ç1 I r / ) V I $fr 4 ' 4, -i % '¼ -- ,1 J - : : : 4, 'I '1 -t --1 * /1 1% \1?i roupin and if so, how and by what Jroup, 3) is the coliseum or stdium faculty Seat nearly part oftha university or are they owned by a separate athletic corporation, 4) is tiie only financial cOnnection that e part of the studet fees are iven ovr to the athletic iiepartment, 5) do any of the coaches have tenure, and if so, in what dpart- for one-half hours yes- enate Facult3 two - deliberated and terday afternoon in anattempt to human riht's resOlve the crisis viotations at L)reOn of States A proposal by Fred -Cervantes,' 6) how many of the present team firt introduced at a special session ment, members have turned out for football defeated in favor of motions endorsin. president Jensen's statement of 'ebruary 26, his appointment of a Commission on Auman .i;hts and esponsibiiities, and a revised form of the clministrative rroposal drain up by the Committee on iinority Affairs. resident Jensen was the first-to address the assembly, explaininthe establishment of the numan riChts without the previous ur:.ine, of the Monday, was department. Stone tho had come to the of th-e Lthletic iepartment earlier, said:he could not ensue tho'-e questions, but said that he felt they should be answered by the Lthletc .ueS.A. defense partment soon. - "I don't hVe the answers to those questions. I said before commission, and announcin: the members all ithat I vigorously supported the Athof this commission. They include: letic Jepartment., but I have other rofessos ion Clark, ihomas icOlin- feelins, too. very department has tock, iarlotte Lambert, Michael to answer to the faculty, students,. and Inous,. and James Uldfield, chairman; If this was my deartedministration. and stiidents James uevy, rt Cooper merit that had been asked f or informaand Judy Sritton. tion from Faculty Senate, we would have volunteered evenhad the motion ne then urCed Jenate to stay ifl: request1n information been defeated session until action is taken." ut nothinJ has been forthin benate. cominJ from the thletic Department," i)iscussion was then opened on the said Stone. Cervantes roposal, but -. .. ernier, ioiiltry cience, immediately introS id 1hite, a teacher from the duced a substitute motion -thich basi- rt 'epartment, up from the audcally ave support to rresident Jan- i erice, suastinspoke that the motion to sen's efforts to resolve the current substitute Jensen's proposal for that conflicts and formulate reneral uni- of ;)r. Cervantes may be an avoidance versity policy. of tiae isun. -:ite sujjested-. that Jensen's proposal did not provide an Sob Jones, Snlish instructor, immediate climate "for resolvin prdmoved that the substitut motion e_ - blems justness and fairness," and dorse the Administratire Lroposal of that theinprocess of appeal did not the Committee on i.-Linority Affairs, satisfy the question the student's Febru- status in relation to of rather than iresident the University's ary 25 statement. riCht to limit individual freedom of Several objections were raised to students without due process. -. that amendment--because it denied the )1ScuSS1On resumed amounst the possibility of passin:-. the Cervantes come were still unclear as proposal or because of so-called errorst0 ° what needed to be resolved. L,S in facts. The amendment was failed. usiñess trickler, -- Administration, '1 am prepared to voiu ni -iemina; Aruments in favor of iernierts take a- stand one way or another, if substitute motion included rJ, you will just say ihat we are scrappinc Schultz's, "lTm in favor because I about. wonder if both sides are will-in to sit down because one side keeps L)ther Senators wanted answers to chanrin the problem so that it more specific questions. he discussion will never be solved. im aainst continued in an effort to discover an arbitration board because one side thich proposal was the more specific, will never be happy with it. -Derner1s or Cervantes', and whether or not j t wa most desirA question as to whether the able to adopt the more ::eneral motion Athletic Department was H0 campus" or the more specific. Aumpkin said (in reference to Sernier's motion that he was in favor of urrin: the cooperation of all units because it seemed to best saton campus) was raised by A.J. hode, motion isfy the Senate's responsibility to sycholoy. ithode also asked 1) if be both le:.islative arid -judicial. the only oranizational tie between the university was that £resident of Continued on paLe 6... USU