-&) PACIFIC EP'!1ST FOR1S M. IMIf STATION PortLanI. Oregon Ir, Direotor Thornton ?. 1n4 OREGON MRICULTURAL EXRI1T STATION Corva11ie, Oregon ¼. A. Schoanfeld, Director Miaaslln.oua Joint zb1ic&tion No. Copi1ed by 8ine3.ai' A1 Wtlaon, Sentor Poa'eat EaonoLet. *ihard S. Xerna, forar1y Aaeitnt Poreetr1 d Davt.d Ii. Jgdk$ji., JuiUor Poreeter, of th. Psoifte Nort)*sat Foreat xp.ri1Mnt Stttion. Dsoeber 9 Sinclair A. Wilson Richard 8. Kearns$ David H. Judkins The tables included in this statiRtisal report were compiled from data contained in the agricultural reports of the Cnus of the United They are designed for use in studies of the interrelationihipe of agricultural, forest and other uses of land. 8tate. .s made on My 1 1935, prior The original compilatiozi pletiori of the 1935 Census. At that time a few type'written copies we sent to research agencies engaged in l*nd use studies. Since then the demand for these data has been broadened by the land planning autivittes of State and local bodies. To help meet this dend, the Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station and the Oregon State Agricultural Experiment Station have )oined in this pb1ication and dietribution of the original tables revised to include the 1935 C.nau* data. These tables present eunmarlee of the agricultur*1 land develop' ment in Oregon for each sounty, a, group of selecte'1 counties. 'western Oregon, eastern Oregon and the Stat.. by census years fro* 1880 to 1935 inclusive, excepting individual counties organised or materially changed in area after 1880 and then from the o.e.sua next following organization or material change to 1935. Each table ows the total amount of land in farms, the number of farms, the avekage ie of tass, the aunt of improved land in farms, and the amount of woodland end woodlend pasture in. faria. Special acknowl. t is made by the compilers of the assiataAce gtvei in thia work by !. L. Potter, Head of the I)iviion of Agricultural Economics, Oregon State Agricultural College, and by A. S. Durrier, Land PlaTrnivw Specialist for Oregon, Resettlement Adjitinistretion. Formerly Assistant Forester, Pacific Northwe now Instructor in Forestry, School of Forestry, * College oreet Experiment Station, on State Agricultural 2 tion of Term 1830, 8ouroe of 19oO;i10T192 All lend in fss Ceflaus of the hiited 3tstes..Agriculture 1926, 1930 and 1935 respectively. aores: The total toreage of tar lend as repO nd 1890 enumerators were instructed to a's 1 tnee.oh cenus. no farm of less than $ acres unless $500 worth of pro4qcta had be5n aøld In 1900 .nuaerstor'z from it during the the year preceding the census, yea.i land, regardless of size, were instructed to report all separate tracts of management the eervio.a or of the income theretPaa, which required for th.ir of at least one person during the greater part of the year preceding the census year. In 910 end 1920, no farm was to 'be reported of less than 3 acres unless either $260 worth of products had bean produced upon it during the year preceding the census year or the contimuou services of ab least one person wer. required for its agrioultural. operation. In 1925, 1930 and .1935 no t'arm or tract of land was to be reported of less: then 3 acres, unless its agrtou1aral, prcducts in the year ivodiat.1y preceding the census year were valued at $250 or more. All land in farms - percts The relationship of all farm creae to *Ms within the unit specified. the to1 sere,4. &* Number of farms s The uer of individual tracts used for farming as qua1itiec by the definition of a farm for that year. Averap size of farms The average aoreae obtained by the division of the area of aU 1Iat in farms by the number of farms for each census ysar oved land in farms - acrasi Prior to the 1925 census, includes .11 ; Xad in pasture which baa. been tilled or we .p an regtzar y cleared, land lying fallow, in orchards, gardens, vineyards and nurseries and the area occupied 'by