Reprinted from Current Science Difterential aggression conspecifics in a RESEARCH towards primitively alien broodtl-11. eusocial COMMUNICATIONS There is some pre-imaginal least 50:0 of ecl.osing fe~ales caste-bias are .~t~n~ially but at Arun B. Venkataraman and Raghavendra Gadagkar Centrs:for Ecological Sciences,Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India developIng theIr ovanes and InItIatIng theIr own solitary foundress nests12.13 so that parental manipulation cannot provide a satisfactory solution to this problem. The main factor to select for the worker strategy over the solitary foundress strategy in R. marginata therefore may be the 'hope' that today's When worker wasp the members of a colony of the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata were removed from their nests and introduced into a cage containing an alien colony, the resident wasps in the cage treated different classes of introduced animals differently. The young « 8 days old) introduced animals were allowed to join the resident colony without any aggression. The queen amongst the introduced animals was immediately attacked and killed" Of the remaining animals, some d' h h t' th h d t k "11 d d were I e epen Ing on ow muc Ime ey aspen These f th " t I t be'" " nt od ct ' on results away rom suggest elrthatna aggression a nes s may lore be I directed r u I towards aliens based from them. on the perception of reproductive become tomorrow's queen via a queen replacement2, 14. The probability that a given individu~l would become a queen in her life time would of course. depend on who her nestmates are who may be awaiting the same opportunity. The strategies that individual wasps must adopt to work for the welfare of the colony but at the same time maximize their chances of becoming the next queen may thus be viewed as a form , h. of mutualism. It IS of considerable Interest m t IS context that, non-nestmates (presumably unrelated mdlvldual~) frequently land on pre-emerge~ce col~mes ROPALIDIA MARGINATA (Lep,) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) is a primitively eusocial Polistine wasp abundantly distributed in peninsular India, New colonies are initiated, throughout the year, by one or a group of female wasps. Even in the latter, only one individual and occasionally on post-emergence colonIes. It IS of even greater interest that such non-nestmate intruders are sometiI:nes repelled very aggressively but appear to be accepted without any apparent aggression at other times (unpublished observations), These observations have prompted us to investigate the mechanism and extent of nestmate discrimination by R. marginata females. lays eggs while the remaining work towards building the nest, brood care and foraging. Daughters who Laboratory experiments have shown that female wasps can discriminate between nestmates and non- eclose trom these nests may either leave to found their own new single or multiple foundress nests or may stay back and take on the role of workers. Although there is only one queen at any given time, queen replacements are common so that workers, both in pre-emergence as well as in post-emergence colonies, have opportunities to take over their colonies as replacement queens. The colonies are perennial so that workers eclosing at any time have more or less equal opportunities to become reproductives either in newly founded colonies or in their natal colonies1.2. A question of obvious interest is why so many R. marginata females work in someone else's nest rather than start their own solitary foundress nests? The three main factors that might select for such worker behaviour over solitary nest founding, suggested in the literature, have to do with a) opportunities to rear brood more closely related than- one',s own offspring 3,4, nestmates even outside the context of their nests provided both the discriminating as well as the discriminated animals have been exposed to at least a fragment of their natal nests and a sub-set of their nest mates and have thus had the opportunity to learn and/or acquire the appropriate nestmate discrimination cues1s. When non-nestmate wasps were introduced into laboratory cages containing Ii colony, the introduced wasps which were 8 days old or less were allowed to join the resident colony. Amongst the older introduced animals, some of which were close genetic relatives of the resident animals, none were allowed to join the colony but nor were any killed either. In one experiment, some of the animals belonging to the resident colony left their colony and cooperatively founded a new colony, in the same cage, along with some of the introduced animals 16.17. In all the experiments described above, the animals used were isolated b) parental fertilityS,6, individuals manipulation of some individuals into suband c) mutualistic interactions between with or without high genetic relatedness to immediately after their eclosion and thus deprived of any social experience. To better simulate the landing of non-nestmate harness the ecological advantage of group living 7. Polyandry (multiple mating by queens) and serial polygyny (queen replacements) reduce worker-brood genetic relatedness to such an extent in R. marginata that the worker strategy could not possibly be selected because of opportunity to rear very closely related animals onto natural colonies, we introduced all members of a natural colony (so that the introduced animals had normal social experience) into a laboratory cage containing an unrelated colony. The procedures used for generating colonies for the experiments, introducing animals and observin~ the consequences, CURRENT SCIENCE. YOLo 64, NO.8, 25 APRIL 1993 threat may i ca~able of ~I :: ., RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS .-.