and some members of the faculty and student bodies are' on the Athletic ioard, 2) is the so-called faculty representative appointed by any faculty of - -. - - r . --; .i: that :.. Broken-hearted i"elodv r1acetja1eties7 /L'ne of the surprize moves at the Faculty Senate yesterçla.y was a onieter saw fit i ednes- -. day to rn pro'&ably one of the 1onest letter in the history of the paper to repudiate a scab hetstory .. Charles Friday, s.brH h ... h rew:fire from mics.; he move,çame after i)ee £-rdrosJ speech before the .enate ich ±-arker in his letter to the 3arom-. eter, said that black Student Union where he repeated earlier statemerits to the effect that he would leaders were never even contacted not accept a rufin; by ±resident about an all-school convocation. Jensen1siumanRjht1s CoñmiissIoñ if ab Theet.1storyaiso mentioied.r. the majority of hs players disareed ho Lh aDsence of the at a plan-. with that rulin regardless of uhether meeting was distorted by the iarometet and the acminstration for it invo],vd minority or huirn rhts call for a complete investigaton o the-th1etic eper-tment_ .i-d ts relationship to the university b . :T - . their own ptrpOseS. " hefolowin is Fridays state- ment which will be presented bforê the enat today for a vote Secause of the now obvious re'evance of the activities of the Intercollegiate Athletics prograrn.torh tptal-.performnce of Oreon State UniVersity ana becau3e of the University1 s concern ..od.ente.:th positioti.of the. studaitathlete in his relationship to sports and the university, I move that the aculty enete undertake a fuli and complee study culminating in a full report to the Senate of the policies associated with intercollegiate athletcs includin the following points 1 the administrative, authorItative and financial relatOiliPS between the University administration and facu'ty, the 4thletic Jepartment ab Sheet is ratified that the arjmeter corsders our publicationsuch a threat to their on cod name that they allowa parker to have all the space needec- for a job that the arometer editors felt ut--. thér we stand by our original story. ......... In essence what rarker took Hi: several humored vordsto say was that ne and another student, Lom afftm, contacted arl iielms, director of eorge student Affaits the BSU. .'arker Oarr, a nexber of Bu rrcsident itice Smith called .resident Jensen s office, and had asked thet Jenson, who wasntt there, c-all Ihe him back scause of tnis, x-arker maintiat ivttkë had.. bentold about the rnetiP.-'or he -woldnTt have. ;H .... 'he specific implications for called rack 2 Uregon State of the revised O rulUnfortunately, Parker in his ing on institutional aid (Article 3, Section 1 of the CAA Constitition letter took much for granted ks as it appears in the Programs of the stated in the original cab heet 63r4 nnual Convention of the story, ielms never did conact iU January 6-8, 1969, p 29) leaders, thouh ne attempted to do Carr aid not realize that so the role and relationship of rarker 3 ona ..auffum fere presidenthe faculty representative to the and thought their tial emissaries rC-8 to the fac4ty and athletics sugestion just talk 4. £he role and rlatiónshi of the 3oard of In.tercolieg.iate Ath eit Jsen-theBS-U:led.: to ltic..to the. CAA, to the faculty... noff-handciomment had'hardlr er and.athletics.. .:ensen wanted to htalk,u ..: that never did find .... out. what The format f or this inquiry and Jensen actually wanted to teli about .:: --f. report is to be proposed by the ixecutive.C:ornmittee and impi.ment.?d upon one adülty mémber1ater approval pT the faculty enate commented, it was amazing" that tne administration would send out two ------------- ------------------------------- unkijow sudents to contact the-iSb and be made responsible for laying barometer to sue Scab Sheet the ground work or an all-school 'hy he asked, "didn' t convocation arometer editor Luasday labthe administration attempt to contact elec. the ca 3heet as libelous. SU leaders directly instead of £he editor said e1re oing to sac oin, throun all 3orts of people?" ITve tak.en a course in libel law and I know what I'm talking about..." fhe -ker alSo made a tatmeit outburst was directed tDwards several in his letter Barometer which students passin out the paper, Scab has little or to-the arker no foundation. Shet lawyers have replied that 'truth .. .ontiniied on cae 4,.. is the best defense aainst libel." and the LCAA .