Document 13861563

Black E2Odi1,Se..
Oregon State University Black
Student Union president Mike Smith.
told a Memo(rlal Union Ballroom
gatherng ofmore than 1,000 students nd faculty Wednesday noon
This position has been adopted
wholeheartedly. by. this institu--tion and ionger.-be.
to1eratod-To dey-us:as Black
-people the -rlghtt.& live our
th.t'Backs could no longer tollives as we choose within the
erate the plantation logic of
context of our own culture is
administration and the
to to t.heole of.
hallowed Institution of racism.'
-the Supe.rMasculine.Nenial? of
three minute talk,
Following Smit
bodies of no val as human-be-,
7 Blacks walked out of the University
ings and..indivduals
--------- ;£he creative, non-violent tactic
To accept the admiziistrati;ve
which leaves OSU almost totally
tokenism -we have.ter. off ered- -H-white, is believe tQ Ibe the fit
would be denying our worth as
of its kind in the..history oAerhuman eings, and. thus viewing
ican colleges ap4 ilversitis.
or lives as conspi.cuou:sly UnBSU supporte'.s stood by in amazeimportant. to-the-wolrld in which
red the tatement
menh as s. Smi
we. li-ve. .This-.:in itself,, would
blasting OSUs infringement on
.be..-an act of
human rights tJhen the Blacks cere-woild he .iiposible to;.accep;t
monially wIed bit of the Bl]iOom,. -this posilop,.ad atnain.our
white sympathisers gave thema stan';-.poople.
ding ovations
Ihe Blacks then began their
After attempting vainly to
trek 6ff the 6thiipus, walking through deal wttte spineless figurethe famed east entrance oftheUnihead. of this mstitutiqn, we.
have become thoroughly disgusted
There, Annette Green, BSU proand disillusioned with this insgrm co-ordinatbr collapsed into the titution e have to take a stand
arms of f el-low Blackstudents.
against dehumanization and racist
Bhe BSU. statem'ent reads, As' Fresi-dent Jensen has
Black students, from ktidergartei to atte'pted. to delegate his au-the-cal ege,we are exected to invdlve
ity to every cQnceivable.. .capeourselves ps-ychologically, culti
oat except the Beaver Sçys' Club...
rally ad.-:bcall-tnan .enterrie
- which is :designed supposedly ft the This story continues on page
purposeofbroadeniflg61fl horizdAs
aadprovi.ding us properknow1edge
to better relate to the real
Today, in the U Commons, show
world In truth, tBis:.enterprise has
your support f cv the fight for
prdven unae:cepting ah
individual and h.umn rights, by
enati :of -otr-cial
cxltural bac-.kground.
attending the rally, at two o'cock
OSLJ rlackout.,,
President Jensen has always held
the balance of power in the black
The black students are gone, but
student controversy. His failure
the issues remain. The strike must
lend that' 'power to the caus.e
ith- to
continue. lJithout
supported by his own committee can
out retreat from a single demand. Ihe only mean that he does not "affirm
Administrative Proposal absolutely
the principle" at all.
must; be signed by the President of
Oregon State University. Ihe departing
If President
blacks must be allowed to withdraw
vacillation has been .a main factor
from; school without responsibility
in the departure of the blacks--and
for grades, rather than being failed
it undoubtedly has--then the rest of
in all class work. Complete amnesty
the burden must come to rest squarely
must be granted all students involved
on the shoulders of the OSU Athletic
in the ongoing efforts to make this
L)epartment. If the blacks learned
University face its shortcomings in a
one thing from the streams of
straightforward manner.
rhetoric by coaches and jocks, it
was this: they are completely unoever is 'riot with us is against
to the fundamental
"'us' io-ever is not against us is with sympathetic
rights. The coaches
us. The boycott-of classes must conhave
at all to reext±riva. The Administrative Proposal
coaches in
will be-signed; it is simply axnatter
rights of
of time and dedication on the part of
each student, and each faculty member.
