Conflict and Hesitancy in Virtual Actors Ian Horswill1, Karl Fua1,2, and Andrew Ortony1,2 1 2 Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA Computational Cognition for Social Systems, Institute of High Performance Computing, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore {ian,ortony}, The principal characters here are both experiencing conflicts. Billy is caught between the desire to ask Sally out and the fear of rejection. We can tell in part because Billy keeps hesitating (“um …”) and switching between different opening gambits (“I was wondering if we could” vs. “I wondered if you might like to”). Sally, for her part, is caught between wanting to say no (or perhaps having to due to a prior engagement), and not wanting to hurt his feelings. We can tell because of the awkward pause after Billy asks her. Moreover, Billy can tell, which is why he provides her with a face-saving move (and for that matter, himself too) by suggesting she might be busy. Sally’s pause is her most narratively significant act. It provides insight into her internal state because the audience understands that humans hesitate when conflicted. If we remove the pauses from the narrative, the affective potency of the passage is reduced, even though the events depicted are otherwise the same. It should therefore come as no surprise that timing is a key device used by actors to communicate characters’ affective and motivational states. In this paper, we discuss the neurological substrate believed to underlie anxiety-induced hesitation and argue that virtual characters can be made more dramatically engaging by using a qualitative simulation of these mechanisms. Abstract Internal conflict, in which a character is torn by opposing motivations, is central to drama. Actors portray such conflict in part by mimicking involuntary behaviors that occur as a result of such conflicts. In this paper, we examine the role of timing – pauses and hesitation, in particular – in internal conflict. We argue that virtual actors can be made more expressive if we can emulate the underlying structures of inhibition and conflict detection believed to operate in the human system. We discuss work in progress on this problem that uses the Twig procedural animation system. The Awkward Pause Consider the following script fragment: Billy approaches Sally, who is talking to a friend. Billy: Hi Sally. Um, I was wondering if we could, …, I mean, I wondered if you might like to … you know … would you like to have dinner tonight? Pause; Sally looks to her friend and back to Billy Billy: I know you’re probably busy, but … Sally: Yea. I kind of have something tonight. Billy: No problem. I kind of figured. … Anyway, maybe some other time, Sally: Yea. Some other time… Timing and inhibition Humans rely on a variety of largely involuntary cues for inferring the emotional states of others, including facial expression, body posture, vocal stress, and most importantly for us, timing. These cues are informative because they derive from the operation of systems that are fast and automatic, so that even when modulated by higher-level control processes, the automatic behavior often “leaks through” until the higher-level system has a chance to react. So when people are confronted with situations that elicit emotions which they deem socially inappropriate, such as schadenfreude, they often display the emotion for a short period of time – perhaps a few hundred milliseconds–before they can override it. Again, Pause Billy: Okay, well, I have something now too, so I’ll see you later. Sally: Yea. See you later. Copyright © 2009, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence ( All rights reserved. 27 1994, cited in Gray and McNaughton 2000). The fastest (and dumbest) of these is the startle response, which initiates a mere 10ms after stimulus onset, and involves a range of reactions from eye blink, to head reorientation, increased muscle tone, and autonomic adjustment. The flight/flight/freeze system involves its own hierarchy of systems implementing progressively smarter responses at the cost of longer latencies. The lowest level (in the periaqueductal grey matter) implements undirected escape (flight without collision avoidance) and explosive attack. Another, slower to respond, system (in medial hypothalamus) is able to select a safe direction in which to flee by overriding the escape system. Above these systems, another system (in the amygdala) mediates active avoidance (not approaching the threat in the first place) and the septo-hippocampal system, as discussed above, mediates defensive approach (Blanchard and Blanchard 1990), wherein the animal needs to enter a potentially threatening situation. Finally, higher-level cortical systems, particularly the cingulate and prefrontal cortices perform higher-level processing. actors rely on the mimicry of these patterns to communicate their characters’ emotions. This general computational organization – a fast, simple system running in parallel with a slower, smarter system that can inhibit it – is common in the brain. Moreover, both systems can themselves have parallel subsystems that compete through mutual inhibition. The central claim of this paper is that much of the behavioral timing that is central to dramatic performance is a side-effect of such processes, and so their simulation is a productive way of producing believable timing in virtual characters. Conflict and anxiety Anxiety is a particularly important inhibition mechanism (Gray 1982). In Gray and McNaughton’s (2000) neuropsychological model of anxiety, the hippocampus, which receives topographic projections from much of the midbrain and cortex, acts as a “comparator” that detects two primary conditions: expectation violations (including novel stimuli), and conflicts between other behavioral systems, particularly conflicts between approach and avoidance response tendencies. It responds by inhibiting both approach and avoidance, while simultaneously stimulating behaviors related to information gathering, such as environmental and memory scanning. The result is an overall shift toward risk aversion, but also a general inhibition of action, with the winning behavior often being initially disrupted by involuntary pauses as the system attempts to resolve the conflict. In our example, Billy’s simultaneous attraction to Sally and fear of rejection – an approach/avoidance conflict– results in involuntary hesitation in his speech. Sally, caught between wanting to reject and not wanting to hurt Billy’s feelings, does neither, looking instead to her friend to gauge her reaction (social referencing). She does not respond at all until Billy effectively un-asks her, resolving her conflict for her. Discussion Timing is an important channel for the communication of affect and motivation, and we believe that by simulating the underlying processes of inhibition and conflict resolution we can produce expressive behavior in virtual characters. We are currently developing a simulation of the mammalian defense hierarchy inside Twig (figure 1, Horswill 2009), an open-source procedural animation system designed to interface well with AI systems. One important issue is the level of detail at which to simulate. Simulation of individual neurons is impractical, both for computational reasons and because the systems have not been mapped to that level. However, we believe that a relatively coarse simulation at the level of whole behavioral systems (startle, escape, etc.) should be sufficient to produce believable pauses and hesitations of the kinds discussed above, as well as behavioral cascades in which a startled character might successively flinch, jump, collide with an obstacle, swear, and finally relax, as successive systems come on line with progressively more refined responses. References Blanchard, R. J., and Blanchard, D. C. 1990. An ethoexperimental analysis of defense, fear and anxiety. In McNaughton, N., and Andrews, G., eds., Anxiety. Otago University Press. 124–133. Figure 1: Screenshot from Twig The Mammalian Defense Hierarchy Graef, F. G. 1994. Neuroanatomy and neurotransmitter regulation of defensive behaviors and related emotions in mammals. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 27: 811-829. The anxiety system forms one component of a larger hierarchy of systems thought to underlie defense behaviors throughout the mammalian line (LeDoux 1994, Graeff 28 Gray, J. 1982. The neuropsychology of anxiety: an enquiry into the functions of the septo-hippocampal system. Oxford University Press. Gray, J., and McNaughton, N. 2000. The Neuropsychology of Anxiety. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Horswill, I. 2009. “Lightweight Procedural Animation With Believable Physical Interactions”. IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games. 1:1: 39-49. LeDoux, J. E. 1994. Emotion, memory and the brain. Scientific American, 270: 50-59. 29