Roughly, when was the Golden Age of Greek society?

Questions for ECON 372 midterm:
Roughly, when was the Golden Age of Greek society?
What were the principal trading areas of ancient Greece?
Roughly, when was the peak of the Roman Empire?
What was the likely population of Rome at its peak?
What are the legal explanations for the extent and efficiency of the Roman market?
What are the non-legal explanations for the extent and efficiency of the Roman market?
What explains the success of the Arab armies from 622 AD?
What are some explanations for the extent and efficiency of the Umayyad market?
Roughly, when was the Pax Mongolica?
What was the geographical extent of the Black Death?
What are some of the explanations for the demise of the Silk Road?
What regions were linked in the Indian Rim?
What are the prerequisites for satisfying the fundamental problem of exchange?
What were the conditions of long-distance trade circa 1000 AD?
What are some of the private order institutions developed during the commercial revolution?
According to Marx and Engels (and Smith), what are the two critical dates of modern history?
What explains the prominence of European formal empire in the Western hemisphere?
What did the encomienda system entail?
What was the significance of Potosi?
What explains the rise of the trans-Atlantic slave trade from 1500?
What was the primary destination and occupation of slaves in the New World?
By how much did the seizure of bullion in the New World increase European monetary stocks?
What was the Columbian/Magellan Exchange?
What explains the lack of European formal empire in the Eastern hemisphere?
What explains the success of European merchants in seizing the trade of the Indian Ocean?
What was significant about the Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC)?
For O’Rourke and Williamson, why can globalization only be seen in price convergence?
What explains the lack of intercontinental price convergence from 1500 to 1800?
In a closed economy, what should the correlations be among LANDLAB, PAPM, and WR?
What is Smithian growth?
What were some of the short-run consequences of the French Wars?
What were some of the long-run consequences of the French Wars?
Roughly, when was the Pax Britannica?
How did the Industrial Revolution foster the growth of 19th century global trade?
By how much were transportation costs reduced in the 19th century?
By how much did global trade grow from 1800 to 1913?
What were the Corn Laws?
In what year did Britain completely abolish its Corn Laws?
What were two important elements of the Cobden-Chevalier treaty?
What institutional developments help explain the rise of globalization in the 19th century?
What effects did the Classical Gold Standard entail?
What explains European overseas colonization in the nineteenth century?
What was the Great Specialization?
What are the key assumptions of the Heckscher-Ohlin model of trade?
What are the key implications of the Heckscher-Ohlin model of trade?
What were the immediate losses of life and output attributable to World War I?
By how much did global trade initially decline in response to World War I?
What were the two primary effects of American and Japanese trade expansion in World War I?
What were the primary supply responses generated by World War I?
What were the big political effects of World War I?
What were the constraints facing nations in their return to Belle Époque levels of integration?
Why did countries return to the gold standard in the 1920s?
What was the extent of the Great Depression in the United States relative to its underlying trend?
What was the extent of the Great Depression with respect to global GDP (in levels)?
What are some potential causes of the Great Depression in the US?
What variables does the uncovered interest parity condition take as being exogenously given?
What is the relation between the level of the nominal exchange rate and the trade balance?
Why is money demand negatively related to nominal interest rates?
What were the policy options available to countries when the Great Depression began in the US?
What did maintaining the gold standard in 1935 imply about real wages and export volumes?
What are the potential economic causes of World War II?
What were the global population and output losses of World War II?
What were the big political effects of World War II?
What percentage of the world capital and gold stocks did the US hold in 1949?
What was the chief feature of the Bretton Woods system?
What problems were the World Bank and IMF designed to alleviate?
In what years were the GATT and WTO established?
By how much did industrial tariffs drop in developed countries from 1950 to 2000?
What is one reason for why the European Union was successful?
In what year did NAFTA come into effect?
What were the historical developments that led to ISI?
What caused the demise of ISI?
What characteristics of the Four Tigers did EDG exploit?
In what year did global trade return to its pre-1914 trend?
What is the evidence for the four possible drivers of trade growth after 1975?