-: ain . d -. :. . . .. .. :- - any of a students r4hts are iifriaed upoa, the student --- --wrote thatadmjnjstrators responded with the optimism that this may be a solution to the problem which could - : . ,- .. Dosib1y-.Drevent vio1ènce. ..-. inç iuman 1I1?n nts and esponsibi1ities nich will review his çase and take appro- T. . -. In fact, it: was only arker and affun who thought their proposal priate action. ; ma personal interviewyjth sourcesindicate that the truth is just the opposite, that administrators arid facultysaid that an all-school Convocation would only present a tense :-situatin between opposin factions that would '"esuit in violence : - . . . Infoed wOuld acornp1ish anythin coursethrotIhhe should seek : ul?n tate.LJr11versity student body Jresiden,the cab She discovered there-hasbeenome misrepresenta tion ofir. fraer's actjon V -V As ira-ser said, 1 thou-h I was :: YOtin to retain a football VVcoach, I Iostsdtipt to the barome i reard to your headline he £-uth certaihly did not realize I had voted Shall ake 'iou...Ur break You over tO,iVe him thepower of a dictator" ve e- cCntinued., arkér1s. repudiation letter: As lon f :the -board did -as the tiith ia-desirb1e commodity -give Andros the riht-to caches--per -on this campus --and there--are people who oativ, who ave the-board the -are -wiiiii to-hear it, -you ca contin- to letislate the athletets human-p-wer rihts? $ut for the record --if I ue. to play your -own i3roksn-h-earted did inadvertently vote as I aim --1eJody H -- - - - - - - - ------------ ------- -- ------------------------- -- .- - .- V Administrative £roDosal.evjsed .c-cused, would -like --to: on record -as wishin to chane my-vote4- I . - -- - - - statement was. ---------------- The-:-f-oilo,win - - -- - fraser-, was: accused--of what Joe Lndros has ca-lied- ,s-uppOting 'h-jS.'och_ CS perroative, durin----facu-lty Sen- --passed in:Faculty Senate yesteraay af'terion-,- -the- second of three pieces ate meetin by rofesso-r cej-thOies. -------------------------------of -1eis-l-ati-on passed. Our readers wi-il notice-: that it is -a siihtly re9 vised- editio of the Administrative oposaldrawn up by i-reident Jensers Lnce aain our dearly be'oved Advi'sdry Committe of i-inority f fairs Jepartment has- its rights It--wa-s b uht to tt-esident Jensen 1ast'reaf-ijrm-ed, consenSus- of the-thweek for his endorsement, but he re letlC U0C1d was-that. the;thdcGah fused at that time to accept it. ,-i,as full responsiblity p-f-h-issquad.. includin;...personal neatness principal -rp-ie of a universitr:ist-b :promote,etablish, and ihis statement, -as quoted' in the maintain pro :rams which will ai:d the ilmes of i-arch 6th, - is -'in student in acuirin -- he knowied- e and antant contradiction- of, the princiskills- -hecessary. to enable him to reach his desired academic oals and to cope pies Of ChS res1dent's Corr1miSiorj. h1etc i3oard has obviously not ith the,v-arious; cultural and- social demands which he faces In fulflin caen any notice of what ha been oifl thIs roie the University cannot i-USOn campus- this last week-i-- It becomes which disperfectly obvious that even tify arbitrary practices if ai.hleteob-tainc identity of an individual hi-s human or -par;e--the rihts from the Comrnissi-oh, -limit him -in his quest f or personal -bIit-ee ndros happens nbt t aJr'ee-y-thjt, identity; the. University therefore the athlete will Still not have his will not tolerate discrimination on H the basis of an individual student!g human ri,hts. -----: --riht to determjne- what -constitutes Dro-f o once ain we ar acij ct' -per--sociaL-and cultural-values. square one; a place where athletes! Just-as all other tudents- par- have no recourse withi'n the iinver1ty: s-ysteii if- they have, a Irievance -ticipatin,:- in- university activities are not to be reprimanded or threat- ,aainst:the Athletic iepArtment. - - -- - - -- -- - - -. - -- -: - -: :-- - --- - - ' £- - - ----- --- -- -- - ---------------- -fhe- -. -'- -- ' - - - ----- - - - - -- eneci b;ecause mode of -- - '- - -- - - IL L cne 'Jiversity itself hair style or any other numan which should call the shots, not ri'ht uxiies,s it demonstrably inter-tie nthletic- Lepar,ment. As lon---feres''with-- the uniwersitys basic functions, so also should these prin- as Jee ndros is a professor on this campus, he should be bou-hjt ci-ples apply to athletes. o person uncier the jurisdiction of the -should-use the threat of:removal.of an athlete1s or any other studentTs like every Other aculty,en.te, menber at uti rant or scholarship, or suspension -'from his