farm buildings; in 1925, l90 and 1936, includes all crop land (harvested, tallow ud crop failure) and plowable pasture. In 1926, 1930 end 1935 the area occupied by tarn buildings is included in another category. The ohange in definitions may account for a slight reduction as ociiapared with 1920. I Improved 1*td in farms -jrents Th. relationship of improved acreage in farms to e koeI aor.age in farms. arma: I. 188(), includes woodland and 3. ", 'm,odlsnd wae not reported1 in ..910 aM 1920, includes eU land covered with natural or planted forest trees which produce or may ater produce firewood or other forest products; in 1925, includes woodland and woodland paettre in tarmsj in 1930 *nd11936, includes woodland pasture an *oodiand not used for pasture, woed.lsnd being d woodland .aeture in 'an defined as lan4 000upiQd by trees, or yoang growth which will have t Ya1O as wood or tirnber and nolud all farm 'wood lots or timbor triLeta, naturs3 or planted, and cut over land with young growth, but excludes ohaparral and 'woody shrubs. Other tuz'o and other 1an in £tzs arc segregated in oenaus reports but neludod iricho fflo4 tablo. In 19O and 1985 Othorsture sod all land used only for pastaro in the year iit1pr000afng us, which was not' included in plowable pasture or woodland pasture; Othor land in farms compri'sed rough, ewanipy or waste laud not in woodland, pctturo, ormrops; also land occupied by buildings, barnyards, food lots., roads, fences, ditches, otos 4 Pacific Northwest Forest Experiansnt Station, Portland, Or in cooperation pith Agricultural Experiment 8tatio1 Osgon State Agricultural College, a December 9, 1955 State of Oregon 'elopment of the State of Oregon ¶ab].e 3. Ceneu: of : A11].andin 4,214,712 a 6,909,888 : 1900 a 10,071,528 a 1910 a 11,685,110 a 1920 : 15,542,518 a 1925 a 14,130,847 a 3.930 a 16,548,678 a : Note $ Number c Averae : ; siseof : 6.9 a 16,217 a U.S a 25,53O : 16.5 a 35,85? $ 19.1 a 4,5O2 a 22.1 a 5O,26 a 23.]. : 55,911 a 270 a 55,153 a 259.9 270.7 281.0 256.8 269.7 252.7 300.1 a of Improved lend infarme a 2,196,645 a : 5,516,000 * : 5,526,508 a a 4,274,803 a : 4,913,581 a : 4,826,206 a a 4,989,322 : a wood a pasture 52.2 50.9 56.0 a 56.6 a a 2,257,806 56.3 a 2,309,5a6 64.2 a 2,664,657 50.1 a 3,122,215 - Total area of the state o Source - 15. 8. Census of Agriculture. Western Oregon Table 2 - Agricultural D e1oment in the Oregon Counties West of the Cascade Range, excluding Hood River Count*r, 1880-1935 0.. and & Census Alli of 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1925 1950 P9 a a a £ a a a a. 5,330,904 a 3,671,855 a 4,446,724 a 4,443,453 : 4,514,870 : 4,506,818 a 4,515,053 a woodland Improved lend in farmø 177 a 12,613 a 19.5 a 16567 a 23.6 a 24,400 :. 23.6 a 30,842 a 229 : 35,6t0 a 22.8 a 40,199 a 23.9 a 39,690 a 264.1 221.6 182.2 144.1 128.2 107.1 115.7 1,747,814 : a 1,887,488 a a 1,487,357 a a 1,606,085 a a 1,707,061 a a 1,652,882 a a 1,731,648 a 525 a 1 46.0 55.4 a : -. - 1,556,835 39.6 a 1,495,598 38.4 a 1,854,772 38.4 a 1,949,624 56.3. a . - Total area of weater)1 Oregon excluding Hood River Count for ceftaus years 1880-1910 given as 18,852,480 acres, and for 1920-1935 aa 18,854,400. Percentages computed accordingly. Source - U. S. Cenmis of Agriculture. Note 5 Pacific Northst Poreet tnco a]. Eperiaent Station, Oregon State Agricu1tura1 College, Deoe*ber 9, 193 fAstern Oregon egon Counties East of Table 3 Cu County, 1880-1935 Census: of : AUlandinfaras: : Improved land Average MUib of : elseof : 883,808; 2]. 3,604, 3,238,033 ; 76 : 8,963 : : 5,624,604 : 13.3 tU,437 : 7,241,677 : 17.3. I4,6b : 1910 1920 : 9,227,448 s 21.8 :16,536 : 23.2 :3.5,'7].2 : 3.925 : 9,824,029 : 12,033,645 * 28.4 :15,463 : 3.90 245.2 361.3 1 S 4918 494.0 558.0 625.3 '778.2 450,531* 1,828,512 : : 1,840,951 : : 2,671,718 : * 3,206,550 :. : ,173,544 : t 3,257,414 : 5]..O : 56.5 32.7 36.9 : : I : 34.