wondet the blacks left;
In the light of. the Black Student
arrayed against them was a coalition
Union withdrawal, the President's
of the University administration,
"cease and desist" Order relative to
the Athletic Department, the various
the class boycott is absurd. .Lhe
athletic supporters, white athletes,
blacks fought with great courage and
Chamber of Commerce and'a-lumni.
inspiration for a clear-cut commitThis coalition stands solidly bement by the Univ.ersiy in the area of
hind outmoded' 'and corrupt practices
human rights. or any student or
of repression and, discrimination;
faculty methber sympathetic to the
each of its member groups is preblack cause to back down now wOuld be
pared o deal'the University an
to opt for the most blatant repression ethical and moral blow of devasof human rits and cultural diversity. tating proportions in the simple
hope of maintaining the athletic
The Pculty Senate this afternoon
and academic status quo,
must soundly defea the woefully inadequate Cervantes Proposal; 'only
The mass departure of black
endorsement of' the Administrative
students from the OSU campus yesterProposal--in its entirety--can be
day was exactly that, too--a devas-.
considered as an act of good faith on
tating blow to the intelleOtual and
the part of .'aculty Senate..
ethical environment of the Llniversity.. ut the blacks had no part in'
This mov'ément must continue as an
dealing the blow; they were forced
uncompromising political campaign in
to bear 'the' direct force of it.
support of moral values which have
veh before the c'urrent cOnflict
already been coiEnpromised by the tJnibroke out, recruiting of black
versity. 'This movement must live by
students was a token project, the
the values; of human rights which it
successes. of which were dismal at
professes; it shall be nonviolent,
but it shall reist continued moral
turpitude and it shall endure.
ilack students did not want to
come 'to WU; th,e shOol already had.
The values this movement has and
a well-deserved reputation as an
will continue to af firm are clearly
institution whose figures of authstated in the Administrative Proority were ill-prepared to deal
posal. That proposal is the end reeffectively 'with minority problems,
sult ofa rare candor and imaginative- and
have cared less, Given
ness on the part of university admin- thatcould
it is 'difficult to
istrators and faculty members... fhose
communmen--Six.. of them; three deans and
dilthree professors--formed a presidenemma to deteriorate still further-i'iO
tial committee named by James h.
Jensen, Their statement on human
rights, by now well-known to all in
the University, was not adopted ,as
Oregon State University pol'iöy' "b3
the president. he prefered to sidestep the issue, he "affirmed the.'
principle" of the Administrative'
Proposal-while rejecting the commrecommendations for imple-
menting that principle.
to the point that the blacks could
maintain pride and self-respect only
by disassociating themselves cornpletely from Jregon State Univer-
The repercussions of the blak
departure will be far-reaching;
they will assuredly be far worse than
if the President had stood firm for
the principle--even if he had to
'Continued on Page '3...
for ()urBrother...
,je come together here this morning
to show the deep. concn of the faculty
students of our tiniversity in the
thstseVeral days, We come t dgthr to
depended so much upon our ability
to give the, .fu1lest meaning tO.
£.et not the death of liartin
Luther Kin have been in, vain.
pay our deepest respect and to hor
Dr iYLartln iuther i'ing.
e find this
d. JS
Qreon State University
enton County Courthouse
ttpril 8, 1968
fitting moment to ,cOme together. to
express our most forceful resolution
to eliminate the bigotry and prejudices
in ourselves and in our nation.
£he assassination of Iviartin buther .Q Blackout continued..,
icing wa a most despicable and cowardly
It 'is ir'órica1 almost beyond
face a mutiny by the arrogant mem'understanding':that:the life should be bersof...the coaching staff. Oregdn
'takerrof amañ so'dedicàted to the use State:<.ould stand to diminish:, the
of eacefu1 means in achieving racial
power of its athletic program withequality.
