Generalized Stream Gradient landslides, which can deliver the disturbed soil to be classified by their stability: nearby streams. Stream channels with fast moving This map provides another example of how a GIS greater percentage of areas with high susceptibility to Unstable: Qls,Tfc,Tu,Tus been disturbed, they are susceptible to further sliding. Moderate: Qts, Qs This landslide data was provided by the U.S. Forest Stable: All other geologic units shown on the Service and covers only sites located on federal Fork ofthe Clackamas River and the Upper forest lands. Clackamas Rivec These two subwatersheds include Geology Map can combine data from several sources to help mass wasting. Two exceptions are the Oak Grove downstream (Montgomery and Buffington). resource managers analyze a particular issue. In this case, the stream gradients can be used to analyze Generally, sediment carried by the water will be possible relationships between sediment production deposited in stream reaches where the flow slows in one part ofthe watershed and fish habitat down- down. These reaches, which often contain pools, are high plateaus, which provide gentle slopes compa- Slope is also a facto because rock and soil of any Note: Because moss wasting depends on so many type on steep slopes are more susceptible to mass f-actors, this map can be used to indicate general areas wasting than rock and soil on gentle slopes. The susceptible to landslides, but not to predict sites where slope categories used forthis map were: slides will occur In addition, because this map was derived from the geology data, it is subject to the Gentle slope: 0-24 percent Moderate slope: 25-49 percent Steep slope: 50-69 percent Very steep slope: 70 percent or greater water then act as conduits to carry the sediment limitations ofa coarse scale (1:500,000). The USFS has more refined geology information for federal forest lands, information that is more appropriate for site-specific analyses. rable to those found in the lower watershed. Such stream. gentle slopes minimize the susceptibility to masswasting, even in areas with unstable geologic materials. In contrast, the two subwatersheds with the Because ofthe coarse scale ofthe digital elevation also used by anadromous salmonids for spawning and rearing. Sediment deposits can affect fish habitat by burying spawning beds and degrading water and slope data, this map can be used only to illustrate quality. largest percentages shown - the Hot Springs Fork of large-scale, watershed-wide patterns of sediment the Collawash River (64 percent high susceptibility) transport, but not to identify specific locations where and the Collawash River (49 percent high susceptibil- sediment is being produced or carried downstream. The Generalized Stream Gradient map shows five types of areas: ity) - both have steep slopes, as indicated on the Slope map. Sediment can enter waterways through surlace Areas with high mass wasting susceptibility: poten- erosion orthrough large mass wasting events such as tial sources of sediment from landslides and other mass wasting events (see the Relative Susceptibility Figure 11 (see text on page 39) to MassWasting map for more information). Stream eLevation profiles for Clackamas tributaries Stream gradient of I I -20 percent (transport Note: Stream elevations /n feet are shown on the left side ofeach graph. River miles (in these graphs, measured from the reaches): these stream reaches with steep gradients source ofeach tributary) are shown along the bottom ofeach graph. 6000 North Fork CLackamas River 4000 2000 0 are likely to have fast-flowing water rapids, or cas- 5 10 15 20 25 cades that can quickly transport sediment delivered 6000 6000 from upstream. Hot Springs Fork ColLawash River EagLe Creek 4000 4000 2000 2000 . Stream gradient of 5- I 0 percent (secondary response reaches): Depending on the topography and sediment loads, these these stream reaches may 0 5 10 15 20 0 25 5 10 15 20 either transport sediment or allow sediment to settle. 6000 C C 6000 ColLawash River Stream gradient of 0-4 percent (primary response 25 Goose Creek 4000 4000 2000 2000 reaches): in these areas with gentle stream gradients, the stream often widens and slows down, allowing 0 sediment to settle. These low-gradient reaches also 5 10 15 20 0 25 5 10 15 20 25 provide an ideal habitat for salmonid spawning and 6000 rearing. 