$ * 32.3 : 27.1 : 1,172,593. - Total area of eastern Oregon ineinding Hood River County tar o$*uS acres and for 1920-1935 a.. years 1880-1910 given U 42,336, 42,334,080; percentages coaited accordingly. Sourc. - U. S. Census of Agriculture Hots Selected Catiee 4 Agrta1 Jose*iine, Lane, Census: of 1880 1*90 0O 1910 1920 3.925 1930 : : : : : : : 5, in Bsuton, Glatsop, Columb: Till**OOk Counties, Oregon, Afl]..ndinfarrns: 1,333,111 : 12.1 : 4,303 s 1,546,07 : 14.0 : 5,85? : 1,9/1,5'78 $ 17.9 : 8,650 : 2,020,512 : 18.3 : 10,825 : 1,953,004 * 17.8 : 11,782 * 1,945,192 : 17.7 : 14,036 : 2,3.08,93? : 19.2 : 14,270 : 309.8 264.0 227.5 186.7 165.8 138.6 147.8 : : : : : : : 757,483 ; 577,972 ; 477,596 : 508,885 : 561,717 : 523,773 : 569,235 : :3'1.4 -- 520,89 *6.8 : 24.3 : 25.2 : 844,003 28.8 i 812,242 26.9 : 3.,001,162 27.0 ; 1,108,970 - Total area of these counti*s for ce*aus years 1880IP.1910 given as 11,018,880 acres and for 19201935 me 10,974,720. These nine counties were included i studies of instability of forest land om*ersktp. Source - U. 8. Census of Agriculture, PaeUic Worthweet Fore tion, 9, 1955 Baker Table 5 gricu1turl D.ve1oisnt in Baker Goimt, Oren, 1andinf.ras 0 -2 -2 --2 2 -: 297,895 * s 19 : 3 495,145 : 580,915 : 672,905: --1 15.2 * of $ 1910-1985 $ -: -$ -: 1,504 * 25.0 : 1,509 : 28.4 $ 1,4$4 : 34.1: 1,385: --. 2 -S 228.8 t -3 2 526.8 588.1 486.1 a- * : 187,759 $ 168,51? : : * z 155,004 : PartotUntonCoit*dtiedtOBak*rini902 t 25,851 47,464 40,955 71,418 T now ia 1,975,040 acree. 8o*ce - U. S. Censue of icu1t41z'e. Bentea ?able 6 - Agrtcu3.ara1 DsvsLspient in Benton -* -2 - 19004955 2 * 852 : 55.5 : 55.5 2 ,42?: 55.4: 1. 214,858 2 222,255 * 48.8 : 50.4 : - Part of Basiton taken with part of TiUmook to toi* Line1n in 1895. Total area of oar now te 440,820 acrea. $ource - U. S. Caus of Agria1ture. 7 Pacific Northwest Forest priaerit $tatton, Por in cooperation 1.th Stst Agricultural college, Agricultural Bxperiment Station, ore 1)ecssbsr 9, 1$35 Oreg. C].aksaas Cenaue: of : 1880 1890 1900 193.0 3.920 ; s : : 3.930 : : : 1.95 ; 1925 All 177.8 : 147.3 : 116.2 : 246,200 ; 260,990 : 298,491 : 20.6 ; 1,385 * 21.9 : 1,771 : 25,0 s 2,568 : 301,009 * 285,910 $ 300,0*4 z 290,573 : 25.]. : 5,024 : : 91,458 90,061 826 : 103,371 x 14.5 : 118,658 * 59.7 2 1.22,819 : 61.2 : 124,856 : 252 s 3,61.6 s 239 $ 3,836 i 24.3 : 4,747 : 333 * 2$.; 70,674 : : 28.7 35.0 30.2 34.3 41.5 440.9 - 163,773 * : : t : C 43.0. : .20O* - Total area of county is 1,195,520 acres. Source - U. S. Ceneu. of Agriculture. Note Clateop r, Oregon, 1800-1935 :Woodland & * Number : $ 2.800 3.890 1900 1910 1920 1925 1930 2 s ; ; t 37,469 2 7]. 3 9,2 $ 48,369 * 72,515 $ 13.8 * 54,221 : 10.3 : ,., . 52,01.7 : 53,672 : 10.2 : 74,562 : 2 1? .S of : Average siz.ot 537 : 256.6 : 204.9 : 167.5 : 346.9 : 116.1 99.9 694 )AY7 4 1.46 2 236 433 3693 448: 3 7 - Total area of county is 525,440 acres. Source - U. S. Ceneus of Agriculture. Note Improved land in farms 10,070 13,212 14,694 12,730 34,179 3.5,307 13,810 2 26.9 27.3 z woodland : pasture $ $ 203 : 23.5 27.3 28.5 18. : : : : 25,058 - 26,444 22,839 27,806 47,130 3. Forest psria.nt Station, Port in cooperation with on, Oregon State Agricultural college, December 9, 1933 Tab 9 Columbia Coiat, Agri 1335 of a 2 920: 1925 1930 a a 41,742: 79,312: 9.9: iL'?: 1.57: 358: 801 * 142,906 a 33.7 a 91,372 a 23..6 * 3a 23.2: 09,889 991: 105,619 2 24.9 a 1,595 a 118,608k 28.0: l,67: 265.9 221.7 178.4 112.4 a : a a 90.?; &.2 : ILl a ]4482 * 20,02 : 18O45 $ 16,112 22,182 25,426 29,84? 34.7 252 a * 12.6 17.6 t a a a -- 23,3,22 a a 24.7* 24.1 25.2* 26,317 39,332 53,851 65j610 - TotaL ares of county is 423,680 a Source - U. S. Census of Agriculture. Table 10 - Agricultural Deveiopnent in Coos County, Oregon, 3880.4935 Cenaue: of: 8 $ 1290 a cx a 1910 1420 3925 1930 ; a * a 1.12,905 : 10.8 a 22,643: 11.8: 172,336:3.6.5: 20a,1.02 a 206,565 a 182,743 a 3.9.4 : 19.8 : 17.5 s 227,874 a 23.9 a 198.2 193 6 199.7 179.2 175.4 143.6 174.6 - Total area of county is 1,041,920 scree. Source- U 8 Census of Agriculture. 