Out lasting ill effects; theb1a&'
exodus means that OSWs acadamic
About èleven'years agp'it'Was my
reputation--deservedly strong in
privileg'e"tO spend an evening with L)r, many areas3, and experiencjh' asven then, no one could fail
progress in others-has -.
to feel his strong conviction and his tounding
been bombed back into' the Stone age.
dedication to move out against racial
pr'ej.üdiçes....Nor'dould anyone fail to
Litimately, it is the black stuperceive him as a gentle and compassion-dents. themselves who have stood as
Iis determination,, his
;the only witnesses to the values of
sacrifices, and his insistence human rights, Al:though many of them
upon the 'use' of non-vioent methods' to were .in the midst
of brilliant athcorrect the' wrons of rac'ism are known : letic and academic careers, they reto allos us.
fused to give ground on the ethical
goals 'which trenscendall other conIn the circumstance of bfis tragic
Siderations. They-_not the hatchet
death each of us cannot help but fe. 1 men in the Athletic
1)epartment or the
a personal sense .f shame. 'We feel
impotent intellectuals in the aciminespecially a deep compassion for his
istration--have pointed the way for
family and for hiC associat's.
the University. community to follow.
Ironically,. and tragically, they"had
me tragic events of the last
to commit academic suicide in order.
several .days are indeed sobering... The to pinpoint the' difficult' path' which
divisiveness of our nation, the acts
must be followed.
and demands of extremists,. the widespread disregard' for law, the failure
'the actions of the black students
of education," government or society
have at all times been in 'complete
in resolving these problems and the
accord with
values of human
overwhelming task of dealing with our : rights which the
they affirmedand'w'anted
difficulties seem almost impossible .. to s institutionalized by the unito contemplate. But contemplate'them 'versity, in the midst of frustr'átion,
and deal with them and resolve them
anger and: misundertandthg, they' have
we must if our nation is to survive,
acted wthh dignity and respect--for
I'h.ese are times that call forth
our highest determination' to stamp
out all vestiges of'd
bias. these are times, to searen
vigilantly for the,truth.' These are
times'tq,demonstratetrUSt and to act
in fairness' and in understanding
toward all.,men.
It behooves every man and woman';'
every group and organization, every
community and institution' to' re-exarrne'
their attitudes' and their practices to
make sure that all conform to the
ideals of which we speak. This is 'the
time as never before to be certain 'that
we give absolute meaning. to the words
dignity, freedom, justice, opportunity
and responsibility..
Never before,has concern for our
brother been so urgent. kerhaps
bef-or-e have our own lives
others as well as for themselves
'Iieir courage and resolution in pursuit of principle is not' diminished
the fact that they lost this particu-by
lar round to the system,"
their forebearance in the face
of great provocation and adversity
siiouldbe emulated by"those students
and Eaculty who are now'charged
continuüg the fiht, We should not
be sidetracked by personalities
innuendo in the coming days. 'We know
now the administrators and athletic
staff members. for what they'are:
small, blind men whose stunted Pride
in themseves
this vversity has
made them un.ab'é'toderstand
or to
syrnataize with i-the legitimate dsmends of an oppressed minority
boycott is contiiin; let
theadministration bring it
.if''iC can
to a. halt
"Any 'authority wiich,
blithely crush the rights of aminor
'-ity group' is' notleitjmate' authori'ty
The human rights movement is the only legitimate authority at OSLI.
:L :
t)issident Uron tte students arc
fôr 'p-ame intitarf
fiday nih at
6 15 nthe Uom
cheerinectiorii planned fo
fhrou;hout the 1ast
I neve attended Orepn State universit
numerous iricrdents of discrfminaton
have beenbrought to m attentiónfypically, no notable actior was taken
to cOrrect these stcaton, out it is
not iiriti1 noi that I reu1ized that this
inaction is acbually an ristitutiona1
..................... -...
tiox.cois,titutestacitflpbrt of the
ritpo1icIes 1itidbythe. (JU
1thletic Jepattrnent.
rurther iiformetinn uill be available xriday
. -. throuh leaflets.
I don.tean. to irnp Tthat.: thetthletic Jepartnent is solely responsible
for thracisrn that exitsLin the &Jniversity, but their total lack of concern for the welfare of the ilack
people who lie.à and
has been
tudy here
. .-.
