The identification, analysis of, and addressing social determinants of TB should be prioritised Delia Boccia World TB Day 2015: what do we need to know, to reach, treat and cure everyone with TB? The best way to waste my 5 minutes A new deal to not waste the next 10 years Interventions addressing the social determinants of TB: a framework Objective PREVENTION: to reduce vulnerability to TB infection and disease progression TREATMENT: to enhance case finding and treatment SUPPORT: to mitigate TB-related costs Target population Vulnerable groups People living with TB TB-affected households Tools Cash/food transfers Vocational training Livelihood support Housing / slum upgrading Cash/food transfers Health insurance Cash/food transfers Health insurance Temporary disability grants Employment laws Mechanism Transfers to very poor households or income generation or microfinance to reduce risk of exposure to TB for poor key population groups Transfers to incentivise access and adherence and improve outcomes Transfers to mitigate income loss. Economic empowerment to TBaffected individuals to reduce stigma Income generating activities, livelihood strengthening, microfinance to increase financial productivity of healthy household members Legal protection for affected (widows, orphans, unemployed) Actor Beyond health care sector National TB control programs with crosssectoral support National TB control programs with cross-sectoral support