participtjot--on teams -or - ---- c1ress -' of their beliefs, -'. - - - - - - other groups, -or any other from of coer-c-jon---as ameansof forcin hehavior on an athlete - --------------------:-,-- :- .',--- - - - -- -- - £OvCOtt1iUSt. continue Lh was is no represent.tiQn at all. i-s far as che- acultSena.ta;is concerned, ytrday they foro.t that time has passed. iWh;3laks: uthe students are lëavara jheT are doi:j sb because they believe they can no lone s'upport an institution nch has proven it- - rincipie of hinan rhs eaf firmed yesterday by the faculty Jenate. Jut the victory, lie, so apy. in o'Xr :30tY, was one of worus only. It reimains hollow and meaninless. faculty enate passed to propo1s One was Ptesident3JenenTs latest proposal.. .he other was a tihtly ir'odifiea \erslon of tne .4dminiti-at ive i iposa 1 Ihe facult passed the modifiec. version of the dministative ro- elf to be rci5t and uncomprom-isinJ 1n nature, £h ae leavin bcaise of cbriscience. fhey must be tIven. amnesty and not held responsibl-for rades which were affected by a boycott of classes which:was done with a sens of moral obliJationsuchr:1 to presat. persohs have the coura - posal onIyafterhavin. turnd it It took a taste down. twice befre. All other actions taken this last week must be put in abeyance. until a proper and le:al decision can beade by the-Auman .L.ihtTs Cothnilssion. 1his must be-done if of tne tyrannical principles of the L.tnletic Jepartment and hljockH mentality throu a speech oy ice -.ndros to awaken Cne senators to ttie injustices and raclal prejudice perpretrated there, In any case, :th two proposals ihich. th..Jenateasse are incompatible and. taken to echer unacceptable For ary person support1n numan rihts and. j.ustic. 1nssecs Jensen oposal calls fair and impartial justice is valied at all by this. institutlon.. ven without these faultsthere are no assurances that even i?resiclent JerisenTs oriinal policy on establishment of a humanrihts commission will be accepted by certam members and departnCnts who: conSider themselves outside of n.iversity rule Cherwas demonstra- S for th 'estàblihment ofrocedures an bleiroof of this thbuh renarks mechanisms in individual departments by members of the th1tic .epätwhich a student nust firsc o throuh nent ac yestordayTs senate meetin. befora ho can appeal to the £reslo.entTs It is now up to resident Jensen to Commssiori of iuman ihts remove these faculty members who blantanly refuse to accept his policies, the taculty >enate's policies, or any otner policies except There are no restrictions On LhC number of persons or apellates a student must o throun. in an individual deartment bf ore he can aopeal their own. . to the conission. -, c. until fresdent Jensen proves throuh hs accions that his word the Athletic oprtrnent under can be trusted aria tnc there is no its pr?sent struccure, a studenc would room on tflis campus for those who nave to o throu)i three tr_als Detore Till not abide by university policy, appeal to the commission. Inere are no-- t:bocot-.iriÜstcbtjflué -restrictions on the amount of time a committee or person can tae co come Until ralle cu -rolations of to a decision. It coula take U? to human rihts are taken directly to a year, before a stuaent could een the rinlan i it's Commission and a-pear before the J.uman ihtTs not forca co atner dust in departiSSiOfl. merit appellate poadutesa±id until abody Students under the residenc's pro- astudent.rcaappearbefore iThich is nt bound with departmental posawold com1before the coinraission biases and prejudices, the boycott jid::ed-. as :.uilry. decisions such as thüt cOhtinuéc Jntil there is a the revocation of rants and otner d commission member representative of ci11riary action would already be in culture, the boycott must effect at tne tlme he came before tne mority continue, until che iaculty enatc realizes whac was appropriate to a s-ivationá eek.ao is-no lOn-er £nere are other faults with Jensen's enouh, tne boycotc must continue. proposal. -here ar no minority students hatsoever on his announced commiumen hts and cultural issioi If there are no blacks on cam- rihts ust not only be approved pus at least stucencs from other minot- they must oc acted on and ood ity cultures snoull oc represenced. faith must be proven £rinciples -lso, no elecceC student representaand prO2osal are worthless without t1res were contacted as to the three the proper nicans to fairT and tudents chooser-i by tne trasident for 'just iilementation th Commission ids a jounts to actatorial rep:esenetion of rnch the students at lare have no say. fhis In. - . - . commission1 S - -- :.