25,421 a 32,213 $ 37,622 a 4473 ; 36,530 : 31,692 a 22.5 26.3 21.0 17.6 a $ a a 177 a 17.3 * 3.7.0 * 95,764 9,649 90,883 rest xp.riaent Station, Portland, Oregon in 000p.retien with Pacific N 0eD* øtats 14rL1tUr&l College, Co Dsconb.r 9, 1935 1 1890 ].900 1910 1920 1985 1930 -- a : * : $ 554,950 : a 458,816 a -- a: -$ 29.6 a 24.4 : 634,962: 55.8: a 7Q5,Q0 ; a -Ml $ -$ 2 - 2 -i'- 959.2 1,115.6 412 r 4: 1ta6.8 $ * $ * 4 ; ,,44.; -2 93951 : 80,186 a 68,595: 11,855 & Part of Crook taken to farsi Desc),itsa in 1916 now i 1,877,760 sores. Note Source - U 2 16.9 15.1 3,0.8 z 27, 1Q4, Total area of caeii Confuø of Agrienlbaz'e. 1955 Table 12 - Agricultural Dave :Wood1 Cenzs: of a Ail1n'.in 1 - & odd 53,555 a 81,419 a 5.6 z 8.8 s 105,236 a 10.8 a 106,772 a 11.1 a 103,067 : 10.0 a 103,245 a 10.0 t 114,838 : 11.1 : 358,? 566.0 565.7 504.0 571.4 555.8 - Total area of county for cen j and for 19-1955 a 1,031,680; p.r Source - U. S. Cemius of Agriculture. s 5,701 55,818 25,149 a 22,93,6 33.5.0 a a 2 a 8 : a : 16,653 : 14,426 a 17,549 a 10.6 44.0 2.4 $ 22,957 a a 21.5 a 16.2 : 14.0 a 15.5 * 26,274 36,655 59,216 1910 given as 958, 70 acres computed a000rdingl7. 10 Pacific Northwest Forest Lperiient Station, Portland, .gOa in cooperatiozt with Agricultural Experieent Station, Oregon state Agricultural College, Co Dsc.m)*r 9, 1935 Deechutes Table 13 Agricultural Development 1920-1935 Desehutee ç.cres_ 910 1920 1925 1930 : : : : --; --: - 2 -: 7.4-:: -: 144,979 : 108,629 : 155,432 : 5.5 : 7.9 : 75]. s 670 : 824 : - -193.0 162.1 181.6 2. ---2 $ 2 51,744 : 47,631 ; 44,104 : 35'.7 438 17,997 6,724 28.4 of Crook In 1916. - Deachutes Cowitlr orgsniz4 county iø 1,961,600 acres. Source - U. S. Oensus of Agriculture. blot. s 34 003 T Table 14 - Agricultural Development in Douglas County, Oregon, 1880-1935 i Nunber : Average ieof of Census * : : i 1930 466,816 $ 506,828 : 553,168 : 577,428 z 566,305 a 579,060 a 656,266 a 1,043 : 16.1 : 1,270 : 17.6 : 1,641 : 18.3 a 2,124 ; 17.7 a 2,275 : 14.8 8 18.1 a 20.5 a 2,551 s 2,488 a 447.6 ; 399.1 $ 337.1 a 271.9 a 248.9 a 227.0 a 263.8 a Improved laM in fares 310,712 171,435 122,997 117,1.15 136,553 226,570 135,400 a : a a : $ a 66.6 i 33.1 : 22.2 20.3 a 24.1 a 21.9 a 20.6 a woodland - 237309 271,434 321,692 371,663 - Total area of county for census yar's 1810-1910 given as 3,150,080 acres end or 1.920-1935 es 3,194,240; percentages coautmd accordingly. Source - U. 5. Census of Agriculture. Note 11 Pacific Northwest Forest psriaent Station, Portland, 0ron in cooperation with tural Experiment Station, Oregon St.t Agricultura1 CoUs, CorvaUis Orsg Ioøaber 9, .935 1880 1890 1900 1910 1.920 1925 3.930 : : : * : : : Note -: - : 340,460 --:: 44.3 : 434,277 ; 56.5 : 486,941 : 634 s 74.3 : 693,715 ; 90.3 : 570,774 : - Part of Gilliaa in 1899. Total Source - U. S. Census of - --: 444.1 : -: : 772.0 1,005.3 : - : 400- 136,258 - - : : 235,666 432 : 454 : 1,072.6 : 259,002 s 365 : 1,563.8 : 253,490 : 353 : 1,965.2 : 280,703 : th parts of Crook ad 54.3 53.2 44J 40.5 - - z $ : 3 ; 4,884 3,942 - 990 torn'. Wheeler county now is 768,640 acres. Grest Table 1.6 - Agricultural --: -: $ : : : 316,346 : 445,170 : 750,160 : 758,948 : 899,329 : opaent in Grant County, Or -: -: --: -: 10.9 $ 15.4 : 25.9 : 26.2 : 311 : 697 : 713 : -- 453.9 575.9 72* 2 1,030.4 591 : 1,2*4,2 632 : 1,423.0 : : : : : 4,222: 13.0: 53,045 : 74,729 92,214 : 81,009 : s 119 : 100 : 32.2 : 9.0 - Part of Grant taken with parts of GiU.iaM and Crook to tora in 1*99. Total area of county now is 2,892,800 acres. Source - U. S. Census of Agriculture. Note 50,068 82480 92,368 eslez' 12 Pacific Northwest loreet xp.riaet Station, Portlend, Oregon in cooperation with Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State Agricultural CoUege, Corvallis, Oreg. December 9, 1935 icultural Deve1oaet in : Number : Can 0 1 3.890 ia : 19300 1920 1925 1950 : s of : S 469,813 : 272,81? : 562,204 $ 524,678 s 669,538 : 795,205 : 74 z $ 8.5 t 12.5 : : : 9747 Improv*d 1.d in ferns - : 890.8 : 881 s 1,0302.2 603 : 1,318.? : : 177,297 184,126 589 : 108 : size of 220,54? 