It does
person.. toe
.. .......
welc,-we hav
waic has b?e.efnalfig1i
onstraed on this campus for the
tinued. .. . ': ..
pointed out laCely.
he baketba11 same with th tiniver
ity or oreonwhich black athletth
from u of .
nembers bf OSUs squad have already
tion in the boycott. i,.ppropriate
be wök!tànd anenmasse eocis from the ame discussed.
of L
student tb aenonstrtetheir soli-
policy of Oreon tate unh1ersity.
ihis reality has been brouht much
closer to
the action, or rather inaction, of the
administration of this institution £he
1act1oci of the Unvers±ty drninistraj
require a very ercepiv
revàlent atti-
that the:
main heie
tude thnbnGorvallis residents aiid .am-
i.herefore, .w
t1s institution for its corript
pus old-timers is one that can b3 cxpsdàG The worst .thin that..;.hap- racist practices and leave
0ton tate Uni,rersty as a standpenecl to Ore'on State University is
rnemorial tc the plantation
wheitthey brou,ht chose damfl ner
of the .aciministrators and
1 suppo
iii.titution of racism.
attatuie on the a.rt of a CorvaIlis-rcsb
excusable, but.on th
of a dniversiy Administration
is criminal. Ind this s exactly vher2
it .....
tuc-entG of
the Black
........... :
messae in departure, Ihe
Ureon State Jniversity last year
tams ilack students were
in tb.eir protest marçn
.tdeiis from
U. of y.
Ihey çiad chartered
back over one hundred thousand
federal money earmarked for by.. at
recruitment of miiority students
-ot of action or the part of at adrun- two buses and brout severecars
for cue crp up uere
it.ation certainly does no shoi
doL1äs in
Oncern for tue iranority scucent- triat have.
at the. ate.,théy
ceemonioisly snoo.: haiids and one
student rrom the U. of 0 said,
Stte unier1ty e:1
e re oin to clean up own own
it sees Lit to noopoistration, sin
li'ze all the bower in this nstituton,
Is mor.11y resi-sible for the roj..iick Jones,. U. of )
tection and preservation of tne rhts
rei-)Ody tresdent, told
of every individual student enrolled
porters that he didn'c chink either
here, and further, it should see tac
blacks or whites would p'ay in tn
Lhe Ore1n
tne rihts of these sttictCntS ar& not
infrinGed upon in the coriunity...;at
OSU and U. o
s housin,
l.rGe, in.areas such
week-ends basetball,.3ames betw
nless those in power move irnmecl-
a-te1y to insure tuac the r uts of
elTCry student are raspecteci, chose
who are concenneC viii DC forced
take action to see that individual and
.. thlle huan
PrOCC31 ]n GoZ7all3,s, a. sympathy
rally es held at iorclanJcate
JnniS rayne, president of .oçtland tate's BJ ario.
ochers condemned
U for its
human riGhts are respectet. nd. if
such action on the part of those concerneci becomes necessary, die aaminis-
of traaiton
iney soid,
allQvin athletes co wear mutache
tration should remember one thinG:
Until veryone2s.rihts: are respected,
no individual can expect his ridhts co
on today.
or wnateer is not in accord wit
- - _fl_ - --------------- ----- -.
............. ..
. ....
Gervanes iaos
, ,
"I cain se no solution for Orepn
ar1 LC1IaS, Ji
-tate tniversity,h
rector of the Uffce of ii1nority
et reporters
.ffars, told cab
iacuity- Senate will consider
aLain today a proposal made by Fred
Cervantes ana tour other faculty men-
bers, one of nany suested to ar
bitrate the conflict between black
athletes and the thletic Jepart-
:thô isaiso advisor to the
lacktudeni Union, said after the
nothica1lythath had just returned
thinic the chances for adop-
from the university of Ore:on inere
he had talked to cc
to me
Arthur Johnson.
taat 'ie uaS 7sry appreciative of the
positiOn by Ureontates i3Su
ton of the proposal before the
black ualk-out were excremeiy good
and the chanc:es now :are not as ood
as then
Professor Cervantes cold
the cab heet last niht
Cervantes fears that alot of
-people will revert back
tality of weli, theyve gone the
into a
aci4ty members at U of 0 were to
have met yesterday afternoon to consi.dr a: resolution to expedite the
problems solved, so why causewaves?"
adthittance of black students. from 0SJ,
acordini: to ielins.
situation :still
and there are ramifications for . all
i-je statement which would -iave
d members here, i-ielms
As Long as an indsaid, ,would read,
the black studencs uno are with
drawing and ramifications for al1
the white students who are in
volved in this, on the side of the
boycott particularly Cervantes most
viduaPs performance does not demon-
affct his performance or the
performnce.of those around him, no
one should be able to dictate personal
appearaince to him.!.