- th1etic ie- tbis poth,, t:i Lt . cross that Caie to lt iartraent offered coGeiL or ce11_ their side 0r the story. Ji arrt .inforned tne eiat thac th aria ner has entire flare-up 1as .11 ath1te3 been -a raciel issu. rofessor are reqcired co conform. WS chin ie ho1 arrett said, -ie ended by s'yin ot star n sport there h Liad to be rnejicnac oct. Lndros sttment was re-i silence, durn which csivsd owsll, counselor and tutor for at.1etes was reconizsd by tne chairb h-i a very soft-apDlcen a plan4sd atcac on the th1etic iJepartinent for purposes of publiclty.h Da -id lt was partcu1ar1y a' acac on LrIZos because of ±us natioa1 nae. iarretc firiscieJ .ais scoy, aic ths rtzte. asked for a qLesio1 o. order, which £obertTs iU1OS sa,r is dropped. -IaS - : -- tae wotld affect tus Scatus in the flflT Z:thietjc epartmnt4 for culturt to be Batrett. asi . ' : . . . dene )r iL1ams of the iscory aparcnent offered that ach 1ema 1 c1v11ed sociatr has :h riht to ceiirie preraquisices.H was connued on tas sub- sti.tute motioi. .Joess.id, 'Iwjfl vote ainst this motion because it s utless It is iot specific eno h. 11 it says is that tnenata also enorsas che rresir cria tiilccic Japart1cantTs iroposal. t is wii1in. to cooperaca thea menc says I want to l:now about ndros stacements of earlier reviews. . Jone qusc1on naros che a opoortunity, ha said of ivin his side, I dic9nt tninlc you was ever oia ask me dtatad that in 20 to at U') ±iere. - were subject to to answer to anyone. -er dieCUSSiOn, it was passed Trth the word f stucent&' replacn that athletes in the third par- aaph ihs success was cneerea 037 tae audience, and was immediately followed 037 8 oposal that hope cnat stLldents who, to pro- tst have withdrawn from the -uni- -varsity, will find it posiible to reconsider nd -eamiri to make this a better uniiersity. ' ihe imoton was assed unaniiiiously. ihe meetwaS Scijounea until coday, ail, 301. earborn p.m. flis poliéies lr - rl - . 1ms, JCflS9fltS aSSiS cott is still on, black athletes i! the 0-8 will continue o , boycott anes I wilt resoect tiem. Cervantes spoke na-t, ramarKin chat r was part of the enates cnletic .apartmenc when concern hat th chey saio tac; woulc respec policles If he could assume tnat -ndros woulc SLOmc i the ciecisios of the 0orrnr1ssion, it UL. there co -icins, S1 the Ooinssion is unSatiStaCtOr3T unrepresentat-ve, hee arc no o1acs named to the -e1s i rmainino in tow' to assisc ti-ia thea' ha COULa endorse trie nocion, -AOCiUG It was ncio-s reply to this polat whicri caused aa uproar amoi tne senacors, If they rule that Ia co-iplately roa licies for h7o6-tha1l whn l set -up. tean, I ilI do so (i.e. submit) if chat oi .uocott !he tdets for 5:Qaor:w1th the decision, then ha d would have to make bhjut had had to--but woul5 Frer i.Lllton as - -. H. tccorc.- has Dean no improainent in tne sicuation, i £rofessor is tne consensis of my fOotDall team.h ie further commeacea chat if ire cicinTt - - .: tan o-i f11norc7 scudent afair, tolci cao reporters, in a celepiaone irterv1e that tna boy- oppose any conmittoo that as aimeci only £ haze at crie thletc -apartmont no animosity coward £reclor any otaer youn nan who oesnt wanc co conform our policies ih dered whsther.dnro rall had chan. He was willin. to chane .i.chan.a was rnecesary. L-t this, tnere was a reaction frori che audience, £i went o to say tnat no tiould t it is not -merLcan sUostitute motion was passed after a culty member on- - yèars'of his .xerience fl rihts, tO submit i±èm to majority::ruLe:: here would then be thins as 'minority riht . . - ie cnlet1c department. . flow a -lac athletes cultural her- iiSCU3SiOfl by the , . vote, a senator ask3d. nd cletermne their cltural my mentioned talk about majoiityrule and this majority rule inadvertently discriminates aainst black athletes. LndrOsT omnts brouht a : respoisefrom Cervdtës,. as he m]1C11fled ttiat in a questlon of . -Lfter the manner, rnoviri1y and quietly I am representi fl riyself ari OpinionS as my nane w a ot on tn'-last nocioa, -ernl3rTS '-notio2 passed, and co-isequently Ocr-. vants1 ;motiori od1d 1aci LCt1Ofl Committee reporcec last niht that the uu student 3oyco-tt will concnua, hare will be 5- pr3-sT1e rally r1cio-y n1it at 6 30 i tire ia11roomn, -rmbands will be. distributed-, - -- -------------- - IFOiiij SOUHCS SAL) LAST -i-ciir THAf L SITL0 A AiDi-t0S IS - - AThi'i cAi) 3I £XFECTAD TODAY. OR MONDAY.