125,549 s 199,271 : 3016,954 : 482 : 848 : 443 : 4.3 : 8.8 : Average : 76401 : : l,$#.1 t $ : - 46.9 : 46.0 : $5.4 : 53.7 25.7 252 t : I * p Note org ,357,1 e-U.S.Cansus of V Table 18 - A Vi 0 ont in Hood River Oaunr, Oregon, 1 Isproved lend in farms Census: -- a $ 3 $ : a -$ 58,049 a 58,075 46,860 57,899 a a : _, 10.9: 744: 11.0: 13.5: 878z 10.9 : Hood River Count a: of oount' for 1935 as 345,600. -- a: -a 51.1 $ 45.4 41.5 39.0 a a a -- -- a S -a 14,284: $ 19,664 a 21,059: 20,166 a -: 57.5 51.6 45.1 53.5 * a a 12, -- 9,54]. 17,138 nsua year 1910 given as 347,520 acres and for 1920- - U. S. Census of AgrimUture. 13 Pacific No Agri t Forest xperiinnt Station, Portland, Oregon in cooperation with tation, Oregon State gricultura1 College, Cornll.is, Org December 9, 1935 Jackson Table 19 - 880-1935 icu]. ural Development in Jackson County a a Numbe Ceneusa of a' All land in farms a I 1910 3.920 a 1925 1930 a Average siseof : z a a 187,612 * 228,055 a 294,163 $ 297,171 a 312,936 a 277,826 a 288,371 a of ; 10.3 a 32.6 a 16.2 a 36.4 : 17.5 : 15.5 16.]. 0 a a 565 : 796 : 1,356 a 1,714 a 3,720 $ 2,142 a 2,214 a 332.1 285.0 216.9 373.4 $ a : a 3.81.9 a 129.7 a 3.30.2 a 9O855 : 135,030 : 92,203 a 103,238 : 92,310 a 306,916 a 98,787 a a 48.4. 59.2 31.3 34.7 1 a a 1 295 $ 38.5 a 34.3 : .5 . Total area of ooamty for c.neue years 1880-1910 gi acres and for 1920-1935 i.e 1,788,160. Source - U. 8. Census of Agriculture. as 1,015,040 Jefferson Table 20 - Agricultural Deeiopment in Jefferson County, Oregon, 3.920-1935 Census: of 1880 a 1890: 1900 1910 1920 1925 1930 a a : a a Note All :a a 440,926 a 38.7 : 491,190 a 43.1 a 620,567 a 54,5 a - Jefferson (ounty organized fra part of county is 1,138,560 acres. Source . U S. Census of Agriculture. ook. 915. total area of 14 Pacific Northwest Foreøt Exper1*pt 8tato, Portland, 0rogot in cocp.veticn wi.th. i riment Station, Oregen State Agri4i1tuia1 College, Corvallis, Orag Deoenber 9, 1935 * 56,396 : 71,145 : 96,019 : 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1925 1950 121,845 $ 97,299 91,501: : 5.2 : 8.5 : 8.6 : 10.9 : 9.5 : 8.7: 2 270 : 596 $ 55', : 855 : 72? z 945* 10.1: 1,154: 215.5 : 178.5 : 172.4 : 142.5 : 135.8 : 96.8 s 905 * 1880-1910 given as 1,120,640 - Total area of county for Percentages a*zted acoordinØ acres and for 1920-1955 as 1,04 Source - U. S. Census of Agriculture 1880 1890 1900 1910 3 1925 : : : : : : Note -- 137,841: 221,554: -: 5.6: 5.8: -- : 352: 455: : 454,540 : 11.8 s 992: L5 s 567,555 : 789: 541,048 : 8.9 : 1,197 : 569,949 : 14.8 : 19,755 21,550 22,359 50,969 29,557 27,856 52,1?8 -- : 415.2 489.1 490.6 560.2 432.3 476.1 : : s : : : ..- : 75,570 : 72,259 : 176,564 : 152,742 : 141,199 : 203,068 : - 54.7 : 82.6 : 58.9 : 427 : 41.4 s 55.6 : 75,809 56,792 78,6Th 80,988 - Kiamath Counter organized Aon part of Lake in 1882. Total area of coun1 ii 3,859,560 acres. Source - U. S. Census of Agriculture. 1.5 Pacific Northe.t Forest Epetitt5tatiOfl, Portland Orejoc coopen -Expriinent Statiora, Oregon State Agricultural CoUee, Corvallis - December 9, Aricultural Deve1opiorat in Lake Ceunt, Oregdll, 1890-1955 Table 25 1880 1090 1900 3930 1820 1925 1910 a -a a 351,908: a 249,288* a 401,555 a * a late -a 5.0* 4.9* 7.9 : 528,218: 10,4: 484,678 a ?49,7 a 96 * 146 a - 572: 59?: 732 a 549: 4Th * 485 $ -a a 406.6 a a 627.9 584.0 918.5 1,014.0 1,546.0 a * a a a 115,582 95,824 104,419 385,596 125,062 155,610 a a * $ a a - Part of Lake CountV taken to form K1.snath in 388 -* 76.9 58.4 26.0 54.9 26.4 17.8 1 t 30,569 85,849 a a 0,956 83,09 a a Tot*1 area of aountr is 5,$8,8O0 acres. culture. Source - U. S. Ceen. of 0re, 1880-1915 Table 24 - zWood1d : ood1nd of : a 1900 1910 190 1925 950 a ; a a a late a pasture Alllimdinfaree 561,835 : 12.5 : 439,200 a 14.9 * 505,405 a 485,265 a 496,917 a 516,756 