~~, have been striking described result the in of this introduced detail study killed introduction. Almost all animals was directed was alive. Although a pity that reconfirmed. died In a day clear the queen selectively within the The a few aggression most this singular of the the could behaviour other introduction be of being of th~ir probab111ty of of resident the the cont~ining the 34 19 and experiments' 28 animals respectively, accepted, 2, remaining 4 and were 2, 6 and 0 7 respectively spent no (Figure less allowed to live in the killed the I). Nearly than while had spent more were their natal. nests without of less than the nests of that into time ]' " 1 had spent their natal animal~ time absent that from ki!led. . .(evolutlonary) accepting I ji killed of the their ~ .was were from 20% a cage computed that animals than a high into and \ a high .had ammals of their class absent 25% were ult1mate value time low r~sult introduced proportion each of killed similar natal in their of three The their 70% 25% were the from .A a spent nests introduced the the of animals nests while cage away had that ,natal colony. proportion respectively were alie~. nests those their when the other, in k11led, they be introduced introduced while not queen natal on obtained when we d1v1ded three classes depending on animals, Of killed ti~e being an their as she thrice, the in among from propor~i?n could' and discerned away probability the experiments time amongst hours by .. their attacked, to the alien queen as long we repeated this experiment one before queen that was and is was animals dismembered it elsewhereI6.17, .advantag~ young ammals, or .adaptlve being sIngularly either being killed or being acceptedonto the resident animals' colony. accepted was the As animals criterion animals? We in previous asked if introduced experiment animal somehow killed. The behavioural natal colonies were before introduction. the time of the the profiles in sit and groom, walking, in cells and killed of time nests natal or binary. not of as sit killed depende~t after variable: regress10n the time analys1s, budget influenced its we probability of 05 ~ ~ their ~ ~ of 03 ~ 02 Using the five variables 0.1 the behaviours and being as perform7~ 1: 00-025 the Proportoo Figure introduced The only coefficient the nest (Table introduced Proportio~ ti~ of anima!s 05-1.0 abs~nt from nest ~iI1ed in each class. The classes are ca g e an1~als it killed -9.05, IS not Independent of the class to which they belong P<0.O5). into. statistically was with 1. of based on the proportion of their time that the wasps spent in being ab~ent fr°!11 th~ir nata~ nests prior to introduction. The proportion of (X was 0.25-05 the ask If colony natal in 0 logisti.c to killed 04 antennae, nest. elsewhere' in its being an most behaviours introduction as descnbed of an animal 06 the being in raised from 0 7 elsewherels, studiesls.19, in five of of animals with absent spent in each as independent being all the what certain before of described previous was spent all But profile natal nest its probability determined As wasps 16,17, of age. killing behavioural in its affected namely, proportion in their experiments were less than 8 days used for selectively proportion 1). animals significant negative and of time What that logistic was spent in this means had spent Table I. is killed the being of Logistic associated absent is regression analysis of time prior towards depending that proportion the proportion aggressive from course a high with regression one on absent from of extent of linking the probability it had spent being the their an alien egg proportion natal nests reproductive from time is and killing they probably competition that an introduced absent layer of aliens had spent related that to resident wasp its natal nest to introduction Independent variables tested. being the proportions of time spent by wasps in different activities. in their natal Logistic regression Standard nests. prior coefficients error to introduction Absent from nest")' -7.04 Sitting and grooming Walking Sitting with raised 2.62 15.46 antennae In cells 3.07 Z -229* 2.24 8.66 1.17 1.92 1.40 5.1 I 0.28 3.91 11.40 0.34 f '~ - *P < 0.05 ro2 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. i M, "NO.8, 25 APRILJ993 " RESEARCHCOMMUNICATIONS . animals expect to face from different classes of introduced aliens. Young animals « 8 days old) are k t h 1 d 1 d . ( bl ' h d nown 0 ave po~r y eve ope ovarIes. unpu IS e results) and may stIll be amenable to being channeled into non-reproductive roles. The queen among the .aliens clearly presents the greatest reproductive threat. Among the remaining animals, foragers (who always happen to be animals ..Indian that have spent more time absent from theIr natal nests) perhaps present less reproductIve threat because foragers tend to have relatively poorly developed ovaries19. Besides, animals with a foraging experience should be preferred partners for new cooperative colony founding ventures. ...Oxford The proxImate cues that the resIdent wasps use In distinguishing potential foragers from non-foragers and ~gg layers from non-egg layers among aliens may well he directly linked to the extent of their ovarian d 1 t 0 th th h d . t t d .14. eve opmen. n e 0 er an, since nes ma e IS- .. t .. R . t . d d t ..15. crImIna Ion In ,margma a IS epen en on acqumng ..1S recognItIon cues from the nest and,lor nestmates , egg layers and non-foragers are likely to have the strongest cues associated with their natal nests and young animals are likely to have the weakest of such cues, OJ t ' ., t' t h d . f1i t rec Ing aggressIon In propor Ion 0 ow I eren (non-nestmate like) an animal smells might therefore yield the same results, Many studies have been conducted to investigate the acceptance or otherwise of alien conspecifics into social .Insect co1ornes b h b f k 1d .20 -30 ,ut to t e est 0 our now e ge, none has focused on the possible infl~nce of prior social experience of the aliens. The results presented here and their possible interpretation that we have indicated makes R. marginata a fascinating system to .. ~nvestlgat: h 1 f t. e ro e 0 mutua 1.. Ism In h I ' t e evo utlon 0 f Insect socIalIty, 3. Hamilton,W. D., J. Theor.Bioi.,1964a,'7,1.16. 4. Hamilton,W. D., J. 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