Lhen asked how.the
U walkouL
would effect the University community, Cervantes replied
Oh, - c
It-cant help
:oing to
but hurt it
Jnat's going to hap
pen when you black stu-
U members do not plan to
their education but are transferrin. to otner schools, ielms said,
following the mass exodus of Oregon
population, announced
hd to look inide
themselves to decide on this imporacri Ii'LISC
-tant step," he addec.
find out nere his owi oattlegrouiid
hurt it
tates black
dents co come to UU
thuik it it have
n che role of d'e
up end clown the coast
and for O3US participation in Intercollegiate tnleczc events," ne con-
will be.
Speculating on future black enroilment, iielns said that with no
black scucents and no .0 nate he
doubted that any more woule come,
ine reputation is too poor now
if the raclal issue
vantes added
ielms himself intends to resin
tit he qLestioned thecher or not
hs proposal was still
ut a:cer iooicin at t aan i
decided it was still relevthi to
and that I would continue in
my atempts to gain the approval
o i-aculty anate," he saic,
elms. .fhe. ACLU will take the issue
of. human rights to court.
federal 1nvastlgaCioLl i1tO Qi5
-crimination in. this institution is
bein instigated by various individuals,
".heres plenty of room
for an iestition nere.
enflis iedes,
tant to the
way .1- personally feel cloesn c
for the tthetic Liepartmen-t
oecause any stacement I could say
could possibly undermine any state
superior, Ar garrett, or
in essence, my -real bood, the res-
of the-. rosy-cheeked., blue-eyed, blond-
ment by mi
are forced to conform to as inavi-
ident of the
h-eaded, all-American imae that we
duals," elms feels,
are just kind or disgusting,
Pthletc )irector
Unleas positive action is taken
soon, I dont see any way to get rid
!i.e results of this Tholo tning
he concluded.
After the physical walk-out of
biacs yestarctay, Cervantes sad
ilton rs. ou, accordin to
he said,
IS !Dusned,
Ihe tmerican Civil
union is now oreparin a case for
!1C!S also tce question of
feeral fLncs unich could be effecred
and move to another university.
Fred I
ie did
tell a -caD 3neet re-
later in
I thInk the waIk--out i
the incervew,
unfortunate ad. doesn't solve
Barometer Sucks...
On the wa'l of the i3arometer
office there hangs a large framed
document presenting the Oregon Code
of Ethics for Journalists.
The 'Brom.eter, wfth ap-ro-.
recen:tlyad.opted the code
As a result, the Barometer suoposedly now now adheres to a code of
eth'ics whibh' cIl':fbr:' fair and. im;
parial"treátmént'bf ll1ëws,:'which
conets6u'±acy'iLn'-'äIl .repo'ting.
to be the prime princll3le upon which
priate fanfare and oublicity,
all reporting rets, and which labels
intenfialdelètion- of"kiiown and
re1evant'ft-S'ir. 'a''stcTyItO 'bet equitable with ot'ight ltein.' d?he Ba-',
o'et'r" has lied 'and ont:inues to 'lie,
Instead of adhering to its own
oode of' ehhi
'iths.'pëietrated a enly half-.truths
-h thèjounal'i'sm. pr&féssion
itble'to ejoting no trtth0
me':easonsnd:-sequeces o a-
vents behiid' this .poli;cyof' dist:ortion b-onstTftutë the tigly 'and 'untold'
story which the Barometer will, never
tell, t involves the BSU
':rftefollowi1ng.;sequenoe of events
cotitut&:the first partof th,s
Du±Ing'theeekheiore .Feb," 25,
f tEie" Barpmeter ,s:igna con
tra.'t with SU leaders; all owing thrn
to check for approval any, and a stores in which the .SU is quoted It
is agieed 'that if iSU rleaders cannot
be contadted, t.heBarometer will: onlys;y: .a B1ack,said.,
iionday, Februay 4--. .BSIJ lead', 'are
to read aiid,. edit; cdpy ref f erring to their organizatn
at the Barometer night office do'wn'Tue'sdy',Feb.26-- That hight,
-after the BST1 demonstation at ,Cen
tennial Convocation-- Barome'ber editors suddenly decide to break contact:,' d.eccla.ring
nu1land void,
BSU leaders'a,cuse ,editorsof sidestepping 1: tieir written. contract.