a 814,287 a 171 a a .5 212.4 171.7 161.5 124.0 126.4 a 16.4 a 2,8 16.9 a 5,279 17.6 a 4,168 a 17.5 a 4,069 - Total area of Le 0eirn 3 a : a a a a 228,861 a 225,929 : 140,513 * 159,12? a 172,952 $ 169,245 * 178,049 a 68.2 51.0 27.9 32.8 54.8 52.8 54.6 a a a $ a : for ce6us yoar I88O-4W given as 380,770 157,525 284,8Th 229,826 2,951,680 acres and fcr 1120-1955 as 2,c3Z,6804 Percentages corn- pute4 according]. Source - U. S. Census of Apiculture. -- 16 aperiat station, Portland tth Oregbn Otate A ricu1trs1 çoll., 0ceUis, Oreg Pacific No cooperation Deober 9, 1136 1. * 1190 : 1900 : 1930 : : i 89,865: -.- -- si 15.9: 245 z 118,756: 18.4: 158,282 : 115,975 : 106,715 : - -419: 183.4 : 2 - * -& 8828 : 9.1 9.1 - 2. : 99,6Th ?L8 : 18.0 s 16.5 - 60,175 72,169 13.9 : 19.2 * 8 $,034 - Lincl Tote] ares of csr £r and for 1930-1935 as *45,760. Source - U. S. Cenauø of Ap'icult*are. Oregcn, 1860-1836 1180: 1690 1900 1910 190 $ 415,965; 28.8: ],$28s 416,82? : 290 : 1,711 : : 491,439 : 462,537 ; 54.2: 24l7 : : 472,469 8 52.7 $ 46?,555 z 488,706 s 52.4 * * 19*5 z 1 s 52.2s 2,751 : 5,041 : 52.5 : 5,506 , 3,074 $ 2fl.O : 256,000; 245.6 : 258,830 : 205.8 : 168.1 : 155.4 : 141,5 : 152.5 : 216,582 236,035 * 256,59]. : 246,091 : 255,980 : 61.0; 61.3 ; 44.1 * 511 547 55.] 54.2 * : z * 94,119 115,064 156,895 I - Total area of eoua for coneaa .are 1880-1910 given as 1,435 20 acree and for 1920.4935 a 1,445,120. Percentages computed no Sou,ce - U. 3, enaue of Artcuitiwe. Note Z7 4 1880 87390 i 10 1900 a ]1O a 1920 a a 2U,045 230,175 435,831 a a a 484,820 a 572,582 4 -: 5?8 1.4i 5851 8J 301: 5.8: 74 ; ]592: 7.7: 1,5$t 94a 1,5*4 -2 - 'C lID.? $9.1 *7.4 $524 a4.$ 4257 a a : U8,8Q0 a 214 24.5 a 115,081 a 30.5 - Total ar'ee ot $riaa Coàu*q o1' eL 764,180 &ø atd for 1930'1$35 s $5, a000 U, S. Oenás o 4igrcia1tur&. -t 43.8 88,185 fl12S0 81,801 IE8,185 a a a 415 a a 35.6 a L a a a 18 orthwest Forest Experiment Station, Port1nd, Oregon in 000perattcfl with ant Station, Oregon State Agricultural College, Corvali.is, Ozsg. Pa Agrtcultural Ex December 9, 1935 nt in Korrow County, Oregon, 1890-1935 Table 29 - Agri Cen8us: of 1880 : 3.090 : 1900 1910 : : 3.920 : 1925 1930 : : to All land in farms : - 273,8'73 : 509,958 : 673,997 : lumber : Average ot : -: 21.1 * 700 : 39.3 $ 586 z 52.0 : 781,613 : 60.3 : 926,252 z 71.5 1,210,456 : 913.4 : 614 : 692 694 : 628 : size of -: 391.2 ; p70.2 1,097.7 : 1,129.5 : 1,334.7 : 1,9275 : mprov.d land in far*e 01.0 z 236,029 $ 350 : 290,290s 337,066 ; 350,436 : 36.5 $ ]44,47 z - -: : 221,749* 28.3 : 37.1 : 29.0 : - Morrow Count7 organizd tram part of Umatilla in 1805. Is 1,296,000 acres. of Agriculture. 38,424 56,118 9,009 61,622 Total area o Oregon, Table 30 8 Census: of : Average $ Nuiiibar AU 2 of : etseof 2 72,636 : 25.2 g : 3.910 3.920 : : 1925 1930 : 505 ; 270 * 690: 35.7 ; 3,276 : 299 x 1,478 2 36.2 * 1,828 : 28.7 : 1,988 2 76,113 : 27.4 $ 1,733 : 78,054 102,926 z 86,262 2 100,495 : 79,617 * 143.8 : 113.1 : 80.7 : 50.4 1 55.0 : 40.0 8 43.9 * 26,594 s 37,095 ' 34,196 : 36,011 $ 46,148 1 37,972 38,676 2 36.6 : 47.5 2 332 * 41.7 : 45.9 : 47.7 : 50.8 8 7 37,23 11,599 23,563 19,045 16,078 2 - Total. &rea of county for census years 1880-1910 givsn as 288,6.40 acres and for 1920-1935 as 271,760 acres. Percentages ooaputod ace izgly Source - U S. C.flus of Agriculture. Note 19 t Forest xperis.nt Station, ?ort].nnd., Oregon in CoopST'*tiofl with .Agrioultura]. bcperimeut Station, Oregon Stat. Agricultural College, Corvallis, Dreg. Deceabr 9, 1935 Polk Tab]e 31 - Agricultural Development in ?olk Census: of : 1910 1920 1925 1930 a : a a 1880-1935 Alliandin 2 2 303.0 a 167,195 a 141,877 ; 2 a 7' 236,939 a 231,169 a 256,847 a 260,367 a 239,621 a 237,332 a 245,363 a 522 a 50.9 a 56.6 a 57.4 a 52.8 ; 52.3 a 54.1 a 782 882 a 2621 z 1,192 a 1,557 : 1,761 a 1,150 a 1,882 a 215.5 a 167.2 * 136.). : 128.3 a 130.4 : 127,072* 137,162 a 3.37,949 a 127,854 3 133,649 a 70.6 : 61.4 a 49.51 52.1 a 57.6 53.9 3 54.5 * 71,61'? 