6000 Oak Grove Fork CLackamas River Known salmonid habitat: observed areas of spawning and rearing habitat for coho, chinook or steelhead 4000 Deep Creek 4000 2000 .S S 2000 4000 4000 S S S S S S S S 2000 2000 S (see the Salmonid Fish Distribution map for more 0 5 detailed information). The transition zone between a transport reach and a response reach is particularly important because a 10 15 20 25 6000 0 5 10 15 20 25 6000 Fish Creek Richardson Creek transport reach usually deposits sediment into the first downstream reach that can no longer carry the sediment load. In primary response reaches, sedi- 0 S 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 mentation can have prolonged impacts, changing the shape ofthe stream channel and bottom as well as 6000 20 25 6000 Roaring River affecting habitat for fish and other aquatic animals. Clear Creek 4000 4000 2000 2000 S S S S When evaluating possible impacts from sedimenta- tion, it is important to considerthe physical link 0 between sediment sources and response reaches. 5 10 15 20 25 0 ( 5 10 15 20 25 ( For example, some subwatersheds are landslide- prone, but the map may show that sediment-produc- S 6000 6000 South Fork Clackamas River continued on page 39 Rock Creek 4000 4000 2000 2000 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 S S S S S S S S S S 0 I'! "& i T - ' f ç: _ 'Lower - ' iI%ui s... i'4L& fl 0t\ __ 'I*- v Clae p...i"rtr : ' (% 4' qearCek S S S S S S 0 0 0 o, 0 0 fi 4 FARADAYDAM/IK '$ 9 " * ' pIq S S S S S S S S S S S M S SaLmon ' *, 4 S 4 RD t4k 44è MoIaUa v_&_rp.. ! ':kF)i f-' RoadStream . Naturalhnpethments v A rtificial Impediments ,'\' 2 ( (19% pS S 114800 I 11200 4,#: . 4ptçP.r1 % 4 24000 : N 14800 1 2 3 ,, !% 1_':i _ 5 iit* E ) S S S S p C u, (c '%\ .-. %\ C 4 ,?e i4ii* E Scale in Miles . \tA4cIaw;f4* Hoçpqg9k v'S ) Pj$y S County Line 0 , S # N C,Limtts . . w ;: '4 ) ' CLACKAMASCo\4 C P ) -n CSk, 44 2hI I' R1VERSA)DS77?FAMSUSF ;" Subwatersheds Z ZastreamS 7ot;):er:Ts : , CIackamas River I LEGEND . 4- 'it,. Clackamas River FERIWQQb S S Ri jP 0 l$j' S S 'k : S S S S S S S S 0 I Iiriii TF Itp , w' . r\ 4c\) 1tSOt&cA I ha,d Hi 'c ClackwiasRiver qupuII. - ---t . HaPP:Va'' . (Q(, ' , _ - \ r TRO Sa7flOfl uIrfr gR ---s 4 r'i& FERW Rz - :: SS\ : ,. ¶;SouthFork,. \ I D t,cCre 2 1 s4 , 4 .. ,-- : ( : J%\ ,4 R,vr ., 4 'S Mass WastingSuscepdbility S Lii;j; :: t% .. Moderate : , i L :. .. w .* +.'*.. ., \ f Ancient Landslide Deposits # t ;kr, I ( "I Subwatersheds N Roads /v Rivers and Streams / City Limits (t&I :; I County Line -_____________\ :4 . \ i HctSpriqFvrk Cojiawast Thvpr : ; 4k', : .S\ ¼ CLACKAMAS 1, ,..( .9 ' . : CO.'' p .. '4' # ,;l4t:4r Gollawash- River 1 'i peCIackamas River cgç111 . . ' ( ,' PJ1! 1' S % .4 - -I .. fr. MARION CO U U) w 124000 ' ScaleinMiles ofy llb ppr 0 1 2 3 4 5 2' 1 / \ 9' - Iiiu1 &I-; _'-'4 ) :::/__.:i;1.1 4j' \' ':Z ) ', :;':s) Rver %. s..' Z; o'. \_ 'c;I -- - - M. S . Oregon City \J4I/J lackai'nas iver DeePCreekf%....\{ \ -. \s %, ackamos River ' ' Watershed Project Gi,ose aii4 -- *- ; '\' E,ICI "----- \\ 4. ' ' ' -'-S e S % # 0 0 _ _ - -A_ 0 0 Generalized . 0 S tre arri 3radi ent . - \,. 600NORTHEASTGRANDAVENUE TEL 5O377i742X5O37 1909 'I\ I1I1 :E:::; : -% ,T.A CIackamasR,ver1# SaLmon . v yC , t 7 y NARlsO \T"" _p.., :. MoIUa - Aik '\ 4. ) '_ I%..__ " 1 '%,0' , - ,! c FERWI ' ,I : Cft,o I I S HWY 2/I 'i7_ d .--- , 1 RoariigRiver I. \ '' , , Is i : : ,.7...___ % ,.- LEGEND t I \_<'_" II \ ( I Clackamas . \ 41 \\ - Tirnoth ClackamasR,ver ,.__ River ' F ,/,-' \( C/aCkaf77aSR/Ver ' R I Lake / , - Areas with High Mass Wasting Susceptibility /\/ 11-20%Gradient ' Other Streams (Within the watershed, these streams have gradients over 2 0% ) (Secondary Response Reaches) i%/ ij , t 0-4 % Gradient (Primary Response Reaches) Habitat ' i _,tF ,/ '/ Known Salmonid . ; : I ,, '_._.-.i. ' . Co/Iawash Rifer sIJ joa000 Mnddby MAR I 0 N CO . WW(f Q9) 1997) d994)Sfr 14OO ROADSUSFoiS.rv USGS (J98YSk. 1.24000 W 19%&l I 4OO 11991) &1124,OOO '::::::: ")\ , ' ( p IM \ 0 1 2 3 .. Co//awah R ' 5 L i : j _ ' '7 I I I I I I . I ' ' I r . ,' 4 Upper Clackamas River . C Scale in Miles ',iJIb , ' ' S 77,, dmphd, ndd,gErn,ivof '. I ' E NOIF ThIISMAP IS !N7NDED TO BE USED TOGEDIER W1771 tHE CORRESPONDIND 7EXTINCLUDED IN DIE CLACKAMASEIVER WAJERSHEDAILAS - ! ) S1124,OOO ' I 1 Usc,,, 776ERLrnFk 1990), SUBWA2FRSHEDSM,ro,,J ipr ' . A ScJ.-J 100,000 ' ',__% .. I CLACKAMAS Dpirni ofFth £(LMOMD DISTRThU21ON ,- - ' : t._ral1 I MtSSWASThVDATA CoIdfr G i \ 1 I / s . ,/ HotSpringsFork , ' %_,,' ,' .. " t I t .. 1 ) ; i 'I - Subwatersheds ---_j , I .....-. . -i 0% Gradient " . ,- ransport Reaches) ,v ' ' ! , t' -. ) Fish Creek \ , 1 . " - I A . - gt_ _ ,' -