The Baroeter' by signing a contract
which its own- editor drew.up ,by. all
rightshoul-d have been. l,egcll,
-The.resultsof, the, Barometer:
policy to
th& .BSU' were not long
in coming, Entire 'stories which were
sympathe tc to the BSU in any aspect,
never saw rint, .L'arg sec,tion. of
other stories were dropoed, resultng
in distortion Direct quotations, eyen from influential an.d respected. f aculty members and administrators
were deleted from stories if they resuled in a sympathetic tone to the
BSU. A decision was madeto 'rdresent only th administratIon ar1d.:A
thletic Department view in - a sympa-
tetic light, while no attempt was to
be nad,é ,to get the otrsidee"f "the
Thig resulted' in'manv intei"ews
and presentations of policy from the
administration and Ath'leti'c Dd'áitñient,
Eclusive T1nte,Lvmcw end statement's
ö policy were given to the-Baro,
metèr,"'Jh? Bcausè the admini-strat1'dn'knew'that'thy would be presented in a favorable lightwith1
no deletions. The Barometer notice'ably printed ;te entire contn.t
of administrative policies and
statements while merely paraphrair statement's fro-- the. BSU. and
concerned faculty members and stualmost complete distortions.
The following are just s9me
of the examples of the Barome'tér,
policy to get the BSTJ which' the'''
Scab Sheet ha d4scovered..,
'-Wed Feb 26-- decision to'de'lete
d.iëct' quo 'atiTon ron' word-amo'us professor :upporti,flg BSJJ Tk,,
quote was supposodl'y "inflam'pl,C,'
Thur Feb 27--Fri Feb 28-- Deei''i'dh
to''begi,n usiflg stoi s,,,pf, "rumo'n.-od
threats to;'black athletes' frp..t he
BSUO The infpimatio'nwas proi'd,ed
by the 'Athlic Pp
L,;on'strable 'pi'of va put fowdr,
h]:,-to the Baro'metei,t'hat .th
'-tic Dep
dents to the extent tht they were
athletes with loss of schola±sftps
if they didn't fall in 'line 'wIth"
the h'le,t;O Department's policies
and views, and look ?rea],,,cleah,
real fast
oun,11a- 2-- decision made to Down-
pla's the BSU's saturday rally
"Thogh several persons okd, 'o±i-"
1Y two were quoted in Tuesday's
ivion,,iviar 3-- Dci si,on made to rj e
quote, thud di'stor,tig
a story about a teacher who supr
ported the boycott. Th,s story later macic statewide news.
Tuesday,iviar 4--- Decision made to
delete entire q,uote, thus distortig the story, though the quote
contained no foul language, but"
only made commnt On ,,exi s'irg si-
tuation unfavourable to the administration.
WedesdayMar5-- Decision made to
quote only par'ially Mike Srnith s
arewol1,statement to OSU 'whlôh
presented the reasoL'ls why the BSTJ
left. Large arnunt of space was"
given however, to anintervie' with
Pre.sident Jebsen,
The Scab Sheet believe it is
unfortunate that in a time of stress
when a free and open preCs was flee'ded to present ll the f'etsthe
Baromete'chose to li'e.
Today, at two in the afternoon, in
the Nil Commons, there will be a ra"lly at whiCh' yroi. dañ shpw"yo'u suZi
pport for the fiigh' fd 'htiman 'd
individual rights.