75,002 ?5,93 87,660 - Total area of county toi ceneus years 1880-1925 given as 45 and for 1930-1933 as 453320. Percentages computed ace Source - U. 8. Census of Agriculture Note Sherman Table 32 Census: of a I a a 1930 Not a AEricultural Development in Sherman County, Oregon, 1900-1935 t Number : Alllendinfarms: -* -2 -2 302,482 a 56.5 a - a 3?2,526a 69.6 408,001 a 76.3 : 419,578 a 78.4 a 435,214 a 81.3 a of a Average sizeof -a 545 369 a -a -a 555.0 a 198,285 $ 273,918 a 284,126 a 292,969 a 799.4: 4.662 460 : 417 : a 887.0 a 1,006.2 a 1,179.4 a 21 286,579 t 65.6 1 73.5 8 69.6 a 69.8 a 65.0 2 1,317 5,027 714 - Sherman Cowtty formed from ps.rt of Wasco in 1819. Part of Wasso ennsx.d btweei 1.890 ax4 1900. Total area of county is 535,04L) acrei. Source - U. S Cenus of Agriculture. 20 Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, Portland, Oregon in 000peratt on with Agricultural Experinent Station, Oregon State Agricultural Coflege, Corvallis, Oreg. Deoeer 9, 1935 Table 33 Agricultural Development in Tillamook County, Oregon, 1900-1955 en Census i ci' 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1925 1930 1935 All laM in farina , t a a a a 8 a Note Source f -- $ 101,912 1 14.2 a 94,493 1 13.1 a 91,921 a 12.8 , 85,9 * 21.8 a 83,081 a 11.5 a 87.286 1 12.1 a of ra Improved land Average in ferns size of a 848 115.2 1 300.6 a 102.4 a 98.2 * a 811 a 889 t pasture farms -U. a I 161.5 a 145.2 a I a 631 * 661 $ 797 I wooal*nd S 86,940 50,460 26,653 35,504 26,554 24.262 a $ a s ; 26.4 $ 52,2 a 29.0 a 21.9 * 32.0 a 4Z,490 40,491 41,806 35,445 9.51$ 27.8 a Part of Tillamook taken 'with part of Bantoji to torn Lincoln Tota]. area of county i 720,000 acres, U. S. Census at Agricqiture. in 1895. Umatil is Oregon, 18904935 Census of a sAillindin a a I 1880 1890 1900 1910 3920 1925 1930 1935 a acree -: I a 526,082 $ 25 a 705,852 a 34.7 a 1,050,268 a 51.7 * a 1,075,400 t $ 1,256,095 a a 1,377,484 a a 1 405 939 a a 52.5 a 80.5 a 67.2 a 68.6 a -I 1,593 2,006 2,353 2,484 a I a a 2,265 * 2 602 a a 383.4 441,8 * 523.8 a 457.0 $ 497.6 * 608.2 $ 540.3 a 73.0 54,4 $ 51.8 a 57.8 $ 1 644,53.3 a 621,660 a 657,982 a 658,811 * S3LFS$'4 S 1 51.6 a 47.5 5 42.2 a 73,371 90,4g0 88,974 186,925 175,931 of Usati11a taken with part of Wasco to torn Gt1ltn in 15 ad Total area of county part of Umatilla taken to form Morrow in 1;: for census years 1890.1910 given as 2,030,720 and for 192O1935 as 2,049,920. Percentages computed accordingly. 80.troe (J. 8. Census of Agrii1ture. 21 StattOfl, Pert1and 0r.goI eriment Station, Table Censue of $ 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 ooperttian witt Stat. Ariou1turs1 College, Corvallia, Oreg, Deee*ber 9, 1935 in Union Coumty, Oregon, 1910.1955 ricultural Deirelo All and tu farms * 396,769 * 29.6 , 1, 441,735 e 34.4 i 1,279 s 420,029 , 32.7 * 1,218 i 487,981 z 35.7 , 1,216 : 463 538 * .1 3, 539 ; 1926 1930 1935 502.3 845.4 344.9 358.9 346.2 t * * t 166,499 178,021 155,738 115,198 18? 468 t , a 41.8 7,$65 57.3. * 93,521 404 83975 38.3 $ 38.1 : 95,CU .Z 326 sk.r in 1902. T County annexed b census year 1910 giem as 1.336,680 aores for 1,284,480. Peroentag.s oosutad accordingly. 15. S. Census or Agrioultazre. I I 0 920 1925 1950 3936 , : t : z Note 354,732 z 17.6 i 524,029 s 25.8 , 556,722 : 27.4 , 569,759 : 28,1 s 566359. 279 952 $ 1 030 240,7 535.3 466.1 579.3 598.5 649,9 : : : $ * x $ 55,331 86,049 141,404 325,762 334,261 127 978 : $ : z : a * 28.5 3 24,3 s 15,166 78,766 17.0 33.1 i 367,3.68 23.1 * 11.1.783 93 944 26 & Wsllcm* fored from part of Uniot in 1887. Part annexed from Union between 1890 and 1900. Total area. of county for oeneus years 1900. 1910 given as 2,012,800 seree arid for 1920.'3935 e.s 2.028,180. - u. s. c.neu or Agriouilz*re. 22 Pacific Northwest Forest xp.riment 8tstU,n, Portland, Oregon in cooperation 'pith Ari cultural Experiment ttion, Oregon State Agricultural College, Corvallis, Crag. December 9, 1935 Tabla 37 o .Aricu1turs1 nt in Wasco County, Oregon, 1910c'.1935 lo $ Censusi of * All land in tarmg acres M3 1880 l8O 1900 1910 1920 1925 1930 1935 a .4 farms:r - ' aor -a w4 a * Note Source $ 408,5 a - a£ 539.4 829.5 689.6 3, a a i,00d3.ar a pasture ent toe6 51.5 a 29.3 s 89,392 69,641 66,632 3 p * a 171,051 a 213,553 a 543 ; 9 692,104 a 48,2 a 1,283 * 892,555 , 59.5 a 1,078 a 819 286 s 54 6 t 1 188 I p Improved land in f&rIM -$ a 543,754 a- 36.3 a 1j331 48.6 a 1,339 728226 i Averaa t 8iae f $ Numberi of : -, .- i a 191,516 r 206,616 i 206 488 i. 27.7 1' 23.1 ; 25.O s - Part of Wasco County takem to form Hood River in 1908 county is 1,499,520. 93 * 612 76 651 TOtal ti'I Of U. S. Cau of Agriculture. Washtngt*t 38 Tab1 Census $ of * ricultura]. Development in Washington Oounty* Oregon, 18804936 All le.nd infe a Number of Averae ' size of ' : $ Improved land in farms 2,00 * woodland * pasture a 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1925 1930 1935 171,840 * i , $ * : Note Source 36.7 q 225,406 228,978 234,198 228O56 47.8 s 3,09Q * 48.9 50.2 * 219.0 133.5 1*5 211,920 i 458 * 1,588 251,568 z 53,8 a 2,302 240,328 a. 51.4 2,871 3,876 3,917 48.7: 471. t g ; f * 1093 83.7 723 59,1 &9.9 52.. 61,821 i a ;. a 86,045 è 92,512 107,919 a a 1*3,325 è $ 122.,&S8 t 130$092 ! *126653* Total area of county is 467,840 acres. U. S. Census of Agriculture. 35I9 : 107, 40.6 1 56.8 8 : 54.3 g 53.5 p 55 69,620 65,459 79,549 23 Pe.cific Northwest Forest Experimer4t Station, Portland, Oregon in cooperation with Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State A'tou1tura1 College, Corv&llis, Oreg. December 9, 1935 flheeler Census t of a 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1925 nt in Vlheeler County, Oregon, 1900.11936 u3.tural Table 3 Arexs.ge etseof All land , 280,754 1 $ 43.5,678 $ t 1955 4 Note * 5 25.7 $ 38.]. a 488,178 $ 44.5 577,437 a 52.9 a a a 3.930 -- $ .I_ a 5 688,056 a 63.3. a 69.4 * 756 859 390 a 387 a 359 a 288 a 254 'u :eri * 01 a p ptstur in farms I f a woodland Irnproved land a * 526 a $ a 719.9 a 1,073.8 a 1,351.5 a 2,005.0 a 2,422,1 a 22,056 a 53, 396 S 01 5 a 12.8 8.3 7.3 40,104 a 42,387 39,577 01 7.9 a 5.8 a a a a 44 3 2 321..? 0101 86,093 58,369 81,532 131,481 152 907 Viheeler County formed from parts of Grant, Crook end Gil1iin in 1899 Total area of county is 1,090,560 aores. Source - U. S. Census of Agriculture YamhiU * Census a of a 3.950 3.935 a * a a a a * Note Source an a woodland S Average a, All land in tarm.s a of farms: acres a sire of i Improved land 255,097 264,632 284,385 274,260 268,184 280,962 287,771 288 508 a a $ a fame res xl Ej-q t; in farms acres a 55.8 a 1,145 a 57.9 a 1,277 a 62.2 a 1,598 a 60.0 a 2,218 1 2,592 a 56.1 61.5 a 2,864 a 63.0 a 2,690 a 63.1; 2.935 a * a a pasture in farms $ 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1925 80-1938 11 County, Oregon, Table 40 - Agricultural Development in Y 222.8 207.2 178.3 123.1 98.8 98.1 107.0 98.3 * a a 1.18,747 3.22,794 1 * 14,832 I a 136,463 a a 139,025 a 140,226 a a a .1.Total area of county is 488960 aoreb. U. 8. Census of Agriculture. 134,069 i 3. 75 a 46.5 a 127,648 46.4 a 47.4 a 49.8 a 77,234 54.3 a 13,035 - 47.7 48,7 48.4 a 117,837 121,013 97 824 24 ifto Northiest FOrest Expariment Station, Port1*d, reo in cooperation sith Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State Agriculture1 College, Cor'v.11ti, Or.. December 9, L955 Bentou4iflOol*Tt1110k Table 41 Census s of a Lincoln, and Ti11nce Ccau*itiO, A.grioultara1 Deve1oent in 6 Oregon All land in ttrms t o $ 1880 1890 1900 1910 3.920 1925 1930 1935 * , a a a a * a Note Source 254, 278,542' a 911: s 15.4 a a 1,985 a 427,229 a 488,279 $ 27,() a 2,110 444,012 . 24.e s 2,864 415,862 a 23.0 a .s , 43.l,999 s 444,23' , 24.6 23.1 Total 1,805, accordingly. U. S. Census at A * .277.1 220.9 215.2 180.2 * 140.2 142 9 i * 212,598 tM 0 17L 90L 390.388 182,67'* tar...cesu9 yea. 180.1tV or 19304935 as 1,806,080. Per ntae computed cOufltiéI ulture.